YouTube et Le thème « masturbate » en vidéo
A la une, le thème « masturbate » publié par Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta
Sur YouTube, publié par Dr Vijayant Govinda Gupta (), cette vidéo est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».
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Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:12:05s), le titre (लड़की से मजा नहीं आता « Une masturbation excessive peut entraîner des perturbations psychologiques comme une faible libido, un manque ou une motivation et une dépression. Cela haappens dû aux déséquilibres neurochimiques de la dopamine, de la sérotonine, de la prolactine, de l’ocytocine et d’autres. La masturbation peut entraîner une déplétion de la dopamine qui peut entraîner un T faible et une faible sérotonine provoquant un PME. La dépendance à la masturbation peut également entraîner des problèmes de comportement et un différentiel dans les relations. Quittez la masturbation aujourd’hui pour avoir retrouvé votre sens du contrôle et votre objectif. #Quitmasturbation Une masturbation excessive peut provoquer de nombreuses perturbations psychologiques telles que la libido plus faible, la carence ou la motivation et la dépression. Cela est causé par un déséquilibre neurochimique et des perturbations dans le système mental. La masturbation peut provoquer une carence en dopamine, provoquant un faible thé et un faible PME de sérotonine. La dépendance à la masturbation peut également causer des problèmes de comportement et des difficultés dans les relations. Laissez la masturbation aujourd’hui pour retrouver votre contrôle et un sens de l’objectif. Remarque: Il s’agit d’un commentaire médical sur les problèmes causés par la masturbation. Savoir plus WhatsApp +91 8448449299 / +91 99998 43478 Appel +91 9999346178 9592999184 Site Web Adresse 27B / 4, New Rohtak Road, Karol Bagh New Delhi 5 ».
La vidéo est disponible pour visionnage directement ci-dessous
Chercher à comprendre les origines de l’élargissement de cette pratique
Étudier l’impact de l’isolement sur le désir
Le désir non satisfait et la solitude, tant dans la vie de couple que personnelle, sont des éléments qui favorisent cette pratique.
Examiner les aspects psychiques et émotionnels
Le stress, l’anxiété et l’insatisfaction dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent favoriser cette pratique compulsive.
Analyser l’effet de la pornographie sur les attitudes et comportements
La pornographie joue un rôle central. Elle stimule fréquemment le désir de se masturber et peut entraîner une perception erronée de la sexualité.
Surmonter la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité
Masturbation et sexualité vont souvent de pair, et cette pratique est largement considérée comme normale et bénéfique. Cependant, lorsqu’elle devient habituelle et se transforme en addiction, elle peut représenter un véritable challenge à surmonter pour préserver des éléments clés de la vie comme la santé mentale, les relations et l’équilibre au travail.
Évaluer les répercussions positives d’un arrêt réussi
Montrer le processus pour atteindre une satisfaction durable
En réduisant la dépendance, des améliorations durables peuvent être observées dans les sphères personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.
Exposer le chemin vers une santé mentale plus équilibrée
La cessation de cette habitude conduit généralement à une hausse de l’énergie, à une humeur améliorée et à une concentration renforcée.
Expliquer comment les interactions sociales deviennent plus harmonieuses
Les relations avec un conjoint deviennent plus profondes, avec une harmonie émotionnelle et physique accrue.
Mettre en lumière les défis liés à la dépendance à la masturbation
Décrire la masturbation et les méthodes les plus répandues
La masturbation, en tant qu’acte sexuel, offre des avantages pour la santé, comme un apaisement du stress et une exploration de son corps. Pourtant, si elle devient envahissante, elle peut poser des défis.
Noter les signaux d’une dépendance croissante
Une personne qui se masturbe fréquemment peut ressentir une perte de contrôle, ce qui peut impacter négativement ses interactions avec son ou sa partenaire.
Étudier les répercussions sur l’état mental et physique
La consommation instinctive de pornographie, couplée à une dépendance à la masturbation, stimule constamment le système dopaminergique, ce qui peut entraîner des conséquences comme l’éjaculation précoce, une diminution de l’énergie ou des frustrations sexuelles.
