chasteté,Q & A : Chastity from a Guy’s Perspective sur Youtube

Q & A : Chastity from a Guy's Perspective

YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative

Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par Emily Wilson

Publiée sur YouTube par Emily Wilson (), cette vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «chasteté ».

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Emily Wilson. ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

Le Moyen Âge a souvent lié la chasteté aux valeurs morales. Le pouvoir médiéval voyait dans la chasteté un moyen de réguler la société.

Dans de nombreuses cultures, la chasteté des femmes était associée à la foi religieuse.

Les femmes médiévales étaient soumises à une grande valorisation de la chasteté. Avant le mariage, la virginité et la fidélité après étaient des principes clés, fortement encouragés par l’Église. Les femmes étaient perçues comme les gardiennes de la pureté et la chasteté était essentielle pour assurer la légitimité des héritiers.

Les chevaliers ont modifié leurs pratiques de chasteté en réponse aux croisades.

Avant leur départ pour les croisades, les chevaliers européens prenaient souvent des vœux de chasteté, pensant que cela affermissait leur pureté morale et spirituelle pour les préparant mieux à la guerre sainte.

Dans les ordres monastiques, la chasteté était imposée comme une règle essentielle de la vie religieuse.

Les vœux de chasteté étaient un aspect central de la vie des bénédictins, des cisterciens et des chevaliers teutoniques, entre autres ordres médiévaux. Les religieux médiévaux voyaient la chasteté comme un moyen de transcender les plaisirs mondains et d’atteindre une hauteur spirituelle. Les légendes médiévales mettent en lumière le rôle crucial de la chasteté dans les sphères religieuses, morales, et sociales. Les récits de ceintures de chasteté, les vœux solennels avant les croisades, et les luttes personnelles montrent comment la chasteté était un concept clé, enveloppé de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les anecdotes médiévales montrent que la chasteté était un outil de contrôle, de pouvoir, et de quête spirituelle dans un monde souvent en conflit entre le physique et le spirituel.

Équipements pour les hommes et les femmes : La bataille contre la masturbation et les premiers dispositifs de chasteté.

À l’époque victorienne, la masturbation était considérée comme une menace grave pour le bien-être physique et mental. Les médecins et les moralistes de l’époque étaient en faveur de mesures sévères pour contrer ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». Cette situation a favorisé l’élaboration et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté pour les deux genres. À l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses personnes pratiquent la chasteté pour diverses raisons, et des services de coaching existent pour les accompagner c’est le cas de

Le Moyen Âge est réputé pour l’image des ceintures de chasteté. En réalité, l’histoire montre une image différente.

Le lien entre la période médiévale et les ceintures de chasteté est souvent établi. Néanmoins, cette association repose largement sur des légendes médiévales tardives. La légende dit que les croisés enfermaient leurs femmes dans des ceintures de chasteté. Les ceintures de chasteté servaient à préserver la fidélité des épouses des croisés. Cette croyance s’est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif par le biais de récits et d’illustrations. Il n’y a que peu de preuves historiques pour appuyer l’existence de cette pratique.

Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les époques de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques.

Dans les sociétés grecque et romaine, la chasteté était fréquemment liée à la pureté et à la vertu. Cependant, la chasteté n’était pas habituellement imposée par des dispositifs physiques comme des ceintures de chasteté. La notion de chasteté était plutôt ancrée dans des croyances spirituelles et religieuses. Dans la Rome antique, les Vestales, dévouées à Vesta, risquaient la mort si elles perdaient leur virginité. Cela représente un cas extrême de chasteté imposée par des institutions.

La civilisation égyptienne ancienne a joué un rôle clé dans le développement de l’histoire.

En Égypte antique, la chasteté était un choix personnel fait par les prêtres et prêtresses. Ils pensaient que l’abstinence rendait leur pouvoir spirituel plus fort. On ne dispose d’aucune preuve matérielle prouvant l’utilisation de dispositifs physiques pour maintenir la chasteté. La gestion de la sexualité était principalement une question de discipline personnelle. Les coutumes religieuses avaient aussi un impact sur la discipline sexuelle.

