A voir sur YouTube, le thème « no fap » avec cette vidéo
Publiée sur YouTube par Dopamine Focused Warriors (DFW) (), une vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «no fap ».
YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.
La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 4168.
La durée (00:06:56s) de la vidéo, le titre (Why NoFap Does Not Work For You), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Est le placebo nofap? Dans cette vidéo, nous allons jeter un œil à quelques raisons pour lesquelles NOFAP ne fonctionne pas pour certaines personnes. Nofap ne fonctionne pas. NOFAP est-il réel? … ou est le placebo nofap? C’est quelque chose que beaucoup de gens demandent que dans la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, nous allons y plonger plus profondément. Vous voudrez peut-être regarder toute la vidéo car il y a de la nourriture pour y réfléchir. J’espère que vous le trouverez informatif, et si vous le faites, veuillez envisager de vous abonner pour plus de vidéos. -BOB- ————————————– Avis de responsabilité2 Cette vidéo est uniquement des informations et n’est pas Conseil médical. Si vous avez besoin de conseils médicaux, veuillez consulter votre médecin. Je ne suis pas médecin et je ne suis pas un expert. Je suis juste un gars qui aime lire et apprendre beaucoup, et dans mes vidéos, je partage simplement mes expériences et ce que j’ai appris avec mes téléspectateurs. ————————————– Beaucoup d’outils d’anxiété dans cette liste de lecture vidéo ici: ►► https://www.youtube.com/playList?list=pl6pcryzjokgnnu_l2jdjnssyhn_trauws Un conseil super simple pour l’anxiété dans cette vidéo: ►►https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = vzojfcppu8 et t = 270 Réduisez l’anxiété et autres trucs d’auto-amélioration sympas, envisagez de vous abonner à ma chaîne ici: ►►https: //www.youtube.com/channel/ucp0o6cobwy4y8qcdf22of4a/Featurered? sub_confirmation = 1. Vous avez des problèmes de tremblement et des mains tremblantes à cause de l’anxiété? Si oui, jetez un œil à cette vidéo: ►►https: //www.youtube.com/watch? V = bjorza4stlq & t = 19s Suivez-moi sur Twitter ici ►►https: //twitter.com/selfstrong —– ——————————— Soutenez ce canal avec un don sécurisé via «PayPal Me» ici: ►► HTTPS : //paypal.me/scandinavianbob? locale.x = en_us (si vous avez apprécié mon contenu ou si vous vous aidiez et vous voulez dire merci en soutenant la chaîne, PayPal Me est un bon moyen de le faire. Chaque don, même si si Juste un dollar, m’aide à créer un contenu plus et meilleur. ————————————– Aussi, si vous aimez mes vidéos YouTube, vous aimeriez Mon ebook « Découvrez les solutions d’anxiété ». C’est un livre avec 80 pages pleines de fraîcheur et des conseils sur la façon d’écraser l’anxiété et comment passer de timide à vous de devenir le plus « dur à cuire ». SimMply, le livre vous montrera comment devenir un guerrier dans votre propre vie. Vous pouvez télécharger le livre 100% gratuit ici: ►►https: //naturalhealthevolution.com/ebook —————————– ——— quelque chose dans votre esprit? Tirez-moi un e-mail ici ►► bob@naturalhealthevolution.com (je ne peux pas promettre que je trouverai le temps de répondre, mais je pourrais) (tagstotranslate) nofap ne fonctionne pas ».
La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
Découvrir le NoFap : un nouveau départ pour les hommes
Analyser les impacts de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Il s’agit, dans NoFap, de se détacher de la masturbation pour retrouver sa clarté mentale.
Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.
Les motivations derrière NoFap sont souvent liées à la recherche d’un meilleur contrôle de soi et d’une santé améliorée.
La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.
L’abstinence transforme la vie des hommes, notamment en améliorant leur énergie et humeur.
Analyser les résultats de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
De nombreuses études révèlent que l’abstinence peut restaurer des fonctions érectiles saines chez les hommes.
Analyser comment l’abstinence de la masturbation peut réduire l’anxiété et la dépression liées à cette dépendance.
Chez l’homme, l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation est une source d’anxiété. L’abstinence permet généralement de réduire la dépression et de retrouver une meilleure maîtrise des comportements.
Les effets psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme incluent plusieurs bénéfices mesurables.
L’abstinence aide l’homme à diminuer l’anxiété, la dépression, et à accroître la confiance en soi. Les membres de NoFap partagent souvent des expériences de changements psychologiques.
