masturbate; Que dit la Bible à propos de la masturbation ? – CELA VA VOUS CHOQUER

Que dit la Bible à propos de la masturbation ? - CELA VA VOUS CHOQUER

Un film sur le thème « masturbate » présenté par Nik Keswani

Publiée sur YouTube par Nik Keswani (), cette vidéo traite du thème « masturbate ».

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

Lors de notre consultation de la vidéo (), quelques interactions avaient déjà été accumulées. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 1439.

Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:05:07s), le titre (What Does The Bible Say about Masturbation? – THIS WILL SHOCK YOU), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« La masturbation est un sujet très tabou au sein de l’Église. Aujourd’hui, nous discutons si cet acte est de nature inoffensive ou s’il s’agit réellement d’un péché. Nous décomposons la Bible en détail pour vous montrer la conclusion du cœur de Dieu face à cet acte. CHAÎNE MUSICALE : Faites un don au ministère : Achetez des produits chrétiens : -apparel-by-bignik/ MES MÉDIAS SOCIAUX : Instagram : Twitter : TikTok : Snapchat : Facebook : E-mail professionnel : nkeswani98@gmail .com ».

Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte

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Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un expert en la matière pourra vous orienter vers les meilleures solutions. (notamment ce service)
  • S’impliquer dans des groupes de soutien : Échanger ses expériences renforce l’engagement.

Proposer un guide pour éviter de rechuter

  • Bloquer l’accès à la pornographie : Activez des outils de filtrage pour limiter l’accès aux sites explicites.
  • Fermer l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des protections pour limiter l’accès aux contenus adultes.

Recommander des solutions adaptées pour réduire cette habitude

  • Définir des objectifs précis : Optez pour des actions progressives ou adoptez le mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage complet.
  • Remplacer cette pratique par des activités alternatives : Essayez le sport ou lancez-vous dans des hobbies inédits.
  • Remplacer par d’autres pratiques : Découvrez de nouveaux loisirs ou engagez-vous dans une activité physique.

Surmonter la masturbation : un challenge pour votre sexualité

La masturbation, bien qu’elle soit généralement considérée comme une pratique naturelle permettant d’explorer sa sexualité, peut devenir une véritable source de difficulté pour certains. En effet, lorsque cela vire à l’addiction, cela peut impacter négativement la vie personnelle, les relations sociales et la stabilité émotionnelle.

Rechercher les causes de l’intensification de cette pratique

Observer les changements comportementaux induits par la pornographie

La pornographie joue un rôle central. Elle stimule fréquemment le désir de se masturber et peut entraîner une perception erronée de la sexualité.

Examiner les aspects psychiques et émotionnels

Des niveaux élevés de stress, d’anxiété ou d’insatisfaction dans d’autres domaines peuvent alimenter cette pratique fréquente.

Explorer la place de la solitude et des désirs

La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.

Découvrir les aspects psychologiques et physiques de la dépendance à la masturbation

Examiner les différents aspects de la masturbation et ses manifestations

La masturbation, en tant qu’acte sexuel, offre des avantages pour la santé, comme un apaisement du stress et une exploration de son corps. Pourtant, si elle devient envahissante, elle peut poser des défis.

Repérer les premiers signes d’une dépendance

La dépendance se manifeste par une augmentation de la fréquence de la masturbation et une perte de contrôle, ce qui affecte souvent la qualité des rapports avec un partenaire.

Se pencher sur l’effet global sur la santé mentale et physique

L’abus de masturbation et la consommation instinctive de pornographie stimulent de manière constante le système dopaminergique, ce qui peut causer des troubles comme une éjaculation précoce, une baisse d’énergie et une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Étudier les effets positifs d’un arrêt complet

Souligner les progrès dans la qualité des interactions sociales

Les rapports avec un partenaire se transforment, favorisant une complicité émotionnelle et physique plus forte.

Expliquer l’amélioration progressive de la santé mentale

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

Mettre en lumière le parcours vers une joie pérenne

En réduisant la dépendance, des améliorations durables peuvent être observées dans les sphères personnelle, professionnelle et sociale.