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#Chastity #Guys #Perspective

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hey everyone hello we haven’t done a relationships episode in a while with the two of us I decided to bring Daniel back on to chat with all of us how’s it going anything you want to say to the people how’s it going so we want to do relationship Q&A part two cool sweet describe a relationships before getting married and what does it feel like now that you are married there’s a closeness that the two of us had before we got married I feel like you’re close to the person that you’re dating you share about your life you share your heart with them you weave your life together in a certain way when you’re dating but when you’re married your life is woven into this permanent fabric like I talked about last week when I talked about making permanent vows we are bonded so closely to one another our lives are so interwoven every decision I make is intertwined with Daniel’s life and every decision that he makes is intertwined with my life so it’s a there’s this closeness that we didn’t have when we were dating we have learned to live with one another and work with one another and work together and compromise and do all these things and it feels so different from dating because of a the permanence and be the beautiful way in which our lives are woven into this one fabric does that make any sense how I think when you’re dating someone in obviously our specific case obviously when we were dating we were in the living together we were living in the opposite side of the world you know for the majority of it but really happens when you’re dating from I guess from my perspective there is that you’re trying to really give yourself fully to someone in the sense that you want to be with them all the time you want to you know share everything with that special person but you really can’t because you even though that you’ve already expressed to each other you know I’m obviously when you’re engaged and going towards marriage that you know you want to spend the rest of your life with that special someone but you really can’t give all of yourself yet the big difference there is that again you know you have a longing to really commit yourself to that some and I’ll show you my keys for Emily here and to you know give yourselves fully 100% to that person all the you know the rest of your life and the big difference is that obviously when you’re dating you haven’t made any vows yet you haven’t committed yourself 110 fully before God to that person so you really can give 100 percent over yourself God is that person that you know fits in that that triangle of love basically that you know the the unity there is that between you and I and then with your vows that you take with the sacrament of marriage that you go into that’s when you really go into a new relationship where you bring God into that you know fully and wholly that’s the the missing piece of the puzzle that makes you know the massive difference obviously between relationships and marriage that’s why you can also fully give over yourself like when you’re in that protected you know God is the head of that triangle there and where the person’s underneath that and you know in the two corners I’ve been you can freely share whatever you want to share through sickness and health that person is gonna be with you till the end of time could you share some of the trials you faced while dating or was it a pretty smooth ride aside from being so far away from each other it was smooth but there were definitely challenges first weeks a lot of challenges while we were dating long distance was a huge part of that Daniel and I are very different I think was definitely on the one end you being far apart but obviously cultural differences coming from you know how long be more direct I guess in your approach and a different family you know communication that was very normal to me how do you express certain things how do you bring certain things across how do you you know make up certain things as well I’ll see your relationship when you’re in a relationship you’re often growing yourself individual and then you’re growing as a couple as well officer you want to be ready you do a certain level I guess as an individual before you start getting into a relationship yes several story but anyway so you’re growing as a person as well and when you’re actually dating someone you know seriously I would say the personality very quickly can identify things that you maybe seem to be normal or you think or okay which in fact aren’t really like if you look at it from a different perspective or someone actually holds you accountable for the way that you react to certain things or the way that you you know you act to certain ways or whatever it is it’s got distracted by a butterfly I saw it overall I mean there’s definitely there were definitely a lot of child’s interrelationship for both human you know and we’re still everyday again you learn something something new you’re still growing you’re still growing in your relationship with each other you’re still obviously