Conseils pratiques pour réussir dans NoFap
Les secrets pour tenir sur NoFap selon la communauté
L’adoption d’habitudes saines, comme l’exercice physique et la méditation, est indispensable pour garder un esprit clair et éviter les tentations.
Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.
L’étude scientifique montre que les rechutes sont fréquentes dans NoFap. Les hommes doivent prendre du recul pour comprendre les causes de l’échec et solliciter l’aide de la communauté pour se remettre sur la bonne voie.
Ressources supplémentaires pour mieux réussir le défi NoFap.
Pour mieux appréhender ce phénomène, des ressources comme les travaux de Nicole Prause et d’autres études scientifiques expliquent les effets néfastes de la pornographie et de la masturbation ainsi que les méthodes pour y remédier.
Au cœur du mouvement NoFap, la communauté aide les hommes à se reconstruire et à surmonter leurs défis.
Participer aux forums NoFap aide les hommes à se connecter et à échanger sur leurs défis.
Ces forums offrent un environnement où les participants se soutiennent mutuellement, trouvent des conseils pratiques et accèdent à des données scientifiques sur l’abstinence.
Mettre l’accent sur l’influence positive du soutien social et émotionnel sur la réussite de l’abstinence.
La communauté Nofap, avec ses forums, est un soutien essentiel pour ceux qui font face à l’anxiété et la dépression, en leur permettant d’échanger des idées et des stratégies pour rester sur la voie de l’abstinence. Un suivi professionnel peut s’avérer indispensable comme ce spécialiste de la chasteté pour le monde entier.
Étudier l’importance des forums et des groupes de soutien pour renforcer la résilience des participants.
Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.
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la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#Pourquoi #nofap #fonctionne #pas #pour #vous
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: nofap doesn’t work all those success stories are just a bunch of guys being delusional well this is what some people think after having tried nove up for a while and not experienced any benefits but why do some people not see any results but there’s a few reasons for that and that’s what we are going to talk about today so stay with me to the end to hear all of this hey it Scandinavian Bob here this channel is all about becoming the strongest version of yourself by using interesting biological hacks discovering smart self-improvement strategies and by developing a stronger mindset so consider subscribing click on the little bell icon and let’s get going ok so the first reason many people don’t see any benefits of Nova is because they have developed addiction related brain changes and if they are truly addicted to it then it can take many months before seeing any benefits at all and what’s more is is that they can even start to feel much worse for a few weeks after quitting because of the withdrawals and the so-called flatline this can take several months for some people especially if you started using high speed online adult-entertainment at a very early age unfortunately it takes much longer for people who started at a very young age to recover and in general the earlier they started the longer it takes now there are of course exceptions to this but this is what we generally see so do not give up if you don’t experience any benefits at all after a month or two just give it more time because when you overcome your addiction even if it takes several months you will for sure see massive benefit listen guys no fat can be a phenomenal self-improvement tool but here’s the deal then we have another group of guys who aren’t that addicted or maybe they just have a mild addiction to it and they get into nofap thinking what the hell I might as well give it a try but then they expect it to be a miracle cure for everything that’s wrong in their lives and they keep eating a really bad diet drinking way too much alcohol they do not exercise they smoked cigarettes and they have no goals whatsoever and then they go what the hell is this where are my superpowers no no no no you can’t just quit fapping while you continue to do all kinds of other self-destructive stuff and think that it suddenly would fix your whole life and then on top of that expect to get some kind of quote-unquote superpowers that’s like being a fitness model who has a competition three months from now so he gives up drinking milkshakes to get well-defined six-pack abs while at the same time he continues to eat pizza and eat hamburgers for breakfast and then he goes what the hell man I gave up my milkshake where are my ABS no it doesn’t work like that like I said for those who are addicted stopping the addiction is very important and for those who are not addicted Nova is actually not that important to do however it can be a wonderful self-improvement tool but it’s just that one single tool one self-improvement tool out of hundreds now don’t get me wrong I believe no FAP can be one of the most powerful self-improvement tools there is because you learn to master the strongest force in human nature the sexual energy and by successfully doing so you will develop enormous self-discipline and