no fap; Véritablement la dernière vidéo NoFap que vous devez regarder

Véritablement la dernière vidéo NoFap que vous devez regarder

Sur YouTube, Le thème « no fap » analysé en profondeur

Le thème « no fap » mis en image par Seb Jones

Une vidéo, produite par Seb Jones et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), aborde le sujet de « no fap ».

La diversité des créateurs sur YouTube assure une richesse de perspectives et d’approches, rendant chaque visionnage unique et intéressant.

La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 918.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:16:27s), le titre (Genuinely The Final NoFap Video You Ever Need To Watch), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« Souhaitez-vous un coaching 1-1 pour approfondir votre croissance personnelle ? Vous souhaitez soutenir mon travail ? Vous voulez m’envoyer un e-mail ? Horodatage : 0:00 – NoFap est un jeu 2:26 – Ce à quoi vous devez abandonner 4:11 – Changement de paradigme 5:59 – Vous arrêtez de penser à la pornographie 7:30 – Sensibilisation au paradigme 8 : 53 – NoFap demande tellement d’efforts 10:13 – NoFap est sans fin et répétitif 11:53 – Ressentir votre Vrai/Authentique Soi 13:13 – Joue à un nouveau jeu 14:32 – Quand vas-tu enfin te libérer ? 15h35 – Opportunité de travailler avec Seb #NoFap #NoPMO #selfdevelopment #selfdiscipline #sexualdiscipline #transformation ».

Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte

L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.

L’évaluation des bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme permet d’en comprendre l’impact.

En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.

Évaluer les bénéfices de l’abstinence pour la performance érectile.

De nombreuses études révèlent que l’abstinence peut restaurer des fonctions érectiles saines chez les hommes.

Analyser comment l’abstinence de la masturbation peut réduire l’anxiété et la dépression liées à cette dépendance.

L’anxiété est souvent exacerbée chez l’homme par la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, les hommes remarquent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande maîtrise de leurs comportements.

Comment réussir sur NoFap : stratégies essentielles

Soutien de NoFap pour rester sur la voie de l’abstinence

Le succès passe par des habitudes saines, comme le sport et la méditation, pour se concentrer sur ses objectifs tout en restant motivé.

La gestion des rechutes passe par des techniques simples et efficaces.

Une étude scientifique a révélé que les rechutes font partie du processus NoFap. Pour les surmonter, les participants doivent se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour persévérer.

Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.

Des études, des articles scientifiques et des recherches de spécialistes comme Nicole Prause aident à mieux comprendre les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que les solutions fondées sur la science.

Pourquoi de plus en plus d’hommes adoptent le NoFap

Comprendre les effets de la pornographie sur la santé physique et mentale des hommes.

Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.

Il s’agit, dans NoFap, de se détacher de la masturbation pour retrouver sa clarté mentale.

NoFap est un mouvement prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation, visant à libérer les hommes des effets néfastes de la dépendance. Ce concept encourage l’évitement de ces habitudes pour améliorer la santé mentale et physique tout en renforçant le bien-être général.

Savoir ce qui motive ceux qui pratiquent NoFap permet de comprendre les résultats attendus de cette abstinence.

Les motivations des participants au mouvement NoFap incluent la lutte contre les effets de la pornographie, l’amélioration de la performance érectile et la réduction de l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont constaté une baisse de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.

Le rôle central de la communauté NoFap est d’accompagner les hommes dans leur démarche de sevrage.

Explorer l’impact des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la progression des participants dans leurs objectifs.

Les chercheurs ont mis en évidence que les forums de la communauté NoFap jouent un rôle crucial dans la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression, favorisant le succès des participants. Les études scientifiques montrent que cette solidarité est essentielle pour combattre la dépendance à la masturbation.

Naviguer sur les forums NoFap permet de mieux comprendre les expériences des membres.

Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.

Mettre en valeur le rôle crucial du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui suivent ce chemin.

Les forums Nofap sont une source précieuse de soutien pour les hommes, leur permettant de gérer l’anxiété et la dépression tout en partageant des stratégies efficaces pour éviter les rechutes et rester sur la voie de l’abstinence. L’aide d’un professionnel est parfois essentielle (voir ce leader pour arrêter la masturbation).

