nofap,Pourquoi les gens de NoFap réussissent sur Youtube

Pourquoi les gens de NoFap réussissent

YouTube : Nouvelle exploration du thème « nofap » en vidéo

Une vidéo, réalisée par Improvement Pill et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est consacrée au thème « nofap » et en présente quelques aspects.

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Lorsque nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait collecté du trafic. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 127124.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:04:38s), le titre (Why The People Of NoFap Become Successful), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« NoFap gagne en popularité. Pourquoi les gens qui font NoFap réussissent-ils de plus en plus ? Connectez-vous pour en savoir plus sur ces avantages NoFap. Toujours sceptique à propos de NoFap ? Voici quelques preuves scientifiques : Cours sur la dépendance au porno à venir (inscrivez-vous pour recevoir une notification/newsletter mensuelle) : Lire, c’est comme prendre un supplément pour votre esprit Obtenez n’importe quel livre audio gratuit sur : Aidez-nous à nous soutenir sur Facebook Twitter Instagram ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

La communauté NoFap est un pilier essentiel pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs dépendances.

Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.

Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Une assistance spécialisée est souvent utilecomme chatete.frà Paris.

Explorer comment les forums et les groupes de soutien contribuent à l’amélioration des résultats pour les participants.

Des études ont prouvé que les forums de soutien en ligne, tels que ceux de la communauté NoFap, augmentent les chances de succès dans la lutte contre des comportements comme la dépression et l’anxiété. Les recherches scientifiques soulignent l’importance de la solidarité au sein de la communauté NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation de manière efficace.

Les forums NoFap sont un réseau actif pour les hommes en quête de soutien dans leur parcours d’abstinence.

Les participants des forums peuvent non seulement s’entraider, mais aussi découvrir des études scientifiques liées à leur expérience de l’abstinence.

L’abstinence modifie divers aspects de la vie des hommes, qu’ils soient émotionnels ou physiques.

Les effets psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme incluent plusieurs bénéfices mesurables.

Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.

Discuter des effets positifs de l’abstinence sur la santé mentale, notamment la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression liées à la masturbation.

L’anxiété est souvent exacerbée chez l’homme par la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, les hommes remarquent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande maîtrise de leurs comportements.

Examiner les effets de l’abstinence sur la fonction sexuelle.

Les dysfonctions érectiles fréquentes chez les hommes peuvent être atténuées par l’abstinence, comme le montrent diverses études.

Planifier son succès sur NoFap

Ressources supplémentaires pour mieux réussir le défi NoFap.

Les articles et études scientifiques, notamment ceux de Nicole Prause, offrent une perspective approfondie sur les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en proposant des approches scientifiques pour y faire face.

Recommandations de NoFap pour maintenir sa détermination

Le succès passe par des habitudes saines, comme le sport et la méditation, pour se concentrer sur ses objectifs tout en restant motivé.

Adopter des méthodes efficaces permet de surmonter les rechutes dans NoFap.

Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.

NoFap : un outil pour les hommes en quête d’épanouissement

Identifier les raisons qui poussent à pratiquer NoFap est essentiel pour comprendre son efficacité.

La communauté NoFap se distingue par son engagement à éradiquer les effets négatifs de la pornographie sur les hommes, tout en visant une amélioration de la performance érectile et de la gestion de l’anxiété. De nombreux participants ont noté une réduction de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces comportements.

Examiner l’influence de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Des scientifiques ont étudié les effets néfastes de la pornographie, montrant qu’elle peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et une dépendance. Nicole Prause a, par exemple, publié des recherches sur l’impact de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et la santé des hommes.

NoFap invite à une abstinence volontaire pour renforcer la discipline personnelle.

NoFap est un mouvement prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation, visant à libérer les hommes des effets néfastes de la dépendance. Ce concept encourage l’évitement de ces habitudes pour améliorer la santé mentale et physique tout en renforçant le bien-être général.

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#Pourquoi #les #gens #NoFap #réussissent

