À propos du thème «chasteté» : Une exploration vidéo sur YouTube
Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par 浪漫短劇社Romantic Drama
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est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « chasteté ».
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La durée (02:21:20s), le titre (文苡帆&李雪陽 « 中國最新短劇熱播
#短劇 #浪漫短劇 #甜寵 #劇情 #都市 ».
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Rechercher les débuts historiques et culturels de la chasteté.
La chasteté trouve ses origines dans de nombreuses traditions religieuses et culturelles. En christianisme, la chasteté est souvent liée au vœu de continence fait par les prêtres et les religieux. En islam et dans les Églises catholique et orthodoxe, la chasteté est élevée comme une vertu cruciale pour les religieux et les laïcs, notamment avant le mariage. La valeur de la chasteté dans l’Antiquité reposait sur sa capacité à maintenir l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. La chasteté continue de transcender les différentes époques et cultures, se maintenant comme une vertu respectée et reconnue.
La chasteté : Une valeur à réévaluer dans le contexte actuel.
La chasteté est considérée comme une vertu taboue dans notre époque actuelle. La chasteté, lorsqu’elle est intégrée dans la vie quotidienne, peut offrir une paix intérieure accrue, renforcer les relations et enrichir la connexion spirituelle. Il y a longtemps, la chasteté était plus fréquemment reconnue et discutée. Le site chastete.fr sous divers angles. En fournissant une vue d’ensemble de la chasteté, cet article offre aux hommes les clés pour la comprendre et la mettre en œuvre dans leur quotidien.
Évaluer les effets de la chasteté sur les relations interpersonnelles et familiales.
La pratique de la chasteté a également un effet favorable sur les relations interpersonnelles. Le port d’une cage de chasteté permet à un homme de réactiver ses compétences de séduction et d’ajuster son comportement avec ses partenaires. La réduction de la fréquence d’utilisation rend les capacités physiques et sexuelles plus puissantes pendant l’acte. On peut observer la chasteté de manière discrète sans révéler ce secret à ses partenaires. La chasteté peut solidifier les relations entre les conjoints dans le mariage en encourageant un amour plus sincère, déconnecté du plaisir physique.
Saisir le concept de chasteté dans le cadre contemporain. Évaluer la chasteté à travers une lentille moderne.
La chasteté se définit par la maîtrise personnelle en ce qui concerne la sexualité. La chasteté n’est pas seulement l’abstinence, mais une maîtrise volontaire des désirs dans un cadre éthique. Dans le monde contemporain, la chasteté implique non seulement la suppression des désirs, mais aussi leur redirection vers des buts supérieurs, tels que le respect de soi et des autres. Être chaste dans le monde moderne ne veut pas dire renoncer au plaisir, mais plutôt vivre sa sexualité en accord avec ses propres choix.
Questions Courantes (FAQ) à propos de la Chasteté.
Est-ce que la chasteté est réservée aux religieux uniquement ? La chasteté n’est pas limitée aux personnes religieuses ou consacrées. Quelle est la distinction entre chasteté et abstinence ? L’abstinence se limite à la promesse de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles. La chasteté, en revanche, peut inclure des dispositifs comme des ceintures ou cages et s’inscrit dans une démarche de progrès personnel semblable à celle d’un sportif. Quelle est la pratique de la chasteté chez les couples mariés ? Au sein du mariage, la chasteté est souvent une question partagée ; les partenaires discutent généralement des démarches et des objectifs. Pourquoi la chasteté est-elle si valorisée par l’Église ? L’Église valorise la chasteté car elle la voit comme une vertu fondamentale pour suivre les principes de la foi chrétienne. Comment la chasteté peut-elle contribuer à l’épanouissement personnel ? La chasteté favorise l’épanouissement personnel en offrant un meilleur contrôle de soi, une clarté mentale accrue et une paix intérieure.
L’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral est marqué. Explorer les effets de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral.
Une pratique consciente de la chasteté influe profondément sur le bien-être personnel. En pratiquant la chasteté, on développe une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale accrue, et une paix intérieure résultant du respect des convictions personnelles. En cultivant la chasteté, on obtient une relation plus sereine avec son corps et ses désirs. La chasteté libère l’individu des pulsions et des pressions sociales liées à la sexualité, offrant ainsi une plus grande liberté. La chasteté assure un sentiment de pureté morale, améliorant la dignité et l’estime de soi. Les bénéfices psychologiques associés à la chasteté sont remarquables. Les individus qui pratiquent la chasteté peuvent développer une confiance en eux plus solide et une meilleure capacité à affronter les difficultés.
Vivre la chasteté au quotidien.
Les hommes cherchant à vivre la chasteté ont plusieurs stratégies à leur disposition. Comprendre ses valeurs et motivations passe par une introspection initiale. Il peut être avantageux de se tenir éloigné des situations et contenus qui pourraient éveiller des désirs incontrôlés. Pour maintenir sa pratique de la chasteté, un mentor ou un groupe de soutien avec les mêmes convictions peut être précieux. La pratique de la chasteté peut s’avérer compliquée dans une société où la sexualité est prédominante. Les obstacles incluent la pression sociale et les tentations récurrentes. Pour franchir ces obstacles, il est crucial de maintenir une discipline personnelle stricte. Il est important de ne pas se laisser abattre par un échec, mais de reprendre avec une détermination renouvelée. La chasteté représente un chemin à suivre avec patience et persévérance, et non un état de perfection. En somme, intégrer la chasteté dans sa vie peut mener à une liberté accrue, une meilleure maîtrise de soi et un épanouissement spirituel profond. Même si la chasteté peut paraître restrictive dans un monde où la sexualité est souvent valorisée davantage que la spiritualité, elle offre une voie vers une existence plus sincère, conforme à ses valeurs et croyances.
La relation entre chasteté et spiritualité est fondamentale.
La chasteté est vue comme une pratique spirituelle dans plusieurs croyances. La chasteté est perçue comme un chemin vers la sanctification dans plusieurs traditions religieuses. En contrôlant ses désirs sexuels, il est possible de concentrer davantage d’énergie sur son bien-être personnel. La chasteté est perçue comme un acte d’offrande personnelle et de respect pour Dieu. Dans ce contexte, la chasteté est vue comme un choix pour élever l’âme plutôt qu’une simple privation. Les perspectives sur la chasteté diffèrent selon les traditions religieuses. Dans le christianisme catholique, la chasteté est une vertu vitale pour les prêtres. La chasteté est promue dans l’islam à travers des règles sévères concernant la sexualité. Les ascètes des traditions hindouiste et bouddhiste utilisent la chasteté comme voie vers l’illumination. Ainsi, la chasteté dépasse les frontières religieuses, unissant les croyants dans une quête commune.
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#文苡帆李雪陽 #拳擊教練沈星若在路邊幫了一位奶奶奶奶決定送她一隻狗令女孩沒想到的是所謂的狗其實是奶奶的總裁孫子 #MULTI #FULL #MiniDrama #精彩大陆短剧
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: congratulations Shen Xingruo Winner of this Champion of the boxing match Come on, Longchuan City boxing brother hood Let’s do it again, Longchuan City School Boxing Foot Army. Congratulations to Xingruo Won the championship Come on, let’s have a drink. Congratulations! Thank you. – Thank you. You guys drink first. I can’t drink anymore. You guys eat and drink well. I’m going back to my room. You guys have your drinks. Bye, bye, bye. Open up! I finally found a chance I drugged Song Hanyu I didn’t expect another woman She was the first one to get in Find out! Who entered Song Hanyu’s room? Who is that woman? I’m going to ruin her reputation. Why did I sleep with I slept with a man He’s quite handsome Ms. Shen, we have information. There are illegal drugs in your urine test. Your title of champion Has been canceled Do you have anything to explain? Why did you come out of the presidential suite The presidential suite ? Is it because you’re having an affair? Ms. Shen, please explain. Please explain why. Please explain. Hello, Mr. Lee? Can you check for me? Who was the woman I slept with last night? Who was the woman I slept with last night? Mr. President. I’ve just received a message The old lady has disappeared Have the technical department monitor and locate her! Find her now. Yes, sir. This asshole. What’s the use of being worth hundreds of millions of dollars? He’s already 20 years old. He’s still not married. You’re looking for a wife. I have to find you one myself. I have to try this girl. Miss? Give me a hand. It stinks! Damn old woman. Get away from me! Grandma! Grandma, are you okay? Oh, my old back’s gone. Aigoo! That was a nasty fall. It’s not worth it. Don’t worry. I’ll take you to the hospital Hey , girl. Don’t you think I’m dirty? You think I stink and you think I’m poor? Why not? There’s no such thing as a lowly profession. The cleanliness of the streets I still need you to clean it. This girl. She’s so kind. She could be my grandson’s daughter-in-law. That would be great. Grandma. Your family? When are they coming? I just called. They’ll be here soon. I’ll stay with you for a while. Are you seeing anyone? No, Grandma. That’s great. My grandson doesn’t have one either. Why don’t you marry my grandson? Marry my grandson. Grandma! This is so sudden. I don’t even know your grandson’s name I don’t even know his name. My grandson. He’s very capable. He has a house, money and a car. He’s in some company He’s a big boss She’s a scheming girl. Trying to trick Grandma. Test my family’s background. Let’s see if I can dissuade you To marry a rich man. You! – (LAUGHS) Get lost. Good boss. Grandma, are you okay? You brat Why are you dressed like this? How are you? Let me introduce myself. I’m this grandma’s grandson My name is Song Hanyu Hello, Shen Xingruo. I’m sorry. My grandma lied to you just now. Actually I don’t have a house or a car And then? I only have 1,000 dollars in savings. If you don’t give me the money. I’ll marry you off to a greasy old man. I think that one. Liu Dashan is not bad. Although he’s 50 years old. He should give you a good dowry. He’s so handsome. Every day I look at him, I feel better. He’s much better than Liu Dashan. It doesn’t matter. I can earn my own money Miss That means you’ve agreed to marry my grandson. You promise to marry my grandson? Yes, I do. HBJ ZH I didn’t realize H, I got married to a guy I just met an hour ago. I married a man I just met an hour ago. I’ll be honest with you. I can’t afford a wedding. I don’t have money for a wedding. I’m sure I won’t be able to convince my family. How can that be? We have to have a wedding. You’re really a money-grubber. Ting! You’re showing your true colors. Don’t worry. Leave the wedding to me. I won’t let you suffer. Xingruo. I didn’t expect you You’re getting married so soon? Yeah, me neither. Elsinore. The three gold colors. Why are they so strange? They’re fake . husband’s name? What does he do? How dare he give you a fake Sangin? I prepared it myself My husband’s name is Song Hanyu Song Hanyu? Is he the one who Longchuan Group? Song Hanyu, the billionaire CEO What CEO? My husband is just an ordinary guy. He doesn’t even have any savings He’s also How can a billionaire CEO be so cold? And your wedding dress is so plain. Starry. Why don’t you think about it? It has nothing to do with him . I just want to show it to my parents. Shen Xingruo. We’ve already received Liu Dashan’s dowry money. How dare you secretly get a marriage license? Liu Dashan is 50 years old. If we get married. Will he call you Dad ? Or your brother? You? – No. It’s not you. You unfilial daughter. I’m ordering you. Cancel the wedding. Call it off! You’re shameless! Today is my wedding day. If you want to eat I’ ll welcome it. But if you want to make trouble Then come on. What are you doing? Look at the daughter you’ve raised. You’re pissing me off! Don’t be mad at me, mom. I’ll get someone to make trouble. I’ll make them I’ll make it impossible for them to get married. This is the bank manager. Dragon, A-88888 just sent over some gold bars. And the real estate certificates of 30 villas in the And the real estate certificates of 30 villas in the eastern suburbs. Give them to Starry. Grandma. You’re filling up the box. Starry is frugal. Let’s do the wedding the way she wants. The Song family is so big . We can’t afford to lose the bride price. Grandma. Don’t take the box down yet. Why not? If we give it to her now. We’ll have a harder time testing her character. Listen to me first First , don’t lose the money. Okay, then. If you pass the test You must treat her well. Don’t worry, Grandma. The wedding will start soon. Let’s go. Let’s go. Boss. So you’re not looking for that girl? Yes. Now Grandma’s got her eye on Starry Night. When I catch her in the act. I’ll convince grandma I’ll convince her to divorce her. Yes, ma’am. Will the bride and groom please exchange the rings? Where’s the cigarettes? Where’s the wine? There’s no Moutai or Huazi. It’s a shame. This wedding Bride and groom Come down to make a toast, ten What’s wrong with the rules? Who’s at this table? They’re so rude. I don’t recognize them They must be from the man’s side Those people over there? Are they relatives of Xingruo’s family? I’m sure they are. We’re from a prestigious family. We don’t have such relatives. They’re all guests here. Go over and treat them well. The groom is a good-looking man. He must be from a good family. How much did the bride ask for? Isn’t that the groom’s dowry on the table? Guys, come and see. This is the bridegroom’s gift. The color is like a child’s toy. They’re all fake. You can’t marry without a dowry? Why don’t you marry that stupid boy of mine? He’s richer than this white boy. With a dowry. Our Song family We’ve prepared a billion dollars . Grandma! One billion. She’s using fake gold to pass off as a dowry. She’s a vain person. We can’t pay the dowry. Then what do you want to do? After tonight. Then we’ll leave. Starry. Your husband doesn’t know how to defend his wife Your husband doesn’t know how to defend his wife in front of his relatives. He’s not a good man. Anyway, we got married to To cope with my parents. Let’s finish the process today . I’ll get a divorce as soon as I get back. Where’s the money? Where’s the billions? Show it to me. My grandma is old. She loves to brag. Those? They’re all junk. We’re all guests here I’m sorry I didn’t serve you well. Let’s drink first. Where are the bridesmaids? Don’t hide in the back. Come and have a drink with us. My friend doesn’t drink. Why would she be a bridesmaid if she can’t drink? She’s not going to bring bad luck to the wedding. You’re adding to the bad luck of the wedding, right? She doesn’t know how to drink. She’ll be waiting for a man , won’t she? You’re right. Isn’t this bridesmaid just for fun? What are you doing? Touching the maid of honor at the wedding. It’s a traditional custom. Touching the bridesmaids? She’ll be married off early . What kind of custom is that? How come I don’t know? Xingruo. This is a rule left by our ancestors. You can’t break it here. It’s broken. Is there such a thing? I’ve never heard of it. Why are you asking me? It’s not like it’s from my ancestors. There were no such rules at my wedding. Anyone touches my friends. I’ll kill him. I touched my friend today. Brothers. Let’s touch them together Okay You go first, you go first Song Hanyu I don’t want to give you face anymore. How dare you hit me? You’re the one who hit me Disrespecting women Marriage in public Violating public order and morals I’ll beat up people like you every time I see them So flashy Chanyuu! Look at Xingruo’s skill Do you want to divorce her? Do you want to reconsider? Call someone. Kill this bitch! The video of you harassing the bridesmaids. I’ve already recorded it. Do you believe me? I’ll put you in jail! You didn’t even move. You’ve all been beaten up. She’s the one who’s going in. Starry, are you okay? Starry is a hero. If the video is posted on the internet. If the video is posted on the internet, you abusers will be cursed to death. Your family will never get a wife. Aren’t they your relatives? Is it really okay for you to do this? Who has such wicked relatives? Aren’ t they your relatives? I don’t even know them Boss, my family has three children. Have not married a wife Grab his cell phone for me Let’s see how he’ll post it on the internet. Boss! Boss! What’s this? What the hell is going on here? Look at this. So much gold And the real estate license This This poor couple How can they have all these things? They must be fakes. These are the bride price for Xingruo. Our Song family is not so downtrodden We’re not so downtrodden as to use fake things to make up for it. We’ve even got an actor. It’s at least 50 a day. Not to mention the fake gold for the wedding. This bodyguard even got someone to play the door. Actors? These bodyguards are Just retired from the army. Give me a beat. This gold is real. « This groom is a big shot. He has so many bodyguards and property. What should we do? We’ve kicked a steel plate. We’d better run. Run, brothers! Boss, what should we do with these people? Let the bodyguards practice first. Then we’ll take care of them. Catch them Song Hanyu Who the hell are you? Just tell me the truth Xingruo! Han Yu It’s true I’m actually Just like you We are all Laborers Then they They say this gold is real It’s all fake This one? It’s the one I got at the Yiwu Commodity Market In order to make it look real I painted it again overnight Yes, that’s right. I dyed it again Look at this The color and weight. It doesn’t look fake What about the real estate license? Look at the real estate license. I bought it at a 2 -dollar store The boss said buy one box and get 10% off. If you like it. There’s more at home. Where’s the bodyguard? They call you « Boss »? That’s right. Did you see the leader? That’s my good friend. His family is super rich He’s the one who hired the bodyguards So you’re doing a good job. You have to be. Acting must be professional You can’t let your mother’s family You can’t let your mother’s family look down on you , right? This wedding banquet has become such a mess. We can’t go on like this. Wait for me I’m going to change my clothes Then you come home with me. Yes, sir. Wait a minute. He’s staying in your rented room. That’s why he’s staying with me. I’ve seen Voldemort. I’ve never seen Voldemort. The wild vegetables in Wang Bao’s house. You’ve dug up all the wild vegetables in Wang Bao’s house, haven’t you ? You’re a deadbeat. You’re still lying to me. Grandma! Don’t be angry. Human nature is unpredictable. We have to try again. If we don’t, we’ll get rid of them. Starry is so nice. You’d better make it work. I know what’s going on. Prize, Longchuan Stadium, Longchuan Strike Athletic Competition. Shen Xingruo: Classmate, this is a special award, Shen Xingruo. You’ve won a lot of awards. Yes, it’s a bit of a mess. I’ll send it to the house later. Longchuan City Boxing Champion You’re a good fighter. If you want to learn, I can teach you. For the sake of the relationship between husband and wife I can give you a 50% discount. I got my 9th degree black belt when I was 18. I don’t need to learn Since we’re husband and wife Why do we still have to pay? Brothers in arms have to keep their accounts straight. That depends on how good you are at fighting. You want to give it a try? Come on. This is what you want to try. I’m not talking about this. Hooligans? No, I’m not. This is my first kiss. You’re the rascal. I didn’t realize. It’s his first time. It’s your first time. Don’t worry. I’ll be responsible for you. Hey, Starla. Starry is coming to our reunion tomorrow. I saw the notice. You have to bring a family member. I see. I’ll be at the Ryukawa Hotel tomorrow. I’m at the Ryukawa Hotel tomorrow. I’m having a college reunion tomorrow at the Ryukawa Hotel. Can you come with me? I can’t make it. That’s right. Why don’t you mind your own business first? I can go by myself. Boss. It’s 3:00 in the morning. Do you have something to do? Change your schedule. Report to Ryukawa Hotel. Boss. You changed your workplace? Is it for your wife? It’s your business. Don’t gossip. Isn’t this the schoolgirl, Xingruo? Zhou Peng is with Jiao Jiao. Why do you still have the nerve to come here? I’m not the one who cheated on her. Why wouldn’t I dare to come? What’s more? I’m the one who killed you, right? You Guochao She confessed to you at that time It’s a good thing you two weren’t together. This kind of woman She’s a real pain in the ass. Let bygones be bygones. Don’t embarrass Shen Xingruo. Shen Xingruo. You ‘re not thinking of your boyfriend again. You’re thinking of your god again, aren’t you? No, I’m not. Guochao. I don’t think I didn’t confess my love to you, did I? What happened to you at school back then? Who doesn’t know? Besides, our God of Boys Now he’s the manager of Longyi Group. He’s the manager of the Longyi Group. You’re out of your league. He’s the world’s No. 1 With half of the world’s wealth. Ryukawa Group. God. Then your annual salary Must be at least tens of millions of dollars. You’re still on the rise. I have an appointment today I’m meeting with the CEO of Longchuan Group . Mr. Song. What are you doing here? Go check which box Starry is in. Yes, sir. You still won’t admit it’s for Madam? What are you talking about? Hurry up and go. Yes, yes, yes. With the status of the Godfather. Some people still dare to think of him. They really don’t know what they’re doing. She didn’t mean it. She’s married. She just broke up with me. And now she’s married. Shen Xingruo. I really underestimated you. With her behavior. She must have found a husband An ugly, poor loser. My husband is fine. I don’t need you to judge him Jiajia Jiajia, didn’t you marry a billionaire You married a billionaire Real estate boss with hundreds of millions of dollars? Why don’t you introduce me to Xingruo? Shen Xingruo. I’ll introduce you to my husband’s I’d like to introduce you to my husband’s cleaning supervisor. He’s over 50 years old. But he earns over 100,000 dollars a year. He’s a hundred times better than your husband. Don’t worry about him. My husband is very good Yes, Mr. Lee. What’s the matter? The president asked me to report to the V8 private room. Maybe I’ll get a promotion after this. Mr. God Can you show us around? We haven’t seen We haven’t seen what a world-class tycoon looks like. Yes, Mr. God. Why don’t you take us with you? Then you guys keep quiet. Don’t talk nonsense. You guys go ahead. I’m not going. I’m not going to join you. Shen Xingruo, when you see a rich man. You’ll be shaking in your boots when you see a rich man. You’re born poor . Xu Jiajia, what are you talking about? Let’s go. We’re not afraid. Mr. President. President Longchuan sales department manager Ren Guochao, reporting to you. Worthy of being the president of the Longchuan Group. This temperament is too handsome I’m honored to meet I’m lucky to meet a rich man of this caliber. It would be nice to be in his company. The back of this man looks so familiar. Hubby Why are you here? Hubby Hubby, you! Shen Xingruo, you’re crazy about men. Are you? You call everyone your husband? She’s the president. She’s a woman who’s as good as a husband. If I’ve offended you. I’ll apologize on her behalf. Who said anything about offense? She didn’t yell. I’m her husband. That’s impossible. Shen Xingruo’s fiancé. How can that be? The billionaire president of the Longchuan Group? That’s impossible. It’s absolutely impossible. How could Shen Xingruo How can she be with Longchuan Group’s CEO? Haven’t you seen him before? Take a look. I’ve blown my cover. How do I know what the CEO looks like? What does he look like? It’s the first time I’ve seen him today . What’s wrong with you? Didn’t you say you don’t have a car or a house? No savings? Why are you still the president of Ryukawa? Oh, no. Not ah I’m not the one you’re talking about. What president ah I heard that my wife Attended a class reunion I was waiting for her in the next box I was waiting for her That’s right, that’s right, I told you I’ve seen our CEO more than once With that kind of demeanor. He still wants to pretend to be the president of Longchuan. I told you. The president of Longchuan Group. How could he be interested in Shen Xingruo, a man-child? Unless he’s blind. See, I told you. How can he pretend to be the CEO of Longchuan? Our CEO just sent me a message. I’m afraid he can’t make it today. Ah! I can’t believe we missed Mr. Ryukawa’s meeting. That’s a shame. Shen Xingruo. This is your poor husband. He’s not a pauper This is my husband, Song Hanyu. Watch your language. I think our CEO’s name is Song Hanyu Episode 12 What a different name for a different life! One is a billionaire CEO And the other is a poor worker. Shen Xingruo You’ve got bad taste, don’t you? He’s not in the same league as us. He’s not in the same league as us? You and your husband are wearing this You and your husband are wearing this . I wouldn’t dare I wouldn’t be ashamed to wear it. It seems that this reunion It’s a special event to humiliate Shen Xingruo. Since you don’t welcome us. We don’t have to stay here. Let’s go. We’re all here. Have a seat. Rich or poor? We’re all classmates I’ll be the host Let’s eat here Sit down, don’t be polite Our God of Man is so generous. God of Man will order the food later. Order more good food. Let the poor couple see the world. Look at Shen Xingruo. I’m afraid she hasn’t even smelled the Australian lobster You’ve never even smelled it, right? I’m sorry For letting you and I attend This fake class reunion It’s okay . It’ll be fun to watch these people It’ll be fun to watch them fall from grace. Hello, honored customers. Who’s the guest of honor? I’d like to take your order Let Guochao and Jiajia do it This is a five-star hotel They must come here often Where? Where? Only five times a week Waiter Give me the menu. Why is it all in English? Let’s have one of these. Excuse me, Mr. ci ft We Excuse me, sir. This is the address of our restaurant. I’m just kidding. Then come here. That’s our chef’s name. What’s the point of putting his name on the menu? Isn’t that misleading? What’s so hard about ordering? Let me see. What’s this restaurant doing? What kind of foreigner stuff? I don’t understand it. Miss, have you made your choice? Why don’t we let Shen Xingruo’s husband This poor guy will make a fool of himself. I’m tired of hearing this. Oh, you give that man the menu. Let him order. No, no, no, no. This poor guy probably Did not even go to college How can he know Professional English For dessert FOOD CONTAIN caviar Caviar. Caviar. chocolate pudding the main dish crab FOOD CONTAIN the main dish crab must be flown from New Zealand and the beef must be at least A5 FOOD CONTAIN thank you Thank you. Yes, sir. Looks like Starla’s husband Has done a lot of work in advance He did a lot of work in advance Since he’s doing so well. Why don’t you buy us a drink? You even picked it. I’ve ordered everything. And you want to drink? You haven’t seen the world, have you? That’s right, Mr. God. Show us the world. Otherwise, right? I don’t think it’s right to be a god. No problem. This is the Ryukawa Group’s hotel. I still have some face. What would you like to drink ? Well, I think Romantic. This vintage? It must be at least 50 years old. To be worthy of our man. Right? You and Shen Xingruo. You and Shen Xingru should take this opportunity to have a good meal. If you say so. The God of Man has already paid for the banquet. For the banquet. You buy it. After all, you have a Real estate tycoon’s husband. Right? I’ll buy it. How much money can you get for just one meal ? Ladies and gentlemen The food is ready, please enjoy your meal Jiajia, this bag of yours It’s Hermes. The necklace is from Bulgari. This necklace of mine It’s Bulgari’s newest model. There are only 5 of them in the world. The one I ‘m holding. It’s one of them. They’re about to start the show again. Jiajia, you’re so lucky. You can afford to wear such an expensive necklace. Some people They can only see it on their cell phones. Why don’t I take it off and show you? It’s nothing special The designer said. Only those who are born to be noble Only those who are born to be noble can understand this jewelry. You’re just saying « sour grapes » when you can’t eat them. Aigoo! Shen Xingruo. Do you know what this is? This is Hermes. It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. Jia Jia. Check the wine. Is it seeping through? This leather is very expensive. Where’s my necklace? Didn’t you just You just opened it for Shen Xingruo. You’ve seen the world, haven’t you? Shen Xingruo must have stolen it. Shen Xingruo. You returned Jiajia’s necklace and bag. First of all, I didn’t touch your necklace. That has nothing to do with stealing. And secondly. You walked over to me. You bumped into it I had nothing to do with your bag getting spilled on. It has nothing to do with me. You’re still trying to talk your way out of this, aren’t you? Do you know how much these two things How expensive they are? You can’t even pay them back if you work all your life. You’re framing people. You have to prove it, right? Did you steal them? Check Shen Xingruo’s bag. We’ll know. Did you hear that? Shen Xingruo. The godfather has spoken. Take out your bag and look through it. You’re going through someone’s bag without their permission. Going through someone else’s bag without their permission. It’s illegal. I think she’s the one who stole it. Why else would she be afraid to open it? I don’ t care what laws and regulations you have. My stuff is gone. I’m going to turn it over. Shen Xingruo. So you did steal the necklace. I told you. She stole it. She’s just jealous. I’m not jealous . Looks like these guys They won’t let Shen Xingruo go. Get your dirty hands off me! You’re a tough guy. I should’ve gotten rid of you earlier. I should have parted ways with a woman of your character I should’ve parted ways with a woman of your character. It’s disgusting. Who are you to criticize my wife? Watch your mouth! You’re defending her, aren’t you? You’re a poor couple. You just want to sell my necklace. Right? Thief! Everyone, check your own If you’ve lost any of your luxury items. Shen Xingruo. I didn’t realize you were such a person. I was right not to agree to you in the first place Compensate me Kneel down. Shen Xingruo. How does it feel to be hated by your god? Who cares about him? He was the one who chased me back then. I punched him in the face. As for your necklace. How did it get into my bag? I don’t know. Shen Xingruo. It’s because of your illicit life. I didn’t agree to your advances. Now you’re trying to save your honor. So you’re saying I’m stalking you? That’s the kind of person she is. If she doesn’t get what she wants. She’ll accuse others. And now she’s backstabbing me. At the beginning of the reunion. You dragged them to the base to force them to do something. Who else could it be? Shen Xingruo’s private life was a mess. She’s slept with tons of men in her life. You’re such a loser! Do you still want her? He won’t get the wrong idea about me, will he? Cold Island You have to do things one by one Since you have such a big problem with my wife If you have such a big problem with my wife Then as a husband I must of course defend my wife I have to make things right for my wife . I’ve heard about that incident Just in time. The witness back then I’m invited to the scene today You’re not one of our classmates How do you know what happened back then? Those things As my wife’s husband Of course I have to know everything about her Hey! This is really our next class Classmates ah The next class, don’t You ‘d better get out of here. You’d better go out. Hey, wait until he’s finished. It’s not too late. He’s the one with a messy personal life. Episode 16 You’re lying. There have been many girls On the Internet. You can open your cell phone and search. Yongchon schoolboy incident Longchuan schoolboy group photo Repeatedly cheated several girls feelings and money Cheese Answer – 2021-11-01 Cumulative amount reaches millions, Reasoning schoolchildren incident, Keio schoolchildren incident, Zhang Wei schoolchildren incident , school bus incident, Episode 007 schoolchildren deaths, sanitation festival, who is Li schoolchildren He was in love with 5 girls at the same time. The total number of victims is now 30. I didn’t realize he was such a trash. Back then, he was the one who was begging for his life. He confessed to Shen Xingruo I just watched from the corner. Shen Xingruo was just a victim. If she didn’t know how to box. She would have been harassed by him even more. You’re lying. I’m so handsome. How can I be rejected? Boss. That’s not handsome, that’s oil. My hair It’s a real eye-opener for Dagger’s ass. I didn’t realize that Kokusai was so good -looking. In my opinion You’re not a good person. Do not deserve to stay Longchuan Group. What are you? You can’t just fire me. Even if I were bald. I’m still richer than a poor man like you. You’re only good enough to lick my shoes. You’re fired. The director called me. He must be giving me a promotion. It’s hard to fire me. Hello, Mr. Director? Tell me what’s going on. You ‘re fired. Longchuan group never hire Mr. Song You help to personnel to beg for mercy Think of a way Please. Do not act more righteousness will die by itself. You this kind of scum You don’t deserve to be in Longchuan Group Who the hell is Song Hanyu? Even if you haven’t pursued Guochao But you still have to Pay for my necklace and bag Didn’t you find the necklace? Why are you still holding out on us? Xingruo won’t let go. The jewel necklace has been tarnished by her dirty hands. By her dirty hands. Its value has been halved. So you have to give me a new one. That’s right. Both the necklace and the bag Shen Xingruo broke. She has to pay for them. Fine. I’ll buy it for my wife. It’s all yours. You transfer 50 million dollars to me first. You’re just like that. You can’t afford it even if you max out 10,000 credit cards You can’ t even afford it Alipay has $2 in its account 2 dollars, you man! Are you kidding me? This bag and that necklace It’s a fake. Give you 2 yuan No more I have the real thing here. Do you know what you’re doing? Poor people like him How could he have ever seen Real luxury goods I’m afraid he’s never even touched one You want to use two dollars to buy He’s got tens of millions of dollars You two are really shameless You’re really shameless You may not know My wife She’s tired of wearing luxury goods So today She changed her style She’s wearing something especially plain. Oh yes And this bag And that necklace I bought the same one. Let’s take a look later. Who is real and who is fake Mr. Song. This is the customized necklace you made for Ms. Shen. Bulgari necklace And Hermes bag. Put it there. This is real. Of course it’s real. I’m the manager of the store. The bag and necklace are I just brought them from the store. I just asked I just asked my friend who works at the luxury counter She said they’re real Then Jiajia’s is not fake? You don’t have to ask He’s trying to blackmail Xingruo He’s trying to blackmail Starla Why did you buy these? Have to spend a lot of money Mr. Song has so much money. I wonder where he works. He can fire Guochao. Is he the Longchuan Group Mysterious big brother? Jiajia also said she married well How dare you bring fake goods? She insulted her classmates She’s the liar. Shen Xingruo is married to a rich man. Look at you. You’re useless. Well, well, well. I didn’t realize I’d put you away. You’re on the rich list