Le thème «chasteté», une vidéo sur YouTube
Publiée sur YouTube par Sensus Fidelium (), cette vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «chasteté ».
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Vous noterez la durée (00:15:36s), le titre (How to Grow in the Virtue of Chastity ~ Fr Ripperger), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Sermon on tips to help you grow in chastity For more sermons & lectures please visit
http://sensustraditionis.org/ & remember to do the PenanceWare Fr asks for
Fr Ripperger’s order of exorcists http://dolorans.org/
The website https://sensusfidelium.com/
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La chasteté et l’homme : découvrez le parcours.
De nombreux hommes choisissent la chasteté comme règle de vie. À notre époque, elle se pratique de façon discrète. Le site chastete.fr traite en profondeur du sujet de la chasteté de l’homme. Ce qui masque le fait que beaucoup d’hommes portent une cage de chasteté. Son sexe est enfermé sous ses habits. L’homme est empêché de se masturber par cette entrave. C’est un coach qui régit ses actes sexuels, ses pulsions étant sous contrôle. Sans que sa verge et ses testicules soient contenues, l’homme se livre aisément à la masturbation. Cela est un comportement naturel. L’homme est perpétuellement stimulé dans notre société moderne. Même en se concentrant, il ne peut échapper aux sollicitations de la publicité, du cinéma, de la musique et autres. Il se soumet volontairement à une autorité qui contrôle son sexe et la rétention de sa semence comme seule solution. En pratiquant la chasteté, les hommes augmentent leur réussite et leur performance. Que ce soit pour un athlète, un étudiant ou un cadre, la contrainte des organes génitaux via un accessoire produit un état mental distinct de celui associé à la masturbation libre ou à la sexualité anarchique.
Pourquoi décider de mettre une ceinture ou une cage de chasteté ?
La ceinture de chasteté est adoptée pour des raisons multiples. Certains la voient comme un moyen d’améliorer la discipline et de réguler la sexualité masculine (érection, masturbation, etc.). Elle a également un usage excitant dans le cadre de jeux sexuels de domination. Certaines personnes l’utilisent pour assurer la fidélité dans le couple en empêchant l’infidélité physique. Pour certains, c’est un jeu ou un défi, où la privation et l’attente intensifient l’excitation et le désir.
Quels sont les avantages de la chasteté?
La pratique de la chasteté, souvent accompagnée d’accessoires comme les cages de chasteté, offre plusieurs bénéfices, aussi bien personnels que relationnels. La chasteté favorise l’autodiscipline personnelle et permet une meilleure focalisation sur les autres domaines de la vie. Pratiquer la chasteté peut intensifier l’anticipation et le désir, ce qui rend les moments d’intimité plus profonds. La chasteté, au sein du couple, permet d’améliorer la communication et de renforcer la complicité. En mettant en avant des formes d’affection non sexuelles, les couples peuvent développer une connexion émotionnelle plus riche, enrichissant ainsi leur relation.
Quels sont les effets de la chasteté sur la relation de couple ?
La relation de couple peut être profondément affectée par la pratique de la chasteté. La confiance et la communication peuvent être renforcées grâce à cette pratique, qui incite les partenaires à explorer de nouvelles dimensions de l’intimité. La chasteté peut introduire un niveau supplémentaire de complicité et d’excitation pour certains couples, transformant leur sexualité en un espace plus vaste et inventif. Lorsque bien gérée, la chasteté peut devenir un puissant instrument pour renforcer les relations et découvrir des dimensions nouvelles.
Comment une cage de chasteté fonctionne-t-elle ?
Le fonctionnement d’une cage de chasteté est relativement simple, s’appuyant sur une méthode sécurisée de confinement. Les étapes pour installer une cage de chasteté : On commence par positionner l’anneau de base autour de la base du pénis et derrière les testicules. Ensuite, le tube (plus ou moins long) est positionné sur le pénis, qui est inséré à l’intérieur de la cage. Sécurisation du dispositif : Une fois le tube en place, les tiges de connexion sont insérées pour relier l’anneau de base et la cage. Le dispositif est sécurisé en utilisant le verrou. Le verrou assure que la cage remplit sa fonction de confinement et empêche toute tentative de retrait sauf si le détenteur de la clé l’ouvre.
Comment déterminer la taille appropriée pour une cage de chasteté ?
