YouTube : Le thème « nofap » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
Le thème « nofap » en vidéo par Seb Jones
Signée par Seb Jones, cette vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) traite du thème « nofap ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 1098.
Extraordinary Shifts in Your Reality (Huge Difference)), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Découvrez de beaux avantages et libératrices après avoir atteint 60 jours de liberté totale de la Rnographie. #Nofap (tagstotranslate) nofap ».
La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation
Réussir sur NoFap : les stratégies à adopter
Trucs et astuces de NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation
Il est primordial d’intégrer des activités comme l’exercice et la méditation pour renforcer la motivation et éviter les déclencheurs.
Les rechutes peuvent être maîtrisées avec des techniques appropriées.
Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.
Livres et ressources en ligne pour mieux comprendre NoFap.
Pour une vue d’ensemble scientifique, des travaux comme ceux de Nicole Prause et d’autres recherches approfondies permettent de mieux comprendre l’impact de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que ses traitements.
La force de la communauté NoFap réside dans son rôle crucial pour aider les hommes à se reconstruire.
Les discussions sur les forums NoFap permettent aux membres de partager leurs histoires et de s’entraider.
Les forums servent de points d’échange cruciaux, où les hommes peuvent recevoir du soutien, partager leurs réussites et accéder à des recherches scientifiques pertinentes.
Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.
La communauté Nofap et ses forums sont essentiels pour les hommes qui cherchent à combattre l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en fournissant un espace d’échange pour prévenir les rechutes et partager des solutions. Un accompagnement qualifié est parfois indispensablec’est le cas de ce spécialiste du Nofapinstallé en France.
Analyser comment les forums et les groupes de soutien aident à surmonter les obstacles rencontrés par les individus.
Les chercheurs ont révélé que la participation à des forums comme ceux de NoFap améliore les chances de succès dans la lutte contre l’anxiété et la dépression. L’étude scientifique met en lumière le rôle essentiel de la solidarité dans la communauté NoFap pour combattre les comportements liés à la masturbation.
L’abstinence impacte la vie des hommes en améliorant leur bien-être global.
Évaluer les effets de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
De nombreuses études révèlent que l’abstinence peut restaurer des fonctions érectiles saines chez les hommes.
L’évaluation des bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet d’en comprendre l’impact.
L’abstinence aide l’homme à diminuer l’anxiété, la dépression, et à accroître la confiance en soi. Les membres de NoFap partagent souvent des expériences de changements psychologiques.
Observer la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression après l’arrêt de la masturbation, et ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé mentale.
La dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation chez l’homme provoque souvent une anxiété importante. En cessant ces comportements, il est courant de voir une réduction de la dépression et une meilleure gestion des actions personnelles.
Les avantages du NoFap pour les hommes
Le principe de NoFap consiste à cesser la pornographie pour mieux vivre.
Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.
Identifier les raisons qui poussent à pratiquer NoFap est essentiel pour comprendre son efficacité.
Les adeptes de NoFap cherchent avant tout à lutter contre les méfaits de la pornographie, à améliorer leur fonction érectile et à apaiser l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés confirment une baisse significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté ces habitudes.
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Les effets de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes ont été étudiés par des chercheurs, mettant en lumière des problèmes tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a notamment publié une étude sur les conséquences de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur le bien-être des individus.