so soon. My husband is much richer than Shen Xingruo’s husband. He’s much richer than Shen Xingruo’s husband. I was tricked by a buyer. I bought these fake bags and necklaces. Is the husband you’re talking about Is he yours? I don’t know yet. What are you doing here? Look what you’ve done. I’m yelling for your husband. Tell everyone about it What’s the relationship between you and Jiajia? What is your relationship with Jiajia? Mr. Song doesn’t deserve to be called me. This person She’s my money-grubbing girlfriend Is Song Hanyu’s real identity He’s a CEO He’s been lying to me all along You’re actually a mistress Pretending to be a celebrity in front of us Good for you, Jiajia A mistress showing off at a reunion? You’re such a weirdo! Du Jiaojiao, you’re also a mistress. And Zhou Peng. A cheating man Who are you to talk about me? My wife was bullied How do we settle the score? Your real estate company It’s easy to disappear Mr. Song, please be generous. I ‘m splitting up with this guy. Split up? It’s that simple. My wife doesn’t seem to have lost her temper. I can still do it. Kneel. Forgive me, Mr. Song. Have you lost your temper, ma’ am? I’m over it. Let’s go. We don’t need to bother with this bunch of assholes. Okay, let’s go. By the way, this woman seems to like money. Don’t leave her a penny. Yes, Mr. Song Mr. Song, aren’t you a hobo? How did you get rid of Guochao? And that real estate boss Why do they call you Mr. Song? Mr. Song Oh, you mean the real estate boss? Oh, it’s like this. I have a friend named Li. He works for Longchuan Group. His position It’s much higher than the country’s super high My real estate boss Because of my old man Li That’s why he gave me a few favors You’re lying You told me you only have 1,000 dollars in your card You only have 1,000 dollars in your card. How did you buy the bag and the necklace? X, you bought this. I bought it with my grandmother’s money. Then why don’t you return it? Who’s that? Hey, hey, hey! What’s wrong with you guys? Old man. When you asked me to make trouble Why didn’t you tell me that this woman She’s a kung fu master. She’s just a kung fu master. Look what she did to me. Is it possible to be a kung fu master? That’s our brother. Almost got killed. There’s no way she alone She’s the only one who can beat you. I’m talking to you, Deng. 2, what’s her husband’s name? He’s just a poor kid without a house or a car. I don’t believe you. He doesn’ t just have money. He has bodyguards. Gold bars all over the place. And a real estate license. How can he be a poor boy? I’ve never heard of him. What’s the big deal about him? I’m not talking about this. Let’s pay for the medical bills first. It’s not what we paid the other day. . I said you can’t hear me, right? Your sister beat us up. What’s wrong with paying the medical bills? In addition to medical Mental expenses damages, lost wages. We haven’t asked for it yet. But we really don’t have any money But we really don’t have any money, Lettuce. I’m telling you If we don’t get the money today I’ll let you Fist taste H aichi, you said that man has money. He’s my son-in-law. I’m going to ask him for money now. Right, right, right. He hasn’t given us the dowry yet. He hasn’t given us the dowry yet. Lettuce, Tomato. Bacon, ask him to come and we’ll definitely give you Tomato. Ask him for it and we’ll give it to you. We’ll definitely give it to you. I’m telling you, you won’t get the money. Your family will wait for you. Wait! Brothers! Get out! I’m coming. Who are you looking for? I’m here for my daughter’s house. I’m here at my daughter’s. Who do you think I’m looking for? Father-in-law. Have a seat. I’ll get you a glass of water. Who’s your father-in-law? You didn ‘t even pay the bride price How dare you call me father-in-law? Father-in-law, don’t be angry. It was Xingruo who didn’t want the dowry. If she didn’t want it, then you didn’t give it. The bride price is set by the parents. The bride price was set by the parents. It’s to repay Raichi for all the years of parental support. For all the years they’ve raised you, chai-chai . The vampire is here. How much do you want? Half a million dollars, right now. 500,000 dollars. You’re selling your daughter ah Chai chi, hey. Don’t speak so harshly. I worked hard to raise my daughter I ‘ve worked so hard to bring up my daughter. What’s wrong with a dowry? I’m already married to Xingruo. Even if we don’t pay the dowry. We’ll be fine. I Chu, you want to be a white butterfly? I’ll sue you for abetting a marriage. Your marriage license doesn’t count. That’s not true. Father-in-law. Xingruo is an adult. She’s a capable adult This is not abetting at all. I don’t care whether you instigate or not. As long as you don’t pay the bride price. I won’t recognize your marriage license I’ll do it I promise you How much do you want? I’ll give you the money now You ‘re a good boy. Hello? – Yes. Yeah, I need to borrow some money. Half a million dollars. Since you want to borrow money. Why don’t you ask for it all at once? Let him and Shen Xingruo pay it back over time. Wait a minute. Listen, I’ve been thinking. We have a rule in the Shen family. The bride price and the dowry are separate. So you have to pay an extra one. So what do you mean? A million dollars. No problem. Raich? Oh, yes. Father-in- law, do you want to add more? Raichi-h aichi. And her brother. Shen Jian’s mortgage. The rest has to be paid by his sister. Shen Xingruo to pay it off. H aichi, you have to pay more. You have to pay more. Haichi, borrow 2 million more. Borrow 2 million more. Okay. No problem. Oh, but h aichi. I need you to register. Your ID number. Hey! Why do you need my ID to borrow money? That’s not it. I need face recognition. Why don’t you tell him? B aichi. Hello, sir. Hello, sir. Toman Loan Shark at your service. How dare you try to borrow from me? You’re playing with me, chai chi. I’m just a poor boy I have no money Right? Then I can only borrow loan sharks ah Loan sharks are my best friends. Didn’t you say you have Gold bars and a real estate license? Oh, you mean that? The gold bars? The real estate license is fake. What? You are You won’t shed a tear until you see the coffin? Don’t hit him! He’s my husband. What kind of husband is he if he doesn’ t pay the bride price? You should divorce him today. Have you ever cared about anything but money? What else do you care about? Dad! Dad! Dad! Am I your real daughter or not? Don’t call me Dad! Who raises a daughter? You don’t give your family 100,000 or 80,000 a month. You’re a money-loser! I could raise a dog better than you I’m telling you. Please get out of here. Or I’ll call the police. How dare you? I let you in for my wife’s sake I let you in Now you dare to bully my wife I’ll sue you for extortion! Trespassing Wait for me! I’m sorry I’ve made you laugh. It’s all right. We all have our problems. It’s understandable. My family has always favored sons over daughters. Especially after mom died. Auntie had a younger brother. In modern times. There are still remnants of this feudalism. Do you know why I took up boxing? Why? When I was a kid, my dad made wine. When he got drunk, he’d beat people up. My brother had an aunt to protect him. And I had to be beaten up. That’s why you took up boxing. So I wouldn’t get hit. That’s right. So that you won’t be bullied when you grow up. I’ll take care of you. I’ll protect you Grandma! Chanyu. How are you and Xingruo How’s it going? Not bad, I guess. Not good is not good. What do you mean « okay »? Consider it okay. Give the phone to Mr. Lee I want to ask for clarification Oh, good Mrs. Hello Aiya, Mr. Li Your boss recently Have you given your wife What gift? Armani Then he and his wife Did he and madam go out somewhere? (Last week.) The food court.) I’d like to. But I didn’t have time. I knew it. He’s just trying to get married for me. He’s not even trying to be true to himself. To live with Starla. What are you talking about? I’ll deduct your year-end bonus. Boss. I followed your words . I followed your voice. Here’s the deal. Grandma will come here today To help your marriage I’m here to help your marriage. Grandma, please stay at the old house. I’ll take care of my own business. I can handle it myself. At your level? Hmph. I don’t think I’ll have a grandchild for 10 years. You don’t have to, Grandma. Either I come and help you. Or you can make a call. Tell Starry the truth . It’s your choice. Okay. I’ll send a driver to pick you up. Grandma. What brings you here today? You just got married. I came to see how you’re doing. How are you doing? You can’t tell Song Hanyu and I have problems, right ? Aiya ! River view villas? There’s no one else here. You see? You’re addicted to pretending to be a rich man. You’ve been acting like a rich man, haven’t you? Xingruo. Grandma’s soup is almost ready. Go and take a look. Grandma, I told you. You promised me. You promised me you wouldn’t say anything about this. Hey, kid. Grandma sees you two as a couple. You’ve had a hard life. Grandma! What kind of soup are you making? It smells so good. It’s specially made for you, Grandma. It’s a 10-perfect tonic soup. There’s a lot of bullwhip in it. It’s a good tonic for Han Yu. So that you two can be in harmony Hubby, you should drink more You should drink more too. No, no, no It’s all yours. Oh, it’s okay. Look at this. Starry is so good to you. Hurry up and finish it. Serve your daughter-in- law well. Aigoo. It’s late today. I’m not leaving. Enjoy your meal. Don’t worry, Grandma. I’ve already packed the guest room. You can just sleep there. Okay. You didn’t give the guest room to Grandma. Where am I going to stay? You’re sleeping with me, of course. I’ll sleep with you. Don’t worry. I’m not that hungry. Grandma, what are you doing here? To watch you two go to bed? Grandma! It’s a little too private, isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you’re in bed. L/7 TLE, go to bed now and lie down, Bears . Song Hanyu. Can’t you sleep? The soup just now. I drank too much of it. Do you want the Bears? Which one? Just do some beats. Activities that are good for your body and mind This is the initiative to me Invitation? Turn on the light and do BE A Of course it’s on. Otherwise, how can I see it? I have to watch it. Do you want me to violate My own principles I can’t bear it. How can you let A girl to take the initiative. What are you doing with your pants off? Ah this I feel this pants belt A little strangling Then let’s hurry up and practice. Originally this kind of activity I can’t do it. I have no energy. Hey, this is what you want to do. Hold on a little longer. You’re a young man, aren’t you? So intense. Looks like I’ll have a grandchild this year. I’ll have a grandchild this year . Grandma, why don’t you stay a few more days? No, I can’t Mr. Li. Thank you for driving Grandma Ah old Old Song We’re on the same page. Your grandma is my grandma You don’t have to be polite to me. As long as you are well. I’m relieved. Keep up the good work from yesterday. Hey, kid. This is for you. Grandma, this is for you. It’s a Song family heirloom. It was passed down from Grandma’s grandmother. Grandma, it’s too valuable. I can’t take it You and Han Yu are married You’re the mistress of the Song family. You should keep this bracelet. Grandma, I’ll take it as a token of my appreciation. This bracelet is too valuable. I can’ t take it. My child. You’ll have to give this bracelet You’ll have to give it to your child. Consider it Keep it for your child. It’s okay. Keep it if Grandma tells you to. Han Yu has spoken. Just keep it. Grandma was so nice to me But I lied to her I’ll keep it for now I’ll return it to Song Hanyu later. Let’s go, Grandma I’ll open the door for you Boss you didn’t stop The old lady gave me an ancestral bracelet Are you interested in Ms. Shen? Shut up! All right, come on. All of you, come to my place for a meeting. Come on, let’s go. The topic of today’s meeting. Is how to increase Our gym’s revenue First of all, I want to emphasize the name I’m going to criticize someone. Shen Xingruo, do you remember Your last client? What did he look like? What was his name? I don’t remember . Of course you don’t remember. Because it’s been five months No one’s asked you for a card. In the whole gym. You’re the worst performer. Look at Sasha. In just one week. She sold 10 annual cards in just one week. Their classes They’re all lined up for next year. Who knows her annual card Is it for boxing Or is it for warming up? How do you dress like a boxer? Hey, how do you talk? You’re jealous of your coworkers. It’s very bad. It’s a kind of behavior She’s Shasha She comes and goes every day. Just to keep her clients. Do you have this kind of perseverance? Shen Xingruo is talking about you. All you know is Boxing, boxing , boxing. You can not Sell a card out to me to see it Report to the boss. What does Hachi’s injury have to do with selling cards? What does it have to do with selling cards? Oh, my! You’re so beautifully decorated. You’re so sweet. Isn’t that right? It’s nice to listen to your clients. It’s easy on the eyes. Naturally They’ll come to you to pay for a card. But I can’t accept I don’ t care what kind of relationship you have. I don’t care what kind of relationship If you can sell cards, you’re capable. If you don’t perform You’ll be fired. Getting people to sign up for cards is like boxing. You must take the initiative Pay attention to the tone of voice Shout Oba We have not seen for a long time Do you want to come to me? After shouting out We’ll go shopping. Eat ah Coax him to get a card and withdraw money OK Oba Oba, this is Shen from the gym. Do you want to learn boxing Have you ever wanted to learn boxing? I’ll think about it. It’s been a long time since we We haven’t seen each other. Why don’t you come and see me? Let’s meet and talk. Coach Shen’s avatar is me? It’s me. Okay, let’s meet at the park nearby! It’s so easy. Who cares? It’s important to get the card. Who’s that smiling guy talking to? Open it. Will it hurt my I’m the president of the company. I don’t care. I’m her husband. I have the right. It’s been a long time. Is Coach Shen’s avatar in person? We haven’t met. Do you want to see me? Good. You’re not even on your honeymoon yet and you’re looking for a man. Shen Xingruo , you’re a spendthrift. Hey, Mr. Lee. Come with me tomorrow to catch an adulterer. Has the boss misunderstood something? Your wife doesn’t look like She doesn’t look like someone who would cheat on her husband. What do you know? The more unlikeable a person is. The better they are at pretending. Maybe madam is just Chatting with a client. I saw the chat with my own eyes. Are you questioning me? Hey, you don’t say. She’s wearing that dress today. She looks pretty good in it. Boss, did you just You were praising the lady. Which eye did you see I was complimenting her. Hello, Ms. Shen. Hello. In fact, I’ve been practicing at home lately. I’ve been practicing at home lately. If you don’t believe me, feel it. How is it? Women Fall under my charm, right? Hey, look! There are also abs How is it? Not bad at all. It’s already in shape. Just need to work out more. I’ll be fine. Look at my biceps. Hey, touch it. Give me some advice. Looks like Today will soon be able to get a room Hey, let’s go . It’s just abs. Who doesn’t have them? Boss. Your abs are the strongest. Come on! Mr. Lee. Feel my biceps To see me and that man Who is stronger Young people in broad daylight Still need to be more reserved You’re the strongest. Madame is only bewitched by that male demon. She’s just bewitched by that male demon. Coach Shen. The money for the card I’ve transferred it to you. Please take care of me in the future. Oops. No, no, no. You’re too kind. What’s in your hand, ma’am? Boss. It seems to be Yip, room card. That’s good. You don’t sleep with a man at home. You’re cheating on me. You’re cheating on me. Boss, have you forgotten You’re married under false pretenses. You’re in love with your wife? How could I? How can I like a woman I can’t possibly like a woman with such poor taste. It’s like this. I just want to show you I want you to take a look at my body And then give me a set of Detailed fitness program Of course. This way ah Because in broad daylight I don’t feel like taking my clothes off. Why don’t we go to a hotel? It’s all about performance. Okay, fine. How dare you take a man to a room in broad daylight Taking a man to a room in the middle of the day. Your wife has gone too far. We can’t wait any longer. Boss, what should we do? Ting! I want to expose her I’m the president of Longchuan. I’ll make this Shen Xingruo Regret for the rest of her life. Let’s go. Shen Xingruo! Open the door. Don’t hide in there. You’re capable of stealing a man. You can’t open the door, can you? Shen Xingruo, open the door. Hey, you! She used to be a boxing champion. She won’t beat us up, will she? Boss, is it possible that you Have not satisfied your wife? You dare to question my ability No, no, no. Boss, you’re the strongest. What are you two talking about? What are you doing? And why are you here? Ma’am. Starry is now You should explain. Why are you here? There’s nothing to explain. It’s just what you see. Cheating on your wife, and you’re justifying it. Okay, let me ask you. Have you been in there for the past few days? Talking to a man? Yes, I did. Do you like his money? Of course I do. Why else would I work so hard? Do you think he’s nice? Well, for a man. That’s enough. You don’t have to say anything. I’ve understood everything. Tell her. What is my identity? He’s actually rich. Shen Xingruo I want to file a complaint against you How dare you hit a client? You’re up to no good. I didn’t call the police. You’re lucky I didn’t call the police. How dare you file a complaint against me? Boss, we seem to have made a mistake. Madam is just working. She’s not cheating on me. I’m not deaf What are you pretending? Don’t you have to sleep with her to get a card? If you don’t sleep with them, who would ask you for a card? Come on, say it again. When the time comes, bring your stupid card with you. I’ll see you there. Don’t think I’m afraid of you. If you see me in this situation. You have to sympathize with me. I don’t mind letting I don’t mind letting you sympathize a little more. You wait for me What did you say about money ? A good husband with a future. Uh-huh. And a good husband. A man who relies on his wife’s money to support his family. A man with no money. Boss, you’re acting again Song Hanyu In my heart You’ re the most handsome man in the world But I’m afraid you’ll fall for someone else I’m afraid you’ll fall in love with someone else. It’s because I haven’t done a good job I made you feel so insecure It’s okay. I don’t blame you. Sister-in-law. I have something to do. I have to go now Old Li is leaving in such a hurry Maybe he doesn’t want to disturb Our two-person world, right ? That’s good I’ll show you around Where I work. Shen Xingruo. What’s wrong with you? Someone just complained. They said you assaulted a client. He lured me to the hotel first. To me That’s why I hit him They’ve come to you for a card What’s wrong with a little harassment? Can’t you put up with it? Why should I? You’re not the one who got groped, are you? How can you talk to the boss? You’re fired. Why are you firing me? For assaulting a client. Because you haven’t performed for months. You haven’t done anything in months. Because I’m your boss. Wait a minute. Apologize to my wife. You’re Shen Xingruo’s husband, right? You’re dressed like a man. How dare you challenge me? I’m the king of the gym. Come on! Get him out of here! Wait a minute. I can leave. Where’s my paycheck for the month? And double my compensation? Don’t even think about it. I didn’t even sign a contract with you. Your defense is doomed to failure. Hey, Li. I heard that you recently You like boxing a lot My wife It’s nice to have a gym Why don’t you buy it? When did I say I’m going to the gym to practice boxing. I did. I’m the one who’s pretending to be something I’m not. You look like this I think you can’t even afford to buy a toilet I can’t even afford a toilet Song Hanyu Old Li can’t just buy a toilet It’s done. You’re still putting on a show, aren’t you? You’ve got it all worked out, don’t you? The landlord’s phone number? Today, I’m going to make you I’ m going to make you lose your face on the spot. Hey landlord ah Gym I have Sold it to someone else The new owner is in the store You have to move out now. What’s that? You’re the new boss. You’re the new boss? Bullshit! Get out of here! Get lost! Li Are you really that rich? What’s more Why did he call you Mr. Lee? Oh, it’s like this Old Li and I We’re best friends They call him Jutley He is so powerful He bought a gym It’s normal to buy a gym and pretend to be a pimp Lee is so young and talented Such a big gym He just bought it He’s not that good Right, right, right No, no, no I’ m just lucky. If it was really my money. That’s good. Since I bought the gym. Do you want to be the boss? This gym belongs to Mr. Lee. It’s not nice of you to say that It doesn’t matter. Song and I Song is like a brother There’s no difference between us. Sister-in-law, if you want to take it. Hey, let’s see. If you were a woman. There’s no place for me here. Do you want to be one? I just want to do what I’m good at. I’m good at what I do. Being a coach here. I’m already satisfied Old Li thank you Why don’t you thank me? Yes yes yes I should thank the most It’s my husband who should be thanked Uh-huh I’ll have a chat with Mr. Lee then What’s the boss’s order? Send all those who harassed Madam Send them all in Oh, yes And the boss Old Lee how to go ah After all, young and promising people There are a lot of things to deal with it Uh-huh Hey did not you say before Learn boxing? That’s good. I’ll teach you today. Sure. But I’m Uh-huh. I’ll be waiting. I’ll show you what Real muscle man Wow, look at the abs. Ah handsome ah I’m drooling. Handsome guy, can you add me? I’m sorry. He’s married. Shiran. Go Oba ! You’re so strong today. Don’t you have a fascia gun? Hey, that thing doesn’t work. This is better than the fascia gun. I must give it to you. I’ll buy you a few more. Shen Jianguo. I know you’re home. If you don’t open the door. I’ll knock on your door. Liu Dashan. Brother Liu. I heard that Shen Xingruo got married to someone else. You didn’t give me my 300,000 dollars back. Explain it to me. Brother Liu. My daughter doesn’t listen. There’s nothing we can do. Your daughter is disobedient It’s none of my business. You can either refund her money Or give her away It’s your choice. I’ve already given the money to my son. I’ve already paid the down payment. Brother Liu, please. Give me a few more days. I’ll let Shen Xingruo Divorce that man. And you . Yes, sir. Divorce? Divorce? Okay. I’ll wait right here. You send someone back I’ll stay here with my brothers We’ll stay here. No, I’m not. Don’t! It’s not that . Brother Liu, you brought people to live in our house. What should we do? We can’t get our money back and we can’t send him back. You play with me? Throw these three people out. Pick up garbage Hey , Liu, don’t! Brother Liu, what are you doing? This is my home Thousands of what this is a robber What are you doing? Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu! Hey! What about mom and dad? Ask your father . Why am I so unlucky? I found a loser like you. You can’t even keep your own home Why don’t we go and get The down payment money back That won’t do. I’m warning you. Don’ t even think about that money. You’ve got time for that. Why don’t you think about it? How to start with your daughter Why are you so early? It’s not that early. It’s in an hour. It’s lunchtime. Mom and Dad, what are you doing here? I came to my daughter’s house. Do I need to report to you? You’re a loser? Go and make some dishes for dinner. Okay, what do you want to eat? I want to eat braised pork ribs Make one more Okay Hey, don’t put cilantro in mine. I want more cilantro Okay, okay. Look at this. Starry has found this She’s got this loser of a husband. Ting! He’s so hot! I think my sister’s house is nice. I’ll get it for her. It’s for my wedding. The food is ready. You guys come and eat. I don’t want to move. Bring the food over and eat it. Yes, ma’ am. Oh! It looks like it. That’s what it looks like. Hey, you guys eat first. I’ll just eat the leftovers. You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You know who you are. You don’t deserve to be at the same table as us. On the same table What did you put in it? It’s so spicy. Pour some water! Pour me some water! Pour me some water! Okay, okay, okay. Don’ t worry. The water will be here soon. One cup at a time. Hurry up! Here’s the water. Why is it boiling water? I’ve got blisters on my mouth. Bastard! Did you do it on purpose? I’ll kill you! Stop it! Let go of my husband! Hey, sis. I didn’t realize you cared. This loser. What are you two doing here? Look at the one you’re looking for. He’s a good man. He’s making the food so hot that it’s killing us. Let him pour the spit. He burned my mouth. He’s no good. Why don’t you divorce him? How many times have I told you I won’t divorce Song Hanyu Get out of my house now! It’s because he didn’t pay the bride price Liu Dashan took over our house Me? Your aunt? My brother Now you can’t go home. You took the money. What has it got to do with me? Why are you so heartless? Sister. You’ve been working outside. For so many years. You must have saved a lot of money. How about this? The money we owe Liu Dashan. Why don’t you pay it back for us? That’s right. Then you can’t look after your brother. And your father On the streets, right? Ever since I started working. You’ve been asking me for money ever since I started working. I’ve had enough of this. No points. Sis, why are you so cruel? To your own family? You don’t care about your family. Have you ever cared about me? Besides caring about my money. What else do you care about me? You unfilial daughter. What’s wrong with some spending money on your dad? Why did I raise you? Such a stupid thing. Get out of my house. Get out of my house. Or I’m going to have to kill you. I’m going to have a go at you. You want to beat us up, don’ t you? Fine, go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead and beat us to death. Liu Dashan He’s taken over our place. We have nowhere to go. We’ll die here. I’ll die here. Okay, stop crying. If you keep crying, you’ll turn into a kitten Song Hanyu I’m so mad at them! They’re like this It’s not just a day or two This kind of thing It’s not worth getting mad at them When I was younger. My money from the fights. They took it all. I didn’t realize that in the last few years. They’ve gotten worse. If I hadn’t married you. They would have married me To marry Liu Dashan In that case. If I hadn’t been a fake prince. If I hadn’t appeared in time My Cinderella wife Would have become someone else’s princess You’re still in the mood for jokes? Are you in a better mood? Yes. Have you ever thought of a solution? Have you ever thought of a solution? In the past, when they made trouble. I called the police. But they just said « It’s a family dispute. They just left after a few words. You’ve done a great job. It’s them. They’re not easy to deal with. They’re parasites. You can’t get rid of them. It’s okay. From now on, you have a husband He’ll take care of it for you. Really ? I have an idea But I need your cooperation. What idea? You go up first You’ll see. People of Tingning, public and private, recreation and entertainment, life is not worth living, everyone is on their own, boss. The tattoo sticker and blood bag you asked for. Boss what happened Why do you need such things Madam’s family is making trouble They won’t leave I have to use this To scare them. Why do they want to make trouble? They want money and I won’t give it to them. Is it a lot? Not much more than a meal. Hey, you’ve always been You’ve always been a man who can solve things with money. You don’t spend a penny more than you have to. What happened this time? They’re not worth the money. Then just get someone to get rid of him. Boss, do you need anything? I’ll call the bodyguard now. What’s wrong with you? I’m a poor man. How can I afford a bodyguard? I’m sorry, boss. I’m sorry, boss, but I’ve forgotten your current You’re a poor man now. Okay, go ahead. Honey, come here for a second. What’s wrong? Put this on for me. What for? To scare your parents? Can you pull off an act like this? Who cares if it works? We’ll see. Why are you taking off your clothes? If I don’t take off my clothes, how can you put it on? Oh! – Oh! Shen Xingruo. Are you thinking of something? Something inappropriate for children? No, no, no. No, no, no. Let me wipe it off for you first. Rub what? It says in the manual. « Wipe your skin clean before putting it on. You have to wipe off the skin before putting it on, and it stays on for 1-2 weeks after the color is completely removed. Oh, go ahead. What’s wrong? Nothing. Just a little itchy. I didn’t expect Song Hanyu’s body He’s got meat when he’s not dressed He looks thin when he dresses Are you done? I’m asking if you’re done Yes, I’m done. Shen Xingruo. What were you thinking? Nothing. No, no, no. No, I wasn’t. I was thinking. Can you pull off an act like that? These two They’ve been in there for so long. They must be doing something bad behind our backs. They must be doing something bad behind our backs. Your brother is watching. How dare they look down on me? Do you know who I am? I’m sorry, sir. They really don’t know. Please let me go. How can I let you go? I can’t! Mom! Mom! Wake up! My brother-in-law! He’s not a softie. What do you mean? He’s not a softie. What is he? He is Just him How can that be ? I just passed by the bathroom and saw it. He has a big dragon tattooed on his back. What does that tattoo mean? What about you? Don’t you have a tattoo too? It’s not the same. I’ve seen that dragon before Doesn’t that mean He’s a bum? Hey, I just saw him. He raped Shen Xingruo. Think about it. Shen Xingruo is such a great boxer. She was beaten by him and bled all over the place. What? I just remembered. Mr. Longchuan. There’s a dragon on his back. My brother-in-law must be the boss. But he’s a loser. How could he be? Boss? He’s a gangster. There’s no way he doesn’t have money . Is it true or not? We’ll know if it’s true or not. Tomorrow, get some men to kill them. We’ll mix the bodies with cement and sink them in the river. There’s no way to find them. What should we do? He’s going to He’s going to get someone to kill us. He said tomorrow. We can leave now Oh, don’t worry. Listen to what else he said. Don’t you want to die? How dare you eavesdrop? Do not rush to listen to the end and then go ah Ah ah ah ah You do not sleep in the middle of the night Fight Club What are you doing here? I we are leaving soon Come to say goodbye to you Right, right, right . We’re here We’re leaving without saying hello. Aigoo, how rude! Hey, brother-in-law. Thank you for your hospitality. You’re a good cook. You’re a good cook. It’s delicious. You just got here. Why don’t you stay a few more days? Why don’t you stay a few more days? I’ll take care of Ht Club for Xingruo. Hey, hey, hey, hey! I wouldn’t dare. How dare we ask you to serve us? We have things to do at home. We’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave you alone. el, aren’t you here for the bride price? To buy a house for Xingruo’s brother? How about this? Why don’t you guys take the rest of the day off? I’ll look for you tomorrow. That’s not necessary. Buying a house for my brother-in-law is my own business. I wouldn’t dare bother you and my sister. That’s right. We’ll pay for it ourselves. Ah, ah, ah. I’m sorry for all the things we’ve done in the past. Please forgive us. Don’t take it personally. That’s fine, Club Hey daughter-in-law, they left Club Where are you going in the middle of the night? Let’s go tomorrow Please. I’m begging you . My daughter can’t wait until tomorrow. Look at you. You’re hurt. Get some rest. I’ll leave you alone. We’re in a hurry. If we don’t leave now, it’ll be too late. Sis, you and your husband should get some rest. Bye, bye, bye. Be safe at night. Come and visit us often. Mom and Dad have food to eat. Come on. Look! Uh-huh. Isn’t that Shen Xingruo’s dad? Why are you rummaging through garbage cans on the street? Looking for food? Auntie! What are you eating? Are you Shen Xingruo’s father? I’m Shen Xingruo’s I went to college with Xu Jiajia. We met last time We met at the graduation ceremony. Oh, it’s Jiajia. Don’t mention it. We can’t go home now. I don’t have 50 bucks. What? How could this happen? Doesn’t Shen Xingruo care about you? She’s the reason we’re in trouble. Her husband is a big shot. We messed with her. Fortunately we ran away. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable. What? That’s impossible. Don’t believe me. He has a tattoo on his back. Such a big dragon. My son saw it with his own eyes. Yes, he did. There’s no way he could be wrong. And he He even raped Shen Xingruo. Is her husband’s name Song Hanyu? That’s right. You ‘re all like me. You’ve all been cheated by him Song Hanyu is a poor man. I’ve been investigating him Why are you investigating him? We were at a college reunion last time This Song Hanyu Pretended to be a rich man He lied to all of us There’s more to it Is it true? Is he He’s always calling out on his cell phone. That’s right. He said he’d sink us in the river. Yes, that’s right. Actually, there’s no one on the cell phone. There’s no one there at all. What’s that? So we were all fooled by him. Looks like you guys He bullied you too. We can’t just let it go. Dad! – Let’s go! Let’s go. Let’s go. Let’s stay at her house. Let’s go! This Song Han Yu is full of lies. You can’t beat him. Why don’t you just trick Shen Xingruo And trick her out Directly? Right We’re going to find Liu Dashan. Let’s go. Shen Xingruo. You’ve left me without a rich father. Don’t you hate mistresses? This time you’re the mistress. Tell me how much you want back. Millions. Not a penny. Are you looking for a fight? Take it easy. Brother Liu. I’ll get Shen Xingruo I’ll get her out for you. Ha ha ha! V ENUM, hello? Are you free tomorrow? I won’t see you again. Don’t bother. Don’t hang up . I just want to say one thing. Tomorrow is the anniversary of your mom’s death. I want you to come with me To visit your mom’s grave. You? You can’t You can’t even go without your mom, can you? Okay, I’ll do it. V ENUM Stop drinking. It’s already 3 bottles. I feel sad. Looking at your mom’s tombstone. I was an asshole back then. Don’t say that. I’m surprised you have a conscience. I’m surprised you have a conscience. I can’t live with it. Starry. Do you know how much it hurts? I know you don’t believe me. I’ve been thinking about myself for the past few days. For so many years. I’ve neglected you. I haven’t fulfilled my Father’s responsibility You can scold me I know you can’t open your mouth Hit me I know you can’t do it Has he really changed? Starry. Today is the anniversary of your mom’s death. I hope you can give dad a chance. To apologize to you. No need to apologize. It’s good that you know you’re wrong. No, I can’t. You have to know your mistakes. And you have to apologize. Today at your mom’s grave. Let’s make up. Okay. – Okay. I’ll drink with you on my mom’s behalf. I’ll have a drink with you. Starry. I’m sorry for drinking this glass of wine. I hope you and Song You and Song will have a happy future. Thank you, Dad. Sister. Shen Xingruo. Dad. You’re a bad old man. You’re so bad. In front of her mom’s grave . You dare to do it? Aren’t you afraid of retribution? I didn’t realize that after a few words She drank the drug. Hey! What did you just say? I did it for your own good. How dare you curse your father? Get over it. I didn’t realize She and her loser husband They’re quite good at acting. Let’s see who’s better than the other. If I had known it would be so easy. We wouldn’t have to go through all that trouble We’d have knocked her out earlier Wouldn’t we have handed her over to Liu Dashan? It’s not too late. Let’s get her to the clubhouse early. So we can rest easy. I wonder if her poor husband Knows about this. What will he do? He’s a loser. Who cares what he does? Then hurry up. Liu Dashan is still waiting Liu Dashan is still waiting inside the clubhouse. Yes, let’s go. Sweetie. You’re awake. Why am I here? Don’t you get it, Star K? Your family sold you to me. No way. My dad even apologized to me. You’re so stupid and naive. Your father just shed a few tears. He tricked you He drank the drug. Let me go I’ll pay back the money my dad owes. Do I look like I need money? What I need is a pretty girl like you. You’re a pretty girl. You’ll be sleeping with me soon anyway. Why don’t we just get a divorce? You can live with me from now on. Don’t touch me. Or I’ll beat you up! You’re really a little chili. I’m going to taste it today. You’re a little hot pepper. How hot is your body? That’s strange. What are those three doing here? Who’s the boss? Xingruo’s parents. Get the manager over here. Yes, sir. Liu Dashan said When he’s done. He’ll give us some more money. Aigoo ! If I’d known my daughter would make so much money. Mom, you should have You should have given me more sisters. Maybe I’d be living in a I’d be living in a big villa by now. Damn it! Bastard! Do you think your mom is an old sow? She’s giving birth to a piglet. Get out of here. Don’t let anyone see you. Hey, go, go, go! Daughter. Are they talking about Shen Xingruo? Shouldn ‘t Shen Xingruo be at work at this hour? Shouldn’t she be at work? Hello, sir. The user you’re calling is temporarily Boss. Mr. Song, what’s your order? What’s wrong with these three? The three of they opened a private room But do not know how They left so quickly Is the room still occupied? I’m not sure. Call the CCTV. I’m going to save Starla. You arrest the three of them. Yes, sir. Let’s go. I heard you’re a boxing champion. Don’t struggle. The drug you drank It’s enough to put down an elephant. I’m warning you. Don’t you move me Or my husband will not let you go. Your husband? After I sleep with you. I’ll find someone to do him in. You’re breaking the law. Ha ha ha ha! I’ve been out of jail before. I’m not afraid of your threats. Ah I advise you You’d better be a good boy and stay here You’ll feel better. Hey, hey, hey! This bitch, KTV. You don’t want to eat the toast? You want to be punished? I’ll kill her. Starbucks, KTV Bullying my wife. Who dares to hit me? Open your eyes! I’m Shen Xingruo’s husband. Husband! Don’t be afraid, I’m here. So you’re her husband? I advise you to let me go. Or I’ll get someone to break your legs. It’s the first time someone dares to threaten me Before I send you away. I’ll break your legs first. Remove your hands Just by you Get a room. Throw it out. Starry Night, KTV Starry Night, KTV Educate me on the law. Understand the boss. What are you doing? Let go of me Song Hanyu! Why do they call you boss? And how did you get here? Oh, it’s Old Li He owns this place too He found out you were in trouble He called me immediately I said are you okay? Yes, I’m fine Let’s go. Who is it? Be honest. Get outta here! Not the wrong person, right? Boss! Go inside. This That’s right. It’s you who are under arrest. Why are you here? Where’s Liu Dashan? He’s next door, removing his arm. Oh, no. Should be unloading his legs right now. Who the hell are you ? You must be the same as last time You’re just trying to scare us. Right? Ah You’ve ruined Liu Dashan’s good deed He won’t let you go My leg! LAK He said he was telling the truth? Starry Night , K Ty I’ve paid you a lot of money over the years How can you do this to me? I’ve raised you for so many years. Can’t I get some interest? I’m your own daughter. My own daughter? Seeing your own family I don’t care if they’re being chased for debts. The money you gave us Is it enough? I just gave you a drug And you kidnapped us? How can you do that? You only know how to exploit your daughter. You gave me away for money. You sent me to a stranger. What kind of father are you? You didn’t get laid. You didn’t lose a pound. What do you want? You shouldn’t keep kidnapping your daughter You shouldn’t keep kidnapping your daughter in the name of her mother. This is my bottom line. I’m going to disown you. What’s that? I’m breaking it off. You’re so heartless! Starry Night, KTV I’ve worked so hard to raise you. You don’t even know how to return the favor. And you want to cut ties with me? You don’t recognize your own family Who’s going to take care of you? And me. As for you. I’ll spend the rest of my life here. I don’t believe you dare to do this to me. Do it! Daughter, it’s so wet and humid . I can’t take it. I’m too old for this. Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! I know I’m wrong. I’m begging you to let me go. Please, please, please . This was all Deng’s idea. This has nothing to do with us. Drag them out Li Thank you for your help For helping our family. Sister-in-law, you’re happy. I’m happy. As long as the boss is happy There’s hope for my year-end bonus What’s wrong? Maybe the drug is still working. Honey, let’s get you home. Is this the drawbridge effect? Song Hanyu Why are you so manly all of a sudden? My eyes hurt. Every day, I’m blinded by the CEO and his husband. I’m blinded by the CEO and his husband. Hey, sister-in-law. There’s nothing to do, I’ll leave now. A good laborer. Always create conditions for the boss Uh, that’s not convenient for you. Otherwise I’ll stay with you today. Yes, sir. The first step towards success Wait a minute I saw Song Hanyu. If he knows He’s still with you He’ll lose the project . Isn’t he just a soft touch? He’s the head of Longchuan Group He’s a fake. Otherwise, can I listen to him? He’s really the president of Longchuan. Why should Shen Xingruo To marry such a rich man? Mr. Song, how are you? I’m Jia Jia, Xingruo’s classmate. We met in class last time. What’s the matter? Can’t I come to see you if there’s nothing wrong? Your eyes are bad. Go to the hospital and see the ophthalmologist . Take care. Mr. Song. I’m just kidding. The last time we went to the reunion. I’m sorry for offending you. This time I’ve come to apologize. Go ahead. Mr. Song, last time at the reunion. It’s my fault for not knowing people well. I’ve offended you. I’m selling the door. Mr. Song, you won’t be angry with me, will you? I’m done. You can go now . Hey, hey, hey. Mr. Song. Aren’t you going to invite me in for a cup of tea? You want a cup of tea? Why don’t you just jump into the river? What do you mean? I ‘ll make you green tea. Get in first. Men love to cheat. I don’t believe I can’t seduce him. Mr. Song, you’re so funny. I don’t know. Does Xingruo know? You’re the president of Longchuan? What do you mean? I I just want to use the restroom. Mr. Song is so rich and handsome. Why don’t you consider getting a new wife? Are you in or out? If not , you’d better go. Mr. Song, don’t be so hasty. Hey! So it’s not to borrow the bathroom. It’s to hang me. I’m a rich man with a lot of money. As long as I’ m there. No man Can escape my hand. Mr. Song, you’ve waited long. Girls go to the toilet It’s a bit of a hassle. It’s okay, it’s understandable. Mr. Song is so understanding. It’s really heartwarming. Your shoulder strap fell off. Mr. Song is so annoying. Don’t look at her like that. Just looking at the straps may not be enough. I want to see more. She’s hooked. Shen Xingruo is looking for a husband. She’s got a good eye for husbands. Let’s see me continue with the trick of refusing to give in. Hey, I can take off my clothes. But I don’t know Does Mr. Song know how to appreciate it? That depends. Mr. Song , what are you doing? I’m looking at the door. Is it locked? Mr. Song. Mr. Song. Open the door, Mr. Song. Young people nowadays play Also too fancy They can’t wait at the door. Watery poplar flowers Xu Jiajia! Xu Jiajia What are you wearing? What’s wrong with standing in front of my house? It’s none of your business. I see. Then I’ll leave you alone for now. Hey, give me my clothes. Hey ! Why is Xu Jiajia at the door? She seduced me. What? She wanted to go to the restroom. I let her in out of kindness I didn’t think she’d try anything You don’t even know each other. And at the reunion, she acted like She looked like she despised you Why would she seduce you? She probably wanted to take advantage of my beauty So you’ve been taken advantage of? Don’t worry about my body No one can take advantage of my body except you. So You just took her clothes off. You threw them out the door. She took off her clothes herself. I just opened the door. You’re not afraid of being criticized I’m not afraid to say you have no morals. Even if I lose my morals for you. I have to keep my virginity. You’re a good husband, aren’t you? Didn’t the Internet say Chastity is the best thing a man can have. Medicine and beauty . Yes, it’s good. I’m very satisfied It’s better to return Xu Jiajia’s clothes Give her back We can’t let people Standing in front of the door like that, right? That’s right. Uh-huh. Shen Xingruo. Wait for me. Episode 56. Xu Jiajia was wearing her underwear. She was kicked out by Song Hanyu Kicked out the door So she went home with nothing to look at? No We’ll return the clothes Back to her It’s still too good for her She’s got a husband. She’s got a husband, and she’s still thinking about it. She’s a bad girl. I don’t know what she’s thinking But your husband He’s really a good guy This Xu Jiajia She’s pretty and pretty too And he can even put up with that That’s good He’s really good Look at you! There’s one thing about Starry. I was going to I’d never tell you. But You and Song Hanyu are doing so well I don’t want you two to Because of this Misunderstandings What is it? Why do you look so pale? That day, after your match. You disappeared after the celebration party. The next day P You came out of the presidential suite on the top floor You came out Can you still remember what happened What really happened? No, I don’t. I can’t remember anything. It’s good that I can’t remember. I won’t talk about it anymore. Take care of yourself. Don’t say anything in front of your husband. Don’t let it slip in front of your husband. Why? Men. They’re very possessive in this area. If he knows You had a relationship abroad. He’s forgotten about it. He’ll definitely think about it. When did your husband come back? Why is there no sound? You were probably too busy talking. He didn’t hear me come back. Oh, no, no, no. He must have heard me. I have something to do. I have to go. Take your time. Honey, are you tired? I’ll get you a glass of water. What should I do? He still heard me. Hello, Mr. Lee? Find out for me When I was drugged in the United States I was sent to the presidential suite Who was that woman? Boss, why are you suddenly looking into this? Why are you suddenly looking into this? I’ve made up my mind. To spend the rest of my life with Shen Xingruo. I don’t want to be caught up in this Strange relationships. I don’t want to be interfered by this kind of relationship. The matter of the rice country It’s always a hidden danger . It must be resolved. Yes, sir. When the old lady hears about this. I’m sure she’ll be very happy. Miss, you’ve just returned to China. You’re not familiar with it yet. Mr. Xia asked me to pick you up. Don’t rush home yet Help me check. The president of Longchuan Group Song Hanyu’s current status Yes, sir. Song Hanyu is married He’s married to a commoner And a boxer Shen Xingruo is a woman Thinks that if she marries Song Hanyu. She’ll be able to rise to the top I’m going to make her pay If I don’t do well, she won’t do well either Did you say Song Hanyu? Song Hanyu, the CEO of Longchuan? That’s right So his wife is a boxer? That’s right Her name is Shen Xingruo She went to college with me. From what you just said. You have a grudge against them? That’s funny. I’ve got a bone to pick with them too. Is that so? Why do you hate Shen Xingruo? Song Hanyu and I were childhood friends. If I hadn’t been late returning to China. I would have been the one to marry him. So Shen Xingruo took advantage of a loophole. So she could get a son-in-law Song Hanyu and I were made for each other. That stupid woman must be divorced from him Shen Xingruo and I don’t share the same fate Why don’t you and I join forces? We’ll trample this Shen Xingruo under our feet. That’s right. She still doesn’t know She doesn’t know that her husband is the president of Longchuan. Why don’t we use her? Let’s give Shen Xingruo a hard time first. Then do something. Show me your strength You’ll see. You want to work with me when you look like a pauper? You don’t even know what class you’re in. Coach Shen, someone’s looking for you. The receptionist said you were looking for me. What can I do for you? You’re Shen Xingruo, right? My name is Xia Qianxue. I’m here today. I want to talk to you about About Song Hanyu. What do you mean? Song Hanyu married you. He had no choice Because I was abroad. I found someone else to marry me It’s true that we got married because We got married because our family wanted us to You should leave him. Why should I? Because he loves me. You’re here to sow discord Song Hanyu and I? See you soon What a woman A woman who won’t shed a tear until she sees the coffin See for yourself I gave him my first time I took a lot of shit because of him. I’ve taken a lot of shit because of him. I don’t believe it Unless Song Hanyu tells me himself You know Song Hanyu Is a responsible man He won’t ask you for a divorce I advise you to be smart Don’t make everyone look bad You ‘re back Wash your hands and eat. He’s good to all women Song Hanyu Do you know Xia Qianxue? Yes, I do. She’s the daughter of the Xia family She’s working with the Longchuan Group How do you know so much about her? That He’s working with Old Li’s group. He’s been working with them Old Li told me She came to me She asked me to divorce you What do you think? I’m sorry, Chanyu I was stuck in traffic and I’m late I hope you ‘ve waited long Ms. Xia I don’t think we know each other well enough Can we call each other by our first names? My wife told me You want her to divorce me Yes, Han Yu You’re so good How can you just You can’t just find someone to marry? It’s too hasty Who I marry I don’t think it’s any of your business. And you know what? Don’t go looking for my wife again. Or else Ryukawa Group’s tactics I do not mind Let Xia have a taste Come to the cafe Song Hanyu has something to tell you So what about the hotel What about what happened at the Rice Hotel? You were the one that night I had a hard time getting the drug to work But Shen Xingruo got to me first He really doesn’t know Who it was that night. It’s a trick. Yes, you know. Our family in Longchuan It’s a small family. Now everyone knows about it. I lost my virginity by accident. You’ ve made it hard for us to get back on our feet. This is my fault. What do you want in return? I want a divorce. I want you to take responsibility for me. I can’t get a divorce. Think of something else. Money or power? Call me when you’re ready. What’s wrong with you? What’s wrong with you? I lost my virginity. My father exiled me to a foreign country I live alone. Now my health is not good either. I get dizzy all the time. I feel weak. I’ll call an ambulance. It’s too late. My car is right outside. Okay, I’ll take you to the hospital. Starry. What are you doing here? I’m here . I’m so dizzy. Starry, let’s talk about this at home. I’ll take her to the hospital first. Don’t worry. I’ll find a doctor to cure you. Really? I owe you this. I’ ll make it up to you Song Hanyu So this is what you want to tell me This is what you wanted to tell me. Xia Ganxue originally said it was true Mr. Song. Thanks to you, you saved my life. It was just a favor. I’m glad you’re okay. My family kicked me out. I have no place to go. Mr. Song, can you take me in? I’ll register you at the hotel. The hotel is full of reporters. If they catch me on camera, they’ll say I’ve lost my virginity. I just want a place to stay. Where I can take a hot bath. That’s fine. But you can only stay one night. When I find a place I can find a villa that’s private. I’ll send you there. Brother Chanyu. Are you now Are you going to be so angry with me? Miss Xia You still call me Mr. Song But When you were in bed before Not like this That was an accident Accident But it was an accident. I was abandoned by everyone. My family didn’t want me. I ‘ve lost so much for you. And you don’t care what you call it? Fine. You can call me whatever you want. You don’t think I’m clean either, do you? Even if the person you’re sleeping with It’s me. You don’t like me either. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. Yes, you did. All of you think I don’t love myself. After I lost my virginity . Overnight. I’ve become what you all And all of you think you’re beautiful. I didn’t say that. You’re an asshole. If you don’t want to be responsible for me Why did you touch me in the first place? At that time I was drugged too. Don’t cry Chanyuu. I shouldn’t have lost my temper with you I’m too sensitive Ms. Hsia. Can you leave first? My wife will be back soon. You guys? Honey, you’re back If I don’t come back, it’ll be too late, right? You guys can’t hold it in? You can’t wait to do this in my house? Doing this kind of thing in my house? Starry. You’ve got it all wrong. Ms. Hsia just got out of the hospital. She had no place to go. That’s why she brought her home. And then she came home. You can’t wait to hug her, can you? If I’d come back a little later. You’d be in bed together, wouldn’t you? I was just apologizing to Brother Han Yu. I couldn’t help myself. Brother Han Yu You ‘re so affectionate. I can explain She was unstable just now Explain what? Song Hanyu. Do you know A man and a woman alone together What does it mean? It’s my fault I made you two fight I’m just an extra wherever I am. Stop it. The more you talk, the more confusing it gets. Starry. I’m really sorry. But I don’t have anything to do with Brother Han Yu. There’s really nothing between us If you don’t believe me , I’m leaving now. You just got out of the hospital. You haven’t recovered yet. There’s a guest room here. Why don’t you stay the night? I’ve bothered you enough already. Staying here will only make Starla angry. I have to go. After all, I’m the reason she’s in such bad shape. Starla. Do you think something will happen to her when she goes out? Will something happen to her? Should you Call Li again to find out? Honey, you’re so considerate. Song Hanyu Let’s get a divorce What? About you and Xia Qianxue I already know She gave you her first time You should be responsible for her I’ll make it up to her in other ways But not including marrying her Song Hanyu We were married in the beginning We had no choice but to get married We’ve always been Innocent Now that we’re divorced I can give her the love she wants. Don’t you think you’re Too selfish? You didn’t even ask me what I think And you’re making decisions for me? Starry. I really like you. Xia Ganxue is right. You’re a responsible person. I can’t believe you’d say something like. « like me »? Who would joke about liking me? Anyway, I won’t get a divorce. I’ m going to join a boxing match. I’ll take part in a boxing match. I’ll live in the gym. Let’s take this time apart. Let’s take this time apart to cool off. This is a separation. I can’t . You’re hurting me. Boss. Our office is so spacious. Why do you have to work here? Wherever Mrs. is, I’ll be there. Coach. What do we have to talk about here? Starry. INSECT, come here. Coach! What do you have to say here? INSECT, isn’t the game coming up? INSECT, I want to ask you something. INSECT, do you have any idea? Don’t worry, Coach. I’ll do my best. INSECT, that’s not what I meant. What about this competition? It’s not about reputation. So you’re giving your opponent a break. INSECT, that’s why you’re giving way to your opponent. Isn’t this a fake fight? INSECT, isn’t this a fake fight? I won’t do it You’re a young man. Don’t be like that. Get the money. Fifty-fifty. It’s not about the money. INSECT 4-6 Four-six. Fake boxing is against the rules INSECT 7.7, is that good enough? I’ll never fake a fight in my life INSECT You! You don’t want to go two-eight, do you? Don’t go too far I said it’s not about money As long as I’m in the ring I can’t fight a fake fight This fight is not even sponsored You don’t want to win the prize money, do you? INSECT Be Van All I want is to win. The prize money doesn’t matter. INSECT IN SEI Don’t pretend. INSECT Who doesn’t know you’re in the country? The fake match. I don’t remember that time. But I don’t think I could have faked it. INSECT Okay Anyway, there’s no sponsorship for this tournament. I can’t let you play. Boss Back to the company Anonymously sponsor a boxing match for 100 million dollars Yes, sir. Remember what you said Let Shen Xingruo fall to the ground with one punch. I’m weak. I’ll have to throw a few more punches. I won’t be able to hold out. Don’t worry. I’ll give her the money. I don ‘t believe she won’t fall. Take care, An Sect. Good, good, good. Thank you. In SCT, go in. Coach. You asked for me. IN SCT Starry Night. IN SCT, someone just called. IN SCT, an anonymous sponsor for our competition. An anonymous sponsor for our competition. That’s great. NSC, your opponent? They’ve tripled the original price. They’ve tripled the original price. This one? It’s yours. Why do you have sponsorship? You’re not even a fake boxer. I’ve taken all the money. You have to fight You do not have my consent Without my permission, you took money from the other fighter. You can either wait for the defense Or you have to return the money Give back the money Anyway, I can’t compromise. IN SCT IN SCT, you have to fight. IN SCT or else I’ll disqualify you. IN SCT What you won’t do INSECT There’s a lot of people who would do it. There’s a lot of people who would do it. IN SCT I’m in first place. You have no right to disqualify I’m disqualified. IN SCT I’m disqualified IN SCT If nothing happens IN SCT, I’ll go first. I’ll go first . I’ll be going. SECT Shen Xingruo SECT Shen Xingruo. N SECT I’ll definitely kick you out of the competition You are. It doesn’t matter who I am. What matters is. I’ll find a way To keep Shen Xingruo out of the competition. INSECT It’s almost time for the competition. Train well, everyone. Try to get a good result. Yes, sir. Coach Shen. Is what happened on the internet true? Coach Shen. Do you have anything else to explain? What are you talking about? Looks like Coach Shen doesn’t know. What happened to him. Has been posted on the Internet. Then I’ll play it for you. The other player will pay the original price. That’s great I’ll do my best to fight fake fighters Shen Xingruo Don’t be greedy. I’ll take the other fighter’s money. Anyway, I can’t compromise. I’ll disqualify you I was ranked first. You’re not qualified Disqualify me Did you all hear that? Shen Xingruo wants money. She wanted to play a fake tournament I had no choice but to put this recording I put it on the Internet I hope to stop Her immoral behavior This recording is clearly Edited You asked me to play a fake game I refused. It’s a well-known fact. Shen Xingruo’s championships Were all won by taking pills. Or sleeping with her. Why are you still pretending? You’re lying! I have witnesses. I’m sorry. I can prove it. Shen Xingruo was abroad. When Shen Xingruo was competing abroad. She had a messy personal life. The day before the competition. The day before the competition, she was still seeing someone else. I know about that. Shen Xingruo was reported. She lost her title. I didn’t realize Shen Xingruo was such a person. It’s a waste of time. All those people who loved you. INSECT The sponsor is anonymous anyway. INSECT Why don’t we borrow her? INSECT , and make Shen Xingruo’s accusation stick. The sponsor? Shen Xingruo slept with her in exchange. If I hadn’t reported it. I would have won the championship. She’s still the winner. So it’s already been decided? Shen Xingruo is so pretty . I can figure it out with my toes How did the results come about? I don’t have any. I really don’t know. What sponsorship? Shen Xingruo, don’t argue. Withdraw from the competition. I won’t let a good player Disqualified from the competition And I won’t let a bad player To challenge the fairness of the competition Shen Xingruo If you do too much, you’ll get yourself killed You brought this on yourself I hereby declare Shen Xingruo is disqualified from the competition Withdraw from the competition. I have a headache. Shen Xingruo, why are you pretending to be so pathetic? No one will believe you. Hold on, Inspector. FIZZ COO, what are you doing here? Don’t be afraid, honey. I’m here. INSECT Who are you? INSECT, mind your own business! How dare you! How dare you disrespect Mr. Ryukawa? INSECT Oh! So you’re Shen Xingruo’s husband? You’re still pretending to be Mr. Longchuan ? Why are you pretending? I advise you to be careful with your words. Every word you say now Will put you in jail You’ll be in there for a few more years. Aigoo, I’m scared You’re really hanging a gourd in your own house. You think you’re a grandpa, don’t you? Is he really the president of Ryukawa? INSECT? Really? Yes, he is. Back then, at the Economic Forum. My identity is not enough to get Interview qualification At the gate, I had the honor Saw the side of Mr. Song’s face I’m here to announce two things First Shen Xingruo Is my wife Secondly. INSECT, this boxing match I’m sponsoring it. But for the sake of publicity. I didn’t publicize My relationship with her, that’s all. This is the sponsorship agreement. This is the sponsorship agreement If you don’t believe me. You can go to Longchuan Group and ask Song Hanyu is the president of Longchuan He lied to me for so long A top tycoon who never shows his face For the sake of his commoner wife He came out to clarify It’s a hot search! Even if you are the president’s wife So what? INSECT, you’re still a fake boxer. You can’t go against INSECT Fairness and justice, right? Mr. Lee. Give them a break. Come on. I’ll take all the money You have to fight You did not go through My consent You take money from the other player without my permission Player’s money without my consent. INSECT, or you’re gonna get sued. INSECT, or you should return the money Give the money back to them. There’s no way I’m going to compromise. You have to fight . Or else I’ll disqualify you Disqualification What you don’t want to do There are a lot of people willing to do You’re the one who took the money To get Shen Xingruo to play a fake match. But Shen refused. INSECT , in retaliation. You deliberately used the media To force Shen Xingruo to withdraw from the competition. So you’re the real bad guy. Is you. No, no, no, no, no. No way! INSECT, this surveillance It must have been synthesized. You didn’t say you’d do it. It’s okay? I’m just– I’m just trying to come up with an idea. INSECT All the bad stuff. INSECT, he did it. He did it. I had nothing to do with it. You’re such a sweetie. How dare you turn against me? Abetting is a crime. F ZZ COCO Boss! These This is the chief coach Over the years. INSECT’s evidence of embezzlement. Both of them Admitted to framing Madame. They’ve been videotaped. Send them both in. For the rest of their lives. They’ll never come out. Come on. Hey, brother. Don’t, don’t, don’t , don’t, don’t. Hey! Mrs. Song. Please look at the camera. Wait for the reporter to leave. You wait for me. Ladies and gentlemen of the press. Mr. Song. He’s busy. Do you want to do an interview? Please follow me to this side Make an appointment. Please, Mr. Song. Go for it, boss! Take a few punches. Madam should be able to get over it. Xingruo. Song Hanyu. Have you forgotten? We’re still in a cooling-off period . you. If you don’t want to get over it. You can punch me a couple of times. Stop it Song Hanyu In the past few days I’ve thought about it Let’s get a divorce Divorce? Why? You’re the president of Ryukawa. I’m just a An ordinary boxer Between us We’re too different. It’s not right to be together. You are. I didn’t tell you. That’s all. Before. I didn’t know who you were. Now I do. I should have left you. We’re already married. This identity is nothing You think so? It’s nothing? Then why didn’t you tell me Why didn’t you tell me? In fact, in your heart You were also thinking You were afraid I’d take your money. Is that so? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You don’t have to say sorry. Xia Qianxue I’m still waiting for you to take responsibility. Even if we don’t get divorced Hsia Chien-hsueh’s case Between us Will still be a thorn in our side I don’t want us Become a grudge against each other This divorce agreement I’ve already signed it. You won’t get a penny of my assets. Why don’t you sign it? I’m not signing it. I don’t want to sign it. Starry. Congratulations on being single again. Thank you, sir. Tell me the truth. Are you sad ? I’m divorced. What can you do if you’re sad? It’ll pass. Divorce? It’s impossible to get divorced. This looks like a bar. It’s a bar. There shouldn’t be any I don’t think there will be any sexy men here, right? I’ve got an open mouth. This is Hello, ladies. Can we share a table? Of course. Please have a seat. He’s a good-looking guy. He’s a fresh meat. He can call you « sister ». Yes, he’s nice. But it has nothing to do with me. The only way to get over an ex The only way to get over an ex Is to find another man. Starry. Take your chances. Sisters You’re here to play by yourself. Handsome man with good eyesight. My sister is in a bad mood. Have a drink with her. You’re welcome. It’s my honor. That’s it. I have something to do. I’ ll be going now. Enjoy yourselves. Starry. After tonight. All your worries will be gone. Go for it! What kind of girlfriends are these? They’re too busy cheating on Starry. Sister. What’s troubling you? You can tell me . Maybe I can help. My friend just made that up. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. But your eyes Already betrayed you How dare you touch my wife? Don’t you want to die? Let her go! Let her go! Sister, who is this person? I’m her husband, who am I? Why are you here? Two handsome men Fighting for a woman I want to be That woman ah Starry Don’t be with this kind of man I’m not better looking than him. I’ m not better looking than him. I’m richer than him. We’re divorced. I’m free to be with whoever I want. It’s my freedom. You don’t have the right to control me. So it’s your ex- husband’s brother? What’s with the hand? Why is it so strong? A man has to learn to understand things. If you keep on pestering me. You’re a clown. You don’t have a say in this. What are you talking about? Starry. I haven’t agreed yet. You’re still my wife. You’re still my wife. Anyway, we’ve been separated for two years. You’re automatically divorced. Mr. Song, you’d better go home. Maybe Xia Qianxue Is already waiting at home. Starry. You must be angry. That’s why you divorced me, right? Hsia Chien-hsueh. I’ll make it up to her. I’ve always loved you. You’ re the only one I love the most. Mr. Song. I’ll leave that to you. The next person to say it. Let’s go. This man seems to have a mistress. Oh, no. The scumbag got dumped. I’ m sorry. I don’t have I’m not looking for a date. I just took your hand. I just don’t want I don’t want to be pestered by my ex-husband. It’s okay. It’s okay. I saw you sweating. Wipe it off. Thank you. – Oh, my God. This paper. Why does it smell? Starry. You like him that much? That ugly guy? Boss. What happened back then? I’ve found out everything . I’ve repaired the hotel’s I’ve successfully repaired the hotel’s surveillance system. Tell me. Xia Qianxue is a fake. The one who really had sex with you that night The one who really had sex with you that night was Madam. What’s going on? It was Xia Qianxue who Hsia Chien-hsueh drugged you. Fortunately, Madam Entered the room by mistake. That’s why Xia Qianxue That’s why she didn’t get it. So if Star knew It was me at that time. Surveillance shows The next day. She fell down the stairs. She lost her memory. She didn’t realize Who was with her that night. With her that night. It was you. Starla. Wait for me. That’s not right. There’s no way She can’t let a strange man A strange man hugging her. Mr. Lee. Get me the location of the lady. Shen Xingruo. You didn’t expect it, did you? We’d ever see each other again. Ms. Hsia . What are you doing here? You’re in cahoots. Sister’s reflexes It’s a bit long We’re not even out of the movie yet. Your performance fee I’ve already paid you. Xia Qianxue. What do you want? I’ m looking for someone to bully you, of course I have no grudges against you Why do you want to hurt me? It’s because You vixen Song Hanyu doesn’t want to To divorce you It’s all because of you Ms. Xia You must have misunderstood You’re Song Hanyu’s First night He’s always been He can’t forget you It should have been you It should have been me The one who drugged Song Hanyu I was the one who drugged Song Hanyu But you were the one who did it It turns out I was in the United States I was with Song Hanyu I was with Song Hanyu I was his I remember now It was always Song Hanyu It’s not because of you You took away my Mrs. Mansion’s identity I won’t let you go Oh yeah Your boxing championship I also lost it. I’m sorry? I paid someone to replace it. I paid someone to change your Urine samples. So your urine test Failed. Xia Qianxue You’re so vicious Why is it that I No one wants me You have nothing Song Hanyu And yet he’s devoted to you Is that so? You’re good in bed You’ve got something to offer It’s a pity You’re about to become A rag You’re about to die a humiliating death. I can do that. I can help. Aye. I’ll let you do it. It’s too good for her. Shen Xingruo. I’ve found a few men I’ve found some men for you. I don’t know, Ms. Shen. What’s your skill? Let me Let’s see. You guys go together. I’ll make a video. Shen Xingruo. I ‘m going to make you Just like five years ago. Lose your title and your innocence. I ca n’t wait. all because of You’re the reason I’m so crazy. It’s not because of you! You’re not right That’s why you’ve suffered so much I’m the daughter of the Xia family. I don’t have to suffer at all. I can’t. I can’t just sit here and wait. Honey. I’m coming to save you. Honey, wait a minute I said seduce my husband I told you to change my urine test I told you to find someone to bully me Honey You’re so strong Waiting for you to save My boxing champion Persona is about to collapse Mr. Lee’s assistant Let Xia Group Bankruptcy in three seconds Send Xia Qianxue and these people Send them in For the rest of their lives They’ll never get out. Yes, sir. Let’s do it. Boss, please forgive me. We’re just Getting paid to do the job Yes, yes, yes. Shen Xingruo. I’ll be a ghost. I won’ t let you go. Xingruo. I ‘m so sorry. I’ve been deceived by Xia Ganxue. I ‘ve been lied to by Xia Ganxue for so long. remembered Song Hanyu We met when we were kids We used to be together We were kidnapped I was that little girl And That night in Mississippi. It was me and you. Starry. I can’t believe it’s you. We’re destined to be Husband and wife. Let’s go home. I have a game tomorrow. Stop Congratulations to Shen Xingruo. You’ve won the boxing championship. I’d like to invite the champion Let’s hear what he has to say Winner’s speech I won the trophy The first thing I want to thank My husband He’s always He has always been behind me Encouraging me It was destined We’re meant to be together He’s really good to me NUM Though I’ve never given him a gift. I’ve never given him any gifts. But today, NUM I want to give him this trophy. To him Song Hanyu. Thank you. And I love you Does it hurt? VENU M IUN Wife I love you too. Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss. Kiss. .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
18.28 congratulations
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 Winner of this
18.28 Champion of the boxing match
18.28 Come on, Longchuan City boxing brother hood
Let&;s do it again, Longchuan City School Boxing Foot Army.