Concevoir un parcours pour se libérer de cette pratique
Recommander des actions à entreprendre pour éviter les retours en arrière
- Mettre en place une routine structurée : Remplissez vos journées d’activités planifiées.
- Limiter l’accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des filtres et bloqueurs pour restreindre l’accès aux contenus inappropriés.
Valoriser le soutien des proches dans ce processus
- Parler à un sexologue : Un professionnel peut offrir des conseils adaptés. notamment ce leader de la chasteté installé Paris.
- Participer à des groupes de soutien : Partager ses expériences avec d’autres aide à garder le cap.
Suggérer des techniques efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique
- Remplacer cette habitude par d’autres occupations : Pratiquez une activité physique ou testez de nouveaux passe-temps.
- Remplacer par d’autres engagements : Pratiquez une activité physique ou découvrez de nouveaux centres d’intérêt.
- Remplacer par des alternatives saines : Essayez le sport ou explorez de nouveaux hobbies.
Pour finir
Renoncer à la masturbation habituelle est un processus qui nécessite du temps et de la persévérance. Grâce à un plan structuré et au soutien adéquat, il est possible de franchir ce défi et de profiter d’une existence plus équilibrée, axée sur des objectifs plus enrichissants.
Cliquez ici pour accéder directement à la vidéo sur YouTube :
la source: Cliquer ici
#fille #lapprécie #pas #Quitter #masturbation #Partie #Dommages #mentaux
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: If someone tells you masturbation is healthy, if a doctor tells you jerking yourself off is healthy, I suggest you up and leave. Run! Because… This habit of masturbation can make you largely sick. Masturbation is a disease, yes, indeed! And I agree with this sect. When I was relatively new to the field of andrology, I’d had read volumes but in my vast learning, no one ever taught me that masturbation is an unhealthy habit. Western science and western school of medicine regards masturbation healthy and could be practiced. But I categorically say, having witnessed so many patients ruined by masturbation, and with a growing understanding of my field, I can say with convincing authority, like masturbation, no other self-destructive, chronic disease there is none. Since it wrecks your body in every way. In an earlier video, we’d discussed the effect of masturbation on premature ejaculation or rapid discharge. Today, I’d speak on resulting mental conditions such as lack of libido, loss of sexual desire and drive, lowered testosterone, developing PME, and anorgasmia, where patients describe a state where they cannot experience anything during sex, no excitement of any kind, only that their penis is erect inside the female and they’re going at it, but there’s no satisfaction. Yet, one is always eager to touch himself, rub some action, and that is oddly enjoyable. And it gets so addictive that many kids, from this lack of motivation, ruin their career, fall prey to depression, and suffer a host of mental ailments, consequently. So, watch the entire video or not, the takeaway from it, a message, if you will, for today, would be quit masturbation, today! Masturbation and the habit of masturbating and viewing porn, say goodbye to them today, before this video gets over, to repair your mental harmony, physical health, sexual prowess, emotional well-being and the rest. The topic of today’s video is how masturbation affects the brain, leads to mental disorders and such. Masturbation is self-pleasure or self-ejaculation. The practice has grown exponentially in the last decade and so. It must have been around prior to that. But in the past, easy access to porn or explicit material was not available. Twenty years ago, people masturbated to photos in magazines. Even then, procuring such a magazine or photograph was difficult. And they had neither audio or motion pictures, like we have today, where your phone carries all the pornography in the world. And the user is endlessly watching and jerking off to them. People who masturbate must have noticed that when you were young, say eighteen, and been into masturbation since let’s say, twelve, then at 13-14, you could’ve gotten off to just one pornographic video clip, reaching erection, leading to… full growth of penis and subsequent release. Whereas now, even porn fails to arouse you before half an hour, to awaken desire, work up an erection, at times, only partial and not complete. Mindlessly, one keeps viewing them on end, without… any effect, or drawing any enjoyment or pleasure, any reaction in the brain, discharge yourself empty! This pointless exercise which neither lends any gratification or involves the brain, provides no stimuli, the neurochemical balance within the brain, as Doctor House puts it, « mind concoction » this balance is gets upset. The hormonal balance of dopamine, prolactin, serotonin and sex hormones are destroyed and it reaches a point where masturbation becomes so routine that it takes away any desire, drive or motivation for sex. In many cases, the enjoyment… normally, during sex, as one finishes, it produces an orgasm, releasing endorphins within the body, also serotonin, prolactin and