Pour voir la vidéo sur YouTube, suivez ce lien pour y accéder directement :
la source: Cliquer ici

#Véritablement #dernière #vidéo #NoFap #vous #devez #regarder

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: my brother hello I’m G to share with you today man a really quite extreme perspective but one that might really help you quit and transform out of pornography okay dude I’m on your team here let’s do this I’m not going to be holding back I’m just going to be giving you everything that I’ve got okay I’ve got some notes in front of me let’s do this man okay so the first thing you need to know man is this no fap is a game okay and you probably already noticed man that the game is kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz it’s endless and it’s repetitive it’s just the same [ __ ] relapse cycle over and over and over again and like if you really zoom out man and you really think like dude like really though how am I going to stop this like how is it actually going to come to an end I shared this with you man because I got to this point I was like Jesus man like seriously though how am I going to stop this like like seriously you know and it got me to think in really deep ways so this is what I realized about this okay so no fap as I said it’s a game and the only way you can actually win the game is you stop playing the game you get tired of the suffering and you go play some other game instead so in other words man the way that you win the game is you you seamlessly integrate it into the background of your life and you might be like dude how the [ __ ] do I do that well that’s what I mean when I say you got to stop playing it because you you can’t win the game I don’t know if you’ve seen man like you can’t win it it’s endless and part of you man will genuinely be like well dude why can’t I have that I can’t just you know this is my [ __ ] life here like Jesus man come on like I’m I’m living my life this surely this isn’t it surely this isn’t how you know how good it gets is it is that it you know you’ll just be like what what is life it will get you to think existentially man and so you know when you’ve got to that level man what you might do is you might be like okay well all right okay I’m open to you know not playing this game whatever you mean by that what what does that mean exactly what I mean by that dude is this when you stop playing the game of noof FAP what happens dude it just seamlessly Blends into your life and you might have a voice within you that’s like well [ __ ] hell man I how the [ __ ] do I do that that sounds really like Advanced but like you’re making it sound like it’s really simple well that’s the thing man so the reason it sounds like that is because we we’re not playing the game anymore you see we’re not doing it there’s there’s no effort required because we we’re actually surrendering the game and you might be like all right man I can give that a shot what do I need to do to you know surrender this game and this is the fun part man so I actually I created a list brother of all the stuff that you got to give up yeah I want to read out to you so I’m going to be you know referring to this list but let’s do it man so to stop playing the game of noap you need to commit to the following no counting days no streaks no watching noap videos no Reddit no gifts no images no videos no websites no Instagram babes no Snapchat babes no Tik Tok girls no cam girls no ASMR no bookmarks no dopamine scrolling no Doom scrolling no softcore no no incognito mode no only fans no nudes no hard drives No sexy cartoons no erotic literature no edging no peeking no fantasizing no relapsing you’re done I tell you this because I’ve done this you want to do this too man but you’re afraid of making the change cuz some of the stuff on this list man it feels nice it’s nice to escape it’s nice to use it feels [ __ ] great except that it doesn’t brother except that it feels like [ __ ] except that it’s actually like really sour it sour The Soul Man it makes you feel like [ __ ] [ __ ] you’ll try and apply restraint and you’ll try and apply self-discipline but when you actually want to do this stuff you’ll just [ __ ] do it anyway you don’t give a [ __ ] you relapse you’ll go back but then man you hit points of like Jesus man I can’t continue with this [ __ ] man come on for me man it just hurt too much and I don’t mean like I’m missing out on this and that hurts it’s like I’m just not even [ __ ] in my body bro I’m just [ __ ] in my head I didn’t enjoy that man I couldn’t live my life if I was you know just here I had to make some changes man and not only just you know not do this not do that that doesn’t [ __ ] work bro that’s the game instead man and this is subtle but you’ll get this instead what’s