masturbate,Masturbation masculine sur Youtube

Masturbation masculine

Un film sur le thème «masturbate» sur YouTube

Publication sur le thème « masturbate » par Ask Doctor T

Une vidéo, partagée par Ask Doctor T sur YouTube (depuis le ),
examine le thème « masturbate » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.

YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.

Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 5403.

Il convient de préciser la durée (00:07:31s) de la vidéo, le titre (Male masturbation), et les observations de l’auteur :« Vous avez des questions de santé adolescentes brûlantes? Anatomie, sexe, puberté … rien n’est interdit de limites! Les épisodes actuels ont 5 questions sur à peu près le même sujet, et les questions d’aujourd’hui concernent la masturbation et l’anatomie masculine! Dans cet épisode: * La masturbation excessive de la masturbation stimule-t-elle le pénis? Est-ce que cela aggrave votre pénis? * Je me masturbe tous les jours avec de l’huile pour bébé, mais ma peau est sèche et sensible. Est-ce que je me masturbe trop? * Peut se masturber trop d’impact sur l’orgasme pendant les relations sexuelles? * La masturbation affecte-t-elle les niveaux de testostérone? * J’utilise la masturbation pour soulager l’anxiété et je suis sur des antidépresseurs. Pourquoi ne puis-je pas finir pendant les relations sexuelles? Pour plus d’informations sur les produits spécifiques mentionnés dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, consultez Si vous voulez répondre à une question, commentez dans l’une de mes vidéos ou soumettez une question via! (tagstotranslate) iMovie ».

La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous

Rechercher les causes de l’intensification de cette pratique

Évoquer les facteurs mentaux et affectifs

Le stress, l’anxiété ou l’insatisfaction générale peuvent pousser à une pratique fréquente dans ce domaine.

Analyser les conséquences de la pornographie sur les comportements

La pornographie agit comme un facteur clé. Elle stimule souvent la masturbation et peut déformer l’image de la sexualité.

Examiner comment la solitude et le désir interagissent

L’isolement et le manque de satisfaction dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle peuvent aussi être des déclencheurs de cette pratique.

Construire un plan d’action pour rompre avec cette habitude

Proposer des étapes à suivre pour prévenir les rechutes

  • Se déconnecter de la pornographie : Bloquez les accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Restreindre l’accès à la pornographie : Mettez en place des bloqueurs pour empêcher l’accès aux contenus indésirables.

Insister sur le rôle essentiel du soutien de la communauté

  • Consulter un sexologue : Un expert peut fournir des conseils personnalisés.comme chatete.frinstallé Paris.
  • Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Partager ses objectifs avec d’autres aide à rester motivé.

Présenter des solutions pour réduire de manière efficace cette pratique

  • Se fixer des objectifs précis : Utilisez des méthodes progressives ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour une abstinence complète.
  • Remplacer cette pratique par des activités alternatives : Essayez le sport ou lancez-vous dans des hobbies inédits.
  • Se fixer des objectifs clairs : Optez pour une approche progressive ou participez au mouvement « nofap » pour un sevrage total.

Sexualité et addiction à la masturbation : trouver des solutions

Nombreux sont ceux qui trouvent difficile d’arrêter la masturbation, une pratique habituellement perçue comme normale et bénéfique pour la sexualité. Pourtant, quand elle devient habituelle ou addictive, elle peut perturber des aspects importants de la vie, comme le travail, la stabilité émotionnelle ou les interactions sociales.

Étudier les résultats positifs d’un sevrage réussi

Mettre l’accent sur le chemin vers une épanouissement permanent

La réduction de la dépendance mène à des avantages durables dans la vie personnelle, sociale et professionnelle.

Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui

Les liens avec un partenaire s’enrichissent, marqués par une connexion émotionnelle et physique plus forte.

Expliquer comment on atteint une meilleure santé mentale

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

Faire le point sur la dépendance à la masturbation et ses conséquences

Identifier les formes de masturbation et leur signification

La masturbation, souvent considérée comme saine pour réduire le stress et mieux connaître son corps, peut poser problème lorsqu’elle dépasse certaines limites.