self-esteem and in addition to that Northup has biological benefits as well like for example upregulated androgen receptors and as some of you may already know the androgen receptors are what sucks up the testosterone so by doing no fat our bodies and brains gets more efficient at utilizing whatever level of testosterone we have in our blood and this makes us feel more manly more driven more competitive and so on all those good things and the same is true for dopamine and the reward center in the brain no FAP up regulates the dopamine receptor so that we become more sensitive to dopamine meaning we get more joy out of life with more motivation and more pleasure however as I already pointed out that dopamine receptors won’t grow that much denser if you keep your reward system with junk food hours of video games alcohol and so on because all those things also knocks out the dopamine receptors now I’m not saying to never do those things but I am saying don’t complain that your life sucks if you just keep playing video games eating junk and never exercise and then expect to get some kind of strong superpowers with an awesome life just by not fapping for two three weeks no it does not work like that so those are some things to keep in mind if you have not experienced any benefits from no FAP so far but then there is actually one last group here and while they might be in the minority it is still a group that we need to mention you see there are actual guys who seriously just don’t experience any significant benefits from Nova even though they do everything right and you know what that’s actually totally fine and for those guys there is absolutely no need to do Nova there is no law that says every guy has to be on no FAP in order to improve his life now again those guys are in the minority but they are out there and I probably wouldn’t do no for myself if I belonged in that group and that would be just fine now it just so happens I do experience benefits so for me and for many other men out there no FAP is truly a powerful self-improvement tool and a tool that can really help propel us forward in life especially if we use it in combination with other powerful tools like meditation intermittent fasting cold showers daily goal-setting and so on but again remember that we are all different and that we all have to find our own way in life and find out what works and then keep doing that to each their own alright that’s it for today thank you for watching and remember that you are a warrior in your own life and if you keep walking the Warriors journey good things will come to you this Scandinavian Bob signing out for today and as always I wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself and remember as Winston Churchill used to say if you’re going through hell keep going .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.03 nofap doesn&;t work all those success
0.03 stories are just a bunch of guys being
0.03 delusional well this is what some people
0.03 think after having tried nove up for a
0.03 while and not experienced any benefits
0.03 but why do some people not see any
0.03 results but there&;s a few reasons for
0.03 that and that&;s what we are going to
0.03 talk about today so stay with me to the
0.03 end to hear all of this hey it
0.03 Scandinavian Bob here this channel is
0.03 all about becoming the strongest version
0.03 of yourself by using interesting
0.03 biological hacks discovering smart
0.03 self-improvement strategies and by
0.03 developing a stronger mindset so
0.03 consider subscribing click on the little
0.03 bell icon and let&;s get going
0.03 ok so the first reason many people don&;t
0.03 see any benefits of Nova is because they
0.03 have developed addiction related brain
0.03 changes and if they are truly addicted
0.03 to it then it can take many months
0.03 before seeing any benefits at all and
0.03 what&;s more is is that they can even
0.03 start to feel much worse for a few weeks
0.03 after quitting because of the
0.03 withdrawals and the so-called flatline
0.03 this can take several months for some
0.03 people especially if you started using
0.03 high speed online adult-entertainment
0.03 at a very early age unfortunately it
0.03 takes much longer for people who started
0.03 at a very young age to recover and in
0.03 general the earlier they started the
0.03 longer it takes now there are of course
0.03 exceptions to this but this is what we
0.03 generally see so do not give up if you
0.03 don&;t experience any benefits at all
0.03 after a month or two just give it more
0.03 time because when you overcome your
0.03 addiction even if it takes several
0.03 months you will for sure see massive
0.03 benefit listen guys no fat can be a
0.03 phenomenal self-improvement tool but
0.03 here&;s the deal then we have another
0.03 group of guys who aren&;t that addicted
0.03 or maybe they just have a mild addiction
0.03 to it and they get into nofap thinking
0.03 what the hell I might as well give it a
0.03 try but then they expect it to be a
0.03 miracle cure for everything that&;s wrong
0.03 in their lives and they keep eating a
0.03 really bad diet drinking way too much
0.03 alcohol they do not exercise they
0.03 smoked cigarettes and they have no goals
0.03 whatsoever