needed is something called a paradigm shift so it’s not just oh let me go for a 30-day streak brother it’s dude let me [ __ ] change the structure of my beliefs you want to do this too you want to make the change but you’re struggling to make the change because that [ __ ] is tempting as [ __ ] of course man but dude [ __ ] that you can make the change and you know how you’re going to make the change dude you’re G to stop playing the game of noap that’s what you’re going to do man the reason you got to stop playing the game man is because basically you can only get the same [ __ ] results by playing the game when you get when you play this game with no man you just get the same shitty results over and over and over again in fact man this is the biggest breakthrough you ready nofap actually keeps you stuck because noof fap implies that you could relapse at some point nofap the idea of nofap and playing the game of noap makes it really easy for you to go back to relapsing because relapsing is integral to the game of noap it’s part of the game yeah but can you see that you would break free if you completely changed your Paradigm and you played a different game over here another issue with the noap game is it keeps the idea of pornography alive it keeps it alive in your mind and it keeps it alive in your world so this means dude that you’re involving and including the pronography idea the relapsing idea you’re thinking oh what day am I on let me not go back now you might be like dude yeah that’s that’s [ __ ] how you do it but what I would suggest to you man is that if you really do care about like [ __ ] and moving on properly you would have to surrender those ideas those thoughts and those associations cuz if you really think about it man when you’ve been free when you’ve been away from it or on a really really you know good streak you’re not thinking about it but when you’re stuck in it and you keep going through the same [ __ ] relapsing patterns it’s because it’s in your mind even just as an idea you’re thinking about it you’re thinking about not doing it or you’re thinking about oh I could do it or you think about it you know could I get away with it it’s in the mind altogether and what I’ve realized being away from it for a while now man is this for you to be a properly free person a properly free man or woman dude you’re not thinking about it you’re just not thinking about it and you’ve got to man make the connection between oh [ __ ] I’m having these thoughts because I’m still in this noap Paradigm I’m playing the noof fap game also man notice you might not realize you’re playing the noap game when you do go on to you know remove yourself from it and transform and and shift your Paradigm you you gain like Paradigm awareness you kind of take a step back and you’re like [ __ ] I was in that Paradigm but I didn’t see that I was in that Paradigm the people who will not get this man will remain stuck and like oh I mean I heard your video man but like I’m still [ __ ] stuck is because they didn’t realize that in that [ __ ] Paradigm you know what I’m doing with this video man I’m giving you Paradigm awareness I’m lending a hand and I’m saying hey man do you want to come and take a look at this view because you might be able to see some things from here and I don’t mean that in some lofty [ __ ] egotistical way no man I’m saying you can become more aware of the way that your mind has constructed reality and basically man because it’s been constructed in a way where this noap thing is still there and it’s you know getting you the same [ __ ] results I’m saying dude take a look at this see it from this perspective from this Paradigm aware perspective where you can be like dude you know I see that for about a decade or two I’ve been playing this game I’ve been stuck in pornography I haven’t realized I’ve been stuck in pornography but now that you say that I can really take a step back and realize that I can or play a different game entirely this opens up a new possibility the next issue with noof fap game is basically man it disempowers you because you have got to try to not do something and really man you won’t appreciate the effort that you’ve got to put in to not do this thing now honestly man self-restraint and self-discipline are awesome I back that completely but you’ll notice that for you to kind of even exist in this noat Paradigm you’ve got to kind of put an effort in to not do something you’re always denying yourself you’re always saying no to something and to be honest with you man that’s a bit of effort it’s quite taxing it’s like oh man I’m just in this constant reality where like oh I shouldn’t be doing this thing the truth is man if you want to empower yourself you know what you do you stop playing the