Détecter les signes qui témoignent d’une dépendance

Une personne qui se masturbe fréquemment peut ressentir une perte de contrôle, ce qui peut impacter négativement ses interactions avec son ou sa partenaire.

Explorer l’impact sur le bien-être mental et corporel

L’addiction à la masturbation est fréquemment associée à une consommation excessive de contenu pornographique, ce qui sollicite de manière constante le système dopaminergique, pouvant entraîner des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une perte d’énergie ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

En somme

Mettre un terme à la masturbation fréquente est un processus qui demande du temps et de la constance. Grâce à une approche structurée et au soutien nécessaire, il devient possible de réussir ce défi et d’accéder aux bienfaits d’une vie plus centrée et enrichissante.

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la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#Masturbation #masculine

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hi i’m dr t and i’m a pediatrician on ask dr t i answer health questions from teens questions ranging from safe sex to self-love to questions about body parts let’s get this episode started all right let’s talk about masturbation for male anatomy okay lots of questions this is the first of many okay i combined two questions here one does excessive masturbation stump penis growth two does it make your penis bigger no and no doesn’t affect penis size so masturbate or don’t but it’s not going to impact your penis size so question number two i masturbate five to six times a week and use baby oil in many cases it becomes too sensitive and the skin gets slightly damaged is that normal am i masturbating too often what would you recommend so it’s tough to say exactly masturbating five to six times a week from just a numbers standpoint is totally fine but what i would say is that everyone’s a little bit different your skin may actually be a little too sensitive for that baby oil or might have an allergy to the baby oil i would actually try a different type of lube or in the shower now that being said if you already are having some chafing or penis problems you can apply a triple antibiotic ointment to help things kind of heal over if the redness gets worse or if you notice any pus or tenderness then you probably want to see a doctor but for the time being if you just apply a little triple antibiotic ointment to those areas that are irritated that can help it heal and then try switching up to a different type of lube either vaseline or olive oil or lube they can all be better alternatives than baby oil if you’re potentially allergic or have a little bit of a sensitivity to baby oil so just switch it up um question number three what if a guy can never finish during sex does too much masturbation affect that or could there be something wrong okay so from a too much masturbation not being able to finish with sex standpoint um generally no masturbation as we’ve discussed in other videos you know your body well and when things feel really good it’s very easy to masturbate and orgasm but when you’re with a partner finding those pleasure spots can be a little bit more difficult and more difficult to hit so from that perspective i would just play around with different positions and some foreplay but i do want to speak to masturbating too much and it’s not a certain number there’s no right or wrong number of times to masturbate but if you do find that it’s interfering with intimacy and your ability to even get turned on with someone else then that might be a sign that you are having a bit of a problem with masturbation but if you’re able to get it up and just having a hard time achieving orgasm i would play around and try different positions there’s no direct link between too much masturbation and not being able to orgasm with someone else unless it’s again interfering with your mentality when it comes to intimacy question number four does masturbating affect testosterone levels so studies to date have shown that holding off on masturbating or abstaining from masturbation for a period of a few days can transiently or short term increase testosterone levels but then they level out with testosterone levels of people who masturbate regularly so what we know as of right now is that there’s a brief surge in testosterone levels when you don’t masturbate for a couple of days and then those levels come return to normal or what someone who masturbates regularly would have so to answer your question short term yes long term no effect on testosterone question number five this might seem