every day growing in your relationship with God you’re just going on words and on words just to try to improve yourself and try to you know get better and get holier and get you know more saintly along the way that’s the you know the final goal I would like to also state that there’s a huge differences between challenges and red flags sorry to keep your communication very much up in that relationship where you talk about those things but also talk about those things with other people around they can have an objective view of what’s going on and that’ll definitely help you with clarifying is something a red flag or something just you know a challenge an obstacle that you guys can both overcome and you know proceed onwards so sure and not in a gossipy way but in someone that you trust like a mentor exactly if that’s any of a parent or a best friend or a spiritual director or a priest or whatever that is to you someone that can look at something objectively and is able to give you a little pushback as well and just be honest with you that goes into the next question I was wondering if you could dispel the myths about how perfect marriage is supposed to be what are some of the rough things how do you overcome them marriage is not perfect that’s for sure but the communication that we built over our relationship has helped so much with us a marriage isn’t perfect that’s again you know because we’re both imperfect people sorry how are we gonna get a perfect marriage yeah but it is a lot of fun it is definitely a lot of fun we have way more fun than we argue at times you just have to know like hey you’re having a bad day you’re stressed that works something is you know exactly and you noted that can very easily play into your situation at home as well then right and that’s when arguments easily or happen you know it gets you know easier to just already be tired or you’re already you know frustrated about something and then you know also you don’t want to project it on someone else and then it’s when someone else holds that mirror in front of you and just says hey you look at what you’re doing and you’re already tired you gonna like dude okay I’m over this anyway but uh do I be made maybe I’ll look Beeman really why do you what do you like most about it just to be with you every day okay then this is how she’s it’s it’s a massive gift to be married but obviously merit isn’t the you know end-all be-all obviously marriages are call it’s not everyone’s call and marriage hasn’t like made our lives better than the lives of people who aren’t married it’s just what God called us specifically to and we find a lot of joy in it how to overcome some obstacles and Marion’s this question brought me to one of my funniest memories was when we were arguing about something I don’t remember what it was we don’t argue very often we’re arguing about something and Daniel said okay this is ridiculous we both knew it was ridiculous but you stand your ground and you just feel stubborn and you just want to win so he said you know we’re gonna do we’re each gonna pick the silliest outfit we can find creature because we had to go to the grocery store and we can walk to the grocery store so you said we’re gonna pick the most ridiculous outfit we can for the other person and we have to go to the grocery store and when we’re checking out we have to ask the checkout lady or man or whatever who one who basically look more ridiculous in a good way but it’s humbling and that’s emmaus a funny goofy way I guess they kind of laugh at it and yeah I just you know just say okay we’re both acting ridiculous let’s just you know do something fun obvious the talents all the way through to overcome things there are obviously also times where we don’t you know resolve it as fast as we both want yeah again based on what the argument is or whatever it is and then you know it’s a little bit of a rough patch humility and perseverance are two very important facets of our marriage how did you say strong against temptations thrown your way as a man trying to put you pursue chastity in your life for me it was a very you know very challenging to stay strong I guess you know this is for maybe that guys are watching as well there is a lot of temptation out there just obviously from being in you living living in the world in general so being strong one was a relationship with the Lord being number one which is obviously easier said than done I guess but then two is surround yourself with good people people that I will actually you know lift you up more to bring you down obviously I’m not the person I know I’m not a perfect guy in any way shape or form there are definite empty shion’s I was well thrown my way got you know I didn’t just cast off everything with him you know or not even shield and yet not I’ll she the main things there with for me all she save attention for marriage and all of that it was definitely something I gotta put on my heart like as as a young guy already I think I think when I was 16 17 years old and a lot of my friends are people that I hung out with David already go you know I pursue girls you know in just worldly relationships with