game you stop playing the game of noap and that constant effort of oh [ __ ] I better not relapse or [ __ ] Friday Saturday’s coming up better not relapse on that night or [ __ ] free afternoon free evening I better not relapse then I better try you know better make sure I have plans then you see man how like this is so much effort even this thinking this thinking Falls away when you’ve shifted your Paradigm because you don’t need to put any effort into not doing it because you’re not playing that game the next point is dude it’s always going to be endless and it’s always going to be the same repetitive [ __ ] if you are you could say spiritually impatient you just [ __ ] are done because you’re spiritually exhausted with this [ __ ] then you’ll realize you know man it is endless I can see like just looking back logically like you know it didn’t stop it’s still going and it’s just going to continue into the future if you are a wise [ __ ] you just slow down you’re like dude I better get a grip on this because it’s not going to stop you know if you just really sit down and you think about it it’s not going to stop it’s it’s the same thing when you’re playing the game you necessitate the result of a relapse a relapse is included within the game so if you play the game you’re going you’re going to have a relapse and again once You’ sat back and really like you know thought about stuff man you’re like well I don’t want that anymore I don’t so brother the reason we say all of this honestly man is because we’re not trying to cope we’re trying to move on we’re trying to transform do you see the difference there dude if you’re kind of stuck if you’re kind of depressed if you kind of feel like you need pmo and you don’t really want to do this deep deep work about transforming a paradigm you might be in that coping phase but let’s say you’ve done that for quite a while a decade a couple decades and you’re like you know what man I think I’m I think I’m ready I think I’ve got the courage to try this other approach it might be the [ __ ] death of me and the death of my ego but I’m willing to be open and change my Paradigm so honestly man a large amount of this work is feeling into yourself and actually just feeling who you are I say that man because like a lot of the time we can just block out what is true because if we were to feel it we would now have a contradiction in our experience because we now we know of this thing we’ve got a bit of Consciousness on it but we also like been pushing it down with this pmo thing we’re repressing it and so when like in other words when you see it and you feel it you you make it come alive you you make that more of your experience but it’s really tricky man because you kind of of afraid of it you know that like if you were to feel that all the way that would rise to the surface and you’d be who you truly are and that’ll scare the [ __ ] out of you man because you know what because that implies massive change and what is change but a form of death you know just all the stuff that’s got to change all the little things all the not hiding all the little not running away from this you know really you’re just you’re honoring your your higher self and you’re becoming a man you’re becoming the man you know the guy that you are and whether you’re a woman it could be the same thing you’re just allowing that authentic person to come through and then from that place that’s where you live from the other thing I’d say is this there is a creation component to this what I mean by that dude is basically you want to create a new game to play cuz when you don’t have a game to play your mind will just sort of try and take control and it will try and make you do some unconscious things because there’s no real fun game to live into so what you want to do brother is you want to create a life purpose that aligns with this person that you truly are in other words build a vision and develop a purpose that is something that you can do and sort of almost chase after and pursue like a [ __ ] as a means of creating a gulf between who you once were and who you are now basically man it’s you reimagining yourself and you reimagine yourself in your life with you know New Vision New Perspective new standards new boundaries you become someone different to your nofap self you look back and you’re like oh yeah I remember when I used to play around with that I was playing that game you see even the way you talk about it will be different man I remember not winning that game like every few days or every week you know cuz that’s ultimately what drives us man it’s the relapsing it’s the suffering you cannot with good conscience continue playing the game when you know yourself that you can’t win it that it’s going to keep happening