Lors de l’emploi d’une ceinture de chasteté, il est important de suivre certaines précautions. Il est crucial de maintenir une hygiène rigoureuse pour prévenir les infections. La cage doit être enlevée périodiquement pour vérifier l’état cutané et pour un nettoyage approfondi. Pour que la pratique se déroule bien, il est important de discuter avec le coach, dont l’expérience permet d’anticiper les changements.
Mode d’emploi et port de la cage de chasteté :
En place, la cage de chasteté bloque les érections entières et restreint l’accès au pénis. Cela permet de gérer l’activité sexuelle de l’utilisateur, que ce soit seul ou avec la présence d’un partenaire. Il est crucial de maintenir une bonne hygiène pendant le port de la cage. La majorité des cages sont faites pour permettre la miction sans retirer le dispositif, mais il est important de nettoyer fréquemment pour éviter les irritations ou infections. Pour retirer la cage, il est nécessaire de déverrouiller le dispositif avec la clé et d’enlever l’anneau de base ainsi que le tube. Il est conseillé de vérifier la condition de la peau et la circulation sanguine après chaque période prolongée de port. La cage de chasteté est un dispositif sophistiqué mais efficace pour ceux qui veulent pratiquer la chasteté. En apprenant à connaître les diverses parties de la cage et en l’utilisant correctement, on peut facilement intégrer cette pratique en toute sécurité et avec confort dans sa vie personnelle ou de couple.
Quelles sont les différentes parties d’une cage de chasteté ?
Une cage de chasteté est un dispositif dont le but est de bloquer l’accès au pénis, généralement utilisé pour modérer le plaisir sexuel masculin ou pour renforcer la discipline. Voici les éléments principaux qui composent une cage de chasteté : Le tube, parfois désigné comme la cage, est la composante principale du dispositif. Le pénis est enfermé dans cette partie du dispositif. Le tube est souvent conçu pour épouser la forme du pénis lorsqu’il est au repos, le gardant dans une position confortable mais restreinte. Les tubes peuvent être faits d’acier, de plastique ou de silicone, chaque matériau ayant ses propres avantages en termes de qualité, confort, sécurité et d’hygiène. L’anneau de base est une pièce fondamentale du système. Il se positionne autour de la base du pénis et derrière les testicules. Il se relie au tube pour maintenir la cage en place et empêcher tout retrait non autorisé. Les anneaux se présentent en différentes tailles pour un ajustement confortable à l’utilisateur, sans compression excessive. Le verrou est conçu pour bloquer la cage sur l’anneau de base. Les verrous disponibles incluent des modèles métalliques classiques ainsi que des options en plastique plus discrètes. Une fois en place, le verrouillage empêche le retrait du dispositif sans la clé, assurant que l’utilisateur reste en état de chasteté. Les pièces de connexion, appelées tiges ou espaçeurs, relient l’anneau de base au tube. Les tiges permettent de personnaliser l’écart entre l’anneau et la cage, offrant ainsi un confort accru. On trouve ces tiges en plusieurs longueurs pour garantir un ajustement optimal selon la morphologie de chaque utilisateur. Pour garantir un ajustement adéquat, il est nécessaire de mesurer la longueur de la verge et les diamètres de la base du pénis. Certaines cages de chasteté intègrent des ailettes anti-recul, qui sont de petites extensions internes pour empêcher le mouvement arrière du pénis dans la cage. Cela augmente la sécurité du dispositif en compliquant encore davantage toute tentative de retrait.