18.28 Congratulations to Xingruo
18.28 Won the championship
18.28 Come on, let&;s have a drink.
18.28 Congratulations!
18.28 Thank you. – Thank you.
18.28 You guys drink first.
18.28 I can&;t drink anymore.
18.28 You guys eat and drink well.
18.28 I&;m going back to my room.
18.28 You guys have your drinks.
18.28 Bye, bye, bye.
18.28 Open up!
18.28 I finally found a chance
18.28 I drugged Song Hanyu
18.28 I didn&;t expect another woman
18.28 She was the first one to get in
18.28 Find out!
18.28 Who entered Song Hanyu&;s room?
18.28 Who is that woman?
18.28 I&;m going to ruin her reputation.
18.28 Why did I sleep with
18.28 I slept with a man
18.28 He&;s quite handsome
18.28 Ms. Shen, we have information.
18.28 There are illegal drugs in your urine test.
18.28 Your title of champion
18.28 Has been canceled
18.28 Do you have anything to explain?
18.28 Why did you come out of the presidential suite
18.28 The presidential suite ?
18.28 Is it because you&;re having an affair?
18.28 Ms. Shen, please explain.
18.28 Please explain why.
18.28 Please explain.
18.28 Hello, Mr. Lee?
18.28 Can you check for me?
18.28 Who was the woman I slept with last night?
18.28 Who was the woman I slept with last night?
18.28 Mr. President.
18.28 I&;ve just received a message
18.28 The old lady has disappeared
18.28 Have the technical department monitor and locate her!
18.28 Find her now.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 This asshole.
18.28 What&;s the use of being worth hundreds of millions of dollars?
18.28 He&;s already 20 years old.
18.28 He&;s still not married.
18.28 You&;re looking for a wife.
18.28 I have to find you one myself.
18.28 I have to try this girl.
18.28 Miss?
18.28 Give me a hand.
18.28 It stinks!
18.28 Damn old woman.
18.28 Get away from me!
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 Grandma, are you okay?
18.28 Oh, my old back&;s gone.
18.28 Aigoo!
18.28 That was a nasty fall.
18.28 It&;s not worth it.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 I&;ll take you to the hospital
18.28 Hey , girl.
18.28 Don&;t you think I&;m dirty?
18.28 You think I stink and you think I&;m poor?
18.28 Why not?
18.28 There&;s no such thing as a lowly profession.
18.28 The cleanliness of the streets
18.28 I still need you to clean it.
18.28 This girl.
18.28 She&;s so kind.
18.28 She could be my grandson&;s daughter-in-law.
18.28 That would be great.
18.28 Grandma.
18.28 Your family?
18.28 When are they coming?
18.28 I just called.
18.28 They&;ll be here soon.
18.28 I&;ll stay with you for a while.
18.28 Are you seeing anyone?
18.28 No, Grandma.
18.28 That&;s great.
18.28 My grandson doesn&;t have one either.
18.28 Why don&;t you marry my grandson?
18.28 Marry my grandson.
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 This is so sudden.
18.28 I don&;t even know your grandson&;s name
18.28 I don&;t even know his name.
18.28 My grandson.
18.28 He&;s very capable.
18.28 He has a house, money and a car.
18.28 He&;s in some company
18.28 He&;s a big boss
18.28 She&;s a scheming girl.
18.28 Trying to trick Grandma.
18.28 Test my family&;s background.
18.28 Let&;s see if I can dissuade you
18.28 To marry a rich man.
18.28 You! – (LAUGHS)
18.28 Get lost.
18.28 Good boss.
18.28 Grandma, are you okay?
18.28 You brat
18.28 Why are you dressed like this?
18.28 How are you?
18.28 Let me introduce myself.
18.28 I&;m this grandma&;s grandson
18.28 My name is Song Hanyu
18.28 Hello, Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 My grandma lied to you just now.
18.28 Actually
18.28 I don&;t have a house or a car
18.28 And then?
18.28 I only have 1,000 dollars in savings.
18.28 If you don&;t give me the money.
18.28 I&;ll marry you off to a greasy old man.
18.28 I think that one.
18.28 Liu Dashan is not bad.
18.28 Although he&;s 50 years old.
18.28 He should give you a good dowry.
18.28 He&;s so handsome.
18.28 Every day I look at him, I feel better.
18.28 He&;s much better than Liu Dashan.
18.28 It doesn&;t matter.
18.28 I can earn my own money
18.28 Miss
18.28 That means you&;ve agreed to marry my grandson.
18.28 You promise to marry my grandson?
18.28 Yes, I do.
18.28 HBJ ZH I didn&;t realize
18.28 H, I got married to a guy I just met an hour ago.
18.28 I married a man I just met an hour ago.
18.28 I&;ll be honest with you.
18.28 I can&;t afford a wedding.
18.28 I don&;t have money for a wedding.
18.28 I&;m sure I won&;t be able to convince my family.
18.28 How can that be?
18.28 We have to have a wedding.
18.28 You&;re really a money-grubber.
18.28 Ting!
18.28 You&;re showing your true colors.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 Leave the wedding to me.
18.28 I won&;t let you suffer.
18.28 Xingruo.
18.28 I didn&;t expect you
18.28 You&;re getting married so soon?
18.28 Yeah, me neither.
18.28 Elsinore. The three
18.28 gold colors.
18.28 Why
18.28 are they so strange?
18.28 They&;re fake
18.28 .
18.28 husband&;s name?
18.28 What does he do?
18.28 How dare he give you a fake Sangin?
18.28 I prepared it myself
18.28 My husband&;s name is Song Hanyu
18.28 Song Hanyu?
18.28 Is he the one who
18.28 Longchuan Group?
18.28 Song Hanyu, the billionaire CEO
18.28 What CEO?
18.28 My husband is just an ordinary guy.
18.28 He doesn&;t even have any savings
18.28 He&;s also
18.28 How can a billionaire CEO be so cold?
18.28 And your wedding dress is so plain.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Why don&;t you think about it?
18.28 It has nothing to do with him .
18.28 I just want to show it to my parents.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 We&;ve already received
18.28 Liu Dashan&;s dowry money.
18.28 How dare you secretly get a marriage license?
18.28 Liu Dashan is 50 years old.
18.28 If we get married.
18.28 Will he call you Dad ?
18.28 Or your brother?
18.28 You? – No.
18.28 It&;s not you.
18.28 You unfilial daughter.
18.28 I&;m ordering you.
18.28 Cancel the wedding.
18.28 Call it off!
18.28 You&;re shameless!
18.28 Today is my wedding day.
18.28 If you want to eat
18.28 I&; ll welcome it.
18.28 But if you want to make trouble
18.28 Then come on.
18.28 What are you doing?
18.28 Look at the daughter you&;ve raised.
18.28 You&;re pissing me off!
18.28 Don&;t be mad at me, mom.
18.28 I&;ll get someone to make trouble.
18.28 I&;ll make them
18.28 I&;ll make it impossible for them to get married.
18.28 This is the bank manager.
18.28 Dragon, A-88888 just sent over some gold bars.
18.28 And the real estate certificates of 30 villas in the
18.28 And the real estate certificates of 30 villas in the eastern suburbs. Give
18.28 them to Starry.
18.28 Grandma.
18.28 You&;re filling up the box.
18.28 Starry is frugal.
18.28 Let&;s do the wedding the way she wants.
18.28 The Song family is so big .
18.28 We can&;t afford to lose the bride price.
18.28 Grandma.
18.28 Don&;t take the box down yet.
18.28 Why not?
18.28 If we give it to her now.
18.28 We&;ll have a harder time testing her character.
18.28 Listen to me first
18.28 First , don&;t lose the money.
18.28 Okay, then.
18.28 If you pass the test
18.28 You must treat her well.
18.28 Don&;t worry, Grandma.
18.28 The wedding will start soon.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 Boss.
18.28 So you&;re not looking for that girl?
18.28 Yes.
18.28 Now Grandma&;s got her eye on Starry Night.
18.28 When I catch her in the act.
18.28 I&;ll convince grandma
18.28 I&;ll convince her to divorce her.
18.28 Yes, ma&;am.
18.28 Will the bride and groom please exchange the rings?
18.28 Where&;s the cigarettes?
18.28 Where&;s the wine?
18.28 There&;s no Moutai or Huazi.
18.28 It&;s a shame.
18.28 This wedding
18.28 Bride and groom
18.28 Come down to make a toast, ten
18.28 What&;s wrong with the rules?
18.28 Who&;s at this table?
18.28 They&;re so rude.
18.28 I don&;t recognize them
18.28 They must be from the man&;s side
18.28 Those people over there?
18.28 Are they relatives of Xingruo&;s family?
18.28 I&;m sure they are.
18.28 We&;re from a prestigious family.
18.28 We don&;t have such relatives.
18.28 They&;re all guests here.
18.28 Go over and treat them well.
18.28 The groom is a good-looking man.
18.28 He must be from a good family.
18.28 How much did the bride ask for?
18.28 Isn&;t that the groom&;s dowry on the table?
18.28 Guys, come and see.
18.28 This is the bridegroom&;s gift.
18.28 The color is like a child&;s toy.
18.28 They&;re all fake.
18.28 You can&;t marry without a dowry?
18.28 Why don&;t you marry that stupid boy of mine?
18.28 He&;s richer than this white boy.
18.28 With a dowry.
18.28 Our Song family
18.28 We&;ve prepared a billion dollars .
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 One billion.
18.28 She&;s using fake gold to pass off as a dowry.
18.28 She&;s a vain person.
18.28 We can&;t pay the dowry.
18.28 Then what do you want to do?
18.28 After tonight.
18.28 Then we&;ll leave.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Your husband doesn&;t know how to defend his wife
18.28 Your husband doesn&;t know how to defend his wife in front of his relatives.
18.28 He&;s not a good man.
18.28 Anyway, we got married to
18.28 To cope with my parents.
18.28 Let&;s finish the process today .
18.28 I&;ll get a divorce as soon as I get back.
18.28 Where&;s the money?
18.28 Where&;s the billions?
18.28 Show it to me.
18.28 My grandma is old.
18.28 She loves to brag.
18.28 Those?
18.28 They&;re all junk.
18.28 We&;re all guests here
18.28 I&;m sorry I didn&;t serve you well.
18.28 Let&;s drink first.
18.28 Where are the bridesmaids?
18.28 Don&;t hide in the back.
18.28 Come and have a drink with us.
18.28 My friend doesn&;t drink.
18.28 Why would she be a bridesmaid if she can&;t drink?
18.28 She&;s not going to bring bad luck to the wedding.
18.28 You&;re adding to the bad luck of the wedding, right?
18.28 She doesn&;t know how to drink.
18.28 She&;ll be waiting for a man , won&;t she?
18.28 You&;re right.
18.28 Isn&;t this bridesmaid just for fun?
18.28 What are you doing?
18.28 Touching the maid of honor at the wedding.
18.28 It&;s a traditional custom.
18.28 Touching the bridesmaids?
18.28 She&;ll be married off early .
18.28 What kind of custom is that?
18.28 How come I don&;t know?
18.28 Xingruo.
18.28 This is a rule left by our ancestors.
18.28 You can&;t break it here.
18.28 It&;s broken.
18.28 Is there such a thing?
18.28 I&;ve never heard of it.
18.28 Why are you asking me?
18.28 It&;s not like it&;s from my ancestors.
18.28 There were no such rules at my wedding.
18.28 Anyone touches my friends.
18.28 I&;ll kill him.
18.28 I touched my friend today.
18.28 Brothers.
18.28 Let&;s touch them together
18.28 Okay
18.28 You go first, you go first
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 I don&;t want to give you face anymore.
18.28 How dare you hit me?
18.28 You&;re the one who hit me
18.28 Disrespecting women
18.28 Marriage in public
18.28 Violating public order and morals
18.28 I&;ll beat up people like you every time I see them
18.28 So flashy
18.28 Chanyuu!
18.28 Look at Xingruo&;s skill
18.28 Do you want to divorce her?
18.28 Do you want to reconsider?
18.28 Call someone.
18.28 Kill this bitch!
18.28 The video of you harassing the bridesmaids.
18.28 I&;ve already recorded it.
18.28 Do you believe me?
18.28 I&;ll put you in jail!
18.28 You didn&;t even move.
18.28 You&;ve all been beaten up.
18.28 She&;s the one who&;s going in.
18.28 Starry, are you okay?
18.28 Starry is a hero.
18.28 If the video is posted on the internet.
18.28 If the video is posted on the internet, you abusers will be cursed to death.
18.28 Your family will never get a wife.
18.28 Aren&;t they your relatives?
18.28 Is it really okay for you to do this?
18.28 Who has such wicked relatives?
18.28 Aren&; t they your relatives?
18.28 I don&;t even know them
18.28 Boss, my family has three children.
18.28 Have not married a wife
18.28 Grab his cell phone for me
18.28 Let&;s see how he&;ll post it on the internet.
18.28 Boss!
18.28 Boss!
18.28 What&;s this?
18.28 What the hell is going on here?
18.28 Look at this.
18.28 So much gold
18.28 And the real estate license
18.28 This
18.28 This poor couple
18.28 How can they have all these things?
18.28 They must be fakes.
18.28 These are the bride price for Xingruo.
18.28 Our Song family is not so downtrodden
18.28 We&;re not so downtrodden as to use fake things to make up for it.
18.28 We&;ve even got an actor.
18.28 It&;s at least 50 a day.
18.28 Not to mention the fake gold for the wedding.
18.28 This bodyguard even got someone to play the door.
18.28 Actors?
18.28 These bodyguards are
18.28 Just retired from the army.
18.28 Give me a beat.
18.28 This gold is real.
18.28 "This groom is a big shot.
18.28 He has so many bodyguards and property.
18.28 What should we do?
18.28 We&;ve kicked a steel plate.
18.28 We&;d better run.
18.28 Run, brothers!
18.28 Boss, what should we do with these people?
18.28 Let the bodyguards practice first.
18.28 Then we&;ll take care of them.
18.28 Catch them
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Who the hell are you?
18.28 Just tell me the truth
18.28 Xingruo!
18.28 Han Yu
18.28 It&;s true
18.28 I&;m actually
18.28 Just like you
18.28 We are all
18.28 Laborers
18.28 Then they
18.28 They say this gold is real
18.28 It&;s all fake
18.28 This one?
18.28 It&;s the one I got at the
18.28 Yiwu Commodity Market
18.28 In order to make it look real
18.28 I painted it again overnight
18.28 Yes, that&;s right.
18.28 I dyed it again
18.28 Look at this
18.28 The color and weight.
18.28 It doesn&;t look fake
18.28 What about the real estate license?
18.28 Look at the real estate license.
18.28 I bought it at a 2 -dollar store
18.28 The boss said buy one box and get 10% off.
18.28 If you like it.
18.28 There&;s more at home.
18.28 Where&;s the bodyguard?
18.28 They call you "Boss"?
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 Did you see the leader?
18.28 That&;s my good friend.
18.28 His family is super rich
18.28 He&;s the one who hired the bodyguards
18.28 So you&;re doing a good job.
18.28 You have to be.
18.28 Acting must be professional
18.28 You can&;t let your mother&;s family
18.28 You can&;t let your mother&;s family look down on you , right?
18.28 This wedding banquet has become such a mess.
18.28 We can&;t go on like this.
18.28 Wait for me
18.28 I&;m going to change my clothes
18.28 Then you come home with me.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Wait a minute.
18.28 He&;s staying in your rented room.
18.28 That&;s why he&;s staying with me.
18.28 I&;ve seen Voldemort.
18.28 I&;ve never seen Voldemort.
18.28 The wild vegetables in Wang Bao&;s house.
18.28 You&;ve dug up all the wild vegetables in Wang Bao&;s house, haven&;t you ?
18.28 You&;re a deadbeat.
18.28 You&;re still lying to me.
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 Don&;t be angry.
18.28 Human nature is unpredictable.
18.28 We have to try again.
18.28 If we don&;t, we&;ll get rid of them.
18.28 Starry is so nice.
18.28 You&;d better make it work.
18.28 I know what&;s going on.
18.28 Prize, Longchuan Stadium, Longchuan Strike Athletic Competition.
18.28 Shen Xingruo: Classmate, this is a special award, Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You&;ve won a lot of awards.
18.28 Yes, it&;s a bit of a mess.
18.28 I&;ll send it to the house later.
18.28 Longchuan City Boxing Champion
18.28 You&;re a good fighter.
18.28 If you want to learn, I can teach you.
18.28 For the sake of the relationship between husband and wife
18.28 I can give you a 50% discount.
18.28 I got my 9th degree black belt when I was 18.
18.28 I don&;t need to learn
18.28 Since we&;re husband and wife
18.28 Why do we still have to pay?
18.28 Brothers in arms have to keep their accounts straight.
18.28 That depends on how good you are at fighting.
18.28 You want to give it a try?
18.28 Come on.
18.28 This is what you want to try.
18.28 I&;m not talking about this.
18.28 Hooligans?
18.28 No, I&;m not.
18.28 This is my first kiss.
18.28 You&;re the rascal.
18.28 I didn&;t realize.
18.28 It&;s his first time.
18.28 It&;s your first time.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 I&;ll be responsible for you.
18.28 Hey, Starla.
18.28 Starry is coming to our reunion tomorrow.
18.28 I saw the notice.
18.28 You have to bring a family member.
18.28 I see.
18.28 I&;ll be at the Ryukawa Hotel tomorrow.
18.28 I&;m at the Ryukawa Hotel tomorrow.
18.28 I&;m having a college reunion tomorrow at the Ryukawa Hotel.
18.28 Can you come with me?
18.28 I can&;t make it.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 Why don&;t you mind your own business first?
18.28 I can go by myself.
18.28 Boss.
18.28 It&;s 3:00 in the morning.
18.28 Do you have something to do?
18.28 Change your schedule.
18.28 Report to Ryukawa Hotel.
18.28 Boss.
18.28 You changed your workplace?
18.28 Is it for your wife?
18.28 It&;s your business.
18.28 Don&;t gossip.
18.28 Isn&;t this the schoolgirl, Xingruo?
18.28 Zhou Peng is with Jiao Jiao.
18.28 Why do you still have the nerve to come here?
18.28 I&;m not the one who cheated on her.
18.28 Why wouldn&;t I dare to come?
18.28 What&;s more?
18.28 I&;m the one who killed you, right?
18.28 You
18.28 Guochao
18.28 She confessed to you at that time
18.28 It&;s a good thing you two weren&;t together.
18.28 This kind of woman
18.28 She&;s a real pain in the ass.
18.28 Let bygones be bygones.
18.28 Don&;t embarrass Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You &;re not thinking of your boyfriend again.
18.28 You&;re thinking of your god again, aren&;t you?
18.28 No, I&;m not.
18.28 Guochao.
18.28 I don&;t think
18.28 I didn&;t confess my love to you, did I?
18.28 What happened to you at school back then?
18.28 Who doesn&;t know?
18.28 Besides, our God of Boys
18.28 Now he&;s the manager of Longyi Group.
18.28 He&;s the manager of the Longyi Group.
18.28 You&;re out of your league.
18.28 He&;s the world&;s No. 1
18.28 With half of the world&;s wealth.
18.28 Ryukawa Group.
18.28 God.
18.28 Then your annual salary
18.28 Must be at least tens of millions of dollars.
18.28 You&;re still on the rise.
18.28 I have an appointment today
18.28 I&;m meeting with the CEO of Longchuan Group .
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 What are you doing here?
18.28 Go check which box Starry is in.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 You still won&;t admit it&;s for Madam?
18.28 What are you talking about?
18.28 Hurry up and go.
18.28 Yes, yes, yes.
18.28 With the status of the Godfather.
18.28 Some people still dare to think of him.
18.28 They really don&;t know what they&;re doing.
18.28 She didn&;t mean it.
18.28 She&;s married.
18.28 She just broke up with me.
18.28 And now she&;s married.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I really underestimated you.
18.28 With her behavior.
18.28 She must have found a husband
18.28 An ugly, poor loser.
18.28 My husband is fine.
18.28 I don&;t need you to judge him
18.28 Jiajia
18.28 Jiajia, didn&;t you marry a billionaire
18.28 You married a billionaire
18.28 Real estate boss with hundreds of millions of dollars?
18.28 Why don&;t you introduce me to Xingruo?
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I&;ll introduce you to my husband&;s
18.28 I&;d like to introduce you to my husband&;s cleaning supervisor.
18.28 He&;s over 50 years old.
18.28 But he earns over 100,000 dollars a year.
18.28 He&;s a hundred times better than your husband.
18.28 Don&;t worry about him.
18.28 My husband is very good
18.28 Yes, Mr. Lee.
18.28 What&;s the matter?
18.28 The president asked me to report to the V8 private room.
18.28 Maybe I&;ll get a promotion after this.
18.28 Mr. God
18.28 Can you show us around?
18.28 We haven&;t seen
18.28 We haven&;t seen what a world-class tycoon looks like.
18.28 Yes, Mr. God.
18.28 Why don&;t you take us with you?
18.28 Then you guys keep quiet.
18.28 Don&;t talk nonsense.
18.28 You guys go ahead.
18.28 I&;m not going.
18.28 I&;m not going to join you.
18.28 Shen Xingruo, when you see a rich man.
18.28 You&;ll be shaking in your boots when you see a rich man.
18.28 You&;re born poor .
18.28 Xu Jiajia, what are you talking about?
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 We&;re not afraid.