and honestly brother you might need another 3 to five to 10 years of playing the game and being asleep and being addicted honestly bro that’s okay I did that that at some point you’ll have enough Consciousness to make a change and to finally finally break free I I had to do this for myself and you know you can watch all my other noat videos that I’ve ever done and they will help you they’ll you know point out some good stuff but when it comes down to it if you are still within the Paradigm of no fap just remember you’re going to get those same results that you always have final thing I’m going to share with you today man is this if you feel like I can help you with where you’re at and help you create this paradigm shift so that you never need to deal with this bollocks again you can see the link in the description you can book a call with me if you want to speak with me to help create this and finally [ __ ] move on my brother here is your invitation if not that’s okay too keep being where you’re at keep burning through your karma remember you might be asleep for another [ __ ] 10 15 years before you feel like you can really wake up and change your Paradigm just keep that in mind dude okay all right man we’re going to call things there dude lots of love take care my friend and as always dude peace .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.08 my brother hello I&;m G to share with you
0.08 today man a really quite extreme
0.08 perspective but one that might really
0.08 help you quit and transform out of
0.08 pornography okay dude I&;m on your team
0.08 here let&;s do this I&;m not going to be
0.08 holding back I&;m just going to be giving
0.08 you everything that I&;ve got okay I&;ve
0.08 got some notes in front of me let&;s do
0.08 this man okay so the first thing you
0.08 need to know man is this no fap is a
0.08 game okay and you probably already
0.08 noticed man that the game is kind of
0.08 [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz it&;s endless and
0.08 it&;s repetitive it&;s just the same
0.08 [ __ ] relapse cycle over and over and
0.08 over again and like if you really zoom
0.08 out man and you really think like dude
0.08 like really though how am I going to
0.08 stop this like how is it actually going
0.08 to come to an end I shared this with you
0.08 man because I got to this point I was
0.08 like Jesus man like seriously though how
0.08 am I going to stop this like like
0.08 seriously you know and it got me to
0.08 think in really deep ways so this is
0.08 what I realized about this okay so no
0.08 fap as I said it&;s a game and the only
0.08 way you can actually win the game is you
0.08 stop playing the game you get tired of
0.08 the suffering and you go play some other
0.08 game instead so in other words man the
0.08 way that you win the game is you you
0.08 seamlessly integrate it into the
0.08 background of your life and you might be
0.08 like dude how the [ __ ] do I do that well
0.08 that&;s what I mean when I say you got to
0.08 stop playing it because you you can&;t
0.08 win the game I don&;t know if you&;ve seen
0.08 man like you can&;t win it it&;s endless
0.08 and part of you man will genuinely be
0.08 like well dude why can&;t I have that I
0.08 can&;t just you know this is my [ __ ]
0.08 life here like Jesus man come on like
0.08 I&;m I&;m living my life this surely this
0.08 isn&;t it surely this isn&;t how you know
0.08 how good it gets is it is that it you
0.08 know you&;ll just be like what what is
0.08 life it will get you to think
0.08 existentially man and so you know when
0.08 you&;ve got to that level man what you
0.08 might do is you might be like okay well
0.08 all right okay I&;m open to you know not
0.08 playing this game whatever you mean by
0.08 that what what does that mean exactly
0.08 what I mean by that dude is this when
0.08 you stop playing the game of noof FAP
0.08 what happens dude it just seamlessly
0.08 Blends into your life and you might have
0.08 a voice within you that&;s like well
0.08 [ __ ] hell man I how the [ __ ] do I do
0.08 that that sounds really like Advanced
0.08 but like you&;re making it sound like
0.08 it&;s really simple well that&;s the thing
0.08 man so the reason it sounds like that is
0.08 because we we&;re not playing the game
0.08 anymore you see we&;re not doing it
0.08 there&;s there&;s no effort required
0.08 because we we&;re actually surrendering
0.08 the game and you might be like all right
0.08 man I can give that a shot what do I
0.08 need to do to you know surrender this
0.08 game and this is the fun part man so I
0.08 actually I created a list brother of all
0.08 the stuff that you got to give up yeah I
0.08 want to read out to you so I&;m going to
0.08 be you know referring to this list but