the person feels a sense of relief, accomplishment, something done that is good in a way. This perception of reward, feeling good or happiness is lost with regular abuse. A closer look as to why. Inside our brain, for ages, since the dawn of early man, there exists a signalling system, termed as reward mechanism. It works the same in small animals to human beings. This mechanism was introduced by evolutionary Nature to perpetuate life, to ensure survival of species, necessitating them to reproduce, to procreate. You’d notice in dogs and among other animals, there is no urge for masturbation. A body calendar triggers them to mate and give birth. At the definite season, they go into heat and carry forward their race. Under the pressure of Nature, the dopamine reward system works to create sexual urges in men, elevating levels of dopamine in the body. This increased dopamine causes man to seek some activity that offers reward or satisfaction, sex being one. Others may include gambling, drinking, smoking, addictive behaviour of any kind. All such inclinations are dependent on this dopamine pathway and it is under the influence of dopamine, that man is driven to action. When dopamine induces sexual arousal, well, getting laid ain’t as easy as reaching for phone to watch porn; a civilised human being in order to have sex, would need to seek a partner, consent her to sex, whether by marrying her or anyhow, following which you two have intercourse and reach an orgasm, wherein prolactin is released in the body which tells you the reward is concluded and the activity maybe called to repeat. But with sexual pleasure being so within reach where one only needs a phone, your dopamine levels critical to fulfilling reward mechanism begin to go down and your will to work starts to drain entirely. Previously where, for instance, 100 ml of dopamine, say, were produced, gradually it declines with self-abuse and after a few months, stops getting produced altogether. And your sexual appetite or desire for intercourse weans away. As the system is corrupted, other hormones that contribute to orgasm, enjoyment, pleasure, excitement, such as serotonin, prolactin, oxytocin, neural hormones, are disrupted as well and resulting issues begin to manifest, like low testosterone, lethargic penis, loss of libido, no wood, semen quality and amount dropping, all can be attributed to regular breakdown of the reward mechanism. There is something known as the Coolidge effect, that is, if something yields you enjoyment, you’d require a larger amount every time for the same level of enjoyment. For example, if making money delights you, that first high, when say, you’re a stockbroker and made a profit of ₹ 1000 on your first trade, it was pure joy that you went and shared with friends. In the following week, a similar amount would not bring the same happiness. You’d need to make ₹ 10K, then ₹ 20K, and on like this, yet nothing would quite equal that first high. Same with alcohol; The glee you felt on your first 15-ml peg now eludes you even after a bottle. All addictive behaviours, recurrent in nature, over time, must amplify in intensity to lend the same enjoyment. Think of masturbation like a narcotic that slowly engulfs you, egging you on 4-5 times a day to acquire the same measure of relaxation or same state of high. Consequently, your body gets worn out and your mind is stupefied. The question that arises, now that we broadly understand how hormonal imbalance or neurochemical drag in masturbation damages our mind and given such conditions, can we recover from it? If we were to quit today, could our body recuperate? The answer in clear terms is how long and how serious was our habit. If neurochemicals have been suppressed for too long, motivation levels have sunk low, indulgent masturbation has led to complete lack of desire, all loss of feeling, surely it would mean longer than someone who has relatively laid off and suffered lesser damage to body and life. But… recoverable! In my routine practice, I come across patients, when advised to check masturbation, after a fortnight or month or month and a half, who report positive changes to life. This also goes by no-fap program, which is a 7-day or 90-day affair to quit masturbation. But the initiative doesn’t require any nomenclature. If you resolve today not to masturbate anymore, follow a healthy lifestyle leaving out self-abuse, not to stimulate oneself or view pornography, you can set off your recovery from today, realise in your body amazing changes and amazing transformation. My message is clear: quit masturbation today, and if you quit today, you’d begin to notice results the very next day. If you appreciate the video, kindly add a like and subscribe. Masturbation and its neurochemical disturbances, I plan to put up more content on it. But at the same time, I’ve to bear in mind to make videos engaging and message gets to you in simple words. If you seek in-depth consultation, we offer such in Delhi. I’ve got profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and websites, where you may reach out to us. Thank you for watching! Quit masturbation, live a healthy life. .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.78 If someone tells you