En synthèse

L’arrêt de la masturbation instinctive est un travail de longue haleine. Avec un plan rigoureux et un soutien approprié, il devient réalisable de surmonter cette difficulté et de découvrir les avantages d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des objectifs plus gratifiants.

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#dit #Bible #propos #masturbation #CELA #VOUS #CHOQUER

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: today’s topic is going to tackle something that might make people feel uncomfortable but it’s extremely important for us as Christians to address it especially in a time where this grave sin is destroying the lives of many people we live in a society that normalizes and celebrates behaviors that can be spiritually harmful one of these behaviors is masturbation today I’m going to speak on this subject not only from a Biblical perspective but also a scientific one as well emphasizing that what we do in private can not only affect our spiritual walk but also our physical health we’re going to explore the story of Onin in Genesis 38 and learn about the con consequences for wasting your seed and I will also reference a study shown that masturbation nearly lowers a man’s testosterone by 46% leaving men weaker and less empowered what’s going on guys it’s Nick kwani back for another video thank you guys so much for coming back to the channel today before we get into today’s video If you guys like Christian content please give this video a like subscribe to my channel down below if you are new and turn on my post notifications so you never miss a new video without further Ado let’s get into it let’s start with the story of Onan in Genesis 38 Onan is commanded by God to fulfill the leverite law which required him to marry his deceased brother’s widow and father a child on his behalf this child would carry on his brother’s name as well as his inheritance however Onan selfishly refuses to do this Duty and instead spills his seat on the ground to avoid conception as we read in Genesis 389 to10 where it says this but Onan knew that the offspring would not be his so whenever he went into his brother’s wife he would waste the semen on the ground so as not to give Offspring to his brother and what he did was wicked in the sight of the Lord and he put him to death also now onan’s sin was not just him wasting his seed on the the ground it was about his Rebellion towards God’s plan his selfishness and his refusal to honor God’s command to carry on his brother’s lineage in onan’s case he was wasting his seed for selfish purposes rather than using it for its intended purpose to bring life and honor God’s design for family and reproduction masturbation also involves wasting your seed and abandoning God’s Gift of sexuality it’s a selfish act fueled by personal pleasure rather than fulfilling the purpose of intimacy and relationship that God created within the marriage covenant masturbation is an act usually done in isolation connecting yourself for God’s plan for sexual expression which in turn leads to sinful desires like lust and covetousness just like Onan wasted his seed we Wast an opportunity for Holiness and purpose when we give into self-gratification outside of God’s will now let’s take a look at the scientific aspect of things which gives us a deeper look into the implications of masturbation a study published in the Journal of Urology in 2003 accessible on pbed examined the effects of masturbation on testosterone levels this study found that testosterone levels decrease by 45.7% following ejaculation and it took seven full days for these levels to return to Baseline not only does masturbation have a spiritual effect on the body but it also has a physical one as well when men engage in masturbation their testosterone levels drop significantly leaving them physically weaker testosterone is crucial for strength vitality and just your overall well-being when we engage in behaviors that lower our testosterone and weaken our Vitality we are not living in the fullness of what God has called us to be as men and the same applies for woman too excluding the testosterone part of it this is where the Bible and the science align God calls us to live a life of strength vitality and purpose and masturbation actually works against that purpose it’s not only spiritually harmful but it also weakens men physically diminishing their god-given strength in the Old Testament God’s judgment on Onan for wasting his seed can be seen as a reflection for his desire for us to live by his design not only to spiritually flourish but physically as well in 1 Corinthians 6:19 to20 Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit when we misuse our bodies through acts like masturbation we’re also dishonoring the temple of God this is why we need to take seriously not only the Biblical teaching but the scientific