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#Grow #Virtue #Chastity #Ripperger
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen this homy will not be about the immorality of acts against the sixth and nth Commandments because I’m sure that father branch has already covered a lot of that and we already know what the church teaching is namely we know that any action which includes passionate kissing and more is mortally sinful Pope Alexander iith condemned the laxis proposition that it was Only venally Sinful to engage in passionate kissing so we know people very often ask you know how far can I go well there’s your answer you cannot engage in Passionate kissing or more but this harmony is about the means of obtaining Chastity and Purity and there are a number of different ways which different people find helpful but it would be good to review a number of different ways so that people can actually make use of those which would be most beneficial to them one of the ways is you can work on a true Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary because she who is most pure loves to make her children like herself namely she loves to beget the virtue of Purity in them so that a good and strong Devotion to her will result in her giving a high degree of Purity to the person very few people attain a high degree of Purity without a Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary I in fact I have yet to meet one who actually has reached a high degree of Purity without it and in connection to this there is of course the devotion of the three hell Marys St Leonard often preached the devotion of the three hell Marys morning and evening that as you say 3 in the morning and 3 in the evening in honor of the Mary Immaculate to obtain the grace of avoiding all mortal sin during the day or night he assured his listeners those who remain persistently faithful to this Pious practice will most certainly receive the grace of Eternal salvation then there is the practice of St alonsus laguri St alfonsus legui suggested that the three hilmes be said kneeling and that this prayer should be recited after each hmy by thy pure and Immaculate Conception O Mary make my body pure and my soul holy and many people I have seen who have started this who have struggled a great deal with Chastity have found that in saying this devotion over the course of time the Temptation still came but they were able to remain continent that is Stead fast despite the tumult of their appetites and so I would really encourage people to follow this devotion you can go onto the internet and Google in devotion of the three Hal Mar’s and several websites will come up with it then of course there is the Devotion to Saints who are known for their purity such as St Maria geretti and St Katherine of Sienna and the like if you are a man a strong Devotion to St Joseph will teach you what it means to be a man that is how to practice self-denial and self-discipline which are the Hallmarks of Manliness in other words to be a man means to have self-possession even in the face of something that is a strong good lack of self-control in relationship to this area is effeminate despite the fact that in our culture lack of self-control and prowess in this area is often touted as a sign of Manliness it’s the exact opposite it shows a lack of self-control a lack of fortitude in relationship ship to self of course one cannot obtain Purity without custody of eyes that is you cannot let anything come into your senses that is going to actually end up affecting you and it’s the same thing with custody of the mind you have to get the control of the senses both external and interior which are going to lead you into these Sin Sin begins in thought and so it’s necessary to get control of the imagination and custody to the eyes or custody to the senses isn’t enough you can have great custody of the eyes and the and the senses but there’s certain senses we can’t turn off you can’t turn off your hearing your smell and things of this sort I mean you can try and not breathe for a while you can try and put your uh fingers in your ears but the fact is is that we can’t totally cut ourselves off from our senses and so it’s necessary to have city of the mind because especially in today’s culture where the impurity is ever encroaching on our exter your lives it becomes in certain cases almost impossible to have perfect custody of the senses because of what goes on so it’s necessary to have custody of the mind you also have to avoid person places and things which lead you into sin if your boyfriend or girlfriend or your fiance is an occasion of sin for you that is you have fallen with them and you cannot be chased around them then you have to avoid them even if you’re going to marry them and this means there has to be proper safeguards put on you also have to avoid all those circumstances which leads to sin in their presence avoiding you have to avoid bad sites on the internet there is a drastic rise I’ve noticed this just in the 10 years that I’ve been a priest that the viewing of materials contrary to the sixth and nth Commandments has drastically increased because of the ease of access in which we have on the internet it’s much easier now so men or women who used to have to go down to the store to buy these materials now can just look at it on the internet with in the privacy of their own home without the external shame of actually