0.78 masturbation is healthy,
0.78 if a doctor tells you
0.78 jerking yourself off is healthy,
0.78 I suggest you up and leave.
0.78 Run!
0.78 Because…
0.78 This habit of masturbation
0.78 can make you
0.78 largely sick.
0.78 Masturbation is a disease,
0.78 yes, indeed!
0.78 And I agree with this sect.
0.78 When I was relatively new
0.78 to the field of andrology,
0.78 I&;d had read volumes
0.78 but in my vast learning,
0.78 no one ever taught me
0.78 that masturbation is an unhealthy habit.
0.78 Western science and western
0.78 school of medicine
0.78 regards masturbation healthy
0.78 and could be practiced.
0.78 But I categorically say,
0.78 having witnessed so many patients
0.78 ruined by masturbation,
0.78 and with a growing understanding of my field,
0.78 I can say with convincing authority,
0.78 like masturbation,
0.78 no other self-destructive,
0.78 chronic disease
0.78 there is none.
0.78 Since it wrecks your body in every way.
0.78 In an earlier video,
0.78 we&;d discussed the effect of masturbation
0.78 on premature ejaculation
0.78 or rapid discharge.
0.78 Today, I&;d speak on resulting
0.78 mental conditions
0.78 such as lack of libido,
0.78 loss of sexual desire
0.78 and drive,
0.78 lowered testosterone,
0.78 developing PME,
0.78 and anorgasmia,
0.78 where patients
0.78 describe a state
0.78 where they cannot experience
0.78 anything during sex,
0.78 no excitement of any kind,
0.78 only that their penis
0.78 is erect inside the female
0.78 and they&;re going at it,
0.78 but there&;s no satisfaction.
0.78 Yet, one is always eager
0.78 to touch himself,
0.78 rub some action,
0.78 and that is oddly enjoyable.
0.78 And it gets so addictive
0.78 that many kids,
0.78 from this lack of motivation,
0.78 ruin their career,
0.78 fall prey to depression,
0.78 and suffer a host of mental ailments,
0.78 consequently.
0.78 So, watch the entire video or not,
0.78 the takeaway from it,
0.78 a message, if you will,
0.78 for today, would be
0.78 quit masturbation,
0.78 today!
0.78 Masturbation
0.78 and the habit of masturbating
0.78 and viewing porn,
0.78 say goodbye to them today,
0.78 before this video gets over,
0.78 to repair your mental harmony,
0.78 physical health,
0.78 sexual prowess,
0.78 emotional well-being
0.78 and the rest.
0.78 The topic of today&;s video
0.78 is how masturbation affects the brain,
0.78 leads to mental disorders
0.78 and such.
0.78 Masturbation is self-pleasure
0.78 or self-ejaculation.
0.78 The practice has grown
0.78 exponentially
0.78 in the last decade and so.
0.78 It must have been around prior to that.
0.78 But in the past, easy access to porn
0.78 or explicit material was not available.
0.78 Twenty years ago,
0.78 people masturbated to
0.78 photos in magazines.
0.78 Even then, procuring such a magazine
0.78 or photograph was difficult.
0.78 And they had neither audio
0.78 or motion pictures,
0.78 like we have today,
0.78 where your phone
0.78 carries all the pornography
0.78 in the world.
0.78 And the user is endlessly watching
0.78 and jerking off to them.
0.78 People who masturbate must have noticed
0.78 that when you were young,
0.78 say eighteen, and been into masturbation
0.78 since let&;s say, twelve,
0.78 then at 13-14,
0.78 you could&;ve gotten off
0.78 to just one pornographic video clip,
0.78 reaching erection,
0.78 leading to…
0.78 full growth of penis
0.78 and subsequent release.