18.28 Mr. President.
18.28 President Longchuan sales department manager
18.28 Ren Guochao, reporting to you.
18.28 Worthy of being the president of the Longchuan Group.
18.28 This temperament is too handsome
18.28 I&;m honored to meet
18.28 I&;m lucky to meet a rich man of this caliber.
18.28 It would be nice to be in his company.
18.28 The back of this man looks so familiar.
18.28 Hubby
18.28 Why are you here?
18.28 Hubby
18.28 Hubby, you!
18.28 Shen Xingruo, you&;re crazy about men.
18.28 Are you?
18.28 You call everyone your husband?
18.28 She&;s the president.
18.28 She&;s a woman who&;s as good as a husband.
18.28 If I&;ve offended you.
18.28 I&;ll apologize on her behalf.
18.28 Who said anything about offense?
18.28 She didn&;t yell.
18.28 I&;m her husband.
18.28 That&;s impossible.
18.28 Shen Xingruo&;s fiancé.
18.28 How can that be?
18.28 The billionaire president of the Longchuan Group?
18.28 That&;s impossible.
18.28 It&;s absolutely impossible.
18.28 How could Shen Xingruo
18.28 How can she be with
18.28 Longchuan Group&;s CEO?
18.28 Haven&;t you seen him before?
18.28 Take a look.
18.28 I&;ve blown my cover.
18.28 How do I know what the CEO looks like?
18.28 What does he look like?
18.28 It&;s the first time I&;ve seen him today .
18.28 What&;s wrong with you?
18.28 Didn&;t you say you don&;t have a car or a house?
18.28 No savings?
18.28 Why are you still the president of Ryukawa?
18.28 Oh, no.
18.28 Not ah
18.28 I&;m not the one you&;re talking about.
18.28 What president ah
18.28 I heard that my wife
18.28 Attended a class reunion
18.28 I was waiting for her in the next box
18.28 I was waiting for her
18.28 That&;s right, that&;s right, I told you
18.28 I&;ve seen our CEO more than once
18.28 With that kind of demeanor.
18.28 He still wants to pretend to be the president of Longchuan.
18.28 I told you.
18.28 The president of Longchuan Group.
18.28 How could he be interested in
18.28 Shen Xingruo, a man-child?
18.28 Unless he&;s blind.
18.28 See, I told you.
18.28 How can he pretend to be the CEO of Longchuan?
18.28 Our CEO just sent me a message.
18.28 I&;m afraid he can&;t make it today.
18.28 Ah!
18.28 I can&;t believe we missed
18.28 Mr. Ryukawa&;s meeting.
18.28 That&;s a shame.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 This is your poor husband.
18.28 He&;s not a pauper
18.28 This is my husband, Song Hanyu.
18.28 Watch your language.
18.28 I think our CEO&;s name is
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Episode 12
18.28 What a different name for a different life!
18.28 One is a billionaire CEO
18.28 And the other is a poor worker.
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 You&;ve got bad taste, don&;t you?
18.28 He&;s not in the same league as us.
18.28 He&;s not in the same league as us?
18.28 You and your husband are wearing this
18.28 You and your husband are wearing this .
18.28 I wouldn&;t dare
18.28 I wouldn&;t be ashamed to wear it.
18.28 It seems that this reunion
18.28 It&;s a special event to humiliate Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Since you don&;t welcome us.
18.28 We don&;t have to stay here.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 We&;re all here. Have a seat.
18.28 Rich or poor?
18.28 We&;re all classmates
18.28 I&;ll be the host
18.28 Let&;s eat here
18.28 Sit down, don&;t be polite
18.28 Our God of Man is so generous.
18.28 God of Man will order the food later.
18.28 Order more good food.
18.28 Let the poor couple see the world.
18.28 Look at Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I&;m afraid she hasn&;t even smelled the Australian lobster
18.28 You&;ve never even smelled it, right?
18.28 I&;m sorry
18.28 For letting you and I attend
18.28 This fake class reunion
18.28 It&;s okay .
18.28 It&;ll be fun to watch these people
18.28 It&;ll be fun to watch them fall from grace.
18.28 Hello, honored customers.
18.28 Who&;s the guest of honor?
18.28 I&;d like to take your order
18.28 Let Guochao and Jiajia do it
18.28 This is a five-star hotel
18.28 They must come here often
18.28 Where? Where?
18.28 Only five times a week
18.28 Waiter
18.28 Give me the menu.
18.28 Why is it all in English?
18.28 Let&;s have one of these.
18.28 Excuse me, Mr. ci ft We
18.28 Excuse me, sir.
18.28 This is the address of our restaurant.
18.28 I&;m just kidding.
18.28 Then come here.
18.28 That&;s our chef&;s name.
18.28 What&;s the point of putting his name on the menu?
18.28 Isn&;t that misleading?
18.28 What&;s so hard about ordering?
18.28 Let me see.
18.28 What&;s this restaurant doing?
18.28 What kind of foreigner stuff?
18.28 I don&;t understand it.
18.28 Miss, have you made your choice?
18.28 Why don&;t we let Shen Xingruo&;s husband
18.28 This poor guy will make a fool of himself.
18.28 I&;m tired of hearing this.
18.28 Oh, you give that man the menu.
18.28 Let him order.
18.28 No, no, no, no.
18.28 This poor guy probably
18.28 Did not even go to college
18.28 How can he know
18.28 Professional English
18.28 For dessert
18.28 FOOD CONTAIN caviar
18.28 Caviar. Caviar.
18.28 chocolate pudding
18.28 the main dish crab
18.28 FOOD CONTAIN the main dish crab
18.28 must be flown from
18.28 New Zealand
18.28 and the beef must be at least A5
18.28 FOOD CONTAIN thank you
18.28 Thank you.
Yes, sir.
18.28 Looks like Starla&;s husband
18.28 Has done a lot of work in advance
18.28 He did a lot of work in advance
18.28 Since he&;s doing so well.
18.28 Why don&;t you buy us a drink?
18.28 You even picked it.
18.28 I&;ve ordered everything.
18.28 And you want to drink?
18.28 You haven&;t seen the world, have you?
18.28 That&;s right, Mr. God.
18.28 Show us the world.
18.28 Otherwise, right?
18.28 I don&;t think it&;s right to be a god.
18.28 No problem.
18.28 This is the Ryukawa Group&;s hotel.
18.28 I still have some face.
18.28 What would you like to drink ?
18.28 Well, I think
18.28 Romantic.
18.28 This vintage?
18.28 It must be at least 50 years old.
18.28 To be worthy of our man.
18.28 Right?
You and Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You and Shen Xingru should take this opportunity to have a good meal.
18.28 If you say so.
18.28 The God of Man has already paid for the banquet.
18.28 For the banquet.
18.28 You buy it.
18.28 After all, you have a
18.28 Real estate tycoon&;s husband.
18.28 Right?
18.28 I&;ll buy it.
18.28 How much money can you get for just one meal ?
18.28 Ladies and gentlemen
18.28 The food is ready, please enjoy your meal
18.28 Jiajia, this bag of yours
18.28 It&;s Hermes.
18.28 The necklace is from Bulgari.
18.28 This necklace of mine
18.28 It&;s Bulgari&;s newest model.
18.28 There are only 5 of them in the world.
18.28 The one I &;m holding.
18.28 It&;s one of them.
18.28 They&;re about to start the show again.
18.28 Jiajia, you&;re so lucky.
18.28 You can afford to wear such an expensive necklace.
18.28 Some people
18.28 They can only see it on their cell phones.
18.28 Why don&;t I take it off and show you?
18.28 It&;s nothing special
18.28 The designer said.
18.28 Only those who are born to be noble
18.28 Only those who are born to be noble can understand this jewelry.
18.28 You&;re just saying "sour grapes" when you can&;t eat them.
18.28 Aigoo!
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Do you know what this is?
18.28 This is Hermes.
18.28 It costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.
18.28 Jia Jia.
18.28 Check the wine.
18.28 Is it seeping through?
18.28 This leather is very expensive.
18.28 Where&;s my necklace?
18.28 Didn&;t you just
18.28 You just opened it for Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You&;ve seen the world, haven&;t you?
18.28 Shen Xingruo must have stolen it.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You returned Jiajia&;s necklace and bag.
18.28 First of all, I didn&;t touch your necklace.
18.28 That has nothing to do with stealing.
18.28 And secondly.
18.28 You walked over to me.
18.28 You bumped into it
18.28 I had nothing to do with your bag getting spilled on.
18.28 It has nothing to do with me.
18.28 You&;re still trying to talk your way out of this, aren&;t you?
18.28 Do you know how much these two things
18.28 How expensive they are?
18.28 You can&;t even pay them back if you work all your life.
18.28 You&;re framing people.
18.28 You have to prove it, right?
18.28 Did you steal them?
18.28 Check Shen Xingruo&;s bag.
18.28 We&;ll know.
18.28 Did you hear that?
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 The godfather has spoken.
18.28 Take out your bag and look through it.
18.28 You&;re going through someone&;s bag without their permission.
18.28 Going through someone else&;s bag without their permission.
18.28 It&;s illegal.
18.28 I think she&;s the one who stole it.
18.28 Why else would she be afraid to open it?
18.28 I don&; t care what laws and regulations you have.
18.28 My stuff is gone.
18.28 I&;m going to turn it over.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 So you did steal the necklace.
18.28 I told you.
18.28 She stole it.
18.28 She&;s just jealous.
18.28 I&;m not jealous .
18.28 Looks like these guys
18.28 They won&;t let Shen Xingruo go.
18.28 Get your dirty hands off me!
18.28 You&;re a tough guy.
18.28 I should&;ve gotten rid of you earlier.
18.28 I should have parted ways with a woman of your character
18.28 I should&;ve parted ways with a woman of your character.
18.28 It&;s disgusting.
18.28 Who are you to criticize my wife?
18.28 Watch your mouth!
18.28 You&;re defending her, aren&;t you?
18.28 You&;re a poor couple.
18.28 You just want to sell my necklace.
18.28 Right?
18.28 Thief!
18.28 Everyone, check your own
18.28 If you&;ve lost any of your luxury items.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I didn&;t realize you were such a person.
18.28 I was right not to agree to you in the first place
18.28 Compensate me
18.28 Kneel down.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 How does it feel to be hated by your god?
18.28 Who cares about him?
18.28 He was the one who chased me back then.
18.28 I punched him in the face.
18.28 As for your necklace.
18.28 How did it get into my bag?
18.28 I don&;t know.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 It&;s because of your illicit life.
18.28 I didn&;t agree to your advances.
18.28 Now you&;re trying to save your honor.
18.28 So you&;re saying I&;m stalking you?
18.28 That&;s the kind of person she is.
18.28 If she doesn&;t get what she wants.
18.28 She&;ll accuse others.
18.28 And now she&;s backstabbing me.
18.28 At the beginning of the reunion.
18.28 You dragged them to the base to force them to do something.
18.28 Who else could it be?
18.28 Shen Xingruo&;s private life was a mess.
18.28 She&;s slept with tons of men in her life.
18.28 You&;re such a loser!
18.28 Do you still want her?
18.28 He won&;t get the wrong idea about me, will he?
18.28 Cold Island
18.28 You have to do things one by one
18.28 Since you have such a big problem with my wife
18.28 If you have such a big problem with my wife
18.28 Then as a husband
18.28 I must of course defend my wife
18.28 I have to make things right for my wife .
18.28 I&;ve heard about that incident
18.28 Just in time.
18.28 The witness back then
18.28 I&;m invited to the scene today
18.28 You&;re not one of our classmates
18.28 How do you know what happened back then?
18.28 Those things
18.28 As my wife&;s husband
18.28 Of course I have to know everything about her
18.28 Hey!
18.28 This is really our next class
18.28 Classmates ah
18.28 The next class, don&;t
18.28 You &;d better get out of here.
18.28 You&;d better go out.
18.28 Hey, wait until he&;s finished.
18.28 It&;s not too late.
18.28 He&;s the one with a messy personal life.
18.28 Episode 16
18.28 You&;re lying.
18.28 There have been many girls
18.28 On the Internet.
18.28 You can open your cell phone and search.
18.28 Yongchon schoolboy incident
18.28 Longchuan schoolboy group photo
18.28 Repeatedly cheated several girls
18.28 feelings and money
18.28 Cheese Answer – 2021-11-01 Cumulative amount reaches millions, Reasoning schoolchildren incident, Keio schoolchildren incident, Zhang Wei schoolchildren incident , school bus incident, Episode 007 schoolchildren deaths, sanitation festival, who is Li schoolchildren
18.28 He was in love with 5 girls at the same time.
18.28 The total number of victims is now 30.
18.28 I didn&;t realize he was such a trash.
18.28 Back then, he was the one who was begging for his life.
18.28 He confessed to Shen Xingruo
18.28 I just watched from the corner.
18.28 Shen Xingruo was just a victim.
18.28 If she didn&;t know how to box.
18.28 She would have been harassed by him even more.
18.28 You&;re lying.
18.28 I&;m so handsome.
18.28 How can I be rejected?
18.28 Boss.
18.28 That&;s not handsome, that&;s oil.
18.28 My hair
18.28 It&;s a real eye-opener for Dagger&;s ass.
18.28 I didn&;t realize that Kokusai was so good -looking.
18.28 In my opinion
18.28 You&;re not a good person.
18.28 Do not deserve to stay
18.28 Longchuan Group.
18.28 What are you?
18.28 You can&;t just fire me.
18.28 Even if I were bald.
18.28 I&;m still richer than a poor man like you.
18.28 You&;re only good enough to lick my shoes.
18.28 You&;re fired.
18.28 The director called me.
18.28 He must be giving me a promotion.
18.28 It&;s hard to fire me.
18.28 Hello, Mr. Director?
18.28 Tell me what&;s going on.
18.28 You &;re fired.
18.28 Longchuan group never hire
18.28 Mr. Song
18.28 You help to personnel to beg for mercy
18.28 Think of a way
18.28 Please.
18.28 Do not act more righteousness will die by itself.
18.28 You this kind of scum
18.28 You don&;t deserve to be in Longchuan Group
18.28 Who the hell is Song Hanyu?
18.28 Even if you haven&;t pursued Guochao
18.28 But you still have to
18.28 Pay for my necklace and bag
18.28 Didn&;t you find the necklace?
18.28 Why are you still holding out on us?
18.28 Xingruo won&;t let go.
18.28 The jewel necklace has been tarnished by her dirty hands.
18.28 By her dirty hands.
18.28 Its value has been halved.
18.28 So you have to give me a new one.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 Both the necklace and the bag
18.28 Shen Xingruo broke.
18.28 She has to pay for them.
18.28 Fine.
18.28 I&;ll buy it for my wife.
18.28 It&;s all yours.
18.28 You transfer 50 million dollars to me first.
18.28 You&;re just like that.
18.28 You can&;t afford it even if you max out 10,000 credit cards
18.28 You can&; t even afford it
18.28 Alipay has $2 in its account
18.28 2 dollars, you man!
18.28 Are you kidding me?
18.28 This bag and that necklace
18.28 It&;s a fake.
18.28 Give you 2 yuan
18.28 No more
18.28 I have the real thing here.
18.28 Do you know what you&;re doing?
18.28 Poor people like him
18.28 How could he have ever seen
18.28 Real luxury goods
18.28 I&;m afraid he&;s never even touched one
18.28 You want to use two dollars to buy
18.28 He&;s got tens of millions of dollars
18.28 You two are really shameless
18.28 You&;re really shameless
18.28 You may not know
18.28 My wife
18.28 She&;s tired of wearing luxury goods
18.28 So today
18.28 She changed her style
18.28 She&;s wearing something especially plain.
18.28 Oh yes
18.28 And this bag
18.28 And that necklace
18.28 I bought the same one.
18.28 Let&;s take a look later.
18.28 Who is real and who is fake
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 This is the customized necklace you made for Ms. Shen.
18.28 Bulgari necklace
18.28 And Hermes bag.
18.28 Put it there.
18.28 This is real.
18.28 Of course it&;s real.
18.28 I&;m the manager of the store.
18.28 The bag and necklace are
18.28 I just brought them from the store.
18.28 I just asked
18.28 I just asked my friend who works at the luxury counter
18.28 She said they&;re real
18.28 Then Jiajia&;s is not fake?
18.28 You don&;t have to ask
18.28 He&;s trying to blackmail Xingruo
18.28 He&;s trying to blackmail Starla
18.28 Why did you buy these?
18.28 Have to spend a lot of money
18.28 Mr. Song has so much money.
18.28 I wonder where he works.
18.28 He can fire Guochao.
18.28 Is he the Longchuan Group
18.28 Mysterious big brother?
18.28 Jiajia also said she married well
18.28 How dare you bring fake goods?
18.28 She insulted her classmates
18.28 She&;s the liar.
18.28 Shen Xingruo is married to a rich man.
18.28 Look at you.
18.28 You&;re useless.
18.28 Well, well, well.
18.28 I didn&;t realize I&;d put you away.
18.28 You&;re on the rich list so soon.
18.28 My husband is much richer than Shen Xingruo&;s husband.
18.28 He&;s much richer than Shen Xingruo&;s husband.
18.28 I was tricked by a buyer.
18.28 I bought these fake bags and necklaces.
18.28 Is the husband you&;re talking about
18.28 Is he yours?
18.28 I don&;t know yet.
18.28 What are you doing here?
18.28 Look what you&;ve done.
18.28 I&;m yelling for your husband.
18.28 Tell everyone about it
18.28 What&;s the relationship between you and Jiajia?
18.28 What is your relationship with Jiajia?
18.28 Mr. Song doesn&;t deserve to be called me.
18.28 This person
18.28 She&;s my money-grubbing girlfriend
18.28 Is Song Hanyu&;s real identity
18.28 He&;s a CEO He&;s been lying to me all along
18.28 You&;re actually a mistress
18.28 Pretending to be a celebrity in front of us
18.28 Good for you, Jiajia
18.28 A mistress showing off at a reunion?
18.28 You&;re such a weirdo!
18.28 Du Jiaojiao, you&;re also a mistress.
18.28 And Zhou Peng.
18.28 A cheating man
18.28 Who are you to talk about me?
18.28 My wife was bullied
18.28 How do we settle the score?
18.28 Your real estate company
18.28 It&;s easy to disappear
18.28 Mr. Song, please be generous.
18.28 I &;m splitting up with this guy.
18.28 Split up?
18.28 It&;s that simple.
18.28 My wife doesn&;t seem to have lost her temper.
18.28 I can still do it.
18.28 Kneel.
18.28 Forgive me, Mr. Song.
18.28 Have you lost your temper, ma&; am?
18.28 I&;m over it.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 We don&;t need to bother with this bunch of assholes.
18.28 Okay, let&;s go.
18.28 By the way, this woman seems to like money.
18.28 Don&;t leave her a penny.
18.28 Yes, Mr. Song
18.28 Mr. Song, aren&;t you a hobo?
18.28 How did you get rid of Guochao?
18.28 And that real estate boss
18.28 Why do they call you Mr. Song?
18.28 Mr. Song
18.28 Oh, you mean the real estate boss?
18.28 Oh, it&;s like this.
18.28 I have a friend named Li.
18.28 He works for
18.28 Longchuan Group.
18.28 His position
18.28 It&;s much higher than the country&;s super high
18.28 My real estate boss
18.28 Because of my old man Li
18.28 That&;s why he gave me a few favors
18.28 You&;re lying
18.28 You told me you only have 1,000 dollars in your card
18.28 You only have 1,000 dollars in your card.
18.28 How did you buy the bag and the necklace?
18.28 X, you bought this.
18.28 I bought it with my grandmother&;s money.
18.28 Then why don&;t you return it?
18.28 Who&;s that?
18.28 Hey, hey, hey!
18.28 What&;s wrong with you guys?
18.28 Old man.
18.28 When you asked me to make trouble
18.28 Why didn&;t you tell me that this woman
18.28 She&;s a kung fu master.
18.28 She&;s just a kung fu master.
18.28 Look what she did to me.
18.28 Is it possible to be a kung fu master?
18.28 That&;s our brother.
18.28 Almost got killed.
18.28 There&;s no way she alone
18.28 She&;s the only one who can beat you.
18.28 I&;m talking to you, Deng.
18.28 2, what&;s her husband&;s name?
18.28 He&;s just a poor kid without a house or a car.
18.28 I don&;t believe you.
18.28 He doesn&; t just have money.
18.28 He has bodyguards.
18.28 Gold bars all over the place.
18.28 And a real estate license.
18.28 How can he be a poor boy?
18.28 I&;ve never heard of him.
18.28 What&;s the big deal about him?
18.28 I&;m not talking about this.
18.28 Let&;s pay for the medical bills first.
18.28 It&;s not what we paid the other day.
18.28 .
18.28 I said you can&;t hear me, right?
18.28 Your sister beat us up.
18.28 What&;s wrong with paying the medical bills?
18.28 In addition to medical Mental expenses
18.28 damages, lost wages.
18.28 We haven&;t asked for it yet.
18.28 But we really don&;t have any money
18.28 But we really don&;t have any money, Lettuce.
18.28 I&;m telling you
18.28 If we don&;t get the money today
18.28 I&;ll let you
18.28 Fist taste
18.28 H aichi, you said that man has money.
18.28 He&;s my son-in-law.
18.28 I&;m going to ask him for money now.
18.28 Right, right, right.
18.28 He hasn&;t given us the dowry yet.
18.28 He hasn&;t given us the dowry yet. Lettuce, Tomato.
18.28 Bacon, ask him to come and we&;ll definitely give you Tomato.
18.28 Ask him for it and we&;ll give it to you.
18.28 We&;ll definitely give it to you.
18.28 I&;m telling you, you won&;t get the money.
18.28 Your family will wait for you.
18.28 Wait!
18.28 Brothers!
18.28 Get out!
18.28 I&;m coming.
18.28 Who are you looking for?
18.28 I&;m here for my daughter&;s house.
18.28 I&;m here at my daughter&;s.
18.28 Who do you think I&;m looking for?
18.28 Father-in-law.
18.28 Have a seat.
18.28 I&;ll get you a glass of water.
18.28 Who&;s your father-in-law?
18.28 You didn &;t even pay the bride price
18.28 How dare you call me father-in-law?
18.28 Father-in-law, don&;t be angry.
18.28 It was Xingruo who didn&;t want the dowry.
18.28 If she didn&;t want it, then you didn&;t give it.
18.28 The bride price is set by the parents.
18.28 The bride price was set by the parents.
18.28 It&;s to repay Raichi for all the years of parental support.
18.28 For all the years they&;ve raised you, chai-chai .
18.28 The vampire is here.
18.28 How much do you want?
18.28 Half a million dollars, right now.
18.28 500,000 dollars.
18.28 You&;re selling your daughter ah
18.28 Chai chi, hey.
18.28 Don&;t speak so harshly.
18.28 I worked hard to raise my daughter
18.28 I &;ve worked so hard to bring up my daughter.
18.28 What&;s wrong with a dowry?
18.28 I&;m already married to Xingruo.
18.28 Even if we don&;t pay the dowry.
18.28 We&;ll be fine.
18.28 I Chu, you want to be a white butterfly?
18.28 I&;ll sue you for abetting a marriage.
18.28 Your marriage license doesn&;t count.
18.28 That&;s not true.
18.28 Father-in-law.
18.28 Xingruo is an adult.
18.28 She&;s a capable adult
18.28 This is not abetting at all.
18.28 I don&;t care whether you instigate or not.
18.28 As long as you don&;t pay the bride price.
18.28 I won&;t recognize your marriage license
18.28 I&;ll do it
18.28 I promise you
18.28 How much do you want?
18.28 I&;ll give you the money now
18.28 You &;re a good boy.
18.28 Hello? – Yes.
18.28 Yeah, I need to borrow some money.
18.28 Half a million dollars.
18.28 Since you want to borrow money.
18.28 Why don&;t you ask for it all at once?
18.28 Let him and Shen Xingruo pay it back over time.
18.28 Wait a minute.
18.28 Listen, I&;ve been thinking.
18.28 We have a rule in the Shen family.
18.28 The bride price and the dowry are separate.
18.28 So you have to pay an extra one.
18.28 So what do you mean?
18.28 A million dollars.
18.28 No problem.
18.28 Raich?
18.28 Oh, yes.
18.28 Father-in- law, do you want to add more?
18.28 Raichi-h aichi.
18.28 And her brother.
18.28 Shen Jian&;s mortgage.
18.28 The rest has to be paid by his sister.
18.28 Shen Xingruo to pay it off.
18.28 H aichi, you have to pay more.
18.28 You have to pay more.
18.28 Haichi, borrow 2 million more.
18.28 Borrow 2 million more.
18.28 Okay.
18.28 No problem.
18.28 Oh, but h aichi.
18.28 I need you to register.
18.28 Your ID number.
18.28 Hey!
18.28 Why do you need my ID to borrow money?
18.28 That&;s not it.
18.28 I need face recognition.
18.28 Why don&;t you tell him?
18.28 B aichi.
18.28 Hello, sir.
18.28 Hello, sir.
18.28 Toman Loan Shark at your service.
18.28 How dare you try to borrow from me?
18.28 You&;re playing with me, chai chi.
18.28 I&;m just a poor boy
18.28 I have no money
18.28 Right?
18.28 Then I can only borrow loan sharks ah
18.28 Loan sharks are my best friends.
18.28 Didn&;t you say you have
18.28 Gold bars and a real estate license?
18.28 Oh, you mean that?
18.28 The gold bars?
18.28 The real estate license is fake.
18.28 What?
18.28 You are
18.28 You won&;t shed a tear until you see the coffin?
18.28 Don&;t hit him!
18.28 He&;s my husband.
18.28 What kind of husband is he if he doesn&; t pay the bride price?
18.28 You should divorce him today.
18.28 Have you ever cared about anything but money?
18.28 What else do you care about?
18.28 Dad! Dad! Dad!
18.28 Am I your real daughter or not?
18.28 Don&;t call me Dad!
18.28 Who raises a daughter?
18.28 You don&;t give your family 100,000 or 80,000 a month.
18.28 You&;re a money-loser!
18.28 I could raise a dog better than you
18.28 I&;m telling you.
18.28 Please get out of here.
18.28 Or I&;ll call the police.
18.28 How dare you?
18.28 I let you in for my wife&;s sake
18.28 I let you in
18.28 Now you dare to bully my wife
18.28 I&;ll sue you for extortion!
18.28 Trespassing
18.28 Wait for me!
18.28 I&;m sorry
18.28 I&;ve made you laugh.
18.28 It&;s all right. We all have our problems.
18.28 It&;s understandable.
18.28 My family has always favored sons over daughters.
18.28 Especially after mom died.
18.28 Auntie had a younger brother.
18.28 In modern times.
18.28 There are still remnants of this feudalism.
18.28 Do you know why I took up boxing?
18.28 Why?
18.28 When I was a kid, my dad made wine.
18.28 When he got drunk, he&;d beat people up.
18.28 My brother had an aunt to protect him.
18.28 And I had to be beaten up.
18.28 That&;s why you took up boxing.
18.28 So I wouldn&;t get hit.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 So that you won&;t be bullied when you grow up.
18.28 I&;ll take care of you.
18.28 I&;ll protect you
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 Chanyu.
18.28 How are you and Xingruo
18.28 How&;s it going?
18.28 Not bad, I guess.
18.28 Not good is not good.
18.28 What do you mean "okay"?
18.28 Consider it okay.
18.28 Give the phone to Mr. Lee
18.28 I want to ask for clarification
18.28 Oh, good
18.28 Mrs. Hello
18.28 Aiya, Mr. Li
18.28 Your boss recently
18.28 Have you given your wife
18.28 What gift?
18.28 Armani
18.28 Then he and his wife
18.28 Did he and madam go out somewhere?
18.28 (Last week.)
18.28 The food court.)
18.28 I&;d like to.
18.28 But I didn&;t have time.
18.28 I knew it.
18.28 He&;s just trying to get married for me.
18.28 He&;s not even trying to be true to himself.
18.28 To live with Starla.
18.28 What are you talking about?
18.28 I&;ll deduct your year-end bonus.
18.28 Boss.
18.28 I followed your words .
18.28 I followed your voice.
18.28 Here&;s the deal.
18.28 Grandma will come here today
18.28 To help your marriage
18.28 I&;m here to help your marriage.
18.28 Grandma, please stay at the old house.
18.28 I&;ll take care of my own business.
18.28 I can handle it myself.
18.28 At your level?
18.28 Hmph.
18.28 I don&;t think I&;ll have a grandchild for 10 years.
18.28 You don&;t have to, Grandma.
18.28 Either I come and help you.
18.28 Or you can make a call.
18.28 Tell Starry the truth .
18.28 It&;s your choice.
18.28 Okay.
18.28 I&;ll send a driver to pick you up.
18.28 Grandma.
18.28 What brings you here today?
18.28 You just got married.
18.28 I came to see how you&;re doing.
18.28 How are you doing?
18.28 You can&;t tell
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 and I
18.28 have
18.28 problems, right
18.28 ?
18.28 Aiya
18.28 !