0.08 let&;s do it man so to stop playing the
0.08 game of noap you need to commit to the
0.08 following no counting days no streaks no
0.08 watching noap videos no Reddit no gifts
0.08 no images no videos no websites no
0.08 Instagram babes no Snapchat babes no Tik
0.08 Tok girls no cam girls no ASMR no
0.08 bookmarks no dopamine scrolling no Doom
0.08 scrolling no softcore no no incognito
0.08 mode no only fans no nudes no hard
0.08 drives No sexy cartoons no erotic
0.08 literature no edging no peeking no
0.08 fantasizing no
0.08 relapsing you&;re
0.08 done I tell you
0.08 this because I&;ve done this you want to
0.08 do this too man but you&;re afraid of
0.08 making the change cuz some of the stuff
0.08 on this list man it feels nice it&;s nice
0.08 to escape it&;s nice to use it feels
0.08 [ __ ]
0.08 great except that it doesn&;t brother
0.08 except that it feels like [ __ ] except
0.08 that it&;s actually like really sour it
0.08 sour The Soul Man it makes you feel like
0.08 [ __ ] [ __ ] you&;ll try and apply
0.08 restraint and you&;ll try and apply
0.08 self-discipline but when you actually
0.08 want to do this stuff you&;ll just
0.08 [ __ ] do it anyway you don&;t give a
0.08 [ __ ] you relapse you&;ll go back but then
0.08 man you hit points of like Jesus man I
0.08 can&;t continue with this [ __ ] man come
0.08 on for me man it just hurt too much and
0.08 I don&;t mean like I&;m missing out on
0.08 this and that hurts it&;s like I&;m just
0.08 not even [ __ ] in my body bro I&;m just
0.08 [ __ ] in my head I didn&;t enjoy that
0.08 man I couldn&;t live my life if I was you
0.08 know just here I had to make some
0.08 changes man and not only just you know
0.08 not do this not do that that doesn&;t
0.08 [ __ ] work bro that&;s the
0.08 game instead man and this is subtle but
0.08 you&;ll get
0.08 this instead what&;s needed is something
0.08 called a paradigm shift so it&;s not just
0.08 oh let me go for a 30-day streak brother
0.08 it&;s dude let me [ __ ] change the
0.08 structure of my beliefs you want to do
0.08 this too you want to make the change but
0.08 you&;re struggling to make the change
0.08 because
0.08 that [ __ ] is tempting as [ __ ] of course
0.08 man but dude [ __ ] that you can make the
0.08 change and you know how you&;re going to
0.08 make the change dude you&;re G to stop
0.08 playing the game of noap that&;s what
0.08 you&;re going to do man the reason you
0.08 got to stop playing the game man is
0.08 because basically you can only get the
0.08 same [ __ ] results by playing the game
0.08 when you get when you play this game
0.08 with no man you just get the same shitty
0.08 results over and over and over again in
0.08 fact man this is the biggest
0.08 breakthrough you ready nofap actually
0.08 keeps you
0.08 stuck because noof fap
0.08 implies that you could relapse at some
0.08 point nofap the idea of nofap and
0.08 playing the game of noap makes it really
0.08 easy for you to go back to relapsing
0.08 because relapsing is integral to the
0.08 game of noap it&;s part of the game yeah
0.08 but can you see that you would break
0.08 free if you completely changed your
0.08 Paradigm and you played a different game
0.08 over here another issue with the noap
0.08 game is it keeps the idea of pornography
0.08 alive it keeps it alive in your mind and
0.08 it keeps it alive in your world so this
0.08 means dude that you&;re involving and
0.08 including the pronography idea the
0.08 relapsing idea you&;re thinking oh what
0.08 day am I on let me not go back now you
0.08 might be like dude yeah that&;s that&;s
0.08 [ __ ] how you do it but what I would
0.08 suggest to you man is that if you really
0.08 do care about like [ __ ] and moving on
0.08 properly you would have to surrender
0.08 those ideas those thoughts and those
0.08 associations cuz if you really think
0.08 about it man when you&;ve been free when
0.08 you&;ve been away from it or on a really
0.08 really you know good streak you&;re not
0.08 thinking about it but when you&;re stuck
0.08 in it and you keep going through the
0.08 same [ __ ] relapsing patterns it&;s
0.08 because it&;s in your mind even just as
0.08 an idea you&;re thinking about it you&;re
0.08 thinking about not doing it or you&;re
0.08 thinking about oh I could do it or you
0.08 think about it you know could I get away
0.08 with it it&;s in the mind altogether and
0.08 what I&;ve realized being away from it
0.08 for a while now man is this for you to
0.08 be a properly free person a properly
0.08 free man or
0.08 woman dude you&;re not thinking about it
0.08 you&;re just not thinking about it and
0.08 you&;ve got to man make the connection
0.08 between oh [ __ ] I&;m having these
0.08 thoughts because I&;m still in this noap
0.08 Paradigm I&;m playing the noof fap game