0.78 Whereas now,
0.78 even porn fails to arouse you
0.78 before half an hour,
0.78 to awaken desire,
0.78 work up an erection,
0.78 at times, only partial and not complete.
0.78 Mindlessly,
0.78 one keeps viewing them on end,
0.78 without…
0.78 any effect, or drawing
0.78 any enjoyment or pleasure,
0.78 any reaction in the brain,
0.78 discharge yourself
0.78 empty!
0.78 This pointless exercise
0.78 which neither lends any gratification
0.78 or involves the brain,
0.78 provides no stimuli,
0.78 the neurochemical balance within the brain,
0.78 as Doctor House puts it,
0.78 "mind concoction"
0.78 this balance is gets upset.
0.78 The hormonal balance of
0.78 dopamine, prolactin, serotonin
0.78 and sex hormones are destroyed
0.78 and it reaches a point
0.78 where masturbation becomes so routine
0.78 that it takes away any desire,
0.78 drive or motivation for sex.
0.78 In many cases, the enjoyment…
0.78 normally, during sex,
0.78 as one finishes,
0.78 it produces an orgasm,
0.78 releasing endorphins within the body,
0.78 also serotonin, prolactin
0.78 and the person feels a sense of relief,
0.78 accomplishment,
0.78 something done that is good in a way.
0.78 This perception of reward,
0.78 feeling good or happiness
0.78 is lost with regular abuse.
0.78 A closer look as to why.
0.78 Inside our brain,
0.78 for ages,
0.78 since the dawn of early man,
0.78 there exists a signalling system,
0.78 termed as reward mechanism.
0.78 It works the same
0.78 in small animals to human beings.
0.78 This mechanism was introduced
0.78 by evolutionary Nature
0.78 to perpetuate life,
0.78 to ensure survival of species,
0.78 necessitating them
0.78 to reproduce,
0.78 to procreate.
0.78 You&;d notice in dogs
0.78 and among other animals,
0.78 there is no urge for masturbation.
0.78 A body calendar triggers them
0.78 to mate and give birth.
0.78 At the definite season,
0.78 they go into heat
0.78 and carry forward their race.
0.78 Under the pressure of Nature,
0.78 the dopamine reward system
0.78 works to create sexual urges in men,
0.78 elevating levels of dopamine in the body.
0.78 This increased dopamine
0.78 causes man to seek some activity
0.78 that offers reward or satisfaction,
0.78 sex being one.
0.78 Others may include
0.78 gambling, drinking, smoking,
0.78 addictive behaviour of any kind.
0.78 All such inclinations are dependent
0.78 on this dopamine pathway
0.78 and it is under the influence of dopamine,
0.78 that man
0.78 is driven to action.
0.78 When dopamine induces sexual arousal,
0.78 well, getting laid
0.78 ain&;t as easy
0.78 as reaching for phone to watch porn;
0.78 a civilised human being
0.78 in order to have sex,
0.78 would need to seek a partner,
0.78 consent her to sex,
0.78 whether by marrying her
0.78 or anyhow,
0.78 following which you two have intercourse
0.78 and reach an orgasm,
0.78 wherein prolactin is released in the body
0.78 which tells you the reward
0.78 is concluded and the activity
0.78 maybe called to repeat.
0.78 But with sexual pleasure being
0.78 so within reach
0.78 where one only needs a phone,
0.78 your dopamine levels
0.78 critical to fulfilling reward mechanism
0.78 begin to go down
0.78 and your will to work
0.78 starts to drain entirely.
0.78 Previously where, for instance,
0.78 100 ml of dopamine,
0.78 say, were produced,
0.78 gradually it declines with self-abuse
0.78 and after a few months,
0.78 stops getting produced altogether.
0.78 And your sexual appetite
0.78 or desire for intercourse
0.78 weans away.