obviously you know sex and all those things as well for me I knew that God had put a calling on my heart that I should save sex for marriage and be you know true in that and be totally pure in that and all she’s very very much easier said than done because you know as a young guy now she has you know young girls as well there’s a lot of temptation and they’re all there’s a lot of peer pressure in the sense that you know people may look at you differently or people think that something’s wrong it was definitely difficult and there were definitely a lot of temptations throughout you know my years my youth and auntie and college years and all that but god I put a special desire on my heart and just you know knowing that that you know saving sex for marriage was something that was really you know very strongly put in my heart and I even though I couldn’t really describe why or how and even though there were maybe times that I myself didn’t think about it as seriously and I thought oh well maybe you know maybe it isn’t such a big deal if I would have sex with this girl or you know whatever it would be even though I guess for myself it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal in my heart like I knew I don’t know if that makes sense they kind of say like in your heart you know that something’s wrong with in your mind you’re like well maybe this isn’t that wrong you like try to basically convince yourself in a way but in the end of the way I could never you know convince my own heart that I I knew that that was wrong and I knew that that’s not what God was calling me for it in the end of the day it does definitely gots like greatest gift to me as well on my wedding day you know to say to Emily and you know really God like looking back at me and saying hey this is what you know we were doing it before we were in that together and that’s what what it was all you know you know so worth it and it was definitely difficult there were definitely major obstacles but if you’re strong and confident in yourself and first you know what you’re doing it for in your own heart and believe in that and stand for that and then if you carry that out to people as well with just a confidence and knowing hey this is what I’m doing this these are the reasons why I’m doing it and this is where I’m going I felt in my own in my own you know faith journey and all that if I was kind of lukewarm I was kind of like yeah like I’m saving such for marriage but really you know like I didn’t really like I was kind of timid underneath it or whatever it is doesn’t have to be saying sit for marriage but don’t search or whatever it is you know you kind of make up of sue she’s like I am mmm and you kind of already like degrade it for yourself and people pick up on that and that shows so a sense I guess of like insecurity or not really 100% going for something so why are you even going for it at all but if you’re actually go for something 100% don’t live that out and say hey this is what I’m doing this is why I’m doing it and this is what I feel called to do so either deal with it and accept it or just move on from it but this is what I’m doing so if you’re trying to go and put me down you know great try that but at the end of the day you know I’m just gonna go in a certain direction and I’m not gonna be held back by other people amen yeah come on breathe yeah anyway so be confident yourself love the Lord with all your heart and just keep keep pushing forward are your last things you want to say to the people we do have some girls watching haand if you want to give them some encouragement I think just do all all your girls in general you know don’t don’t settle for Less you’re worth so much more and for all the girls in Holland for imagine a lon Oh clearly it sounds like a lot co-signed out the middlemen since you love Shane mark week ages and babe big baby love and Ben did bomb detonation that’s all for today thank you for watching we hope you enjoyed this if you have any other questions or things feel free to leave them in the comments below yep and subscribe to the channel if you want to and we will talk to you soon sounds good bye see you later .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.06 hey everyone hello we haven&;t done a
0.06 relationships episode in a while with
0.06 the two of us I decided to bring Daniel
0.06 back on to chat with all of us how&;s it
0.06 going anything you want to say to the
0.06 people how&;s it going so we want to do
0.06 relationship Q&A part two cool
0.06 sweet describe a relationships before
0.06 getting married and what does it feel
0.06 like now that you are married there&;s a
0.06 closeness that the two of us had before
0.06 we got married I feel like you&;re close
0.06 to the person that you&;re dating you
0.06 share about your life
0.06 you share your heart with them you weave
0.06 your life together in a certain way when
0.06 you&;re dating but when you&;re married
0.06 your life is woven into this permanent
0.06 fabric like I talked about last week
0.06 when I talked about making permanent
0.06 vows we are bonded so closely to one
0.06 another our lives are so interwoven