18.28 River view villas?
18.28 There&;s no one else here.
18.28 You see?
18.28 You&;re addicted to pretending to be a rich man.
18.28 You&;ve been acting like a rich man, haven&;t you?
18.28 Xingruo.
18.28 Grandma&;s soup is almost ready.
18.28 Go and take a look.
18.28 Grandma, I told you.
18.28 You promised me.
18.28 You promised me you wouldn&;t say anything about this.
18.28 Hey, kid.
18.28 Grandma sees you two as a couple.
18.28 You&;ve had a hard life.
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 What kind of soup are you making?
18.28 It smells so good.
18.28 It&;s specially made for you, Grandma.
18.28 It&;s a 10-perfect tonic soup.
18.28 There&;s a lot of bullwhip in it.
18.28 It&;s a good tonic for Han Yu.
18.28 So that you two can be in harmony
18.28 Hubby, you should drink more
18.28 You should drink more too.
18.28 No, no, no
18.28 It&;s all yours.
18.28 Oh, it&;s okay.
18.28 Look at this.
18.28 Starry is so good to you.
18.28 Hurry up and finish it.
18.28 Serve your daughter-in- law well.
18.28 Aigoo.
18.28 It&;s late today.
18.28 I&;m not leaving.
18.28 Enjoy your meal.
18.28 Don&;t worry, Grandma.
18.28 I&;ve already packed the guest room.
18.28 You can just sleep there.
18.28 Okay.
18.28 You didn&;t give the guest room to Grandma.
18.28 Where am I going to stay?
18.28 You&;re sleeping with me, of course.
18.28 I&;ll sleep with you.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 I&;m not that hungry.
18.28 Grandma, what are you doing here?
18.28 To watch you two go to bed?
18.28 Grandma!
18.28 It&;s a little too private, isn&;t it?
18.28 Don&;t get me wrong.
18.28 I&;m glad you&;re in bed.
18.28 L/7 TLE, go to bed now and lie down, Bears .
18.28 Song Hanyu.
18.28 Can&;t you sleep?
18.28 The soup just now.
18.28 I drank too much of it.
18.28 Do you want the Bears?
18.28 Which one?
18.28 Just do some beats.
18.28 Activities that are good for your body and mind
18.28 This is the initiative to me
18.28 Invitation?
18.28 Turn on the light and do
18.28 BE A
Of course it&;s on.
18.28 Otherwise, how can I see it?
18.28 I have to watch it.
18.28 Do you want me to violate
18.28 My own principles
18.28 I can&;t bear it.
18.28 How can you let
18.28 A girl to take the initiative.
18.28 What are you doing with your pants off?
18.28 Ah this
18.28 I feel this pants belt
18.28 A little strangling
18.28 Then let&;s hurry up and practice.
18.28 Originally this kind of activity
18.28 I can&;t do it.
18.28 I have no energy.
18.28 Hey, this is what you want to do.
18.28 Hold on a little longer.
18.28 You&;re a young man, aren&;t you?
18.28 So intense.
18.28 Looks like I&;ll have a grandchild this year.
18.28 I&;ll have a grandchild this year .
18.28 Grandma, why don&;t you stay a few more days?
18.28 No, I can&;t
18.28 Mr. Li.
18.28 Thank you for driving Grandma
18.28 Ah old
18.28 Old Song
18.28 We&;re on the same page.
18.28 Your grandma is my grandma
18.28 You don&;t have to be polite to me.
18.28 As long as you are well.
18.28 I&;m relieved.
18.28 Keep up the good work from yesterday.
18.28 Hey, kid.
18.28 This is for you.
18.28 Grandma, this is for you.
18.28 It&;s a Song family heirloom.
18.28 It was passed down from Grandma&;s grandmother.
18.28 Grandma, it&;s too valuable.
18.28 I can&;t take it
18.28 You and Han Yu are married
18.28 You&;re the mistress of the Song family.
18.28 You should keep this bracelet.
18.28 Grandma, I&;ll take it as a token of my appreciation.
18.28 This bracelet is too valuable.
18.28 I can&; t take it.
18.28 My child.
18.28 You&;ll have to give this bracelet
18.28 You&;ll have to give it to your child.
18.28 Consider it
18.28 Keep it for your child.
18.28 It&;s okay.
18.28 Keep it if Grandma tells you to.
18.28 Han Yu has spoken.
18.28 Just keep it.
18.28 Grandma was so nice to me
18.28 But I lied to her
18.28 I&;ll keep it for now
18.28 I&;ll return it to Song Hanyu later.
18.28 Let&;s go, Grandma
18.28 I&;ll open the door for you
18.28 Boss you didn&;t stop
18.28 The old lady gave me an ancestral bracelet
18.28 Are you interested in Ms. Shen?
18.28 Shut up!
18.28 All right, come on.
18.28 All of you, come to my place for a meeting.
18.28 Come on, let&;s go.
18.28 The topic of today&;s meeting.
18.28 Is how to increase
18.28 Our gym&;s revenue
18.28 First of all, I want to emphasize the name
18.28 I&;m going to criticize someone.
18.28 Shen Xingruo, do you remember
18.28 Your last client?
18.28 What did he look like?
18.28 What was his name?
18.28 I don&;t remember .
18.28 Of course you don&;t remember.
18.28 Because it&;s been five months
18.28 No one&;s asked you for a card.
18.28 In the whole gym.
18.28 You&;re the worst performer.
18.28 Look at Sasha.
18.28 In just one week.
18.28 She sold 10 annual cards in just one week.
18.28 Their classes
18.28 They&;re all lined up for next year.
18.28 Who knows her annual card
18.28 Is it for boxing
18.28 Or is it for warming up?
18.28 How do you dress like a boxer?
18.28 Hey, how do you talk?
18.28 You&;re jealous of your coworkers.
18.28 It&;s very bad.
18.28 It&;s a kind of behavior
18.28 She&;s Shasha
18.28 She comes and goes every day.
18.28 Just to keep her clients.
18.28 Do you have this kind of perseverance?
18.28 Shen Xingruo is talking about you.
18.28 All you know is
18.28 Boxing, boxing , boxing.
18.28 You can not
18.28 Sell a card out to me to see it
18.28 Report to the boss.
18.28 What does Hachi&;s injury have to do with selling cards?
18.28 What does it have to do with selling cards?
18.28 Oh, my!
18.28 You&;re so beautifully decorated.
18.28 You&;re so sweet.
18.28 Isn&;t that right?
18.28 It&;s nice to listen to your clients.
18.28 It&;s easy on the eyes.
18.28 Naturally
18.28 They&;ll come to you to pay for a card.
18.28 But I can&;t accept
18.28 I don&; t care what kind of relationship you have.
18.28 I don&;t care what kind of relationship
18.28 If you can sell cards, you&;re capable.
18.28 If you don&;t perform
18.28 You&;ll be fired.
18.28 Getting people to sign up for cards is like boxing.
18.28 You must take the initiative
18.28 Pay attention to the tone of voice
18.28 Shout
18.28 Oba
18.28 We have not seen for a long time
18.28 Do you want to come to me?
18.28 After shouting out
18.28 We&;ll go shopping.
18.28 Eat ah
18.28 Coax him to get a card and withdraw money
18.28 OK
18.28 Oba
18.28 Oba, this is Shen from the gym.
18.28 Do you want to learn boxing
18.28 Have you ever wanted to learn boxing?
18.28 I&;ll think about it.
18.28 It&;s been a long time since we
18.28 We haven&;t seen each other.
18.28 Why don&;t you come and see me?
18.28 Let&;s meet and talk.
18.28 Coach Shen&;s avatar is me?
18.28 It&;s me.
18.28 Okay, let&;s meet at the park nearby!
18.28 It&;s so easy.
18.28 Who cares?
18.28 It&;s important to get the card.
18.28 Who&;s that smiling guy talking to?
18.28 Open it.
18.28 Will it hurt my
18.28 I&;m the president of the company.
18.28 I don&;t care.
18.28 I&;m her husband.
18.28 I have the right.
18.28 It&;s been a long time. Is Coach Shen&;s avatar in person?
18.28 We haven&;t met.
18.28 Do you want to see me?
18.28 Good.
18.28 You&;re not even on your honeymoon yet and you&;re looking for a man.
18.28 Shen Xingruo , you&;re a spendthrift.
18.28 Hey, Mr. Lee.
18.28 Come with me tomorrow to catch an adulterer.
18.28 Has the boss misunderstood something?
18.28 Your wife doesn&;t look like
18.28 She doesn&;t look like someone who would cheat on her husband.
18.28 What do you know?
18.28 The more unlikeable a person is.
18.28 The better they are at pretending.
18.28 Maybe madam is just
18.28 Chatting with a client.
18.28 I saw the chat with my own eyes.
18.28 Are you questioning me?
18.28 Hey, you don&;t say.
18.28 She&;s wearing that dress today.
18.28 She looks pretty good in it.
18.28 Boss, did you just
18.28 You were praising the lady.
18.28 Which eye did you see
18.28 I was complimenting her.
18.28 Hello, Ms. Shen.
18.28 Hello.
18.28 In fact, I&;ve been practicing at home lately.
18.28 I&;ve been practicing at home lately.
18.28 If you don&;t believe me, feel it.
18.28 How is it?
18.28 Women
18.28 Fall under my charm, right?
18.28 Hey, look!
18.28 There are also abs
18.28 How is it?
18.28 Not bad at all.
18.28 It&;s already in shape.
18.28 Just need to work out more.
18.28 I&;ll be fine.
18.28 Look at my biceps.
18.28 Hey, touch it.
18.28 Give me some advice.
18.28 Looks like
18.28 Today will soon be able to get a room
18.28 Hey, let&;s go .
18.28 It&;s just abs.
18.28 Who doesn&;t have them?
18.28 Boss.
18.28 Your abs are the strongest.
18.28 Come on!
18.28 Mr. Lee.
18.28 Feel my biceps
18.28 To see me and that man
18.28 Who is stronger
18.28 Young people in broad daylight
18.28 Still need to be more reserved
18.28 You&;re the strongest.
18.28 Madame is only bewitched by that male demon.
18.28 She&;s just bewitched by that male demon.
18.28 Coach Shen.
18.28 The money for the card
18.28 I&;ve transferred it to you.
18.28 Please take care of me in the future.
18.28 Oops.
18.28 No, no, no.
18.28 You&;re too kind.
18.28 What&;s in your hand, ma&;am?
18.28 Boss.
18.28 It seems to be
18.28 Yip, room card.
18.28 That&;s good.
18.28 You don&;t sleep with a man at home.
18.28 You&;re cheating on me.
18.28 You&;re cheating on me.
18.28 Boss, have you forgotten
18.28 You&;re married under false pretenses.
18.28 You&;re in love with your wife?
18.28 How could I?
18.28 How can I like a woman
18.28 I can&;t possibly like a woman with such poor taste.
18.28 It&;s like this.
18.28 I just want to show you
18.28 I want you to take a look at my body
18.28 And then give me a set of
18.28 Detailed fitness program
18.28 Of course.
18.28 This way ah
18.28 Because in broad daylight
18.28 I don&;t feel like taking my clothes off.
18.28 Why don&;t we go to a hotel?
18.28 It&;s all about performance.
18.28 Okay, fine.
18.28 How dare you take a man to a room in broad daylight
18.28 Taking a man to a room in the middle of the day.
18.28 Your wife has gone too far.
18.28 We can&;t wait any longer.
18.28 Boss, what should we do?
18.28 Ting!
18.28 I want to expose her
18.28 I&;m the president of Longchuan.
18.28 I&;ll make this Shen Xingruo
18.28 Regret for the rest of her life.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 Shen Xingruo!
18.28 Open the door.
18.28 Don&;t hide in there.
18.28 You&;re capable of stealing a man.
18.28 You can&;t open the door, can you?
18.28 Shen Xingruo, open the door.
18.28 Hey, you!
18.28 She used to be a boxing champion.
18.28 She won&;t beat us up, will she?
18.28 Boss, is it possible that you
18.28 Have not satisfied your wife?
18.28 You dare to question my ability
18.28 No, no, no.
18.28 Boss, you&;re the strongest.
18.28 What are you two talking about?
18.28 What are you doing?
18.28 And why are you here?
18.28 Ma&;am.
18.28 Starry is now
18.28 You should explain.
18.28 Why are you here?
18.28 There&;s nothing to explain.
18.28 It&;s just what you see.
18.28 Cheating on your wife, and you&;re justifying it.
18.28 Okay, let me ask you.
18.28 Have you been in there for the past few days?
18.28 Talking to a man?
18.28 Yes, I did.
18.28 Do you like his money?
18.28 Of course I do.
18.28 Why else would I work so hard?
18.28 Do you think he&;s nice?
18.28 Well, for a man.
18.28 That&;s enough.
18.28 You don&;t have to say anything.
18.28 I&;ve understood everything.
18.28 Tell her.
18.28 What is my identity?
18.28 He&;s actually rich.
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 I want to file a complaint against you
18.28 How dare you hit a client?
18.28 You&;re up to no good.
18.28 I didn&;t call the police.
18.28 You&;re lucky I didn&;t call the police.
18.28 How dare you file a complaint against me?
18.28 Boss, we seem to have made a mistake.
18.28 Madam is just working.
18.28 She&;s not cheating on me.
18.28 I&;m not deaf
18.28 What are you pretending?
18.28 Don&;t you have to sleep with her to get a card?
18.28 If you don&;t sleep with them, who would ask you for a card?
18.28 Come on, say it again.
18.28 When the time comes, bring your stupid card with you.
18.28 I&;ll see you there.
18.28 Don&;t think I&;m afraid of you.
18.28 If you see me in this situation.
18.28 You have to sympathize with me.
18.28 I don&;t mind letting
18.28 I don&;t mind letting you sympathize a little more.
18.28 You wait for me
18.28 What did you say about money ?
18.28 A good husband with a future.
18.28 Uh-huh. And a good husband.
18.28 A man who relies on his wife&;s money to support his family.
18.28 A man with no money.
18.28 Boss, you&;re acting again
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 In my heart
18.28 You&; re the most handsome man in the world
18.28 But I&;m afraid you&;ll fall for someone else
18.28 I&;m afraid you&;ll fall in love with someone else.
18.28 It&;s because I haven&;t done a good job
18.28 I made you feel so insecure
18.28 It&;s okay.
18.28 I don&;t blame you.
18.28 Sister-in-law.
18.28 I have something to do.
18.28 I have to go now
18.28 Old Li is leaving in such a hurry
18.28 Maybe he doesn&;t want to disturb
18.28 Our two-person world, right ?
18.28 That&;s good
18.28 I&;ll show you around
18.28 Where I work.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 What&;s wrong with you?
18.28 Someone just complained.
18.28 They said you assaulted a client.
18.28 He lured me to the hotel first.
18.28 To me
18.28 That&;s why I hit him
18.28 They&;ve come to you for a card
18.28 What&;s wrong with a little harassment?
18.28 Can&;t you put up with it?
18.28 Why should I?
18.28 You&;re not the one who got groped, are you?
18.28 How can you talk to the boss?
18.28 You&;re fired.
18.28 Why are you firing me?
18.28 For assaulting a client.
18.28 Because you haven&;t performed for months.
18.28 You haven&;t done anything in months.
18.28 Because I&;m your boss.
18.28 Wait a minute.
18.28 Apologize to my wife.
18.28 You&;re Shen Xingruo&;s husband, right?
18.28 You&;re dressed like a man.
18.28 How dare you challenge me?
18.28 I&;m the king of the gym.
18.28 Come on!
18.28 Get him out of here!
18.28 Wait a minute.
18.28 I can leave.
18.28 Where&;s my paycheck for the month?
18.28 And double my compensation?
18.28 Don&;t even think about it.
18.28 I didn&;t even sign a contract with you.
18.28 Your defense is doomed to failure.
18.28 Hey, Li.
18.28 I heard that you recently
18.28 You like boxing a lot
18.28 My wife
18.28 It&;s nice to have a gym
18.28 Why don&;t you buy it?
18.28 When did I say
18.28 I&;m going to the gym to practice boxing.
18.28 I did.
18.28 I&;m the one who&;s pretending to be something I&;m not.
18.28 You look like this
18.28 I think you can&;t even afford to buy a toilet
18.28 I can&;t even afford a toilet
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Old Li can&;t just buy a toilet
18.28 It&;s done.
18.28 You&;re still putting on a show, aren&;t you?
18.28 You&;ve got it all worked out, don&;t you?
18.28 The landlord&;s phone number?
18.28 Today, I&;m going to make you
18.28 I&; m going to make you lose your face on the spot.
18.28 Hey landlord ah
18.28 Gym I have
18.28 Sold it to someone else
18.28 The new owner is in the store
18.28 You have to move out now.
18.28 What&;s that?
18.28 You&;re the new boss.
18.28 You&;re the new boss?
18.28 Bullshit!
18.28 Get out of here!
18.28 Get lost!
18.28 Li
18.28 Are you really that rich?
18.28 What&;s more
18.28 Why did he call you Mr. Lee?
18.28 Oh, it&;s like this
18.28 Old Li and I
18.28 We&;re best friends
18.28 They call him Jutley
18.28 He is so powerful
18.28 He bought a gym
18.28 It&;s normal to buy a gym and pretend to be a pimp
18.28 Lee is so young and talented
18.28 Such a big gym
18.28 He just bought it
18.28 He&;s not that good
18.28 Right, right, right
18.28 No, no, no
18.28 I&; m just lucky.
18.28 If it was really my money.
18.28 That&;s good.
18.28 Since I bought the gym.
18.28 Do you want to be the boss?
18.28 This gym belongs to Mr. Lee.
18.28 It&;s not nice of you to say that
18.28 It doesn&;t matter.
18.28 Song and I
18.28 Song is like a brother
18.28 There&;s no difference between us.
18.28 Sister-in-law, if you want to take it.
18.28 Hey, let&;s see.
18.28 If you were a woman.
18.28 There&;s no place for me here.
18.28 Do you want to be one?
18.28 I just want to do what I&;m good at.
18.28 I&;m good at what I do.
18.28 Being a coach here.
18.28 I&;m already satisfied
18.28 Old Li thank you
18.28 Why don&;t you thank me?
18.28 Yes yes yes
18.28 I should thank the most
18.28 It&;s my husband who should be thanked
18.28 Uh-huh
18.28 I&;ll have a chat with Mr. Lee then
18.28 What&;s the boss&;s order?
18.28 Send all those who harassed Madam
18.28 Send them all in
18.28 Oh, yes
18.28 And the boss
18.28 Old Lee how to go ah
18.28 After all, young and promising people
18.28 There are a lot of things to deal with it
18.28 Uh-huh
18.28 Hey did not you say before
18.28 Learn boxing?
18.28 That&;s good.
18.28 I&;ll teach you today.
18.28 Sure.
18.28 But I&;m
18.28 Uh-huh.
18.28 I&;ll be waiting.
18.28 I&;ll show you what
18.28 Real muscle man
18.28 Wow, look at the abs.
18.28 Ah handsome ah
18.28 I&;m drooling.
18.28 Handsome guy, can you add me?
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 He&;s married.
18.28 Shiran.
18.28 Go Oba !
18.28 You&;re so strong today.
18.28 Don&;t you have a fascia gun?
18.28 Hey, that thing doesn&;t work.
18.28 This is better than the fascia gun.
18.28 I must give it to you.
18.28 I&;ll buy you a few more.
18.28 Shen Jianguo.
18.28 I know you&;re home.
18.28 If you don&;t open the door.
18.28 I&;ll knock on your door.
18.28 Liu Dashan.
18.28 Brother Liu.
18.28 I heard that
18.28 Shen Xingruo got married to someone else.
18.28 You didn&;t give me my 300,000 dollars back.
18.28 Explain it to me.
18.28 Brother Liu.
18.28 My daughter doesn&;t listen.
18.28 There&;s nothing we can do.
18.28 Your daughter is disobedient
18.28 It&;s none of my business.
18.28 You can either refund her money
18.28 Or give her away
18.28 It&;s your choice.
18.28 I&;ve already given the money to my son.
18.28 I&;ve already paid the down payment.
18.28 Brother Liu, please.
18.28 Give me a few more days.
18.28 I&;ll let Shen Xingruo
18.28 Divorce that man.
18.28 And you .
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Divorce? Divorce?
18.28 Okay.
18.28 I&;ll wait right here.
18.28 You send someone back
18.28 I&;ll stay here with my brothers
18.28 We&;ll stay here.
18.28 No, I&;m not.
18.28 Don&;t!
18.28 It&;s not that .
18.28 Brother Liu, you brought people to live in our house.
18.28 What should we do?
18.28 We can&;t get our money back and we can&;t send him back.
18.28 You play with me?
18.28 Throw these three people out.
18.28 Pick up garbage
18.28 Hey , Liu, don&;t!
18.28 Brother Liu, what are you doing?
18.28 This is my home
18.28 Thousands of what this is a robber
18.28 What are you doing?
18.28 Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu!
18.28 Hey!
18.28 What about mom and dad?
18.28 Ask your father .
18.28 Why am I so unlucky?
18.28 I found a loser like you.
18.28 You can&;t even keep your own home
18.28 Why don&;t we go and get
18.28 The down payment money back
18.28 That won&;t do.
18.28 I&;m warning you.
18.28 Don&; t even think about that money.
18.28 You&;ve got time for that.
18.28 Why don&;t you think about it?
18.28 How to start with your daughter
18.28 Why are you so early?
18.28 It&;s not that early.
18.28 It&;s in an hour.
18.28 It&;s lunchtime.
18.28 Mom and Dad, what are you doing here?
18.28 I came to my daughter&;s house.
18.28 Do I need to report to you?
18.28 You&;re a loser?
18.28 Go and make some dishes for dinner.
18.28 Okay, what do you want to eat?
18.28 I want to eat braised pork ribs
18.28 Make one more
18.28 Okay
18.28 Hey, don&;t put cilantro in mine.
18.28 I want more cilantro
18.28 Okay, okay.
18.28 Look at this.
18.28 Starry has found this
18.28 She&;s got this loser of a husband.
18.28 Ting!
18.28 He&;s so hot!
18.28 I think my sister&;s house is nice.
18.28 I&;ll get it for her.
18.28 It&;s for my wedding.
18.28 The food is ready.
18.28 You guys come and eat.
18.28 I don&;t want to move.
18.28 Bring the food over and eat it.
18.28 Yes, ma&; am.
18.28 Oh!
18.28 It looks like it.
18.28 That&;s what it looks like.
18.28 Hey, you guys eat first.
18.28 I&;ll just eat the leftovers.
18.28 You know what you&;re doing, don&;t you?
18.28 You know who you are.
18.28 You don&;t deserve to be at the same table as us.
18.28 On the same table
18.28 What did you put in it?
18.28 It&;s so spicy.
18.28 Pour some water!
18.28 Pour me some water! Pour me some water!
18.28 Okay, okay, okay.
18.28 Don&; t worry.
18.28 The water will be here soon.
18.28 One cup at a time.
18.28 Hurry up!
18.28 Here&;s the water.
18.28 Why is it boiling water?
18.28 I&;ve got blisters on my mouth.
18.28 Bastard!
18.28 Did you do it on purpose?
18.28 I&;ll kill you!
18.28 Stop it!
18.28 Let go of my husband!
18.28 Hey, sis.
18.28 I didn&;t realize you cared.
18.28 This loser.
18.28 What are you two doing here?
18.28 Look at the one you&;re looking for.
18.28 He&;s a good man.
18.28 He&;s making the food so hot that it&;s killing us.
18.28 Let him pour the spit.
18.28 He burned my mouth.
18.28 He&;s no good.
18.28 Why don&;t you divorce him?
18.28 How many times have I told you
18.28 I won&;t divorce Song Hanyu
18.28 Get out of my house now!
18.28 It&;s because he didn&;t pay the bride price
18.28 Liu Dashan took over our house
18.28 Me? Your aunt?
18.28 My brother
18.28 Now you can&;t go home.
18.28 You took the money.
18.28 What has it got to do with me?
18.28 Why are you so heartless?
18.28 Sister.
18.28 You&;ve been working outside.
18.28 For so many years.
18.28 You must have saved a lot of money.
18.28 How about this?
18.28 The money we owe Liu Dashan.
18.28 Why don&;t you pay it back for us?
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 Then you can&;t look after your brother.
18.28 And your father
18.28 On the streets, right?
18.28 Ever since I started working.
18.28 You&;ve been asking me for money ever since I started working.
18.28 I&;ve had enough of this.
18.28 No points.
18.28 Sis, why are you so cruel?
18.28 To your own family?
18.28 You don&;t care about your family.
18.28 Have you ever cared about me?
18.28 Besides caring about my money.
18.28 What else do you care about me?
18.28 You unfilial daughter.
18.28 What&;s wrong with some spending money on your dad?
18.28 Why did I raise you?
18.28 Such a stupid thing.
18.28 Get out of my house.
18.28 Get out of my house.
18.28 Or I&;m going to have to kill you.
18.28 I&;m going to have a go at you.
18.28 You want to beat us up, don&; t you?
18.28 Fine, go ahead.
18.28 Go ahead.
18.28 Go ahead and beat us to death.
18.28 Liu Dashan
18.28 He&;s taken over our place.
18.28 We have nowhere to go.
18.28 We&;ll die here.
18.28 I&;ll die here.
18.28 Okay, stop crying.
18.28 If you keep crying, you&;ll turn into a kitten
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 I&;m so mad at them!
18.28 They&;re like this
18.28 It&;s not just a day or two
18.28 This kind of thing
18.28 It&;s not worth getting mad at them
18.28 When I was younger.
18.28 My money from the fights.
18.28 They took it all.
18.28 I didn&;t realize that in the last few years.
18.28 They&;ve gotten worse.
18.28 If I hadn&;t married you.
18.28 They would have married me
18.28 To marry Liu Dashan
18.28 In that case.
18.28 If I hadn&;t been a fake prince.
18.28 If I hadn&;t appeared in time
18.28 My Cinderella wife
18.28 Would have become someone else&;s princess
18.28 You&;re still in the mood for jokes?
18.28 Are you in a better mood?
18.28 Yes.
18.28 Have you ever thought of a solution?
18.28 Have you ever thought of a solution?
18.28 In the past, when they made trouble.
18.28 I called the police.
18.28 But they just said
18.28 "It&;s a family dispute.
18.28 They just left after a few words.
18.28 You&;ve done a great job.
18.28 It&;s them.
18.28 They&;re not easy to deal with.
18.28 They&;re parasites.
18.28 You can&;t get rid of them.
18.28 It&;s okay.
18.28 From now on, you have a husband
18.28 He&;ll take care of it for you.
18.28 Really ?
18.28 I have an idea
18.28 But I need your cooperation.
18.28 What idea?
18.28 You go up first
18.28 You&;ll see.
18.28 People of Tingning, public and private, recreation and entertainment, life is not worth living, everyone is on their own, boss.
18.28 The tattoo sticker and blood bag you asked for.
18.28 Boss what happened
18.28 Why do you need such things
18.28 Madam&;s family is making trouble
18.28 They won&;t leave
18.28 I have to use this
18.28 To scare them.
18.28 Why do they want to make trouble?
18.28 They want money and I won&;t give it to them.
18.28 Is it a lot?
18.28 Not much more than a meal.
18.28 Hey, you&;ve always been
18.28 You&;ve always been a man who can solve things with money.
18.28 You don&;t spend a penny more than you have to.
18.28 What happened this time?
18.28 They&;re not worth the money.
18.28 Then just get someone to get rid of him.
18.28 Boss, do you need anything?
18.28 I&;ll call the bodyguard now.
18.28 What&;s wrong with you?
18.28 I&;m a poor man.
18.28 How can I afford a bodyguard?
18.28 I&;m sorry, boss.
18.28 I&;m sorry, boss, but I&;ve forgotten your current
18.28 You&;re a poor man now.
18.28 Okay, go ahead.
18.28 Honey, come here for a second.
18.28 What&;s wrong?
18.28 Put this on for me.
18.28 What for?
18.28 To scare your parents?
18.28 Can you pull off an act like this?
18.28 Who cares if it works?
18.28 We&;ll see.
18.28 Why are you taking off your clothes?
18.28 If I don&;t take off my clothes, how can you put it on?
18.28 Oh! – Oh!
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Are you thinking of something?
18.28 Something inappropriate for children?
18.28 No, no, no.
18.28 No, no, no.
18.28 Let me wipe it off for you first.
18.28 Rub what?
18.28 It says in the manual.
18.28 "Wipe your skin clean before putting it on.
18.28 You have to wipe off the skin before putting it on, and it stays on for 1-2 weeks after the color is completely removed.