evidence masturbation not only dishonors God but it also holds us back from our full physical potential now we’re under the grace of God we’re not in the old Covenant anymore so although immediate judgment would not fall upon us like it did to Onan God still calls us to live holy pure lives lives that honor him with our bodies masturbation may seem like a private harmless act but it’s far from that it has both spiritual and physical consequences that leave us weaker in the long run but here’s the good news if you’re struggling with masturbation or any other sin there’s Grace for you you don’t have to stay in defeat because Jesus offers us forgiveness as well as the strength to overcome through the Holy Spirit we can walk in Purity and maintain the strength and vitality that God has called us to have and we have to remember that God created us with a purpose our sexuality is a beautiful gift from God meant to bring joy within the marriage covenant masturbation like Onan spilling his seed is a misuse of that gift it weakens us dishonors God’s design and limits us from the fullness of what God has for us it is dishonoring to the father to give up your sea which has the ability to create life only to convert it to Mere waste if you’re struggling with the sin repent and turn to God for forgiveness and Trust in the Holy Spirit to empower you to live a life that reflects his glory if you made it all the way till the end of the video I want you to comment down below God’s design is better I also want to let you guys know that I’m dropping a music video this week on my music channel so I’ll put a link to that channel in the description I would really ask you guys if you support what I’m doing here please go subscribe to that channel because that’s another form of ministry that God has me doing through Christian hip hop but if you’re too lazy to go do that I’ll just put my music channel up here that you can subscribe to or I’ll put one of my music videos up here so be sure to check that out I’ll see you guys very soon for another video I love you guys so much may God bless all of you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ take care and peace out .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.04 today&;s topic is going to tackle
0.04 something that might make people feel
0.04 uncomfortable but it&;s extremely
0.04 important for us as Christians to
0.04 address it especially in a time where
0.04 this grave sin is destroying the lives
0.04 of many people we live in a society that
0.04 normalizes and celebrates behaviors that
0.04 can be spiritually harmful one of these
0.04 behaviors is masturbation today I&;m
0.04 going to speak on this subject not only
0.04 from a Biblical perspective but also a
0.04 scientific one as well emphasizing that
0.04 what we do in private can not only
0.04 affect our spiritual walk but also our
0.04 physical health we&;re going to explore
0.04 the story of Onin in Genesis 38 and
0.04 learn about the con consequences for
0.04 wasting your seed and I will also
0.04 reference a study shown that
0.04 masturbation nearly lowers a man&;s
0.04 testosterone by 46% leaving men weaker
0.04 and less empowered what&;s going on guys
0.04 it&;s Nick kwani back for another video
0.04 thank you guys so much for coming back
0.04 to the channel today before we get into
0.04 today&;s video If you guys like Christian
0.04 content please give this video a like
0.04 subscribe to my channel down below if
0.04 you are new and turn on my post
0.04 notifications so you never miss a new
0.04 video without further Ado let&;s get into
0.04 it let&;s start with the story of Onan in
0.04 Genesis 38 Onan is commanded by God to
0.04 fulfill the leverite law which required
0.04 him to marry his deceased brother&;s
0.04 widow and father a child on his behalf
0.04 this child would carry on his brother&;s
0.04 name as well as his inheritance however
0.04 Onan selfishly refuses to do this Duty
0.04 and instead spills his seat on the
0.04 ground to avoid conception as we read in
0.04 Genesis 389 to10 where it says this but
0.04 Onan knew that the offspring would not
0.04 be his so whenever he went into his
0.04 brother&;s wife he would waste the semen
0.04 on the ground so as not to give
0.04 Offspring to his brother and what he did
0.04 was wicked in the sight of the Lord and
0.04 he put him to death also now onan&;s sin
0.04 was not just him wasting his seed on the
0.04 the ground it was about his Rebellion
0.04 towards God&;s plan his selfishness and
0.04 his refusal to honor God&;s command to
0.04 carry on his brother&;s lineage in onan&;s
0.04 case he was wasting his seed for selfish
0.04 purposes rather than using it for its
0.04 intended purpose to bring life and honor
0.04 God&;s design for family and reproduction
0.04 masturbation also involves wasting your
0.04 seed and abandoning God&;s Gift of
0.04 sexuality it&;s a selfish act fueled by