0.06 every decision I make is intertwined
0.06 with Daniel&;s life and every decision
0.06 that he makes is intertwined with my
0.06 life so it&;s a there&;s this closeness
0.06 that we didn&;t have when we were dating
0.06 we have learned to live with one another
0.06 and work with one another and work
0.06 together and compromise and do all these
0.06 things and it feels so different from
0.06 dating because of a the permanence and
0.06 be the beautiful way in which our lives
0.06 are woven into this one fabric does that
0.06 make any sense
0.06 how I think when you&;re dating someone
0.06 in obviously our specific case obviously
0.06 when we were dating we were in the
0.06 living together we were living in the
0.06 opposite side of the world
0.06 you know for the majority of it but
0.06 really happens when you&;re dating from I
0.06 guess from my perspective there is that
0.06 you&;re trying to really give yourself
0.06 fully to someone in the sense that you
0.06 want to be with them all the time you
0.06 want to you know share everything with
0.06 that special person but you really can&;t
0.06 because you even though that you&;ve
0.06 already expressed to each other you know
0.06 I&;m obviously when you&;re engaged and
0.06 going towards marriage that you know you
0.06 want to spend the rest of your life with
0.06 that special someone but you really
0.06 can&;t give all of yourself yet the big
0.06 difference there is that again you know
0.06 you have a longing to really commit
0.06 yourself to that some and I&;ll show you
0.06 my keys for Emily here
0.06 and to you know give yourselves fully
0.06 100% to that person all the you know the
0.06 rest of your life and the big difference
0.06 is that obviously when you&;re dating you
0.06 haven&;t made any vows yet you haven&;t
0.06 committed yourself 110 fully before God
0.06 to that person so you really can give
0.06 100 percent over yourself God is that
0.06 person that you know fits in that that
0.06 triangle of love basically that you know
0.06 the the unity there is that between you
0.06 and I and then with your vows that you
0.06 take with the sacrament of marriage that
0.06 you go into that&;s when you really go
0.06 into a new relationship where you bring
0.06 God into that you know fully and wholly
0.06 that&;s the the missing piece of the
0.06 puzzle that makes you know the massive
0.06 difference obviously between
0.06 relationships and marriage that&;s why
0.06 you can also fully give over yourself
0.06 like when you&;re in that protected you
0.06 know God is the head of that triangle
0.06 there and where the person&;s underneath
0.06 that and you know in the two corners
0.06 I&;ve been you can freely share whatever
0.06 you want to share through sickness and
0.06 health that person is gonna be with you
0.06 till the end of time could you share
0.06 some of the trials you faced while
0.06 dating or was it a pretty smooth ride
0.06 aside from being so far away from each
0.06 other
0.06 it was smooth but there were definitely
0.06 challenges first weeks a lot of
0.06 challenges while we were dating long
0.06 distance was a huge part of that Daniel
0.06 and I are very different I think was
0.06 definitely on the one end you being far
0.06 apart but obviously cultural differences
0.06 coming from you know how long be more
0.06 direct I guess in your approach and a
0.06 different family you know communication
0.06 that was very normal to me how do you
0.06 express certain things how do you bring
0.06 certain things across how do you you
0.06 know make up certain things as well I&;ll
0.06 see your relationship when you&;re in a
0.06 relationship you&;re often growing
0.06 yourself individual and then you&;re
0.06 growing as a couple as well officer you
0.06 want to be ready you do a certain level
0.06 I guess as an individual before you
0.06 start getting into a relationship yes
0.06 several story but anyway so you&;re
0.06 growing as a person as well and when
0.06 you&;re actually dating someone you know
0.06 seriously I would say the personality
0.06 very quickly can identify things that
0.06 you maybe seem to be normal or you think
0.06 or
0.06 okay which in fact aren&;t really like if
0.06 you look at it from a different
0.06 perspective or someone actually holds
0.06 you accountable for the way that you
0.06 react to certain things or the way that
0.06 you you know you act to certain ways or
0.06 whatever it is it&;s got distracted by a
0.06 butterfly I saw it
0.06 overall I mean there&;s definitely there
0.06 were definitely a lot of child&;s
0.06 interrelationship for both human you
0.06 know and we&;re still everyday again you
0.06 learn something something new you&;re
0.06 still growing you&;re still growing in
0.06 your relationship with each other you&;re
0.06 still obviously every day growing in
0.06 your relationship with God you&;re just
0.06 going on words and on words just to try
0.06 to improve yourself and try to you know
0.06 get better and get holier and get you
0.06 know more saintly along the way that&;s
0.06 the you know the final goal I would like
0.06 to also state that there&;s a huge
0.06 differences between challenges and red