18.28 Oh, go ahead.
18.28 What&;s wrong?
18.28 Nothing. Just a little itchy.
18.28 I didn&;t expect
18.28 Song Hanyu&;s body
18.28 He&;s got meat when he&;s not dressed
18.28 He looks thin when he dresses
18.28 Are you done?
18.28 I&;m asking if you&;re done
18.28 Yes, I&;m done.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 What were you thinking?
18.28 Nothing.
18.28 No, no, no.
18.28 No, I wasn&;t.
18.28 I was thinking.
18.28 Can you pull off an act like that?
18.28 These two
18.28 They&;ve been in there for so long.
18.28 They must be doing something bad behind our backs.
18.28 They must be doing something bad behind our backs.
18.28 Your brother is watching.
18.28 How dare they look down on me?
18.28 Do you know who I am?
18.28 I&;m sorry, sir.
18.28 They really don&;t know.
18.28 Please let me go.
18.28 How can I let you go?
18.28 I can&;t!
18.28 Mom! Mom! Wake up!
18.28 My brother-in-law!
18.28 He&;s not a softie.
18.28 What do you mean?
18.28 He&;s not a softie.
18.28 What is he?
18.28 He is
18.28 Just him
18.28 How can that be ?
18.28 I just passed by the bathroom and saw it.
18.28 He has a big dragon tattooed on his back.
18.28 What does that tattoo mean?
18.28 What about you?
18.28 Don&;t you have a tattoo too?
18.28 It&;s not the same.
18.28 I&;ve seen that dragon before
18.28 Doesn&;t that mean
18.28 He&;s a bum?
18.28 Hey, I just saw him.
18.28 He raped Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Think about it.
18.28 Shen Xingruo is such a great boxer.
18.28 She was beaten by him and bled all over the place.
18.28 What?
18.28 I just remembered.
18.28 Mr. Longchuan.
18.28 There&;s a dragon on his back.
18.28 My brother-in-law must be the boss.
18.28 But he&;s a loser.
18.28 How could he be?
18.28 Boss?
18.28 He&;s a gangster.
18.28 There&;s no way he doesn&;t have money .
18.28 Is it true or not?
18.28 We&;ll know if it&;s true or not.
18.28 Tomorrow, get some men to kill them.
18.28 We&;ll mix the bodies with cement and sink them in the river.
18.28 There&;s no way to find them.
18.28 What should we do?
18.28 He&;s going to
18.28 He&;s going to get someone to kill us.
18.28 He said tomorrow.
18.28 We can leave now
18.28 Oh, don&;t worry.
18.28 Listen to what else he said.
18.28 Don&;t you want to die?
18.28 How dare you eavesdrop?
18.28 Do not rush to listen to the end and then go ah
18.28 Ah ah ah ah
18.28 You do not sleep in the middle of the night Fight Club
18.28 What are you doing here?
18.28 I we are leaving soon
18.28 Come to say goodbye to you
18.28 Right, right, right .
18.28 We&;re here
18.28 We&;re leaving without saying hello.
18.28 Aigoo, how rude!
18.28 Hey, brother-in-law.
18.28 Thank you for your hospitality.
18.28 You&;re a good cook.
18.28 You&;re a good cook.
18.28 It&;s delicious.
18.28 You just got here.
18.28 Why don&;t you stay a few more days?
Why don&;t you stay a few more days?
18.28 I&;ll take care of Ht Club for Xingruo.
18.28 Hey, hey, hey, hey!
18.28 I wouldn&;t dare.
18.28 How dare we ask you to serve us?
18.28 We have things to do at home.
18.28 We&;ll leave you alone.
18.28 I&;ll leave you alone.
18.28 el, aren&;t you here for the bride price?
18.28 To buy a house for Xingruo&;s brother?
18.28 How about this?
18.28 Why don&;t you guys take the rest of the day off?
18.28 I&;ll look for you tomorrow.
18.28 That&;s not necessary.
18.28 Buying a house for my brother-in-law is my own business.
18.28 I wouldn&;t dare bother you and my sister.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 We&;ll pay for it ourselves.
18.28 Ah, ah, ah.
18.28 I&;m sorry for all the things we&;ve done in the past.
18.28 Please forgive us.
18.28 Don&;t take it personally.
18.28 That&;s fine, Club
18.28 Hey daughter-in-law, they left Club
18.28 Where are you going in the middle of the night?
18.28 Let&;s go tomorrow
18.28 Please.
18.28 I&;m begging you .
18.28 My daughter can&;t wait until tomorrow.
18.28 Look at you. You&;re hurt.
18.28 Get some rest.
18.28 I&;ll leave you alone.
18.28 We&;re in a hurry.
18.28 If we don&;t leave now, it&;ll be too late.
18.28 Sis, you and your husband should get some rest.
18.28 Bye, bye, bye.
18.28 Be safe at night.
18.28 Come and visit us often.
18.28 Mom and Dad have food to eat. Come on.
18.28 Look!
18.28 Uh-huh.
18.28 Isn&;t that Shen Xingruo&;s dad?
18.28 Why are you rummaging through garbage cans on the street?
18.28 Looking for food?
18.28 Auntie!
18.28 What are you eating?
18.28 Are you Shen Xingruo&;s father?
18.28 I&;m Shen Xingruo&;s
18.28 I went to college with Xu Jiajia.
18.28 We met last time
18.28 We met at the graduation ceremony.
18.28 Oh, it&;s Jiajia.
18.28 Don&;t mention it.
18.28 We can&;t go home now.
18.28 I don&;t have 50 bucks.
18.28 What?
18.28 How could this happen?
18.28 Doesn&;t Shen Xingruo care about you?
18.28 She&;s the reason we&;re in trouble.
18.28 Her husband is a big shot.
18.28 We messed with her.
18.28 Fortunately we ran away.
18.28 Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable.
18.28 What? That&;s impossible.
18.28 Don&;t believe me.
18.28 He has a tattoo on his back.
18.28 Such a big dragon.
18.28 My son saw it with his own eyes.
18.28 Yes, he did.
18.28 There&;s no way he could be wrong.
18.28 And he
18.28 He even raped Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Is her husband&;s name Song Hanyu?
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 You &;re all like me.
18.28 You&;ve all been cheated by him
18.28 Song Hanyu is a poor man.
18.28 I&;ve been investigating him
18.28 Why are you investigating him?
18.28 We were at a college reunion last time
18.28 This Song Hanyu
18.28 Pretended to be a rich man
18.28 He lied to all of us
18.28 There&;s more to it
18.28 Is it true?
18.28 Is he
18.28 He&;s always calling out on his cell phone.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 He said he&;d sink us in the river.
18.28 Yes, that&;s right.
18.28 Actually, there&;s no one on the cell phone.
18.28 There&;s no one there at all.
18.28 What&;s that?
18.28 So we were all fooled by him.
18.28 Looks like you guys
18.28 He bullied you too.
18.28 We can&;t just let it go.
18.28 Dad! – Let&;s go!
18.28 Let&;s go. Let&;s go.
18.28 Let&;s stay at her house.
18.28 Let&;s go!
18.28 This Song Han Yu is full of lies.
18.28 You can&;t beat him.
18.28 Why don&;t you just trick Shen Xingruo
18.28 And trick her out
18.28 Directly?
18.28 Right
18.28 We&;re going to find Liu Dashan.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You&;ve left me without a rich father.
18.28 Don&;t you hate mistresses?
18.28 This time you&;re the mistress.
18.28 Tell me how much you want back.
18.28 Millions.
18.28 Not a penny.
18.28 Are you looking for a fight?
18.28 Take it easy.
18.28 Brother Liu.
18.28 I&;ll get Shen Xingruo
18.28 I&;ll get her out for you.
18.28 Ha ha ha!
18.28 V ENUM, hello?
18.28 Are you free tomorrow?
18.28 I won&;t see you again.
18.28 Don&;t bother.
18.28 Don&;t hang up .
18.28 I just want to say one thing.
18.28 Tomorrow is the anniversary of your mom&;s death.
18.28 I want you to come with me
18.28 To visit your mom&;s grave.
18.28 You?
18.28 You can&;t
18.28 You can&;t even go without your mom, can you?
18.28 Okay, I&;ll do it.
18.28 V ENUM
18.28 Stop drinking.
18.28 It&;s already 3 bottles.
18.28 I feel sad.
18.28 Looking at your mom&;s tombstone.
18.28 I was an asshole back then.
18.28 Don&;t say that.
18.28 I&;m surprised you have a conscience.
18.28 I&;m surprised you have a conscience.
18.28 I can&;t live with it.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Do you know how much it hurts?
18.28 I know you don&;t believe me.
18.28 I&;ve been thinking about myself for the past few days.
18.28 For so many years.
18.28 I&;ve neglected you.
18.28 I haven&;t fulfilled my
18.28 Father&;s responsibility
18.28 You can scold me
18.28 I know you can&;t open your mouth
18.28 Hit me
18.28 I know you can&;t do it
18.28 Has he really changed?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Today is the anniversary of your mom&;s death.
18.28 I hope you can give dad a chance.
18.28 To apologize to you.
18.28 No need to apologize.
18.28 It&;s good that you know you&;re wrong.
18.28 No, I can&;t.
18.28 You have to know your mistakes.
18.28 And you have to apologize.
18.28 Today at your mom&;s grave.
18.28 Let&;s make up.
18.28 Okay. – Okay.
18.28 I&;ll drink with you on my mom&;s behalf.
18.28 I&;ll have a drink with you.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 I&;m sorry for drinking this glass of wine.
18.28 I hope you and Song
18.28 You and Song will have a happy future.
18.28 Thank you, Dad.
18.28 Sister.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Dad.
18.28 You&;re a bad old man.
18.28 You&;re so bad.
18.28 In front of her mom&;s grave .
18.28 You dare to do it?
18.28 Aren&;t you afraid of retribution?
18.28 I didn&;t realize that after a few words
18.28 She drank the drug.
18.28 Hey!
18.28 What did you just say?
18.28 I did it for your own good.
18.28 How dare you curse your father?
18.28 Get over it.
18.28 I didn&;t realize
18.28 She and her loser husband
18.28 They&;re quite good at acting.
18.28 Let&;s see who&;s better than the other.
18.28 If I had known it would be so easy.
18.28 We wouldn&;t have to go through all that trouble
18.28 We&;d have knocked her out earlier
18.28 Wouldn&;t we have handed her over to Liu Dashan?
18.28 It&;s not too late.
18.28 Let&;s get her to the clubhouse early.
18.28 So we can rest easy.
18.28 I wonder if her poor husband
18.28 Knows about this.
18.28 What will he do?
18.28 He&;s a loser.
18.28 Who cares what he does?
18.28 Then hurry up.
18.28 Liu Dashan is still waiting
18.28 Liu Dashan is still waiting inside the clubhouse.
18.28 Yes, let&;s go.
18.28 Sweetie.
18.28 You&;re awake.
18.28 Why am I here?
18.28 Don&;t you get it, Star K?
18.28 Your family sold you to me.
18.28 No way.
18.28 My dad even apologized to me.
18.28 You&;re so stupid and naive.
18.28 Your father just shed a few tears.
18.28 He tricked you
18.28 He drank the drug.
18.28 Let me go
18.28 I&;ll pay back the money my dad owes.
18.28 Do I look like I need money?
18.28 What I need is a pretty girl like you.
18.28 You&;re a pretty girl.
18.28 You&;ll be sleeping with me soon anyway.
18.28 Why don&;t we just get a divorce?
18.28 You can live with me from now on.
18.28 Don&;t touch me.
18.28 Or I&;ll beat you up!
18.28 You&;re really a little chili.
18.28 I&;m going to taste it today.
18.28 You&;re a little hot pepper.
18.28 How hot is your body?
18.28 That&;s strange.
18.28 What are those three doing here?
18.28 Who&;s the boss?
18.28 Xingruo&;s parents.
18.28 Get the manager over here.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Liu Dashan said
18.28 When he&;s done.
18.28 He&;ll give us some more money.
18.28 Aigoo !
18.28 If I&;d known my daughter would make so much money.
18.28 Mom, you should have
18.28 You should have given me more sisters.
18.28 Maybe I&;d be living in a
18.28 I&;d be living in a big villa by now.
18.28 Damn it!
18.28 Bastard!
18.28 Do you think your mom is an old sow?
18.28 She&;s giving birth to a piglet.
18.28 Get out of here. Don&;t let anyone see you.
18.28 Hey, go, go, go!
18.28 Daughter.
18.28 Are they talking about Shen Xingruo?
18.28 Shouldn &;t Shen Xingruo be at work at this hour?
18.28 Shouldn&;t she be at work?
18.28 Hello, sir.
18.28 The user you&;re calling is temporarily
18.28 Boss.
18.28 Mr. Song, what&;s your order?
18.28 What&;s wrong with these three?
18.28 The three of they opened a private room
18.28 But do not know how
18.28 They left so quickly
18.28 Is the room still occupied?
18.28 I&;m not sure.
18.28 Call the CCTV.
18.28 I&;m going to save Starla.
18.28 You arrest the three of them.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 I heard you&;re a boxing champion.
18.28 Don&;t struggle.
18.28 The drug you drank
18.28 It&;s enough to put down an elephant.
18.28 I&;m warning you.
18.28 Don&;t you move me
18.28 Or my husband will not let you go.
18.28 Your husband?
18.28 After I sleep with you.
18.28 I&;ll find someone to do him in.
18.28 You&;re breaking the law.
18.28 Ha ha ha ha!
18.28 I&;ve been out of jail before.
18.28 I&;m not afraid of your threats.
18.28 Ah
18.28 I advise you
18.28 You&;d better be a good boy and stay here
18.28 You&;ll feel better.
18.28 Hey, hey, hey!
18.28 This bitch, KTV.
18.28 You don&;t want to eat the toast?
18.28 You want to be punished?
18.28 I&;ll kill her.
18.28 Starbucks, KTV
18.28 Bullying my wife.
18.28 Who dares to hit me?
18.28 Open your eyes!
18.28 I&;m Shen Xingruo&;s husband.
18.28 Husband!
18.28 Don&;t be afraid, I&;m here.
18.28 So you&;re her husband?
18.28 I advise you to let me go.
18.28 Or I&;ll get someone to break your legs.
18.28 It&;s the first time someone dares to threaten me
18.28 Before I send you away.
18.28 I&;ll break your legs first.
18.28 Remove your hands
18.28 Just by you
18.28 Get a room.
18.28 Throw it out.
18.28 Starry Night, KTV Starry Night, KTV
18.28 Educate me on the law.
18.28 Understand the boss.
18.28 What are you doing?
18.28 Let go of me
18.28 Song Hanyu!
18.28 Why do they call you boss?
18.28 And how did you get here?
18.28 Oh, it&;s Old Li
18.28 He owns this place too
18.28 He found out you were in trouble
18.28 He called me immediately
18.28 I said are you okay?
18.28 Yes, I&;m fine
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 Who is it?
18.28 Be honest.
18.28 Get outta here!
18.28 Not the wrong person, right?
18.28 Boss!
18.28 Go inside.
18.28 This
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 It&;s you who are under arrest.
18.28 Why are you here?
18.28 Where&;s Liu Dashan?
18.28 He&;s next door, removing his arm.
18.28 Oh, no.
18.28 Should be unloading his legs right now.
18.28 Who the hell are you ?
18.28 You must be the same as last time
18.28 You&;re just trying to scare us.
18.28 Right?
18.28 Ah
18.28 You&;ve ruined Liu Dashan&;s good deed
18.28 He won&;t let you go
18.28 My leg!
18.28 LAK
18.28 He said he was telling the truth?
18.28 Starry Night , K Ty
18.28 I&;ve paid you a lot of money over the years
18.28 How can you do this to me?
18.28 I&;ve raised you for so many years.
18.28 Can&;t I get some interest?
18.28 I&;m your own daughter.
18.28 My own daughter?
18.28 Seeing your own family
18.28 I don&;t care if they&;re being chased for debts.
18.28 The money you gave us
18.28 Is it enough?
18.28 I just gave you a drug
18.28 And you kidnapped us?
18.28 How can you do that?
18.28 You only know how to exploit your daughter.
18.28 You gave me away for money.
18.28 You sent me to a stranger.
18.28 What kind of father are you?
18.28 You didn&;t get laid.
18.28 You didn&;t lose a pound.
18.28 What do you want?
18.28 You shouldn&;t keep kidnapping your daughter
18.28 You shouldn&;t keep kidnapping your daughter in the name of her mother.
18.28 This is my bottom line.
18.28 I&;m going to disown you.
18.28 What&;s that?
18.28 I&;m breaking it off.
18.28 You&;re so heartless!
18.28 Starry Night, KTV I&;ve worked so hard to raise you.
18.28 You don&;t even know how to return the favor.
18.28 And you want to cut ties with me?
18.28 You don&;t recognize your own family
18.28 Who&;s going to take care of you?
18.28 And me.
18.28 As for you.
18.28 I&;ll spend the rest of my life here.
18.28 I don&;t believe you dare to do this to me.
18.28 Do it!
18.28 Daughter, it&;s so wet and humid .
18.28 I can&;t take it. I&;m too old for this.
18.28 Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!
18.28 I know I&;m wrong.
18.28 I&;m begging you to let me go.
18.28 Please, please, please .
18.28 This was all Deng&;s idea.
18.28 This has nothing to do with us.
18.28 Drag them out
18.28 Li
18.28 Thank you for your help
18.28 For helping our family.
18.28 Sister-in-law, you&;re happy.
18.28 I&;m happy.
18.28 As long as the boss is happy
18.28 There&;s hope for my year-end bonus
18.28 What&;s wrong?
18.28 Maybe the drug is still working.
18.28 Honey, let&;s get you home.
18.28 Is this the drawbridge effect?
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Why are you so manly all of a sudden?
18.28 My eyes hurt.
18.28 Every day, I&;m blinded by the CEO and his husband.
18.28 I&;m blinded by the CEO and his husband.
18.28 Hey, sister-in-law.
18.28 There&;s nothing to do, I&;ll leave now.
18.28 A good laborer.
18.28 Always create conditions for the boss
18.28 Uh, that&;s not convenient for you.
18.28 Otherwise
18.28 I&;ll stay with you today.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 The first step towards success
18.28 Wait a minute
18.28 I saw Song Hanyu.
18.28 If he knows
18.28 He&;s still with you
18.28 He&;ll lose the project .
18.28 Isn&;t he just a soft touch?
18.28 He&;s the head of Longchuan Group
18.28 He&;s a fake.
18.28 Otherwise, can I listen to him?
18.28 He&;s really the president of Longchuan.
18.28 Why should Shen Xingruo
18.28 To marry such a rich man?
18.28 Mr. Song, how are you?
18.28 I&;m Jia Jia, Xingruo&;s classmate.
18.28 We met in class last time.
18.28 What&;s the matter?
18.28 Can&;t I come to see you if there&;s nothing wrong?
18.28 Your eyes are bad.
18.28 Go to the hospital and see the ophthalmologist .
18.28 Take care.
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 I&;m just kidding.
18.28 The last time we went to the reunion.
18.28 I&;m sorry for offending you.
18.28 This time
18.28 I&;ve come to apologize.
18.28 Go ahead.
18.28 Mr. Song, last time at the reunion.
18.28 It&;s my fault for not knowing people well.
18.28 I&;ve offended you. I&;m selling the door.
18.28 Mr. Song, you won&;t be angry with me, will you?
18.28 I&;m done.
18.28 You can go now .
18.28 Hey, hey, hey.
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 Aren&;t you going to invite me in for a cup of tea?
18.28 You want a cup of tea?
18.28 Why don&;t you just jump into the river?
18.28 What do you mean?
18.28 I &;ll make you green tea.
18.28 Get in first.
18.28 Men love to cheat.
18.28 I don&;t believe I can&;t seduce him.
18.28 Mr. Song, you&;re so funny.
18.28 I don&;t know.
18.28 Does Xingruo know?
18.28 You&;re the president of Longchuan?
18.28 What do you mean?
18.28 I
18.28 I just want to use the restroom.
18.28 Mr. Song is so rich and handsome.
18.28 Why don&;t you consider getting a new wife?
18.28 Are you in or out?
18.28 If not , you&;d better go.
18.28 Mr. Song, don&;t be so hasty.
18.28 Hey!
18.28 So it&;s not to borrow the bathroom.
18.28 It&;s to hang me.
18.28 I&;m a rich man with a lot of money.
18.28 As long as I&; m there.
18.28 No man
18.28 Can escape my hand.
18.28 Mr. Song, you&;ve waited long.
18.28 Girls go to the toilet
18.28 It&;s a bit of a hassle.
18.28 It&;s okay, it&;s understandable.
18.28 Mr. Song is so understanding.
18.28 It&;s really heartwarming.
18.28 Your shoulder strap fell off.
18.28 Mr. Song is so annoying.
18.28 Don&;t look at her like that.
18.28 Just looking at the straps may not be enough.
18.28 I want to see more.
18.28 She&;s hooked.
18.28 Shen Xingruo is looking for a husband.
18.28 She&;s got a good eye for husbands.
18.28 Let&;s see me continue with the trick of refusing to give in.
18.28 Hey, I can take off my clothes.
18.28 But I don&;t know
18.28 Does Mr. Song know how to appreciate it?
18.28 That depends.
18.28 Mr. Song , what are you doing?
18.28 I&;m looking at the door.
18.28 Is it locked?
18.28 Mr. Song. Mr. Song.
18.28 Open the door, Mr. Song.
18.28 Young people nowadays play
18.28 Also too fancy
18.28 They can&;t wait at the door.
18.28 Watery poplar flowers
18.28 Xu Jiajia!
18.28 Xu Jiajia
18.28 What are you wearing?
18.28 What&;s wrong with standing in front of my house?
18.28 It&;s none of your business.
18.28 I see.
18.28 Then I&;ll leave you alone for now.
18.28 Hey, give me my clothes.
18.28 Hey !
18.28 Why is Xu Jiajia at the door?
18.28 She seduced me.
18.28 What?
18.28 She wanted to go to the restroom.
18.28 I let her in out of kindness
18.28 I didn&;t think she&;d try anything
18.28 You don&;t even know each other.
18.28 And at the reunion, she acted like
18.28 She looked like she despised you
18.28 Why would she seduce you?
18.28 She probably wanted to take advantage of my beauty
18.28 So you&;ve been taken advantage of?
18.28 Don&;t worry about my body
18.28 No one can take advantage of my body except you.
18.28 So
18.28 You just took her clothes off.
18.28 You threw them out the door.
18.28 She took off her clothes herself.
18.28 I just opened the door.
18.28 You&;re not afraid of being criticized
18.28 I&;m not afraid to say you have no morals.
18.28 Even if I lose my morals for you.
18.28 I have to keep my virginity.
18.28 You&;re a good husband, aren&;t you?
18.28 Didn&;t the Internet say
18.28 Chastity is the best thing a man can have.
18.28 Medicine and beauty .
18.28 Yes, it&;s good.
18.28 I&;m very satisfied
18.28 It&;s better to return Xu Jiajia&;s clothes
18.28 Give her back
18.28 We can&;t let people
18.28 Standing in front of the door like that, right?
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 Uh-huh.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 Wait for me.
18.28 Episode 56.
18.28 Xu Jiajia was wearing her underwear.
18.28 She was kicked out by Song Hanyu
18.28 Kicked out the door
18.28 So she went home with nothing to look at?
18.28 No
18.28 We&;ll return the clothes
18.28 Back to her
18.28 It&;s still too good for her
18.28 She&;s got a husband.
18.28 She&;s got a husband, and she&;s still thinking about it.
18.28 She&;s a bad girl.
18.28 I don&;t know what she&;s thinking
18.28 But your husband
18.28 He&;s really a good guy
18.28 This Xu Jiajia
18.28 She&;s pretty and pretty too
18.28 And he can even put up with that
18.28 That&;s good
18.28 He&;s really good
18.28 Look at you!
18.28 There&;s one thing about Starry.
18.28 I was going to
18.28 I&;d never tell you.
18.28 But
18.28 You and Song Hanyu are doing so well
18.28 I don&;t want you two to
18.28 Because of this
18.28 Misunderstandings
18.28 What is it?
18.28 Why do you look so pale?
18.28 That day, after your match.
18.28 You disappeared after the celebration party.
18.28 The next day P
18.28 You came out of the presidential suite on the top floor
18.28 You came out
18.28 Can you still remember what happened
18.28 What really happened?
18.28 No, I don&;t.
18.28 I can&;t remember anything.
18.28 It&;s good that I can&;t remember.
18.28 I won&;t talk about it anymore.
18.28 Take care of yourself.
18.28 Don&;t say anything in front of your husband.
18.28 Don&;t let it slip in front of your husband.
18.28 Why?
18.28 Men.
18.28 They&;re very possessive in this area.
18.28 If he knows
18.28 You had a relationship abroad.
18.28 He&;s forgotten about it.
18.28 He&;ll definitely think about it.
18.28 When did your husband come back?
18.28 Why is there no sound?
18.28 You were probably too busy talking.
18.28 He didn&;t hear me come back.
18.28 Oh, no, no, no.
18.28 He must have heard me.
18.28 I have something to do.
18.28 I have to go.
18.28 Take your time.
18.28 Honey, are you tired?
18.28 I&;ll get you a glass of water.
18.28 What should I do?
18.28 He still heard me.
18.28 Hello, Mr. Lee?
18.28 Find out for me
18.28 When I was drugged in the United States
18.28 I was sent to the presidential suite
18.28 Who was that woman?
18.28 Boss, why are you suddenly looking into this?
18.28 Why are you suddenly looking into this?
18.28 I&;ve made up my mind.
18.28 To spend the rest of my life with Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I don&;t want to be caught up in this
18.28 Strange relationships.
18.28 I don&;t want to be interfered by this kind of relationship.
18.28 The matter of the rice country
18.28 It&;s always a hidden danger .
18.28 It must be resolved.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 When the old lady hears about this.
18.28 I&;m sure she&;ll be very happy.
18.28 Miss, you&;ve just returned to China.
18.28 You&;re not familiar with it yet.
18.28 Mr. Xia asked me to pick you up.
18.28 Don&;t rush home yet
18.28 Help me check.
18.28 The president of Longchuan Group
18.28 Song Hanyu&;s current status
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Song Hanyu is married
18.28 He&;s married to a commoner
18.28 And a boxer
18.28 Shen Xingruo is a woman
18.28 Thinks that if she marries Song Hanyu.
18.28 She&;ll be able to rise to the top
18.28 I&;m going to make her pay
18.28 If I don&;t do well, she won&;t do well either
18.28 Did you say Song Hanyu?
18.28 Song Hanyu, the CEO of Longchuan?
18.28 That&;s right
18.28 So his wife is a boxer?
18.28 That&;s right
18.28 Her name is Shen Xingruo
18.28 She went to college with me.
18.28 From what you just said.
18.28 You have a grudge against them?
18.28 That&;s funny.
18.28 I&;ve got a bone to pick with them too.
18.28 Is that so?
18.28 Why do you hate Shen Xingruo?
18.28 Song Hanyu and I were childhood friends.
18.28 If I hadn&;t been late returning to China.
18.28 I would have been the one to marry him.
18.28 So Shen Xingruo took advantage of a loophole.
18.28 So she could get a son-in-law
18.28 Song Hanyu and I were made for each other.
18.28 That stupid woman must be divorced from him
18.28 Shen Xingruo and I don&;t share the same fate
18.28 Why don&;t you and I join forces?
18.28 We&;ll trample this Shen Xingruo under our feet.
18.28 That&;s right.
18.28 She still doesn&;t know
18.28 She doesn&;t know that her husband is the president of Longchuan.
18.28 Why don&;t we use her?
18.28 Let&;s give Shen Xingruo a hard time first.
18.28 Then do something.
18.28 Show me your strength
18.28 You&;ll see.
18.28 You want to work with me when you look like a pauper?
18.28 You don&;t even know what class you&;re in.
18.28 Coach Shen, someone&;s looking for you.
18.28 The receptionist said you were looking for me.
18.28 What can I do for you?
18.28 You&;re Shen Xingruo, right?
18.28 My name is Xia Qianxue.
18.28 I&;m here today.
18.28 I want to talk to you about
18.28 About Song Hanyu.
18.28 What do you mean?
18.28 Song Hanyu married you.
18.28 He had no choice
18.28 Because I was abroad.
18.28 I found someone else to marry me
18.28 It&;s true that we got married because
18.28 We got married because our family wanted us to
18.28 You should leave him.
18.28 Why should I?
18.28 Because he loves me.
18.28 You&;re here to sow discord
18.28 Song Hanyu and I?
18.28 See you soon
18.28 What a woman
18.28 A woman who won&;t shed a tear until she sees the coffin
18.28 See for yourself
18.28 I gave him my first time
18.28 I took a lot of shit because of him.
18.28 I&;ve taken a lot of shit because of him.
18.28 I don&;t believe it
18.28 Unless Song Hanyu tells me himself
18.28 You know Song Hanyu
18.28 Is a responsible man
18.28 He won&;t ask you for a divorce
18.28 I advise you to be smart
18.28 Don&;t make everyone look bad
18.28 You &;re back
18.28 Wash your hands and eat.
18.28 He&;s good to all women
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Do you know Xia Qianxue?
18.28 Yes, I do.
18.28 She&;s the daughter of the Xia family
18.28 She&;s working with the Longchuan Group
18.28 How do you know so much about her?
18.28 That
18.28 He&;s working with Old Li&;s group.
18.28 He&;s been working with them
18.28 Old Li told me
18.28 She came to me
18.28 She asked me to divorce you
18.28 What do you think?
18.28 I&;m sorry, Chanyu
18.28 I was stuck in traffic and I&;m late
18.28 I hope you &;ve waited long
18.28 Ms. Xia
18.28 I don&;t think we know each other well enough
18.28 Can we call each other by our first names?
18.28 My wife told me
18.28 You want her to divorce me
18.28 Yes, Han Yu
18.28 You&;re so good
18.28 How can you just
18.28 You can&;t just find someone to marry?
18.28 It&;s too hasty
18.28 Who I marry
18.28 I don&;t think it&;s any of your business.
18.28 And you know what?
18.28 Don&;t go looking for my wife again.
18.28 Or else Ryukawa Group&;s tactics
18.28 I do not mind
18.28 Let Xia have a taste
18.28 Come to the cafe
18.28 Song Hanyu has something to tell you
18.28 So what about the hotel
18.28 What about what happened at the Rice Hotel?
18.28 You were the one that night
18.28 I had a hard time getting the drug to work
18.28 But Shen Xingruo got to me first
18.28 He really doesn&;t know
18.28 Who it was that night.
18.28 It&;s a trick.
18.28 Yes, you know.
18.28 Our family in Longchuan
18.28 It&;s a small family.
18.28 Now everyone knows about it.
18.28 I lost my virginity by accident.
18.28 You&; ve made it hard for us to get back on our feet.
18.28 This is my fault.
18.28 What do you want in return?
18.28 I want a divorce.
18.28 I want you to take responsibility for me.
18.28 I can&;t get a divorce.
18.28 Think of something else.
18.28 Money or power?
18.28 Call me when you&;re ready.
18.28 What&;s wrong with you?
18.28 What&;s wrong with you?
18.28 I lost my virginity.
18.28 My father exiled me to a foreign country
18.28 I live alone.
18.28 Now my health is not good either.
18.28 I get dizzy all the time.
18.28 I feel weak.
18.28 I&;ll call an ambulance.
18.28 It&;s too late.
18.28 My car is right outside.
18.28 Okay, I&;ll take you to the hospital.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 What are you doing here?