0.78 As the system is corrupted,
0.78 other hormones that contribute to orgasm,
0.78 enjoyment, pleasure,
0.78 excitement, such as serotonin,
0.78 prolactin, oxytocin,
0.78 neural hormones,
0.78 are disrupted as well
0.78 and resulting issues begin to manifest,
0.78 like low testosterone,
0.78 lethargic penis,
0.78 loss of libido,
0.78 no wood,
0.78 semen quality and amount dropping,
0.78 all can be attributed to regular
0.78 breakdown of the reward mechanism.
0.78 There is something known as
0.78 the Coolidge effect,
0.78 that is,
0.78 if something yields you enjoyment,
0.78 you&;d require
0.78 a larger amount every time
0.78 for the same level of enjoyment.
0.78 For example,
0.78 if making money delights you,
0.78 that first high, when
0.78 say, you&;re a stockbroker
0.78 and made a profit of ₹ 1000
0.78 on your first trade,
0.78 it was pure joy
0.78 that you went and shared with friends.
0.78 In the following week,
0.78 a similar amount would not bring
0.78 the same happiness.
0.78 You&;d need to make ₹ 10K,
0.78 then ₹ 20K,
0.78 and on like this,
0.78 yet nothing would quite equal
0.78 that first high.
0.78 Same with alcohol;
0.78 The glee you felt
0.78 on your first 15-ml peg
0.78 now eludes you even after a bottle.
0.78 All addictive behaviours,
0.78 recurrent in nature,
0.78 over time,
0.78 must amplify in intensity
0.78 to lend the same enjoyment.
0.78 Think of masturbation like a narcotic
0.78 that slowly engulfs you,
0.78 egging you on
0.78 4-5 times a day
0.78 to acquire the same measure of
0.78 relaxation or same state of high.
0.78 Consequently, your body gets worn out
0.78 and your mind is stupefied.
0.78 The question that arises,
0.78 now that we broadly understand
0.78 how hormonal imbalance
0.78 or neurochemical drag in masturbation
0.78 damages our mind
0.78 and given such conditions,
0.78 can we recover from it?
0.78 If we were to quit today,
0.78 could our body recuperate?
0.78 The answer in clear terms
0.78 is how long
0.78 and how serious
0.78 was our habit.
0.78 If neurochemicals
0.78 have been suppressed for too long,
0.78 motivation levels have sunk low,
0.78 indulgent masturbation
0.78 has led to complete lack of desire,
0.78 all loss of feeling,
0.78 surely it would mean longer
0.78 than someone who has relatively laid off
0.78 and suffered lesser damage
0.78 to body and life.
0.78 But…
0.78 recoverable!
0.78 In my routine practice,
0.78 I come across patients,
0.78 when advised to check masturbation,
0.78 after a fortnight or month
0.78 or month and a half,
0.78 who report
0.78 positive changes to life.
0.78 This also goes by no-fap program,
0.78 which is a 7-day
0.78 or 90-day affair
0.78 to quit masturbation.
0.78 But the initiative
0.78 doesn&;t require any nomenclature.
0.78 If you resolve today
0.78 not to masturbate anymore,
0.78 follow a healthy lifestyle
0.78 leaving out self-abuse,
0.78 not to stimulate oneself
0.78 or view pornography,
0.78 you can set off your recovery
0.78 from today,
0.78 realise in your body
0.78 amazing changes
0.78 and amazing transformation.
0.78 My message is clear:
0.78 quit masturbation today,
0.78 and if you quit today,
0.78 you&;d begin to notice results
0.78 the very next day.
0.78 If you appreciate the video,
0.78 kindly add a like and subscribe.
0.78 Masturbation and its
0.78 neurochemical disturbances,
0.78 I plan to put up
0.78 more content on it.
0.78 But at the same time,
0.78 I&;ve to bear in mind
0.78 to make videos engaging
0.78 and message gets to you
0.78 in simple words.
0.78 If you seek in-depth consultation,
0.78 we offer such in Delhi.
0.78 I&;ve got profiles
0.78 on Facebook, Instagram,
0.78 and websites,
0.78 where you may reach out to us.
0.78 Thank you for watching!
0.78 Quit masturbation,
0.78 live a healthy life.
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