buying the materials or being seen as being associated with them so it’s much easier for people to fall into because it’s much more hidden but of course we know no sin is purely private why because when you stand before before God at the final General judgment every infraction of the law that you committed will be manifest to everybody everybody gets to see everything you did and this is for God’s glory partly because of the fact that God has a right to public Vindication for every infraction of the law and that’s what that’s one of the principal reasons for the general judgment so don’t think you’re getting away with it plus you know in your conscience you’re not because you have to go to confession afterwards I usually tell people if the computer is an occasion of syre if you can’t go on that thing without viewing those sites guess what you have to do you have to get rid of the computer and this is something that’s very important that people recognize that it’s better to put some pictures of our Lady as your wallpaper or on the on and have a little statue of her or a little card on the monitor so that you’re you know there’s always somebody watching you you can also work on a strong Devotion to the Sacred Heart which will temper your desires in this regard of course mortification Penance fasting and these things are very helpful because the person gets in the practice of self-denial which strengthens the will so that when they are tempted they can put these things aside you must make resolutions of the will if a person is struggling with this what you need to do is make little acts of the will aside from the saying of I’m not going to fall into this I’m going to fight this what you need to do is when you go to confession then you don’t just walk out laxidasical you have to throughout the course of the day say to yourself when these things occur I’m going to avoid them now this applies to any sin if you have a problem with gossiping or getting angry you have to say to yourself get into the Habit so that intellectually this thing it will be reminded to you you know when this occurs I’m going to do this and that will strengthen the will and make the associations in your intellect so then when these things occur you at least have something to rest upon some habit and this will help develop the habit and the will which we call a virtue you and so you can act against it you can also make acts of Hope and charity to combat the desperation with respect to Hope because a lot of people who repeatedly fall into sins against the sixth commandment very often start suffering from Despair and this is of course a natural consequence of the sin but making acts of Hope will give them confidence in God so that they’re more likely to rely on God in Temptation and one of the fruits or many of the the charity by its very nature causes the person to burn into materially for God which means he won’t burn with those uh with those things which pertain to the sixth and Ninth Commandments and so as a result if he has a strong charity he will also have Purity and Chastity which are of course one of the fruits of the Holy Ghost which is continence and Chastity and so they’ll actually have this if they have a strong sense of Charity so making acts of Charity regularly will help you can contemplate Eternal damnation which is a result of this sin many people who have problems with the sixth and Ninth Commandments tend to be a bit presumptuous saying to themselves oh well I’ll just give in now and tomorrow I’ll get to confession you don’t know this God can retract the grace of repentance to actually make a true and sincere confession requires Grace God is not obliged to give you the grace St alonsus lagui says that there comes a point where God by Divine decree tolerates a certain number of mortal sins from people from a particular individual and then after that once the person has committed the last mortal sin God says that’s it he pulls the plug on the grace and the person is destined for hell now people have this idea that God always gives everybody all the grace all their life even at the time of death this is nonsense the church has always told us that we must pray for final penitence and final perseverance if we didn’t have to pray for that if God always was going to give it then you know the presumption would probably be less of a sin but the fact of the matter is it is not God can pull the grace at any time he so chooses he’s not obliged to although he does not want the death of a sinner and he’s always trying to convert people but that doesn’t mean that he’s always going to provide you the grace so presumption is very often connected to the uh the capital sin of lust regarding reception of the sacraments Holy Communion and daily mass are very efficacious for growing in purity if you’re struggling with a sin in this area get to confession regularly and by regularly I mean once a week or once every two weeks otherwise if you’re repeatedly staying out of sin that is if you’re habitually in the State of Grace getting the confession once a month is a good practice if you feel yourself weakening but have not sinned yet get to confession anyway because people will often find that once they get to confession The Temptations will often cease or break do not submit to the idea that once you’ve Fallen there’s no point in withholding yourself and then then you give yourself over to the sin because each time