0.06 flags
0.06 sorry to keep your communication very
0.06 much up in that relationship where you
0.06 talk about those things but also talk
0.06 about those things with other people
0.06 around they can have an objective view
0.06 of what&;s going on and that&;ll
0.06 definitely help you with clarifying is
0.06 something a red flag or something just
0.06 you know a challenge an obstacle that
0.06 you guys can both overcome and you know
0.06 proceed onwards so sure and not in a
0.06 gossipy way but in someone that you
0.06 trust like a mentor exactly if that&;s
0.06 any of a parent or a best friend or a
0.06 spiritual director or a priest or
0.06 whatever that is to you someone that can
0.06 look at something objectively and is
0.06 able to give you a little pushback as
0.06 well and just be honest with you that
0.06 goes into the next question I was
0.06 wondering if you could dispel the myths
0.06 about how perfect marriage is supposed
0.06 to be what are some of the rough things
0.06 how do you overcome them marriage is not
0.06 perfect that&;s for sure but the
0.06 communication that we built over our
0.06 relationship has helped so much with us
0.06 a marriage isn&;t perfect that&;s again
0.06 you know because we&;re both imperfect
0.06 people sorry how are we gonna get a
0.06 perfect marriage yeah but it is a lot of
0.06 fun it is definitely a lot of fun we
0.06 have way more fun than we argue at times
0.06 you just have to know like hey you&;re
0.06 having a bad day you&;re stressed that
0.06 works something is you know exactly and
0.06 you noted that can very easily play into
0.06 your situation at home as well then
0.06 right and that&;s when arguments easily
0.06 or happen you know it gets you know
0.06 easier to just already be tired or
0.06 you&;re already
0.06 you know frustrated about something and
0.06 then you know also you don&;t want to
0.06 project it on someone else and then it&;s
0.06 when someone else holds that mirror in
0.06 front of you and just says hey you look
0.06 at what you&;re doing and you&;re already
0.06 tired you gonna like dude okay I&;m over
0.06 this anyway but uh do I be made maybe
0.06 I&;ll look Beeman
0.06 really why do you what do you like most
0.06 about it just to be with you every day
0.06 okay then this is how she&;s it&;s it&;s a
0.06 massive gift to be married but obviously
0.06 merit isn&;t the you know end-all be-all
0.06 obviously marriages are call it&;s not
0.06 everyone&;s call and marriage hasn&;t like
0.06 made our lives better than the lives of
0.06 people who aren&;t married
0.06 it&;s just what God called us
0.06 specifically to and we find a lot of joy
0.06 in it how to overcome some obstacles and
0.06 Marion&;s this question brought me to one
0.06 of my funniest memories was when we were
0.06 arguing about something I don&;t remember
0.06 what it was we don&;t argue very often
0.06 we&;re arguing about something and Daniel
0.06 said okay this is ridiculous we both
0.06 knew it was ridiculous but you stand
0.06 your ground and you just feel stubborn
0.06 and you just want to win so he said you
0.06 know we&;re gonna do we&;re each gonna
0.06 pick the silliest outfit we can find
0.06 creature because we had to go to the
0.06 grocery store and we can walk to the
0.06 grocery store so you said we&;re gonna
0.06 pick the most ridiculous outfit we can
0.06 for the other person and we have to go
0.06 to the grocery store and when we&;re
0.06 checking out we have to ask the checkout
0.06 lady or man or whatever who one who
0.06 basically look more ridiculous in a good
0.06 way but it&;s humbling and that&;s emmaus
0.06 a funny goofy way I guess they kind of
0.06 laugh at it and yeah I just you know
0.06 just say okay we&;re both acting
0.06 ridiculous let&;s just you know do
0.06 something fun obvious the talents all
0.06 the way through to overcome things there
0.06 are obviously also times where we don&;t
0.06 you know resolve it as fast as we both
0.06 want yeah again based on what the
0.06 argument is or whatever it is and then
0.06 you know it&;s a little bit of a rough
0.06 patch humility and perseverance are two
0.06 very important facets of our marriage
0.06 how did you say strong against
0.06 temptations thrown your way as a man
0.06 trying to put you pursue chastity in
0.06 your life for me it was a very you know
0.06 very challenging to stay strong I guess
0.06 you know this is for maybe that guys are
0.06 watching as well there is a lot of
0.06 temptation out there just obviously from
0.06 being in you
0.06 living living in the world in general so
0.06 being strong one was a relationship with
0.06 the Lord being number one which is
0.06 obviously easier said than done I guess
0.06 but then two is surround yourself with
0.06 good people people that I will actually
0.06 you know lift you up more to bring you
0.06 down obviously I&;m not the person I know
0.06 I&;m not a perfect guy in any way shape
0.06 or form there are definite empty shion&;s
0.06 I was well thrown my way got you know I
0.06 didn&;t just cast off everything with him
0.06 you know or not even shield and yet not
0.06 I&;ll she the main things there with for