0.03 and then they go what the hell is this
0.03 where are my superpowers no no no no you
0.03 can&;t just quit fapping while you
0.03 continue to do all kinds of other
0.03 self-destructive stuff
0.03 and think that it suddenly would fix
0.03 your whole life and then on top of that
0.03 expect to get some kind of quote-unquote
0.03 superpowers that&;s like being a fitness
0.03 model who has a competition three months
0.03 from now so he gives up drinking
0.03 milkshakes to get well-defined six-pack
0.03 abs while at the same time he continues
0.03 to eat pizza and eat hamburgers for
0.03 breakfast and then he goes what the hell
0.03 man I gave up my milkshake
0.03 where are my ABS no it doesn&;t work like
0.03 that
0.03 like I said for those who are addicted
0.03 stopping the addiction is very important
0.03 and for those who are not addicted Nova
0.03 is actually not that important to do
0.03 however it can be a wonderful
0.03 self-improvement tool but it&;s just that
0.03 one single tool one self-improvement
0.03 tool out of hundreds now don&;t get me
0.03 wrong I believe no FAP can be one of the
0.03 most powerful self-improvement tools
0.03 there is because you learn to master the
0.03 strongest force in human nature the
0.03 sexual energy and by successfully doing
0.03 so you will develop enormous
0.03 self-discipline and self-esteem and in
0.03 addition to that Northup has biological
0.03 benefits as well like for example
0.03 upregulated androgen receptors and as
0.03 some of you may already know the
0.03 androgen receptors are what sucks up the
0.03 testosterone so by doing no fat our
0.03 bodies and brains gets more efficient at
0.03 utilizing whatever level of testosterone
0.03 we have in our blood and this makes us
0.03 feel more manly more driven more
0.03 competitive and so on all those good
0.03 things and the same is true for dopamine
0.03 and the reward center in the brain no
0.03 FAP up regulates the dopamine receptor
0.03 so that we become more sensitive to
0.03 dopamine meaning we get more joy out of
0.03 life with more motivation and more
0.03 pleasure
0.03 however as I already pointed out that
0.03 dopamine receptors won&;t grow that much
0.03 denser if you keep
0.03 your reward system with junk food hours
0.03 of video games alcohol and so on because
0.03 all those things also knocks out the
0.03 dopamine receptors now I&;m not saying to
0.03 never do those things but I am saying
0.03 don&;t complain that your life sucks if
0.03 you just keep playing video games eating
0.03 junk and never exercise and then expect
0.03 to get some kind of strong superpowers
0.03 with an awesome life just by not fapping
0.03 for two three weeks no it does not work
0.03 like that so those are some things to
0.03 keep in mind if you have not experienced
0.03 any benefits from no FAP so far but then
0.03 there is actually one last group here
0.03 and while they might be in the minority
0.03 it is still a group that we need to
0.03 mention you see there are actual guys
0.03 who seriously just don&;t experience any
0.03 significant benefits from Nova even
0.03 though they do everything right and you
0.03 know what that&;s actually totally fine
0.03 and for those guys there is absolutely
0.03 no need to do Nova there is no law that
0.03 says every guy has to be on no FAP in
0.03 order to improve his life now again
0.03 those guys are in the minority but they
0.03 are out there and I probably wouldn&;t do
0.03 no for myself if I belonged in that
0.03 group and that would be just fine now it
0.03 just so happens I do experience benefits
0.03 so for me and for many other men out
0.03 there no FAP is truly a powerful
0.03 self-improvement tool and a tool that
0.03 can really help propel us forward in
0.03 life especially if we use it in
0.03 combination with other powerful tools
0.03 like meditation intermittent fasting
0.03 cold showers daily goal-setting and so
0.03 on but again remember that we are all
0.03 different and that we all have to find
0.03 our own way in life and find out what
0.03 works and then keep doing that to each
0.03 their own alright that&;s it for today
0.03 thank you for watching and remember that
0.03 you are a warrior in your own life and
0.03 if you keep walking the Warriors journey
0.03 good things will come to you this
0.03 Scandinavian Bob signing out for today
0.03 and as always I wish you all the best in
0.03 your journey
0.03 to become the strongest version of
0.03 yourself and remember as Winston
0.03 Churchill used to say if you&;re going
0.03 through hell keep going
La destination de sexaddictioncertification.org est de débattre de addiction sexe, masturbation homme & chasteté dans la transparence la plus complète en vous offrant la visibilité de tout ce qui est mis en ligne sur ce sujet sur la toile Beaucoup de réponses sont apportées par cet article trié par sexaddictioncertification.org qui traite du thème « addiction sexe, masturbation homme & chasteté ». Cet article a été reproduit du mieux possible. Si tant est que vous désirez apporter des modifications sur le thème « addiction sexe, masturbation homme & chasteté » vous êtes libre de contacter notre rédaction. En visitant de manière régulière nos pages de blog vous serez informé des futures annonces.