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Quel âge avez-vous commencé à vous masturber? | LSD- aime le sexe et la discussion | Allo Health

Sur YouTube, Le thème « masturbate » analysé en profondeur

Le thème « masturbate » abordé sur youtube par Allo Health

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aborde le sujet de « masturbate ».

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LSD- Love Sex & Discussion « Nous descendons à nouveau dans les rues de #Bengaluru pour trouver des réponses à des questions importantes comme quel âge avez-vous commencé à vous masturber? La masturbation est-elle mauvaise? & bien d’autres dans cet épisode. 𝑳𝑺𝑫- 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝑺𝒆𝒙 & 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 est une série où nous descendons dans la rue pour voir ce que les gens savent, pensent et ressentent des sujets liés au sexe, à la sexualité et au plaisir. Aujourd’hui, nous sommes à Church Street, Bengaluru. Si vous avez un sujet dont vous voulez que nous parlions ou un endroit où vous voulez que nous venions commenter ci-dessous et faites-le nous savoir! ⤵ N’oubliez pas de vous abonner à @Allohealth pour un contenu quotidien pour sex-ed pour des informations gratuites sur votre santé sexuelle, essayez cette évaluation – pas de charges cachées! #voxpops #sexeducationglobal #ALLOHEALTH #SEXEDVOXPOP #SEXualHealthMatters #SexualHealthawareness #PeasureActivism #sexualHealthIndia (TagStotranslate) Quel âge est-ce que vous commencez à masturber (T) La masturbation est saine ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous

Appréhender les enjeux liés à la dépendance à la masturbation

Faire le point sur la masturbation et les habitudes qui y sont liées

La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.

Observer les signes d’un comportement addictif

La masturbation compulsive, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Scruter les conséquences sur le plan psychologique et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation, qui s’accompagne souvent d’une consommation fréquente de pornographie, provoque une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant mener à des difficultés telles que l’éjaculation précoce, une diminution de l’énergie ou des frustrations sexuelles.

Observer les facteurs liés à l’essor de cette pratique

Étudier l’impact de l’isolement sur le désir

Le désir non comblé et l’isolement, qu’il soit relationnel ou personnel, jouent également un rôle dans l’intensification de cette pratique.

Analyser les effets comportementaux de l’exposition à la pornographie

La pornographie constitue un facteur important. Elle alimente souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut fausser la compréhension de la sexualité.

Étudier les éléments liés à la psychologie et aux émotions

L’angoisse, le stress ou un manque de contentement dans d’autres domaines peuvent inciter à cette pratique compulsive.

Surmonter la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient excessive et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.

Établir une feuille de route pour arrêter

Valoriser le soutien des proches dans ce processus

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un expert en la matière pourra vous aider à avancer. comme ce leader de la chasteté installé en France.
  • Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : L’échange avec d’autres participants stimule la motivation.

Présenter des stratégies pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Se déconnecter de la pornographie : Bloquez les accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Éviter l’accès à la pornographie : Installez des outils de filtrage pour bloquer l’accès aux contenus explicites.

Suggérer des techniques efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Définir des objectifs précis : Optez pour des actions progressives ou adoptez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque le désir.
  • Se donner des objectifs précis : Mettez en œuvre des stratégies progressives ou intégrez le mouvement « nofap » pour rester abstinent.

Évaluer les répercussions positives d’un arrêt réussi

Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales

Les relations avec un conjoint deviennent plus profondes, avec une harmonie émotionnelle et physique accrue.

Rappeler l’importance de suivre un chemin pour un bonheur stable

En diminuant la dépendance, on peut expérimenter des bénéfices durables dans tous les aspects de la vie.

Illustrer l’évolution vers une meilleure gestion de la santé mentale

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

En dernière analyse

L’arrêt de la masturbation habituelle implique un parcours long et exigeant. Grâce à un plan détaillé et un soutien approprié, il devient possible de franchir cette étape et de savourer les bienfaits d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des projets plus gratifiants.

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#Quel #âge #avezvous #commencé #vous #masturber #LSD #aime #sexe #discussion #Allo #Health