0.08 also man notice you might not realize
0.08 you&;re playing the noap game when you do
0.08 go on to you know remove yourself from
0.08 it and transform and and shift your
0.08 Paradigm you you gain like Paradigm
0.08 awareness you kind of take a step back
0.08 and you&;re like [ __ ] I was in that
0.08 Paradigm but I didn&;t see that I was in
0.08 that
0.08 Paradigm the people who will not get
0.08 this man will remain stuck and like oh I
0.08 mean I heard your video man but like I&;m
0.08 still [ __ ] stuck is because they
0.08 didn&;t realize that in that [ __ ]
0.08 Paradigm you know what I&;m doing with
0.08 this video man I&;m giving you Paradigm
0.08 awareness I&;m lending a hand and I&;m
0.08 saying hey man do you want to come and
0.08 take a look at this view because you
0.08 might be able to see some things from
0.08 here and I don&;t mean that in some lofty
0.08 [ __ ] egotistical way no man I&;m
0.08 saying you can become more aware of the
0.08 way that your mind has constructed
0.08 reality and basically man because it&;s
0.08 been constructed in a way where this
0.08 noap thing is still there and it&;s you
0.08 know getting you the same [ __ ]
0.08 results I&;m saying dude take a look at
0.08 this see it from this perspective from
0.08 this Paradigm aware perspective where
0.08 you can be like dude you know I see that
0.08 for about a decade or two I&;ve been
0.08 playing this game I&;ve been stuck in
0.08 pornography I haven&;t realized I&;ve been
0.08 stuck in pornography but now that you
0.08 say that I can really take a step back
0.08 and realize that I can or play a
0.08 different game entirely this opens up a
0.08 new possibility the next issue with noof
0.08 fap game is basically man it disempowers
0.08 you because you have got to try to not
0.08 do something and really man you won&;t
0.08 appreciate the effort that you&;ve got to
0.08 put in to not do this thing now honestly
0.08 man self-restraint and self-discipline
0.08 are awesome I back that completely but
0.08 you&;ll notice that for you to kind of
0.08 even exist in this noat Paradigm you&;ve
0.08 got to kind of put an effort in to not
0.08 do something you&;re always denying
0.08 yourself you&;re always saying no to
0.08 something
0.08 and to be honest with you man that&;s a
0.08 bit of effort it&;s quite taxing it&;s
0.08 like oh man I&;m just in this constant
0.08 reality where like oh I shouldn&;t be
0.08 doing this thing the truth is man if you
0.08 want to empower yourself you know what
0.08 you do you stop playing the game you
0.08 stop playing the game of noap and that
0.08 constant effort of oh [ __ ] I better not
0.08 relapse or [ __ ] Friday Saturday&;s coming
0.08 up better not relapse on that night or
0.08 [ __ ] free afternoon free evening I
0.08 better not relapse then I better try you
0.08 know better make sure I have plans then
0.08 you see man how like this is so much
0.08 effort even this thinking this thinking
0.08 Falls away when you&;ve shifted your
0.08 Paradigm because you don&;t need to put
0.08 any effort into not doing it because
0.08 you&;re not playing that game the next
0.08 point is dude it&;s always going to be
0.08 endless and it&;s always going to be the
0.08 same repetitive
0.08 [ __ ] if you are you could say
0.08 spiritually impatient you just [ __ ]
0.08 are done because you&;re spiritually
0.08 exhausted with this [ __ ]
0.08 then you&;ll realize you know man it is
0.08 endless I can see like just looking back
0.08 logically like you know it didn&;t stop
0.08 it&;s still going and it&;s just going to
0.08 continue into the future if you are a
0.08 wise [ __ ] you just slow down
0.08 you&;re like dude I better get a grip on
0.08 this because it&;s not going to
0.08 stop you know if you just really sit
0.08 down and you think about it it&;s not
0.08 going to stop it&;s it&;s the same thing
0.08 when you&;re playing the game you
0.08 necessitate the result of a relapse a
0.08 relapse is included within the game so
0.08 if you play the game you&;re going you&;re
0.08 going to have a relapse and again once
0.08 You&; sat back and really like you know
0.08 thought about stuff man you&;re like well
0.08 I don&;t want that anymore I don&;t so
0.08 brother the reason we say all of this
0.08 honestly man is because we&;re not trying
0.08 to cope we&;re trying to move on we&;re
0.08 trying to transform do you see the
0.08 difference there dude if you&;re kind of
0.08 stuck if you&;re kind of depressed if you
0.08 kind of feel like you need pmo and you
0.08 don&;t really want to do this deep deep
0.08 work about transforming a paradigm you
0.08 might be in that coping phase but let&;s
0.08 say you&;ve done that for quite a while a
0.08 decade a couple decades and you&;re like
0.08 you know what man I think I&;m I think