18.28 I&;m here .
18.28 I&;m so dizzy.
18.28 Starry, let&;s talk about this at home.
18.28 I&;ll take her to the hospital first.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 I&;ll find a doctor to cure you.
18.28 Really?
18.28 I owe you this.
18.28 I&; ll make it up to you
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 So this is what you want to tell me
18.28 This is what you wanted to tell me.
18.28 Xia Ganxue originally said it was true
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 Thanks to you, you saved my life.
18.28 It was just a favor.
18.28 I&;m glad you&;re okay.
18.28 My family kicked me out.
18.28 I have no place to go.
18.28 Mr. Song, can you take me in?
18.28 I&;ll register you at the hotel.
18.28 The hotel is full of reporters.
18.28 If they catch me on camera, they&;ll say I&;ve lost my virginity.
18.28 I just want a place to stay.
18.28 Where I can take a hot bath.
18.28 That&;s fine.
18.28 But you can only stay one night.
18.28 When I find a place
18.28 I can find a villa that&;s private.
18.28 I&;ll send you there.
18.28 Brother Chanyu.
18.28 Are you now
18.28 Are you going to be so angry with me?
18.28 Miss Xia
18.28 You still call me Mr. Song
18.28 But
18.28 When you were in bed before
18.28 Not like this
18.28 That was an accident
18.28 Accident
18.28 But it was an accident.
18.28 I was abandoned by everyone.
18.28 My family didn&;t want me.
18.28 I &;ve lost so much for you.
18.28 And you don&;t care what you call it?
18.28 Fine.
18.28 You can call me whatever you want.
18.28 You don&;t think I&;m clean either, do you?
18.28 Even if the person you&;re sleeping with
18.28 It&;s me.
18.28 You don&;t like me either.
18.28 I&;m sorry. I&;m sorry.
18.28 That&;s not what I meant.
18.28 Yes, you did.
18.28 All of you think
18.28 I don&;t love myself.
18.28 After I lost my virginity .
18.28 Overnight.
18.28 I&;ve become what you all
18.28 And all of you think you&;re beautiful.
18.28 I didn&;t say that.
18.28 You&;re an asshole.
18.28 If you don&;t want to be responsible for me
18.28 Why did you touch me in the first place?
18.28 At that time
18.28 I was drugged too.
18.28 Don&;t cry
18.28 Chanyuu.
18.28 I shouldn&;t have lost my temper with you
18.28 I&;m too sensitive
18.28 Ms. Hsia.
18.28 Can you leave first?
18.28 My wife will be back soon.
18.28 You guys?
18.28 Honey, you&;re back
18.28 If I don&;t come back, it&;ll be too late, right?
18.28 You guys can&;t hold it in?
18.28 You can&;t wait to do this in my house?
18.28 Doing this kind of thing in my house?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 You&;ve got it all wrong.
18.28 Ms. Hsia just got out of the hospital.
18.28 She had no place to go.
18.28 That&;s why she brought her home.
18.28 And then she came home.
18.28 You can&;t wait to hug her, can you?
18.28 If I&;d come back a little later.
18.28 You&;d be in bed together, wouldn&;t you?
18.28 I was just apologizing to Brother Han Yu.
18.28 I couldn&;t help myself.
18.28 Brother Han Yu
18.28 You &;re so affectionate.
18.28 I can explain
18.28 She was unstable just now
18.28 Explain what?
18.28 Song Hanyu.
18.28 Do you know
18.28 A man and a woman alone together
18.28 What does it mean?
18.28 It&;s my fault
18.28 I made you two fight
18.28 I&;m just an extra wherever I am.
18.28 Stop it.
18.28 The more you talk, the more confusing it gets.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 I&;m really sorry.
18.28 But I don&;t have anything to do with Brother Han Yu.
18.28 There&;s really nothing between us
18.28 If you don&;t believe me , I&;m leaving now.
18.28 You just got out of the hospital.
18.28 You haven&;t recovered yet.
18.28 There&;s a guest room here.
18.28 Why don&;t you stay the night?
18.28 I&;ve bothered you enough already.
18.28 Staying here will only make Starla angry.
18.28 I have to go.
18.28 After all, I&;m the reason she&;s in such bad shape.
18.28 Starla.
18.28 Do you think something will happen to her when she goes out?
18.28 Will something happen to her?
18.28 Should you
18.28 Call Li again to find out?
18.28 Honey, you&;re so considerate.
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 Let&;s get a divorce
18.28 What?
18.28 About you and Xia Qianxue
18.28 I already know
18.28 She gave you her first time
18.28 You should be responsible for her
18.28 I&;ll make it up to her in other ways
18.28 But not including marrying her
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 We were married in the beginning
18.28 We had no choice but to get married
18.28 We&;ve always been
18.28 Innocent
18.28 Now that we&;re divorced
18.28 I can give her the love she wants.
18.28 Don&;t you think you&;re
18.28 Too selfish?
18.28 You didn&;t even ask me what I think
18.28 And you&;re making decisions for me?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 I really like you.
18.28 Xia Ganxue is right.
18.28 You&;re a responsible person.
18.28 I can&;t believe you&;d say something like.
18.28 "like me"?
18.28 Who would joke about liking me?
18.28 Anyway, I won&;t get a divorce.
18.28 I&; m going to join a boxing match.
18.28 I&;ll take part in a boxing match.
18.28 I&;ll live in the gym.
18.28 Let&;s take this time apart.
18.28 Let&;s take this time apart to cool off.
18.28 This is a separation.
18.28 I can&;t .
18.28 You&;re hurting me.
18.28 Boss.
18.28 Our office is so spacious.
18.28 Why do you have to work here?
18.28 Wherever Mrs. is, I&;ll be there.
18.28 Coach.
18.28 What do we have to talk about here?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 INSECT, come here.
18.28 Coach!
18.28 What do you have to say here?
18.28 INSECT, isn&;t the game coming up?
18.28 INSECT, I want to ask you something.
18.28 INSECT, do you have any idea?
18.28 Don&;t worry, Coach.
18.28 I&;ll do my best.
18.28 INSECT, that&;s not what I meant.
18.28 What about this competition?
18.28 It&;s not about reputation.
18.28 So you&;re giving your opponent a break.
INSECT, that&;s why you&;re giving way to your opponent.
18.28 Isn&;t this a fake fight?
18.28 INSECT, isn&;t this a fake fight?
18.28 I won&;t do it
18.28 You&;re a young man.
18.28 Don&;t be like that.
18.28 Get the money.
18.28 Fifty-fifty.
18.28 It&;s not about the money.
18.28 INSECT 4-6
18.28 Four-six.
18.28 Fake boxing is against the rules
18.28 INSECT 7.7, is that good enough?
18.28 I&;ll never fake a fight in my life
18.28 INSECT You!
18.28 You don&;t want to go two-eight, do you?
18.28 Don&;t go too far
18.28 I said it&;s not about money
18.28 As long as I&;m in the ring
18.28 I can&;t fight a fake fight
18.28 This fight is not even sponsored
18.28 You don&;t want to win the prize money, do you?
18.28 INSECT
18.28 Be Van
18.28 All I want is to win.
18.28 The prize money doesn&;t matter.
18.28 INSECT
18.28 IN SEI Don&;t pretend.
18.28 INSECT
18.28 Who doesn&;t know you&;re in the country?
18.28 The fake match.
18.28 I don&;t remember that time.
18.28 But I don&;t think I could have faked it.
18.28 INSECT Okay
18.28 Anyway, there&;s no sponsorship for this tournament.
18.28 I can&;t let you play.
18.28 Boss
18.28 Back to the company
18.28 Anonymously sponsor a boxing match for 100 million dollars
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Remember what you said
18.28 Let Shen Xingruo fall to the ground with one punch.
18.28 I&;m weak.
18.28 I&;ll have to throw a few more punches.
18.28 I won&;t be able to hold out.
18.28 Don&;t worry.
18.28 I&;ll give her the money.
18.28 I don &;t believe she won&;t fall.
18.28 Take care, An Sect.
18.28 Good, good, good.
18.28 Thank you.
18.28 In SCT, go in.
18.28 Coach.
18.28 You asked for me.
18.28 IN SCT Starry Night.
18.28 IN SCT, someone just called.
18.28 IN SCT, an anonymous sponsor for our competition.
18.28 An anonymous sponsor for our competition.
18.28 That&;s great.
18.28 NSC, your opponent?
18.28 They&;ve tripled the original price.
18.28 They&;ve tripled the original price.
18.28 This one?
18.28 It&;s yours.
18.28 Why do you have sponsorship?
18.28 You&;re not even a fake boxer.
18.28 I&;ve taken all the money.
18.28 You have to fight
18.28 You do not have my consent
18.28 Without my permission, you took money from the other fighter.
18.28 You can either wait for the defense
18.28 Or you have to return the money
18.28 Give back the money
18.28 Anyway, I can&;t compromise.
18.28 IN SCT
IN SCT, you have to fight.
18.28 IN SCT or else
18.28 I&;ll disqualify you.
18.28 IN SCT What you won&;t do
18.28 INSECT There&;s a lot of people who would do it.
18.28 There&;s a lot of people who would do it.
18.28 IN SCT
18.28 I&;m in first place.
18.28 You have no right to disqualify
18.28 I&;m disqualified.
18.28 IN SCT I&;m disqualified
18.28 IN SCT If nothing happens
18.28 IN SCT, I&;ll go first.
18.28 I&;ll go first .
18.28 I&;ll be going.
18.28 SECT Shen Xingruo
18.28 SECT Shen Xingruo.
18.28 N SECT I&;ll definitely kick you out of the competition
18.28 You are.
18.28 It doesn&;t matter who I am.
18.28 What matters is.
18.28 I&;ll find a way
18.28 To keep Shen Xingruo out of the competition.
18.28 INSECT
18.28 It&;s almost time for the competition.
18.28 Train well, everyone.
18.28 Try to get a good result.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Coach Shen.
18.28 Is what happened on the internet true?
18.28 Coach Shen.
18.28 Do you have anything else to explain?
18.28 What are you talking about?
18.28 Looks like Coach Shen doesn&;t know.
18.28 What happened to him.
18.28 Has been posted on the Internet.
18.28 Then I&;ll play it for you.
18.28 The other player will pay the original price.
18.28 That&;s great
18.28 I&;ll do my best to fight fake fighters
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 Don&;t be greedy.
18.28 I&;ll take the other fighter&;s money.
18.28 Anyway, I can&;t compromise.
18.28 I&;ll disqualify you
18.28 I was ranked first.
18.28 You&;re not qualified
18.28 Disqualify me
18.28 Did you all hear that?
18.28 Shen Xingruo wants money.
18.28 She wanted to play a fake tournament
18.28 I had no choice but to put this recording
18.28 I put it on the Internet
18.28 I hope to stop
18.28 Her immoral behavior
18.28 This recording is clearly
18.28 Edited
18.28 You asked me to play a fake game
18.28 I refused.
18.28 It&;s a well-known fact.
18.28 Shen Xingruo&;s championships
18.28 Were all won by taking pills.
18.28 Or sleeping with her.
18.28 Why are you still pretending?
18.28 You&;re lying!
18.28 I have witnesses.
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 I can prove it.
18.28 Shen Xingruo was abroad.
18.28 When Shen Xingruo was competing abroad.
18.28 She had a messy personal life.
18.28 The day before the competition.
18.28 The day before the competition, she was still seeing someone else.
18.28 I know about that.
18.28 Shen Xingruo was reported.
18.28 She lost her title.
18.28 I didn&;t realize Shen Xingruo was such a person.
18.28 It&;s a waste of time.
18.28 All those people who loved you.
18.28 INSECT The sponsor is anonymous anyway.
18.28 INSECT Why don&;t we borrow her?
18.28 INSECT , and make Shen Xingruo&;s accusation stick.
18.28 The sponsor?
18.28 Shen Xingruo slept with her in exchange.
18.28 If I hadn&;t reported it.
18.28 I would have won the championship.
18.28 She&;s still the winner.
18.28 So it&;s already been decided?
18.28 Shen Xingruo is so pretty .
18.28 I can figure it out with my toes
18.28 How did the results come about?
18.28 I don&;t have any.
18.28 I really don&;t know.
18.28 What sponsorship?
18.28 Shen Xingruo, don&;t argue.
18.28 Withdraw from the competition.
18.28 I won&;t let a good player
18.28 Disqualified from the competition
18.28 And I won&;t let a bad player
18.28 To challenge the fairness of the competition
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 If you do too much, you&;ll get yourself killed
18.28 You brought this on yourself
18.28 I hereby declare
18.28 Shen Xingruo is disqualified from the competition
18.28 Withdraw from the competition.
18.28 I have a headache.
18.28 Shen Xingruo, why are you pretending to be so pathetic?
18.28 No one will believe you.
18.28 Hold on, Inspector.
18.28 FIZZ COO, what are you doing here?
18.28 Don&;t be afraid, honey.
18.28 I&;m here.
18.28 INSECT Who are you?
18.28 INSECT, mind your own business!
18.28 How dare you!
18.28 How dare you disrespect Mr. Ryukawa?
18.28 INSECT Oh!
18.28 So you&;re
18.28 Shen Xingruo&;s husband?
18.28 You&;re still pretending to be Mr. Longchuan ?
18.28 Why are you pretending?
18.28 I advise you to be careful with your words.
18.28 Every word you say now
18.28 Will put you in jail
18.28 You&;ll be in there for a few more years.
18.28 Aigoo, I&;m scared
18.28 You&;re really hanging a gourd in your own house.
18.28 You think you&;re a grandpa, don&;t you?
18.28 Is he really the president of Ryukawa?
18.28 INSECT? Really?
18.28 Yes, he is.
18.28 Back then, at the Economic Forum.
18.28 My identity is not enough to get
18.28 Interview qualification
18.28 At the gate, I had the honor
18.28 Saw the side of Mr. Song&;s face
18.28 I&;m here to announce two things
18.28 First
18.28 Shen Xingruo
18.28 Is my wife
18.28 Secondly.
18.28 INSECT, this boxing match
18.28 I&;m sponsoring it.
18.28 But for the sake of publicity.
18.28 I didn&;t publicize
18.28 My relationship with her, that&;s all.
18.28 This is the sponsorship agreement.
18.28 This is the sponsorship agreement
18.28 If you don&;t believe me.
18.28 You can go to Longchuan Group and ask
18.28 Song Hanyu is the president of Longchuan
18.28 He lied to me for so long
18.28 A top tycoon who never shows his face
18.28 For the sake of his commoner wife
18.28 He came out to clarify
18.28 It&;s a hot search!
18.28 Even if you are the president&;s wife
18.28 So what?
18.28 INSECT, you&;re still a fake boxer.
18.28 You can&;t go against INSECT
18.28 Fairness and justice, right?
18.28 Mr. Lee.
18.28 Give them a break.
18.28 Come on.
18.28 I&;ll take all the money
18.28 You have to fight
18.28 You did not go through
18.28 My consent
18.28 You take money from the other player without my permission
18.28 Player&;s money without my consent.
18.28 INSECT, or you&;re gonna get sued.
18.28 INSECT, or you should return the money
18.28 Give the money back to them.
18.28 There&;s no way I&;m going to compromise.
18.28 You have to fight .
18.28 Or else
18.28 I&;ll disqualify you
18.28 Disqualification
18.28 What you don&;t want to do
18.28 There are a lot of people willing to do
18.28 You&;re the one who took the money
18.28 To get Shen Xingruo to play a fake match.
18.28 But Shen refused.
18.28 INSECT , in retaliation.
18.28 You deliberately used the media
18.28 To force Shen Xingruo to withdraw from the competition.
18.28 So you&;re the real bad guy.
18.28 Is you.
18.28 No, no, no, no, no.
18.28 No way!
18.28 INSECT, this surveillance
18.28 It must have been synthesized.
18.28 You didn&;t say you&;d do it.
18.28 It&;s okay?
18.28 I&;m just–
18.28 I&;m just trying to come up with an idea.
18.28 INSECT All the bad stuff.
18.28 INSECT, he did it.
18.28 He did it.
I had nothing to do with it.
18.28 You&;re such a sweetie.
18.28 How dare you turn against me?
18.28 Abetting is a crime.
18.28 F ZZ COCO
18.28 Boss!
18.28 These
18.28 This is the chief coach
18.28 Over the years.
18.28 INSECT&;s evidence of embezzlement.
18.28 Both of them
18.28 Admitted to framing
18.28 Madame.
18.28 They&;ve been videotaped.
18.28 Send them both in.
18.28 For the rest of their lives.
18.28 They&;ll never come out.
18.28 Come on.
18.28 Hey, brother.
18.28 Don&;t, don&;t, don&;t , don&;t, don&;t.
18.28 Hey!
18.28 Mrs. Song.
18.28 Please look at the camera.
18.28 Wait for the reporter to leave.
18.28 You wait for me.
18.28 Ladies and gentlemen of the press.
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 He&;s busy.
18.28 Do you want to do an interview?
18.28 Please follow me to this side
18.28 Make an appointment.
18.28 Please, Mr. Song.
18.28 Go for it, boss!
18.28 Take a few punches.
18.28 Madam
18.28 should be able to get over it.
18.28 Xingruo.
18.28 Song
18.28 Hanyu.
18.28 Have you forgotten?
18.28 We&;re still in a cooling-off period
18.28 . you.
18.28 If you don&;t want to get over it.
18.28 You can punch me a couple of times.
18.28 Stop it
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 In the past few days
18.28 I&;ve thought about it
18.28 Let&;s get a divorce
18.28 Divorce?
18.28 Why?
18.28 You&;re the president of Ryukawa.
18.28 I&;m just a
18.28 An ordinary boxer
18.28 Between us
18.28 We&;re too different.
18.28 It&;s not right to be together.
18.28 You are.
18.28 I didn&;t tell you.
18.28 That&;s all.
18.28 Before.
18.28 I didn&;t know who you were.
18.28 Now I do.
18.28 I should have left you.
18.28 We&;re already married.
18.28 This identity is nothing
18.28 You think so?
18.28 It&;s nothing?
18.28 Then why didn&;t you tell me
18.28 Why didn&;t you tell me?
18.28 In fact, in your heart
18.28 You were also thinking
18.28 You were afraid I&;d take your money.
18.28 Is that so?
I&;m sorry.
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 You don&;t have to say sorry.
18.28 Xia Qianxue
18.28 I&;m still waiting for you to take responsibility.
18.28 Even if we don&;t get divorced
18.28 Hsia Chien-hsueh&;s case
18.28 Between us
18.28 Will still be a thorn in our side
18.28 I don&;t want us
18.28 Become a grudge against each other
18.28 This divorce agreement
18.28 I&;ve already signed it.
18.28 You won&;t get a penny of my assets.
18.28 Why don&;t you sign it?
18.28 I&;m not signing it.
18.28 I don&;t want to sign it.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Congratulations on being single again.
18.28 Thank you, sir.
18.28 Tell me the truth.
18.28 Are you sad ?
18.28 I&;m divorced.
18.28 What can you do if you&;re sad?
18.28 It&;ll pass.
18.28 Divorce?
18.28 It&;s impossible to get divorced.
18.28 This looks like a bar.
18.28 It&;s a bar.
18.28 There shouldn&;t be any
18.28 I don&;t think there will be any sexy men here, right?
18.28 I&;ve got an open mouth.
18.28 This is
18.28 Hello, ladies.
18.28 Can we share a table?
18.28 Of course.
18.28 Please have a seat.
18.28 He&;s a good-looking guy.
18.28 He&;s a fresh meat.
18.28 He can call you "sister".
18.28 Yes, he&;s nice.
18.28 But it has nothing to do with me.
18.28 The only way to get over an ex
18.28 The only way to get over an ex
18.28 Is to find another man.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 Take your chances.
18.28 Sisters
18.28 You&;re here to play by yourself.
18.28 Handsome man with good eyesight.
18.28 My sister is in a bad mood.
18.28 Have a drink with her.
18.28 You&;re welcome.
18.28 It&;s my honor.
18.28 That&;s it.
18.28 I have something to do.
18.28 I&; ll be going now.
18.28 Enjoy yourselves.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 After tonight.
18.28 All your worries will be gone.
18.28 Go for it!
18.28 What kind of girlfriends are these?
18.28 They&;re too busy cheating on Starry.
18.28 Sister.
18.28 What&;s troubling you?
18.28 You can tell me .
18.28 Maybe
18.28 I can help.
18.28 My friend just made that up.
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 I&;m sorry.
18.28 But your eyes
18.28 Already betrayed you
18.28 How dare you touch my wife?
18.28 Don&;t you want to die?
18.28 Let her go!
18.28 Let her go!
18.28 Sister, who is this person?
18.28 I&;m her husband, who am I?
18.28 Why are you here?
18.28 Two handsome men
18.28 Fighting for a woman
18.28 I want to be
18.28 That woman ah
18.28 Starry
18.28 Don&;t be with this kind of man
18.28 I&;m not better looking than him.
18.28 I&; m not better looking than him.
18.28 I&;m richer than him.
18.28 We&;re divorced.
18.28 I&;m free to be with whoever I want.
18.28 It&;s my freedom.
18.28 You don&;t have the right to control me.
18.28 So it&;s your ex- husband&;s brother?
18.28 What&;s with the hand?
18.28 Why is it so strong?
18.28 A man has to learn to understand things.
18.28 If you keep on pestering me.
18.28 You&;re a clown.
18.28 You don&;t have a say in this.
18.28 What are you talking about?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 I haven&;t agreed yet.
18.28 You&;re still my wife.
18.28 You&;re still my wife.
18.28 Anyway, we&;ve been separated for two years.
18.28 You&;re automatically divorced.
18.28 Mr. Song, you&;d better go home.
18.28 Maybe Xia Qianxue
18.28 Is already waiting at home.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 You must be angry.
18.28 That&;s why you divorced me, right?
18.28 Hsia Chien-hsueh.
18.28 I&;ll make it up to her.
18.28 I&;ve always loved you.
18.28 You&; re the only one I love the most.
18.28 Mr. Song.
18.28 I&;ll leave that to you.
18.28 The next person to say it.
18.28 Let&;s go.
18.28 This man seems to have a mistress.
18.28 Oh, no.
18.28 The scumbag got dumped.
18.28 I&; m sorry.
18.28 I don&;t have
18.28 I&;m not looking for a date.
18.28 I just took your hand.
18.28 I just don&;t want
18.28 I don&;t want to be pestered by my ex-husband.
18.28 It&;s okay. It&;s okay.
18.28 I saw you sweating.
18.28 Wipe it off.
18.28 Thank you. – Oh, my God.
18.28 This paper.
18.28 Why does it smell?
18.28 Starry.
18.28 You like him that much?
18.28 That ugly guy?
18.28 Boss.
18.28 What happened back then?
18.28 I&;ve found out everything .
18.28 I&;ve repaired the hotel&;s
18.28 I&;ve successfully repaired the hotel&;s surveillance system.
18.28 Tell me.
18.28 Xia Qianxue is a fake.
18.28 The one who really had sex with you that night
18.28 The one who really had sex with you that night was Madam.
18.28 What&;s going on?
18.28 It was Xia Qianxue who
18.28 Hsia Chien-hsueh drugged you.
18.28 Fortunately, Madam
18.28 Entered the room by mistake.
18.28 That&;s why Xia Qianxue
18.28 That&;s why she didn&;t get it.
18.28 So if Star knew
18.28 It was me at that time.
18.28 Surveillance shows
18.28 The next day.
18.28 She fell down the stairs.
18.28 She lost her memory.
18.28 She didn&;t realize
18.28 Who was with her that night.
18.28 With her that night.
18.28 It was you.
18.28 Starla.
18.28 Wait for me.
18.28 That&;s not right.
18.28 There&;s no way
18.28 She can&;t let a strange man
18.28 A strange man hugging her.
18.28 Mr. Lee.
18.28 Get me the location of the lady.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You didn&;t expect it, did you?
18.28 We&;d ever see each other again.
18.28 Ms. Hsia .
18.28 What are you doing here?
18.28 You&;re in cahoots.
18.28 Sister&;s reflexes
18.28 It&;s a bit long
18.28 We&;re not even out of the movie yet.
18.28 Your performance fee
18.28 I&;ve already paid you.
18.28 Xia Qianxue.
18.28 What do you want?
18.28 I&; m looking for someone to bully you, of course
18.28 I have no grudges against you
18.28 Why do you want to hurt me?
18.28 It&;s because
18.28 You vixen
18.28 Song Hanyu doesn&;t want to
18.28 To divorce you
18.28 It&;s all because of you
18.28 Ms. Xia
18.28 You must have misunderstood
18.28 You&;re Song Hanyu&;s
18.28 First night
18.28 He&;s always been
18.28 He can&;t forget you
18.28 It should have been you
18.28 It should have been me
18.28 The one who drugged Song Hanyu
18.28 I was the one who drugged Song Hanyu
18.28 But you were the one who did it
18.28 It turns out
18.28 I was in the United States
18.28 I was with Song Hanyu
18.28 I was with Song Hanyu
18.28 I was his
18.28 I remember now
18.28 It was always Song Hanyu
18.28 It&;s not because of you
18.28 You took away my
18.28 Mrs. Mansion&;s identity
18.28 I won&;t let you go
18.28 Oh yeah
18.28 Your boxing championship
18.28 I also lost it.
18.28 I&;m sorry?
18.28 I paid someone to replace it.
18.28 I paid someone to change your
18.28 Urine samples.
18.28 So your urine test
18.28 Failed.
18.28 Xia Qianxue
18.28 You&;re so vicious
18.28 Why is it that I
18.28 No one wants me
18.28 You have nothing
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 And yet he&;s devoted to you
18.28 Is that so?
18.28 You&;re good in bed
18.28 You&;ve got something to offer
18.28 It&;s a pity
18.28 You&;re about to become
18.28 A rag
18.28 You&;re about to die a humiliating death.
18.28 I can do that.
18.28 I can help.
18.28 Aye.
18.28 I&;ll let you do it.
18.28 It&;s too good for her.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I&;ve found a few men
18.28 I&;ve found some men for you.
18.28 I don&;t know, Ms. Shen.
18.28 What&;s your skill?
18.28 Let me
18.28 Let&;s see.
18.28 You guys go together.
18.28 I&;ll make a video.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I
18.28 &;m
18.28 going to make you
18.28 Just like five years ago.
18.28 Lose your title and your innocence.
18.28 I
18.28 ca
18.28 n&;t
18.28 wait. all because of
18.28 You&;re the reason I&;m so crazy.
18.28 It&;s not because of you!
18.28 You&;re not right
18.28 That&;s why you&;ve suffered so much
18.28 I&;m the daughter of the Xia family.
18.28 I don&;t have to suffer at all.
18.28 I can&;t.
18.28 I can&;t just sit here and wait.
18.28 Honey.
18.28 I&;m coming to save you.
18.28 Honey, wait a minute
18.28 I said seduce my husband
18.28 I told you to change my urine test
18.28 I told you to find someone to bully me
18.28 Honey
18.28 You&;re so strong
18.28 Waiting for you to save
18.28 My boxing champion
18.28 Persona is about to collapse
18.28 Mr. Lee&;s assistant
18.28 Let Xia Group
18.28 Bankruptcy in three seconds
18.28 Send Xia Qianxue and these people
18.28 Send them in
18.28 For the rest of their lives
18.28 They&;ll never get out.
18.28 Yes, sir.
18.28 Let&;s do it.
18.28 Boss, please forgive me.
18.28 We&;re just
18.28 Getting paid to do the job
18.28 Yes, yes, yes.
18.28 Shen Xingruo.
18.28 I&;ll be a ghost.
18.28 I won&; t let you go.
18.28 Xingruo.
18.28 I
18.28 &;m so sorry.
18.28 I&;ve been deceived by Xia Ganxue.
18.28 I &;ve
18.28 been lied to by Xia Ganxue for so long.
18.28 remembered
18.28 Song Hanyu
18.28 We met when we were kids
18.28 We used to be together
18.28 We were kidnapped
18.28 I was that little girl
18.28 And
18.28 That night in Mississippi.
18.28 It was me and you.
18.28 Starry.
18.28 I can&;t believe it&;s you.
18.28 We&;re destined to be
18.28 Husband and wife.
18.28 Let&;s go home.
18.28 I have a game tomorrow.
18.28 Stop
18.28 Congratulations to Shen Xingruo.
18.28 You&;ve won the boxing championship.
18.28 I&;d like to invite the champion
18.28 Let&;s hear what he has to say
18.28 Winner&;s speech
18.28 I won the trophy
18.28 The first thing I want to thank
18.28 My husband
18.28 He&;s always
18.28 He has always been behind me
18.28 Encouraging me
18.28 It was destined
18.28 We&;re meant to be together
18.28 He&;s really good to me
18.28 NUM
Though I&;ve never given him a gift.
18.28 I&;ve never given him any gifts.
18.28 But today, NUM
18.28 I want to give him this trophy.
18.28 To him
18.28 Song Hanyu.
18.28 Thank you.
18.28 And
18.28 I love you
18.28 Does it hurt? VENU M IUN
18.28 Wife
18.28 I love you too.
18.28 Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss.
18.28 Kiss.
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