you do it it increases the habit and makes it more difficult to crush it later in other words you set yourself up for more difficulties later plus you have to make reparation for each one of these sins each time you sin it increases the disordered effects and bad habits in your faculties so once you fall stop and get to confession then there’s a thing called self exorcism our lord gave us the example of course and it’s it’s an important mechanism because it employs custody of the mind if the thoughts come to your mind then immediately turn because sometimes they can come from Satan so you immediately turn to Satan not all the time they’re from Satan but many times so you immediately turn to Satan and use the words of Christ get behind me Satan and by doing so you’ll switch your mind away from the thought which is tempting you and to Satan and even if it’s not from Satan then he still takes a beating anyway which is always a good thing if it’s not if it’s not from Satan then it’s analogous as as I have mentioned before in some homay to a vicious dog if every time you see a dog he’s barking and snarling you’re not going to go up there and try and pet him the same thing happens with demons in relationship to us if they see that every time they’re going to take a beating around us um then they’re not going to come near us unless they have to so you can you can work on self- exorcism remember that you will have to have control in marriage so get used to it lack of self-control in the relationship to one’s girlfriend or one’s fiance or even one’s wife in this area manifests a lack of self-control and therefore that lack of self-control will afflict the marriage do not even date somebody who does not have Chastity if you can’t be chased around each other it’s probably a good sign that you know you shouldn’t be around each other virtue is its own reward so in other words once you start gaining Cy and Purity people find a joy in being chased and in being pure and of course St Thomas says that we gain a a form of happiness in this life because there is an imperfect happiness in the life of virtue perfect happiness consists in the life of contemplation which is seeing God face to face practicing modesty will refine your sensitivities in this area and it will make your appetites recoil in the face of the Temptation because you’re in the habit of being modest and so the person will be horrified by these thoughts modesty begins at the root cause of Purity as one seeks to not let anything into him that will make him bad or do anything exteriorly which will make him bad sins against these two Commandments the sixth and nth almost always are preempted by immodesty in some fashion in the person’s speech or in their behavior or things of this sort lastly avoid TV and secular movies this is not only because of the content but because they can if not used judiciously and moderately lead to a weakening of the imagination and other faculties which means when the Temptation comes it’s harder to get the imagination under control so these are some of the things that you can do I would encourage all of you to make use of them those who already have Purity work on perfecting the virtue of modesty which in the coming weeks I will start talking about I will do a series of homes on modesty because it’s a much more complex virtue Than People realize there’s much more involved in it than people realize but in the coming weeks I’ll do that but those who have Purity be perfect it by working on modesty and continue to work on it because Purity is most pleasing to our Lord so people can make people can begin becoming more pleasing by perfecting their purity even if they have it and those who don’t can make use of these means and make sure as I mentioned you always throw yourself at the mercy of our Lady asking her to provide you with the grace in order to refrain from this these vices remember some people and this is where presumption comes in some people think that once they’ve mastered the sins against uh the sixth and nth Commandment that somehow they don’t have to worry about it again but God can retract the Grace leave you unprotected from the Demonic and you nobody is beyond falling into these things without God’s grace so make sure you flee to our lady who is the metod of all Grace so that that she may protect you under her mantle in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.12 in the name of the Father the Son and
0.12 the Holy Ghost
0.12 amen this homy will not be about the
0.12 immorality of acts against the sixth and
0.12 nth
0.12 Commandments because I&;m sure that
0.12 father branch has already covered a lot
0.12 of that and we already know what the
0.12 church teaching is namely we know that
0.12 any action which includes passionate
0.12 kissing and more is mortally sinful Pope
0.12 Alexander iith condemned the laxis
0.12 proposition that it was Only venally
0.12 Sinful to engage in passionate kissing
0.12 so we know people very often ask you
0.12 know how far can I go well there&;s your
0.12 answer you cannot engage in Passionate
0.12 kissing or more but this harmony is
0.12 about the means of obtaining Chastity
0.12 and
0.12 Purity and there are a number of
0.12 different ways which different people
0.12 find helpful but it would be good to
0.12 review a number of different ways so
0.12 that people can actually make use of
0.12 those which would be most beneficial to