Si vous désirez accéder à la vidéo sur YouTube, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien :
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#Nofap #jours #avantages #Changements #extraordinaires #dans #votre #réalité #énorme #différence
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: 60 days of freedom from pornography offers you an even greater even brighter even more positive reality than the previous 30 days did and i want to share what that’s like with you the first benefit of hitting the 60-day mark is that you get your soul back and some more because do you know what the worst effect of using pornography is it’s feeling like you’ve given over the deepest part of you to pure darkness which as a result leaves you feeling completely spiritually bankrupt and overwhelmed by a dark mentally foggy feeling that makes you overthink and live in your head the good news here is that past this 60-day mark this darkness is lifted up and out of your experience almost like it’s been evaporated and this allows you to basically feel human again but it’s even better than that for you are reconnected to your momentum and your lust for life in a way that runs so deep you just become utterly passionate about being alive and to have this as your experience is an extremely rewarding thing you can say to yourself for example out loud with total honesty yes i have been disciplined and now i am free i am clean and i feel good about things i will say though what i’ve described here it is possible after just 30 days but after 60 days i find that you experience a new depth or a new level of richness and purity and clear-headedness and perhaps more than anything it begins to really stick and hold as your everyday reality much more because of how long you’ve been doing it for the second benefit of these 60 days is that when this darkness low energy and self-consciousness are lifted these things are replaced with a beaming positivity you can say for the first time in a long time maybe even the first time since childhood that you can feel real joy within that you can smile laugh and really feel the warmth inside as a genuine and natural part of your experience most people don’t talk about this but really we are all suckers for these kinds of warm and spiritual feelings when you feel like you’re receiving a deep sense of love from the universe and what’s such a shame is that most people they never quite get to this point because they are preoccupied with an addiction that offers them a short and sharp temporary blast of this love but they remain ignorant of the possibility that this love can still be felt but just slightly less intensely and over an extremely long period of time so it’s your level of wisdom that is demonstrated in what form of love you choose to take short sharp and temporary but really intense or slightly less intense but more drawn out and experienced for the rest of your life every single day remember it’s your actions that do the talking here so act with high consciousness and high wisdom the next benefit is that even if things aren’t going perfect in your life your state and your energy are so damn high it doesn’t matter what’s going on out there in here you feel vibrant and believe it or not that is the only thing that matters for example if you’ve done some spiritual work and have investigated into what reality is you would know that what is out there is actually no different to what is in here these things are one and this hits you like a truck especially when the world out there suddenly starting to appear all bright and beautiful has coincided with you cleaning up your own psyche and inner world you realize that you’ve just changed your own reality and part of you almost can’t believe it so understand that i’m literally talking about your sense of physical reality shifting in more positive and spiritual ways because your inner world is not plagued by darkness this literally makes you realize that reality out there is and always has been a mirroring of what is in here and this gives you power for the rest of your life to take responsibility for your internal state of mind knowing that it will mirror back out as physical external reality the next benefit is that whatever you do you’re just better you’re just better at it you’re sharper you’re more perceptive you’re more concentrated and you’re more engaged do not underestimate the power of renouncing pornography to seriously enhance your ability to focus but because you can focus like a madman completely zoning out what you’re not focused on like tunnel vision like a laser beam and what’s funny is when you’re just starting out on this journey you don’t ask for any of this you just want to break out of your addiction but i’m telling you that that’s not just what you receive you receive worlds and universes more of life value and energy than you initially bargained for it just all comes through provided of course that you are doing the work and if you don’t know the work of course i mean is the meditating working out journaling shadow work spiritual practice contemplation reflection self-care self-love confidence work emotional work concentration work everything that you need to be doing to self-actualize to self-realize and to raise your human potential and ultimately move towards awakening as god or universal consciousness the next benefit is that you will feel more emotionally mature and of course this is the case because emotionally mature people they make wise and responsible decisions and every single day you are making at least one wise and responsible decision this benefit is one that will make you feel a lot older than you actually are it will make you feel more detached more wise and overall just less interested in hanging out with people who are foolish and who make unwise decisions you