0.08 I&;m ready I think I&;ve got the courage
0.08 to try this other approach it might be
0.08 the [ __ ] death of me and the death of
0.08 my ego but I&;m willing to be open and
0.08 change my Paradigm so honestly man a
0.08 large amount of this work is feeling
0.08 into yourself and actually just feeling
0.08 who you are I say that man because like
0.08 a lot of the time we can just block out
0.08 what is true because if we were to feel
0.08 it we would now have a contradiction in
0.08 our experience because we now we know of
0.08 this thing we&;ve got a bit of
0.08 Consciousness on it but we also like
0.08 been pushing it down with this pmo thing
0.08 we&;re repressing it and so when like in
0.08 other words when you see it and you feel
0.08 it you you make it come alive you you
0.08 make that more of your experience but
0.08 it&;s really tricky man because you kind
0.08 of of afraid of it you know that like if
0.08 you were to feel that all the way that
0.08 would rise to the surface and you&;d be
0.08 who you truly are and that&;ll scare the
0.08 [ __ ] out of you man because you know
0.08 what because that implies massive change
0.08 and what is change but a form of death
0.08 you know just all the stuff that&;s got
0.08 to change all the little things all the
0.08 not hiding all the little not running
0.08 away from this you know really you&;re
0.08 just you&;re honoring your your higher
0.08 self and you&;re becoming a man you&;re
0.08 becoming the man you know the guy that
0.08 you are and whether you&;re a woman it
0.08 could be the same thing you&;re just
0.08 allowing that authentic person to come
0.08 through and then from that place that&;s
0.08 where you live
0.08 from the other thing I&;d say is this
0.08 there is a creation component to this
0.08 what I mean by that dude is basically
0.08 you want to create a new game to play
0.08 cuz when you don&;t have a game to play
0.08 your mind will just sort of try and take
0.08 control and it will try and make you do
0.08 some unconscious things because there&;s
0.08 no real fun game to live into so what
0.08 you want to do brother is you want to
0.08 create a life purpose that aligns with
0.08 this person that you truly are in other
0.08 words build a vision and develop a
0.08 purpose that is something that you can
0.08 do and sort of almost chase after and
0.08 pursue like a [ __ ] as a means of
0.08 creating a gulf between who you once
0.08 were and who you are now basically man
0.08 it&;s you reimagining yourself and you
0.08 reimagine yourself in your life with you
0.08 know New Vision New Perspective new
0.08 standards new boundaries you become
0.08 someone different to your nofap self you
0.08 look back and you&;re like oh yeah I
0.08 remember when I used to play around with
0.08 that I was playing that game you see
0.08 even the way you talk about it will be
0.08 different man I remember not winning
0.08 that game like every few days or every
0.08 week you know cuz that&;s ultimately what
0.08 drives us man it&;s the relapsing it&;s
0.08 the suffering you cannot with good
0.08 conscience continue playing the game
0.08 when you know
0.08 yourself that you can&;t win it that it&;s
0.08 going to keep happening and honestly
0.08 brother you might need another 3 to five
0.08 to 10 years of playing the game and
0.08 being asleep and being addicted honestly
0.08 bro that&;s okay I did that
0.08 that at some point you&;ll have enough
0.08 Consciousness to make a change and to
0.08 finally finally break free I I had to do
0.08 this for
0.08 myself and you know you can watch all my
0.08 other noat videos that I&;ve ever done
0.08 and they will help you they&;ll you know
0.08 point out some good
0.08 stuff but when it comes down to it if
0.08 you are still within the Paradigm of no
0.08 fap just remember you&;re going to get
0.08 those same results that you always have
0.08 final thing I&;m going to share with you
0.08 today man is
0.08 this if you feel like I can help you
0.08 with where you&;re at and help you create
0.08 this paradigm shift so that you never
0.08 need to deal with this bollocks again
0.08 you can see the link in the description
0.08 you can book a call with me if you want
0.08 to speak with me to help create this and
0.08 finally [ __ ] move on my brother here
0.08 is your invitation if not that&;s okay
0.08 too keep being where you&;re at keep
0.08 burning through your karma remember you
0.08 might be asleep for another [ __ ] 10
0.08 15 years before you feel like you can
0.08 really wake up and change your Paradigm
0.08 just keep that in mind dude okay all
0.08 right man we&;re going to call things
0.08 there dude lots of love take care my
0.08 friend and as always dude peace

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