0.12 them one of the ways is you can work on
0.12 a true Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
0.12 Mary
0.12 because she who is most pure loves to
0.12 make her children like herself namely
0.12 she loves to beget the virtue of Purity
0.12 in them so that a good and strong
0.12 Devotion to her will result in her
0.12 giving a high degree of Purity to the
0.12 person very few people attain a high
0.12 degree of Purity without a Devotion to
0.12 the Blessed Virgin Mary I in fact I have
0.12 yet to meet one who actually has reached
0.12 a high degree of Purity without it and
0.12 in connection to this there is of course
0.12 the devotion of the three hell Marys St
0.12 Leonard often preached the devotion of
0.12 the three hell Marys morning and evening
0.12 that as you say 3 in the morning and 3
0.12 in the evening in honor of the Mary
0.12 Immaculate to obtain the grace of
0.12 avoiding all mortal sin during the day
0.12 or night he assured his listeners those
0.12 who remain persistently faithful to this
0.12 Pious practice will most certainly
0.12 receive the grace of Eternal
0.12 salvation then there is the practice of
0.12 St alonsus laguri St alfonsus legui
0.12 suggested that the three hilmes be said
0.12 kneeling and that this prayer should be
0.12 recited after each hmy by thy pure and
0.12 Immaculate Conception O Mary make my
0.12 body pure and my soul holy and many
0.12 people I have seen who have started this
0.12 who have struggled a great deal with
0.12 Chastity have found that in saying this
0.12 devotion over the course of time the
0.12 Temptation still came but they were able
0.12 to remain continent that is Stead fast
0.12 despite the tumult of their appetites
0.12 and so I would really encourage people
0.12 to follow this devotion you can go onto
0.12 the internet and Google in devotion of
0.12 the three Hal Mar&;s and several websites
0.12 will come up with it then of course
0.12 there is the Devotion to Saints who are
0.12 known for their purity such as St Maria
0.12 geretti and St Katherine of Sienna and
0.12 the like if you are a man a strong
0.12 Devotion to St Joseph will teach you
0.12 what it means to be a man that is how to
0.12 practice self-denial and self-discipline
0.12 which are the Hallmarks of Manliness in
0.12 other words to be a man means to have
0.12 self-possession even in the face of
0.12 something that is a strong good lack of
0.12 self-control in relationship to this
0.12 area is effeminate despite the fact that
0.12 in our culture lack of self-control and
0.12 prowess in this area is often touted as
0.12 a sign of Manliness it&;s the exact
0.12 opposite it shows a lack of self-control
0.12 a lack of fortitude in relationship ship
0.12 to self of course one cannot obtain
0.12 Purity without custody of eyes that is
0.12 you cannot let anything come into your
0.12 senses that is going to actually end up
0.12 affecting you and it&;s the same thing
0.12 with custody of the mind you have to get
0.12 the control of the senses both external
0.12 and interior which are going to lead you
0.12 into these Sin Sin begins in thought and
0.12 so it&;s necessary to get control of the
0.12 imagination and custody to the eyes or
0.12 custody to the senses isn&;t enough you
0.12 can have great custody of the eyes and
0.12 the and the senses but there&;s certain
0.12 senses we can&;t turn off you can&;t turn
0.12 off your hearing your smell and things
0.12 of this sort I mean you can try and not
0.12 breathe for a while you can try and put
0.12 your uh fingers in your ears but the
0.12 fact is is that we can&;t totally cut
0.12 ourselves off from our senses and so
0.12 it&;s necessary to have city of the mind
0.12 because especially in today&;s culture
0.12 where the impurity is ever encroaching
0.12 on our exter your lives it becomes in
0.12 certain cases almost impossible to have
0.12 perfect custody of the senses because of
0.12 what goes on so it&;s
0.12 necessary to have custody of the mind
0.12 you also have to avoid person places and
0.12 things which lead you into sin if your
0.12 boyfriend or girlfriend or your
0.12 fiance is an occasion of sin for you
0.12 that is you have fallen with them and
0.12 you cannot be chased around them then
0.12 you have to avoid them even if you&;re
0.12 going to marry them and this means there
0.12 has to be proper safeguards put on you
0.12 also have to avoid all those
0.12 circumstances which leads to sin in
0.12 their
0.12 presence avoiding you have to avoid bad
0.12 sites on the
0.12 internet there is a drastic rise I&;ve
0.12 noticed this just in the 10 years that
0.12 I&;ve been a priest that the viewing of
0.12 materials contrary to the sixth and nth
0.12 Commandments has drastically increased
0.12 because of the ease of access in which
0.12 we have on the internet it&;s much easier
0.12 now so men or women who used to have to
0.12 go down to the store to buy these
0.12 materials now can just look at it on the
0.12 internet with in the privacy of their
0.12 own home without the external shame of
0.12 actually buying the materials or being
0.12 seen as being associated with them so
0.12 it&;s much easier for people to fall into
0.12 because it&;s much more hidden but of
0.12 course we know no sin is purely private
0.12 why because when you stand before before
0.12 God at the final General
0.12 judgment every infraction of the law
0.12 that you committed will be manifest to
0.12 everybody everybody gets to see