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: foreign [Music] today the topic will be about masturbation which is the most searched topic on internet exciting but before that I wanna I wanna welcome you all you ought to sdu it stands for love sex or discussion I’m excited to talk about this let’s go today we are having three amazing people right next to me so the first question that I want to ask you is about so is masturbation good or bad I feel it is good obviously it’s good yeah it’s necessary I think so foreign oh good I guess good good situation it’s not like not bad not good I think it depends okay Ria is there a choice if they want to they can have it it is good to a certain extent depends on the number of usage during a day few people can’t have sex yeah so they’ll be happy with masturbating also okay so yeah are you trying to say something yeah that makes it sound sad that you can’t have sexy you will do it yourself oh yeah yeah it’s not it’s not always that everyone can have sex no makes you feel better about yourself say what is the right age to start masturbating I think whenever you discover it it’s fine I think so he won’t start from the adolescence right when you’re when you start your teens mostly 13 14 yeah that’s what it starts it doesn’t have any limit it’s probably depends upon how you think and like if you know your body well then you can go about it even at an early age so I don’t think this is a perfect age unless it until you’re mature okay and you know what you’re doing so you can go for it so I would say around 14 15 15. yeah same 15 16. okay I think around 16 to 17 is fine 14 15. whenever they are ready or they are okay with it they can do it who do you think masturbates more like what gender or what sex assigned at Birth passed away it’s mock people with a vagina or people with a penis I might be perceived in a certain way I don’t know I think there’s this negative feeling attached to masturbation especially when it comes comes to girls the thing with geyser they’re very open about the whole thing whereas girls are like quite unreserved about it so I personally think guys do masturbate a lot than girls that’s an answer which I do not really know because girls do not really just say that you know I masturbated yesterday or something like that so you don’t really know I think yeah guys do it more girls would like to keep it more private private yes that’s right boys are like they speak their heart heart out yeah [Music] that would actually um depend on the gender but I think boys boys it’s the boys okay the guys do you agree yeah yeah I agree I think boys just love to masturbate yeah boys only boys will start to really switched so does masturbating make you a bad person by any chance no it doesn’t you’re just exploring yourself exploring your needs no no what about you I don’t think so no no that’s no no no no no no no no no I don’t know it doesn’t it’s it’s kind of a basic necessity that is what I believe you know everyone does it it is very open we should not think that it’s good yeah yeah [Music] [Applause] acne weakness but ah so far so good all the gym people say like muscle loss oh yeah does it asking you the question I don’t think so you certainly lose muscle mass when you start masturbating but I don’t think it’s that significant it does causes weakness but yeah it depends on the number of users only if you overdo it maybe we will get weakness like that but I don’t think any hair hair fall loose or any pimple issues I think boys can answer this better but give me the next question I believe so it’s something all right so those are few of the most important points from all the people out there from Church Street Bangalore and that was some interesting stuff a lot of people know a lot of things ah Bangalore we’re impressed so that was it from us this week subscribe because we are posting new videos every day what should we talk about next until then see you very soon bye foreign .

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 foreign
0 [Music]
0 today the topic will be about
0 masturbation which is the most searched
0 topic on internet exciting but before
0 that I wanna I wanna welcome you all you
0 ought to
0 sdu it stands for love sex or discussion
0 I&;m excited to talk about this let&;s go
0 today we are having three amazing people
0 right next to me so the first question
0 that I want to ask you is about
0 so is masturbation good or bad I feel it
0 is good obviously it&;s good yeah it&;s
0 necessary I think so foreign
0 oh
0 good I guess good good
0 situation it&;s not like not bad not good
0 I think it depends okay Ria is there a
0 choice if they want to they can have it
0 it is good to a certain extent
0 depends on the number of usage during a
0 day few people can&;t have sex yeah so
0 they&;ll be happy with masturbating also
0 okay so yeah are you trying to say
0 something yeah that makes it sound sad
0 that you can&;t have sexy you will do it
0 yourself oh yeah yeah it&;s not it&;s not
0 always that everyone can have sex no
0 makes you feel better about yourself
0 say what is the right age to start
0 masturbating I think whenever you
0 discover it it&;s fine
0 I think so
0 he won&;t start from the adolescence
0 right when you&;re when you start your
0 teens
0 mostly 13 14 yeah that&;s what it starts
0 it doesn&;t have any limit
0 it&;s probably depends upon how you think
0 and like if you know your body well then
0 you can go about it even at an early age
0 so I don&;t think this is a perfect age
0 unless it until you&;re mature okay and
0 you know what you&;re doing so you can go
0 for it so I would say around 14 15
0 15. yeah same 15 16. okay I think around
0 16 to 17 is fine 14 15. whenever they
0 are ready or they are okay with it they
0 can do it who do you think masturbates
0 more like what gender or what sex
0 assigned at Birth passed away it&;s mock
0 people with a vagina or people with a
0 penis
0 I might be perceived in a certain way I
0 don&;t know I think there&;s this negative
0 feeling attached to masturbation
0 especially when it comes comes to girls
0 the thing with geyser they&;re very open
0 about the whole thing whereas girls are
0 like quite unreserved about it so I
0 personally think guys do masturbate a
0 lot than girls that&;s an answer which I
0 do not really know because girls do not
0 really just say that you know I
0 masturbated yesterday or something like
0 that so you don&;t really know I think
0 yeah guys do it more girls would like to
0 keep it more private private yes that&;s
0 right boys are like they speak their
0 heart heart out yeah
0 [Music]
0 that would actually
0 um depend on the gender but I think boys
0 boys
0 it&;s the boys okay the guys do you agree
0 yeah yeah I agree I think boys just love
0 to masturbate yeah boys only boys will
0 start to really switched so does
0 masturbating make you a bad person by
0 any chance no it doesn&;t you&;re just
0 exploring yourself exploring your needs
0 no no
0 what about you I don&;t think so no no
0 that&;s no no no no no no no no no I
0 don&;t know it doesn&;t it&;s it&;s kind of
0 a basic necessity that is what I believe
0 you know everyone does it it is very
0 open we should not think that it&;s good
0 yeah yeah
0 [Music]
0 [Applause]
0 acne weakness
0 but ah so far so good all the gym people
0 say like muscle loss oh yeah
0 does it
0 asking you the question I don&;t think so
0 you certainly lose muscle mass when you
0 start masturbating but I don&;t think
0 it&;s that significant
0 it does causes weakness but yeah it
0 depends on the number of users only if
0 you overdo it maybe we will get weakness
0 like that but I don&;t think any hair
0 hair fall loose or any pimple issues
0 I think boys can answer this better but
0 give me the next question
0 I believe so it&;s something
0 all right so those are few of the most
0 important points from all the people out
0 there from Church Street Bangalore and
0 that was some interesting stuff a lot of
0 people know a lot of things ah Bangalore
0 we&;re impressed
0 so that was it from us this week
0 subscribe because we are posting new
0 videos every day
0 what should we talk about next until
0 then see you very soon bye
0 foreign

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