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: When you go to your favorite restaurant after a hard long days of work and you take that first bite into your favorite meal you feel great. When you get an amazing grade after studying for that exam that you pulled two all nighters for you feel amazing. And when you get that promotion that you’ve been eyeing at for a couple of years already, you feel phenomenal. But even when you open up your laptop and you go on some raunchy website, and you masturbate to porn, you feel good too. These are all rewards. But the thing about the act of PMO (watching porn, masturbating, and eventually reaching orgasm) that separates itself from the rest of the crowd , is the fact that you don’t really have to work for it. It is virtually effortless to obtain. Let’s put things into perspective. In order to get that satisfying feeling that comes with getting a good grade, you have to go to class. You have to take semi-decent notes. And eventually you have to study. This requires a significant amount of time and effort. Watching porn on the other hand is easy. You open up your laptop and you click your mouse a couple of times until you find a video that you like. And instantaneously you can reward yourself with pleasure. On top of that, porn and masturbation triggers one of the most powerful and pleasureful rewards your body can naturally give itself, the orgasm. It’s a reward that is normally only achievable by meeting a potential mate, coming off as an attractive mate, and eventually growing the balls to make a move and having sex. Nowadays it’s available at the click of a button. If you could get an A on any test by just clicking a button would you ever put in the time to study? If you could lose weight or gain muscle with the click of a button, would you ever go to the gym? Would you ever adjust your diet? If you could get any girl or guy with the click of a button, would you go out and socialize? Would you try to make yourself more attractive? Would you even approach members of the opposite sex? See people who masturbate and watch porn a lot often report lower levels of motivation and energy. This is because one of the most pleasurable things in nature is already in arms reach, at the CLICK OF A BUTTON. There’s been a movement in the past couple of years that’s gathered a lot of momentum going on called the NoFap movement. It’s members try to resist the temptations of porn and masturbation , that is literally plastered all over the place in modern society. The majority of it’s members who stop PMO for over 30 days have reported some of the following benefits. Increased levels of motivation. Increased energy levels. And increased confidence in social interactions. See when you tell your body that, « No, you’re only ever going to get this tasty, beautiful, pleasureful reward if you actually go out there and earn it, » your body will start to adjust so that it becomes possible. It’s going to give you the energy and the motivation that you need for that journey. So stop rewarding yourself today for doing absolutely nothing and you will see a change. And it’s not just watching porn that can have this effect. There’s other rewards out there that can have a similar detrimental effect to your lifestyle. Things like sugary foods, video games, drugs, and even alcohol. These things are all forms of instant gratification. They’re to easy to obtain and they provide short bursts of pleasure. And the reason people who do NoFap find themselves on the path of success or on a path of upward growth, is not just because they don’t watch porn or masturbate. It’s actually because they’ve retaught themselves how to put in TIME and EFFORT before reaping REWARDS. To put in work in order to succeed. To exercise in order to feel healthy. To study in order to feel smarter. To meditate in order to feel happier and many other examples. What members of NoFap are actually doing, is they’re forcing themselves TO SUCCEED in order to FEEL PLEASURE. When you reward yourself for doing nothing all of the time, you’ll find that your mentality will be just like that of a dog who is given too many treats. Lazy and Unmotivated. Ask yourself this: AM I REWARDING MYSELF ALL THE TIME FOR DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING? .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

8 When you go to your favorite restaurant after a hard long days of work and you take that first bite into your favorite meal
8 you feel great. When you get an amazing grade
after studying for that exam that you pulled
8 two all nighters for you feel amazing. And
when you get that promotion that you&;ve been
8 eyeing at for a couple of years already, you
feel phenomenal. But even when you open up
8 your laptop and you go on some raunchy website,
and you masturbate to porn, you feel good
8 too. These are all rewards. But the thing
about the act of PMO (watching porn, masturbating,
8 and eventually reaching orgasm) that separates
itself from the rest of the crowd , is the
8 fact that you don&;t really have to work for
it. It is virtually effortless to obtain.
8 Let&;s put things into perspective. In order
to get that satisfying feeling that comes
8 with getting a good grade, you have to go
to class. You have to take semi-decent notes.
8 And eventually you have to study. This requires
a significant amount of time and effort. Watching
8 porn on the other hand is easy. You open up
your laptop and you click your mouse a couple
8 of times until you find a video that you like.
And instantaneously you can reward yourself
8 with pleasure. On top of that, porn and masturbation
triggers one of the most powerful and pleasureful
8 rewards your body can naturally give itself,
the orgasm. It&;s a reward that is normally
8 only achievable by meeting a potential mate,
coming off as an attractive mate, and eventually
8 growing the balls to make a move and having
sex. Nowadays it&;s available at the click
8 of a button. If you could get an A on any
test by just clicking a button would you ever
8 put in the time to study? If you could lose
weight or gain muscle with the click of a
8 button, would you ever go to the gym? Would
you ever adjust your diet? If you could get
8 any girl or guy with the click of a button,
would you go out and socialize? Would you
8 try to make yourself more attractive? Would
you even approach members of the opposite
8 sex? See people who masturbate and watch porn
a lot often report lower levels of motivation
8 and energy. This is because one of the most
pleasurable things in nature is already in
8 arms reach, at the CLICK OF A BUTTON. There&;s
been a movement in the past couple of years
8 that&;s gathered a lot of momentum going on
called the NoFap movement. It&;s members try
8 to resist the temptations of porn and masturbation
, that is literally plastered all over the
8 place in modern society. The majority of it&;s
members who stop PMO for over 30 days have
8 reported some of the following benefits. Increased
levels of motivation. Increased energy levels.
8 And increased confidence in social interactions.
See when you tell your body that, "No, you&;re
8 only ever going to get this tasty, beautiful,
pleasureful reward if you actually go out
8 there and earn it," your body will start to
adjust so that it becomes possible. It&;s going
8 to give you the energy and the motivation
that you need for that journey. So stop rewarding
8 yourself today for doing absolutely nothing
and you will see a change. And it&;s not just
8 watching porn that can have this effect. There&;s
other rewards out there that can have a similar
8 detrimental effect to your lifestyle. Things
like sugary foods, video games, drugs, and
8 even alcohol. These things are all forms of
instant gratification. They&;re to easy to
8 obtain and they provide short bursts of pleasure.
And the reason people who do NoFap find themselves
8 on the path of success or on a path of upward
growth, is not just because they don&;t watch
8 porn or masturbate. It&;s actually because
they&;ve retaught themselves how to put in
8 TIME and EFFORT before reaping REWARDS. To
put in work in order to succeed. To exercise
8 in order to feel healthy. To study in order
to feel smarter. To meditate in order to feel
8 happier and many other examples. What members
of NoFap are actually doing, is they&;re forcing
8 themselves TO SUCCEED in order to FEEL PLEASURE.
When you reward yourself for doing nothing
8 all of the time, you&;ll find that your mentality
will be just like that of a dog who is given
8 too many treats. Lazy and Unmotivated.
8 Ask yourself this:

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