could say that your standards are raised and your values evolve as you develop emotionally and spiritually on this path and don’t forget that this maturity is a really good sign of you growing so don’t be afraid to change when it comes to who you are and how you live your life just let it all happen and that’s the best thing you can do the next benefit is that you don’t sweat the small stuff anymore things they just don’t really affect you as much as they once did and i’m not talking about becoming this ultra stoic human being although you can feel like that sometimes this is much more about just not over thinking all the time and having a clearer more accurate perception of reality and this helps you really have things in perspective and really become just a much more grounded person because when it comes down to it life is way too short to be overthinking and stressing yourself out all the time it’s a lot simpler to create the right internal conditions within that support you in being calm grounded and just here in this moment so if you’re interested in being not as clingy or stressy or full of mind quit all pornography and it will pave the way forward for you my final message is that what i’ve described here is not an easy thing to accomplish it takes denying yourself pornography even when every single thing inside of you says yes do that that’s a great idea you have to turn pmo down every single time and you have to be consistent with it likewise these benefits they are a product of total abstinence from all forms of pornography that means that you have to cut out all of the soft core stuff too the instagram the tick tock it’s all gotta go because if you are genuinely committed and genuinely serious you will realize that it bugs you if you’re letting some poison in you will start to feel that you are lacking if you are not being completely true to yourself and disciplined for example your higher self will keep on reminding you hey dude don’t do that that’s not worth it stay away from that and get back to work on yourself and you know your higher self is not going anywhere so listen to it and trust it for it your higher self is the ultimate savior in your own direct experience then you can always call upon if you need some help so i hope you enjoyed this video and if you would like some more videos then please do subscribe .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.96 60 days of freedom from pornography
0.96 offers you an even greater even brighter
0.96 even more positive reality than the
0.96 previous 30 days did and i want to share
0.96 what that&;s like with you
0.96 the first benefit of hitting the 60-day
0.96 mark is that you
0.96 get your soul back
0.96 and some more
0.96 because do you know what the worst
0.96 effect of using pornography is
0.96 it&;s feeling like you&;ve given over the
0.96 deepest part of you to pure darkness
0.96 which as a result leaves you feeling
0.96 completely spiritually bankrupt and
0.96 overwhelmed by a dark mentally foggy
0.96 feeling that makes you overthink and
0.96 live in your head
0.96 the good news here is that past this
0.96 60-day mark
0.96 this darkness is lifted up and out of
0.96 your experience almost like it&;s been
0.96 evaporated
0.96 and this allows you to basically feel
0.96 human again
0.96 but it&;s even better than that for you
0.96 are reconnected to your momentum and
0.96 your lust for life in a way that runs so
0.96 deep you just become utterly passionate
0.96 about being alive
0.96 and to have this as your experience is
0.96 an extremely rewarding thing
0.96 you can say to yourself for example out
0.96 loud with total honesty yes
0.96 i have been disciplined and now i am
0.96 free i am clean and i feel good about
0.96 things
0.96 i will say though what i&;ve described
0.96 here it is possible after just 30 days
0.96 but after 60 days i find that you
0.96 experience a new depth or a new level of
0.96 richness and purity and clear-headedness
0.96 and perhaps more than anything
0.96 it begins to really stick and hold as
0.96 your everyday reality much more because
0.96 of how long you&;ve been doing it for
0.96 the second benefit of these 60 days is
0.96 that when this darkness low energy and
0.96 self-consciousness are lifted
0.96 these things are replaced with a beaming
0.96 positivity
0.96 you can say for the first time in a long
0.96 time
0.96 maybe even the first time since
0.96 childhood that you can feel real joy
0.96 within
0.96 that you can smile
0.96 laugh
0.96 and really feel the warmth inside as a
0.96 genuine and natural part of your
0.96 experience
0.96 most people don&;t talk about this but
0.96 really we are all suckers for these
0.96 kinds of warm and spiritual feelings
0.96 when you feel like you&;re receiving a
0.96 deep sense of love from the universe
0.96 and what&;s such a shame is that most
0.96 people they never quite get to this
0.96 point because they are preoccupied with
0.96 an addiction that offers them a short
0.96 and sharp temporary blast of this love
0.96 but they remain ignorant of the
0.96 possibility that this love can still be
0.96 felt
0.96 but just slightly less intensely and
0.96 over an extremely long period of time
0.96 so it&;s your level of wisdom that is
0.96 demonstrated in what form of love you
0.96 choose to take
0.96 short sharp and temporary but really
0.96 intense
0.96 or
0.96 slightly less intense but more drawn out
0.96 and experienced for the rest of your
0.96 life every single day
0.96 remember it&;s your actions that do the
0.96 talking here
0.96 so act with high consciousness and high
0.96 wisdom
0.96 the next benefit is that even if things
0.96 aren&;t going perfect in your life your
0.96 state and your energy are so damn high
0.96 it doesn&;t matter what&;s going on out
0.96 there
0.96 in here you feel vibrant
0.96 and believe it or not