0.06 me all she save attention for marriage
0.06 and all of that it was definitely
0.06 something I gotta put on my heart like
0.06 as as a young guy already I think I
0.06 think when I was 16 17 years old and a
0.06 lot of my friends are people that I hung
0.06 out with David already go
0.06 you know I pursue girls you know in just
0.06 worldly relationships with obviously you
0.06 know sex and all those things as well
0.06 for me I knew that God had put a calling
0.06 on my heart that I should save sex for
0.06 marriage and be you know true in that
0.06 and be totally pure in that and all
0.06 she&;s very very much easier said than
0.06 done because you know as a young guy now
0.06 she has you know young girls as well
0.06 there&;s a lot of temptation and they&;re
0.06 all there&;s a lot of peer pressure in
0.06 the sense that you know people may look
0.06 at you differently or people think that
0.06 something&;s wrong it was definitely
0.06 difficult and there were definitely a
0.06 lot of temptations throughout you know
0.06 my years my youth and auntie and college
0.06 years and all that but god I put a
0.06 special desire on my heart and just you
0.06 know knowing that that you know saving
0.06 sex for marriage was something that was
0.06 really you know very strongly put in my
0.06 heart and I even though I couldn&;t
0.06 really describe why or how and even
0.06 though there were maybe times that I
0.06 myself didn&;t think about it as
0.06 seriously and I thought oh well maybe
0.06 you know maybe it isn&;t such a big deal
0.06 if I would have sex with this girl or
0.06 you know whatever it would be even
0.06 though I guess for myself it wouldn&;t
0.06 have been that big of a deal in my heart
0.06 like I knew I don&;t know if that makes
0.06 sense they kind of say like in your
0.06 heart you know that something&;s wrong
0.06 with in your mind you&;re like well maybe
0.06 this isn&;t that wrong
0.06 you like try to basically convince
0.06 yourself in a way but in the end of the
0.06 way I could never you know convince my
0.06 own heart that I I knew that that was
0.06 wrong and I knew that that&;s not what
0.06 God was calling me for it in the end of
0.06 the day it does definitely gots like
0.06 greatest gift to me as well on my
0.06 wedding day you know to say to Emily and
0.06 you know really God like looking back at
0.06 me and saying hey this is what you know
0.06 we were doing it before we were in that
0.06 together and that&;s what what it was all
0.06 you know you know so worth it and it was
0.06 definitely difficult there were
0.06 definitely major obstacles but if you&;re
0.06 strong and confident in yourself and
0.06 first you know what you&;re doing it for
0.06 in your own heart and believe in that
0.06 and stand for that and then if you carry
0.06 that out to people as well with just a
0.06 confidence and knowing hey this is what
0.06 I&;m doing this these are the reasons why
0.06 I&;m doing it and this is where I&;m going
0.06 I felt in my own in my own you know
0.06 faith journey and all that if I was kind
0.06 of lukewarm I was kind of like yeah like
0.06 I&;m saving such for marriage but really
0.06 you know like I didn&;t really like I was
0.06 kind of timid underneath it or whatever
0.06 it is doesn&;t have to be saying sit for
0.06 marriage but don&;t search or whatever it
0.06 is you know you kind of make up of sue
0.06 she&;s like I am mmm and you kind of
0.06 already like degrade it for yourself and
0.06 people pick up on that and that shows so
0.06 a sense I guess of like insecurity or
0.06 not really 100% going for something so
0.06 why are you even going for it at all but
0.06 if you&;re actually go for something 100%
0.06 don&;t live that out and say hey this is
0.06 what I&;m doing this is why I&;m doing it
0.06 and this is what I feel called to do so
0.06 either deal with it and accept it or
0.06 just move on from it but this is what
0.06 I&;m doing so if you&;re trying to go and
0.06 put me down you know great try that but
0.06 at the end of the day you know I&;m just
0.06 gonna go in a certain direction and I&;m
0.06 not gonna be held back by other people
0.06 amen yeah come on breathe yeah anyway so
0.06 be confident yourself love the Lord with
0.06 all your heart and just keep keep
0.06 pushing forward are your last things you
0.06 want to say to the people we do have
0.06 some girls watching haand if you want to
0.06 give them some encouragement I think
0.06 just do all all your girls in general
0.06 you know don&;t don&;t settle for Less
0.06 you&;re worth so much more
0.06 and for all the girls in Holland for
0.06 imagine a lon Oh clearly
0.06 it sounds like a lot co-signed out the
0.06 middlemen since you love Shane mark week
0.06 ages and babe big baby love and Ben did
0.06 bomb detonation that&;s all for today
0.06 thank you for watching we hope you
0.06 enjoyed this if you have any other
0.06 questions or things feel free to leave
0.06 them in the comments below
0.06 yep and subscribe to the channel if you
0.06 want to and we will talk to you soon
0.06 sounds good bye see you later

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