dramatic or unreal but i use masturbation as a coping mechanism however when it comes to having sex i can’t finish at all also for two years i’ve been on antidepressants and i’m not sure if that has anything to do with what i’m dealing with right now so i want to talk about mental health and orgasm first what we know about masturbation is that it can actually provide anxiety relief and there is nothing wrong with you using masturbation as a calming or coping technique that’s okay we know that self-pleasure releases endorphins and that can make us feel good so if that’s what you’re using it for then that’s okay and you shouldn’t feel guilty about that but and this is great that you got some help for any sort of depression that you’re experiencing we also know that antidepressants can sometimes affect someone’s ability to orgasm and so if you’ve found that you’re having a hard time orgasming with a partner while you’re on antidepressants it’s possible that that antidepressant is having an impact in which case it might be worth talking to your doctor about trying a different antidepressant because there are different antidepressants that affect ability to orgasm a little bit differently it could also be that you are just having the experience of some of the other people that i’ve already answered questions from on this episode that you know how to pleasure yourself very well and when it comes to a partner you can’t always hit those pleasure spots as easily and so as i recommended with the other folks experiment with foreplay and see if you can build things up a little bit before you insert the penis but again i think it’s wonderful that you got help for mental health and sometimes there’s a bit of a mixed relationship with mental health and ability to orgasm but if you’re comfortable i know you’re kind of young but talk to your doctor about these things there are other options for sure but mental health is important as i’ve said before and so is self-pleasure so that will do it for this round of masturbation questions for male anatomy i’ve got thousands more and remember if you have a question for ask dr t you can either respond in this video or submit through my website you .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.399 hi i&;m dr t and i&;m a pediatrician
0.399 on ask dr t i answer health questions
0.399 from teens
0.399 questions ranging from safe sex to
0.399 self-love
0.399 to questions about body parts let&;s get
0.399 this episode started
0.399 all right let&;s talk about masturbation
0.399 for male
0.399 anatomy okay lots of questions this is
0.399 the first of many
0.399 okay i combined two questions here one
0.399 does excessive masturbation stump penis
0.399 growth
0.399 two does it make your penis bigger no
0.399 and no doesn&;t affect penis size so
0.399 masturbate or don&;t but it&;s not going
0.399 to impact your penis size
0.399 so question number two
0.399 i masturbate five to six times a week
0.399 and use baby oil
0.399 in many cases it becomes too sensitive
0.399 and the skin gets slightly damaged
0.399 is that normal am i masturbating too
0.399 often
0.399 what would you recommend so it&;s tough
0.399 to say exactly
0.399 masturbating five to six times a week
0.399 from just a numbers standpoint is
0.399 totally fine but what i would say is
0.399 that
0.399 everyone&;s a little bit different your
0.399 skin may actually be a little too
0.399 sensitive for that baby oil
0.399 or might have an allergy to the baby oil
0.399 i would actually try a different type of
0.399 lube
0.399 or in the shower now
0.399 that being said if you already are
0.399 having some chafing or penis
0.399 problems you can apply a triple
0.399 antibiotic ointment
0.399 to help things kind of heal over if the
0.399 redness gets worse
0.399 or if you notice any pus or tenderness
0.399 then you probably want to see a doctor
0.399 but for the time being if you just apply
0.399 a little triple antibiotic ointment to
0.399 those areas that are irritated
0.399 that can help it heal and then try
0.399 switching up to a different type of lube
0.399 either vaseline or
0.399 olive oil or lube
0.399 they can all be better alternatives than
0.399 baby oil
0.399 if you&;re potentially allergic or have a
0.399 little bit of a sensitivity to baby oil
0.399 so just switch it up
0.399 um question number three what if a guy
0.399 can never finish during sex
0.399 does too much masturbation affect that
0.399 or could there be something wrong
0.399 okay so from a
0.399 too much masturbation not being able to
0.399 finish with sex
0.399 standpoint um generally no
0.399 masturbation as we&;ve discussed in other
0.399 videos