0.12 everything you did and this is for God&;s
0.12 glory partly because of the fact that
0.12 God has a right to public Vindication
0.12 for every infraction of the law and
0.12 that&;s what that&;s one of the principal
0.12 reasons for the general judgment so
0.12 don&;t think you&;re getting away with it
0.12 plus you know in your conscience you&;re
0.12 not because you have to go to confession
0.12 afterwards I usually tell people if the
0.12 computer is an occasion of syre if you
0.12 can&;t go on that thing without viewing
0.12 those sites guess what you have to do
0.12 you have to get rid of the
0.12 computer and this is something that&;s
0.12 very important that people recognize
0.12 that it&;s better to put some pictures of
0.12 our Lady as your wallpaper or on the on
0.12 and have a little statue of her or a
0.12 little card on the monitor so that
0.12 you&;re you know there&;s always somebody
0.12 watching you you can also work on a
0.12 strong Devotion to the Sacred Heart
0.12 which will temper your desires in this
0.12 regard of course mortification Penance
0.12 fasting and these things are very
0.12 helpful because the person gets in the
0.12 practice of self-denial which
0.12 strengthens the will so that when they
0.12 are tempted they can put these things
0.12 aside you must make resolutions of the
0.12 will if a person is struggling with this
0.12 what you need to do is make little acts
0.12 of the will aside from the saying of I&;m
0.12 not going to fall into this I&;m going to
0.12 fight this what you need to do is when
0.12 you go to confession then you don&;t just
0.12 walk out laxidasical you have to
0.12 throughout the course of the day say to
0.12 yourself when these things occur I&;m
0.12 going to avoid them now this applies to
0.12 any sin if you have a problem with
0.12 gossiping or getting angry you have to
0.12 say to yourself get into the Habit so
0.12 that intellectually this thing it will
0.12 be reminded to you you know when this
0.12 occurs I&;m going to do this and that
0.12 will strengthen the will and make the
0.12 associations in your intellect so then
0.12 when these things occur you at least
0.12 have something to rest upon some habit
0.12 and this will help develop the habit and
0.12 the will which we call a virtue you and
0.12 so you can act against it you can also
0.12 make acts of Hope and charity to combat
0.12 the desperation with respect to Hope
0.12 because a lot of people who repeatedly
0.12 fall into sins against the sixth
0.12 commandment very often start suffering
0.12 from Despair and this is of course a
0.12 natural consequence of the sin but
0.12 making acts of Hope will give them
0.12 confidence in God so that they&;re more
0.12 likely to rely on God in
0.12 Temptation and one of the fruits or many
0.12 of the the charity by its very nature
0.12 causes the person to burn into
0.12 materially for God which means he won&;t
0.12 burn with those uh with those things
0.12 which pertain to the sixth and Ninth
0.12 Commandments and so as a result if he
0.12 has a strong charity he will also have
0.12 Purity and
0.12 Chastity which are of course one of the
0.12 fruits of the Holy Ghost which is
0.12 continence and Chastity and so they&;ll
0.12 actually have this if they have a strong
0.12 sense of Charity so making acts of
0.12 Charity regularly will
0.12 help you can contemplate Eternal
0.12 damnation which is a result of this sin
0.12 many people who have problems with the
0.12 sixth and Ninth Commandments tend to be
0.12 a bit presumptuous saying to themselves
0.12 oh well I&;ll just give in now and
0.12 tomorrow I&;ll get to confession you
0.12 don&;t know this God can retract the
0.12 grace of repentance to actually make a
0.12 true and sincere confession requires
0.12 Grace God is not obliged to give you the
0.12 grace St alonsus lagui says that there
0.12 comes a point where God by Divine decree
0.12 tolerates a certain number of mortal
0.12 sins from people from a particular
0.12 individual and then after that once the
0.12 person has committed the last mortal sin
0.12 God says that&;s it he pulls the plug on
0.12 the grace and the person is destined for
0.12 hell now people have this idea that God
0.12 always gives everybody all the grace all
0.12 their life even at the time of death
0.12 this is nonsense the church has always
0.12 told us that we must pray for final
0.12 penitence and final perseverance if we
0.12 didn&;t have to pray for that if God
0.12 always was going to give it then you
0.12 know the presumption would probably be
0.12 less of a sin but the fact of the matter
0.12 is it is not God can pull the grace at
0.12 any time he so chooses he&;s not obliged
0.12 to although he does not want the death
0.12 of a sinner and he&;s always trying to
0.12 convert people but that doesn&;t mean
0.12 that he&;s always going to provide you
0.12 the grace so presumption is very often
0.12 connected to the uh the capital sin of
0.12 lust regarding reception of the
0.12 sacraments Holy Communion and daily mass
0.12 are very efficacious for growing in
0.12 purity if you&;re struggling with a sin
0.12 in this area get to confession regularly
0.12 and by regularly I mean once a week or
0.12 once every two weeks otherwise if you&;re
0.12 repeatedly staying out of sin that is if
0.12 you&;re habitually in the State of Grace
0.12 getting the confession once a month is a
0.12 good practice if you feel yourself