0.04 personal pleasure rather than fulfilling
0.04 the purpose of intimacy and relationship
0.04 that God created within the marriage
0.04 covenant masturbation is an act usually
0.04 done in isolation connecting yourself
0.04 for God&;s plan for sexual expression
0.04 which in turn leads to sinful desires
0.04 like lust and covetousness just like
0.04 Onan wasted his seed we Wast an
0.04 opportunity for Holiness and purpose
0.04 when we give into self-gratification
0.04 outside of God&;s will now let&;s take a
0.04 look at the scientific aspect of things
0.04 which gives us a deeper look into the
0.04 implications of masturbation a study
0.04 published in the Journal of Urology in
0.04 2003 accessible on pbed examined the
0.04 effects of masturbation on testosterone
0.04 levels this study found that
0.04 testosterone levels decrease by
0.04 45.7% following ejaculation and it took
0.04 seven full days for these levels to
0.04 return to Baseline not only does
0.04 masturbation have a spiritual effect on
0.04 the body but it also has a physical one
0.04 as well when men engage in masturbation
0.04 their testosterone levels drop
0.04 significantly leaving them physically
0.04 weaker testosterone is crucial for
0.04 strength vitality and just your overall
0.04 well-being when we engage in behaviors
0.04 that lower our testosterone and weaken
0.04 our Vitality we are not living in the
0.04 fullness of what God has called us to be
0.04 as men and the same applies for woman
0.04 too excluding the testosterone part of
0.04 it this is where the Bible and the
0.04 science align God calls us to live a
0.04 life of strength vitality and purpose
0.04 and masturbation actually works against
0.04 that purpose it&;s not only spiritually
0.04 harmful but it also weakens men
0.04 physically diminishing their god-given
0.04 strength in the Old Testament God&;s
0.04 judgment on Onan for wasting his seed
0.04 can be seen as a reflection for his
0.04 desire for us to live by his design not
0.04 only to spiritually flourish but
0.04 physically as well in 1 Corinthians 6:19
0.04 to20 Paul reminds us that our bodies are
0.04 temples of the Holy Spirit when we
0.04 misuse our bodies through acts like
0.04 masturbation we&;re also dishonoring the
0.04 temple of God this is why we need to
0.04 take seriously not only the Biblical
0.04 teaching but the scientific evidence
0.04 masturbation not only dishonors God but
0.04 it also holds us back from our full
0.04 physical potential now we&;re under the
0.04 grace of God we&;re not in the old
0.04 Covenant anymore so although immediate
0.04 judgment would not fall upon us like it
0.04 did to Onan God still calls us to live
0.04 holy pure lives lives that honor him
0.04 with our bodies masturbation may seem
0.04 like a private harmless act but it&;s far
0.04 from that it has both spiritual and
0.04 physical consequences that leave us
0.04 weaker in the long run but here&;s the
0.04 good news if you&;re struggling with
0.04 masturbation or any other sin there&;s
0.04 Grace for you you don&;t have to stay in
0.04 defeat because Jesus offers us
0.04 forgiveness as well as the strength to
0.04 overcome through the Holy Spirit we can
0.04 walk in Purity and maintain the strength
0.04 and vitality that God has called us to
0.04 have and we have to remember that God
0.04 created us with a purpose our sexuality
0.04 is a beautiful gift from God meant to
0.04 bring joy within the marriage covenant
0.04 masturbation like Onan spilling his seed
0.04 is a misuse of that gift it weakens us
0.04 dishonors God&;s design and limits us
0.04 from the fullness of what God has for us
0.04 it is dishonoring to the father to give
0.04 up your sea which has the ability to
0.04 create life only to convert it to Mere
0.04 waste if you&;re struggling with the sin
0.04 repent and turn to God for forgiveness
0.04 and Trust in the Holy Spirit to empower
0.04 you to live a life that reflects his
0.04 glory if you made it all the way till
0.04 the end of the video I want you to
0.04 comment down below God&;s design is
0.04 better I also want to let you guys know
0.04 that I&;m dropping a music video this
0.04 week on my music channel so I&;ll put a
0.04 link to that channel in the description
0.04 I would really ask you guys if you
0.04 support what I&;m doing here please go
0.04 subscribe to that channel because that&;s
0.04 another form of ministry that God has me
0.04 doing through Christian hip hop but if
0.04 you&;re too lazy to go do that I&;ll just
0.04 put my music channel up here that you
0.04 can subscribe to or I&;ll put one of my
0.04 music videos up here so be sure to check
0.04 that out I&;ll see you guys very soon for
0.04 another video I love you guys so much
0.04 may God bless all of you in the mighty
0.04 name of Jesus Christ take care and peace
0.04 out

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