0.399 you know your body well and when things
0.399 feel really good it&;s very easy to
0.399 masturbate and orgasm
0.399 but when you&;re with a partner finding
0.399 those pleasure spots can be a little bit
0.399 more difficult
0.399 and more difficult to hit so from that
0.399 perspective
0.399 i would just play around with different
0.399 positions and some foreplay
0.399 but i do want to speak to masturbating
0.399 too much and it&;s not a certain number
0.399 there&;s no right or wrong number of
0.399 times to masturbate
0.399 but if you do find that it&;s interfering
0.399 with intimacy and your ability to even
0.399 get turned on with someone else then
0.399 that might be a sign
0.399 that you are having a bit of a problem
0.399 with masturbation
0.399 but if you&;re able to get it up and just
0.399 having a hard time
0.399 achieving orgasm i would play around and
0.399 try different positions
0.399 there&;s no direct link between too much
0.399 masturbation and
0.399 not being able to orgasm with someone
0.399 else unless
0.399 it&;s again interfering with your
0.399 mentality when it comes to intimacy
0.399 question number four does masturbating
0.399 affect testosterone levels
0.399 so studies to date have shown
0.399 that holding off on masturbating or
0.399 abstaining from masturbation for a
0.399 period of a few days
0.399 can transiently or short term increase
0.399 testosterone levels
0.399 but then they level out with
0.399 testosterone levels
0.399 of people who masturbate regularly so
0.399 what we know as of right now is that
0.399 there&;s a brief
0.399 surge in testosterone levels when you
0.399 don&;t masturbate for a couple of days
0.399 and then those levels come return to
0.399 normal
0.399 or what someone who masturbates
0.399 regularly
0.399 would have so to answer your question
0.399 short term yes long term no effect on
0.399 testosterone
0.399 question number five this might seem
0.399 dramatic or unreal
0.399 but i use masturbation as a coping
0.399 mechanism
0.399 however when it comes to having sex i
0.399 can&;t finish
0.399 at all also for two years i&;ve been on
0.399 antidepressants
0.399 and i&;m not sure if that has anything to
0.399 do with what i&;m dealing with right now
0.399 so i want to talk about mental health
0.399 and orgasm
0.399 first what we know about masturbation is
0.399 that it can actually provide anxiety
0.399 relief
0.399 and there is nothing wrong with you
0.399 using masturbation
0.399 as a calming or coping technique
0.399 that&;s okay we know that self-pleasure
0.399 releases endorphins and that can make
0.399 us feel good so if that&;s what you&;re
0.399 using it for
0.399 then that&;s okay and you shouldn&;t feel
0.399 guilty about that
0.399 but and this is great that you got some
0.399 help
0.399 for any sort of depression that you&;re
0.399 experiencing
0.399 we also know that antidepressants can
0.399 sometimes affect someone&;s ability to
0.399 orgasm and so if you&;ve found that
0.399 you&;re having a hard time orgasming
0.399 with a partner while you&;re on
0.399 antidepressants
0.399 it&;s possible that that antidepressant
0.399 is having an impact
0.399 in which case it might be worth talking
0.399 to your doctor about trying a different
0.399 antidepressant because there are
0.399 different antidepressants that
0.399 affect ability to orgasm a little bit
0.399 differently
0.399 it could also be that you are just
0.399 having the experience of some of the
0.399 other people that i&;ve already answered
0.399 questions from
0.399 on this episode that you know how to
0.399 pleasure yourself
0.399 very well and when it comes to a partner
0.399 you can&;t always hit those pleasure
0.399 spots as easily and so
0.399 as i recommended with the other folks
0.399 experiment with foreplay and see if you
0.399 can build things up a little bit
0.399 before you insert the penis
0.399 but again i think it&;s wonderful that
0.399 you got help
0.399 for mental health and sometimes there&;s
0.399 a bit of a
0.399 mixed relationship with mental health
0.399 and ability to orgasm but
0.399 if you&;re comfortable i know you&;re kind
0.399 of young but talk to your doctor
0.399 about these things there are other
0.399 options for
0.399 sure but mental health is important
0.399 as i&;ve said before and so is
0.399 self-pleasure
0.399 so that will do it for this round of
0.399 masturbation questions for male anatomy
0.399 i&;ve got thousands more
0.399 and remember if you have a question for
0.399 ask dr t you can either respond in this
0.399 video
0.399 or submit through my website
0.399 you

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