0.96 that is the only thing that matters
0.96 for example if you&;ve done some
0.96 spiritual work and have investigated
0.96 into what reality is you would know that
0.96 what is out there is actually
0.96 no different to what is in here
0.96 these things are one
0.96 and this hits you like a truck
0.96 especially when the world out there
0.96 suddenly starting to appear all bright
0.96 and beautiful
0.96 has
0.96 coincided with you cleaning up your own
0.96 psyche and inner world
0.96 you realize that you&;ve just changed
0.96 your own reality
0.96 and part of you almost can&;t believe it
0.96 so understand that i&;m literally talking
0.96 about
0.96 your sense of physical reality shifting
0.96 in more positive and spiritual ways
0.96 because your inner world
0.96 is not plagued by darkness
0.96 this
0.96 literally makes you realize that reality
0.96 out there is and always has been a
0.96 mirroring of what is in here
0.96 and this gives you power for the rest of
0.96 your life
0.96 to take responsibility for your internal
0.96 state of mind
0.96 knowing that it will mirror back out as
0.96 physical external reality
0.96 the next benefit
0.96 is that whatever you do
0.96 you&;re just better you&;re just better at
0.96 it you&;re sharper you&;re more perceptive
0.96 you&;re more concentrated and you&;re more
0.96 engaged
0.96 do not underestimate the power of
0.96 renouncing pornography to seriously
0.96 enhance your ability to focus but
0.96 because you can focus like a madman
0.96 completely zoning out what you&;re not
0.96 focused on like tunnel vision like a
0.96 laser beam
0.96 and what&;s funny is when you&;re just
0.96 starting out on this journey
0.96 you don&;t ask for any of this
0.96 you just want to break out of your
0.96 addiction but i&;m telling you that
0.96 that&;s not just what you receive
0.96 you receive worlds and universes more of
0.96 life
0.96 value and energy than you initially
0.96 bargained for
0.96 it just all comes through provided of
0.96 course that you are doing the work and
0.96 if you don&;t know the work of course i
0.96 mean is the meditating working out
0.96 journaling shadow work spiritual
0.96 practice contemplation reflection
0.96 self-care self-love confidence work
0.96 emotional work concentration work
0.96 everything that you need to be doing to
0.96 self-actualize to self-realize and to
0.96 raise your human potential and
0.96 ultimately move towards awakening as god
0.96 or universal consciousness
0.96 the next benefit is that you will feel
0.96 more emotionally mature
0.96 and of course this is the case because
0.96 emotionally mature people
0.96 they make wise and responsible decisions
0.96 and every single day
0.96 you are making at least one wise and
0.96 responsible decision
0.96 this benefit is one that will make you
0.96 feel a lot older than you actually are
0.96 it will make you feel more detached more
0.96 wise
0.96 and overall
0.96 just less interested in hanging out with
0.96 people who are foolish
0.96 and who make unwise decisions
0.96 you could say that your standards are
0.96 raised and your values evolve as you
0.96 develop emotionally and spiritually on
0.96 this path
0.96 and don&;t forget that this maturity
0.96 is a really good sign of you growing
0.96 so don&;t be afraid to change when it
0.96 comes to who you are and how you live
0.96 your life just let it all happen and
0.96 that&;s the best thing you can do
0.96 the next benefit is that you don&;t sweat
0.96 the small stuff anymore things
0.96 they just don&;t really affect you as
0.96 much as they once did
0.96 and i&;m not talking about becoming this
0.96 ultra stoic human being although you can
0.96 feel like that sometimes
0.96 this is much more about just not over
0.96 thinking all the time and having a
0.96 clearer more accurate perception of
0.96 reality
0.96 and this helps you really have things in
0.96 perspective and really become just a
0.96 much more grounded person
0.96 because when it comes down to it life
0.96 is way too short to be overthinking and
0.96 stressing yourself out all the time
0.96 it&;s a lot simpler to create the right
0.96 internal conditions within that support
0.96 you in being calm
0.96 grounded and just here in this moment
0.96 so
0.96 if you&;re interested in being not as
0.96 clingy or stressy or full of mind
0.96 quit all pornography and it will pave
0.96 the way forward for you
0.96 my final message is that what i&;ve
0.96 described here
0.96 is not an easy thing to accomplish
0.96 it takes denying yourself pornography
0.96 even when every single thing inside of
0.96 you
0.96 says yes do that that&;s a great idea
0.96 you have to turn pmo down
0.96 every single time and you have to be
0.96 consistent with it
0.96 likewise these benefits
0.96 they are a product of total abstinence
0.96 from all forms of pornography
0.96 that means that you have to cut out all
0.96 of the soft core stuff too
0.96 the instagram the tick tock
0.96 it&;s all gotta go
0.96 because if you are genuinely committed
0.96 and genuinely serious
0.96 you will realize that it bugs you if
0.96 you&;re letting some poison in
0.96 you will start to feel that you are
0.96 lacking
0.96 if you are not being completely true to
0.96 yourself and disciplined
0.96 for example
0.96 your higher self will keep on reminding
0.96 you hey dude
0.96 don&;t do that that&;s not worth it stay
0.96 away from that
0.96 and get back to work on yourself
0.96 and you know your higher self is not
0.96 going anywhere so listen to it and trust
0.96 it
0.96 for it your higher self
0.96 is the ultimate savior in your own
0.96 direct experience then you
0.96 can always call upon if you need some
0.96 help
0.96 so
0.96 i hope you enjoyed this video and if you
0.96 would like some more videos then please
0.96 do
0.96 subscribe
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