0.12 weakening but have not sinned yet get to
0.12 confession anyway because people will
0.12 often find that once they get to
0.12 confession The Temptations will often
0.12 cease or break do not submit to the idea
0.12 that once you&;ve Fallen there&;s no point
0.12 in withholding yourself and then then
0.12 you give yourself over to the sin
0.12 because each time you do it it increases
0.12 the habit and makes it more difficult to
0.12 crush it later in other words you set
0.12 yourself up for more difficulties later
0.12 plus you have to make reparation for
0.12 each one of these sins each time you sin
0.12 it increases the disordered effects and
0.12 bad habits in your faculties so once you
0.12 fall stop and get to
0.12 confession then there&;s a thing called
0.12 self
0.12 exorcism our lord gave us the example of
0.12 course and it&;s it&;s an important
0.12 mechanism because it employs custody of
0.12 the mind if the thoughts come to your
0.12 mind then immediately turn because
0.12 sometimes they can come from Satan so
0.12 you immediately turn to Satan not all
0.12 the time they&;re from Satan but many
0.12 times so you immediately turn to Satan
0.12 and use the words of Christ get behind
0.12 me Satan and by doing so you&;ll switch
0.12 your mind away from the thought which is
0.12 tempting you and to Satan and even if
0.12 it&;s not from Satan then he still takes
0.12 a beating anyway which is always a good
0.12 thing if it&;s not if it&;s not from Satan
0.12 then it&;s analogous as as I have
0.12 mentioned before in some homay to a
0.12 vicious dog if every time you see a dog
0.12 he&;s barking and snarling you&;re not
0.12 going to go up there and try and pet him
0.12 the same thing happens with demons in
0.12 relationship to us if they see that
0.12 every time they&;re going to take a
0.12 beating around us um then they&;re not
0.12 going to come near us unless they have
0.12 to so you can you can work on self-
0.12 exorcism remember that you will have to
0.12 have control in marriage so get used to
0.12 it lack of self-control in the
0.12 relationship to one&;s girlfriend or
0.12 one&;s fiance or even one&;s wife in this
0.12 area manifests a lack of self-control
0.12 and therefore that lack of self-control
0.12 will afflict the marriage do not even
0.12 date somebody who does not have Chastity
0.12 if you can&;t be chased around each other
0.12 it&;s probably a good sign that you know
0.12 you shouldn&;t be around each other
0.12 virtue is its own reward so in other
0.12 words once you start gaining Cy and
0.12 Purity people find a joy in being chased
0.12 and in being pure and of course St
0.12 Thomas says that we gain a a form of
0.12 happiness in this life because there is
0.12 an imperfect happiness in the life of
0.12 virtue perfect happiness consists in the
0.12 life of contemplation which is seeing
0.12 God face to
0.12 face practicing modesty will refine your
0.12 sensitivities in this area and it will
0.12 make your appetites recoil in the face
0.12 of the Temptation because you&;re in the
0.12 habit of being modest and so the person
0.12 will be horrified by these thoughts
0.12 modesty begins at the root cause of
0.12 Purity as one seeks to not let anything
0.12 into him that will make him bad or do
0.12 anything exteriorly which will make him
0.12 bad sins against these two Commandments
0.12 the sixth and nth almost always are
0.12 preempted by immodesty in some fashion
0.12 in the person&;s speech or in their
0.12 behavior or things of this sort lastly
0.12 avoid TV and secular movies this is not
0.12 only because of the content but because
0.12 they can if not used judiciously and
0.12 moderately lead to a weakening of the
0.12 imagination and other faculties which
0.12 means when the Temptation comes it&;s
0.12 harder to get the imagination under
0.12 control so these are some of the things
0.12 that you can do I would encourage all of
0.12 you to make use of them those who
0.12 already have Purity work on perfecting
0.12 the virtue of modesty which in the
0.12 coming weeks I will start talking about
0.12 I will do a series of homes on modesty
0.12 because it&;s a much more complex virtue
0.12 Than People realize there&;s much more
0.12 involved in it than people realize but
0.12 in the coming weeks I&;ll do that but
0.12 those who have Purity be perfect it by
0.12 working on modesty and continue to work
0.12 on it because Purity is most pleasing to
0.12 our Lord so people can make people can
0.12 begin becoming more pleasing by
0.12 perfecting their purity even if they
0.12 have it and those who don&;t can make use
0.12 of these means and make sure as I
0.12 mentioned you always throw yourself at
0.12 the mercy of our Lady asking her to
0.12 provide you with the grace
0.12 in order to refrain from this these
0.12 vices remember some people and this is
0.12 where presumption comes in some people
0.12 think that once they&;ve mastered the
0.12 sins against uh the sixth and nth
0.12 Commandment that somehow they don&;t have
0.12 to worry about it again but God can
0.12 retract the Grace leave you unprotected
0.12 from the Demonic and you nobody is
0.12 beyond falling into these things without
0.12 God&;s grace so make sure you flee to our
0.12 lady who is the metod of all Grace so
0.12 that that she may protect you under her
0.12 mantle in the name of the Father the Son
0.12 and the Holy Ghost amen
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