Un film sur le thème «chasteté» sur YouTube
Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par HH Bhakti Charu Swami
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La durée (01:03:06s), le titre (Srimad Bhagavatam 07.02.32-34 Real Chastity Means Krishna Consciousness), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« Srimad Bhagavatam 7.2.32-34 (27 December 2018 @ ISKCON Ujjain)
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SB 7.2.32
rudatya uccair dayitāṅghri-paṅkajaṁ
siñcantya asraiḥ kuca-kuṅkumāruṇaiḥ
visrasta-keśābharaṇāḥ śucaṁ nṛṇāṁ
sṛjantya ākrandanayā vilepire
rudatyaḥ — crying; uccaiḥ — very loudly; dayita — of their beloved husband; aṅghri-paṅkajam — the lotus feet; siñcantyaḥ — moistening; asraiḥ — with tears; kuca-kuṅkuma-aruṇaiḥ — which were red from the kuṅkuma covering their breasts; visrasta — scattered; keśa — hair; ābharaṇāḥ — and ornaments; śucam — grief; nṛṇām — of the people in general; sṛjantyaḥ — creating; ākrandanayā — by crying very pitiably; vilepire — began to lament.
As the queens loudly cried, their tears glided down their breasts, becoming reddened by kuṅkuma powder, and fell upon the lotus feet of their husband. Their hair became disarrayed, their ornaments fell, and in a way that evoked sympathy from the hearts of others, the queens began lamenting their husband’s death.
SB 7.2.33
aho vidhātrākaruṇena naḥ prabho
bhavān praṇīto dṛg-agocarāṁ daśām
uśīnarāṇām asi vṛttidaḥ purā
kṛto ’dhunā yena śucāṁ vivardhanaḥ
aho — alas; vidhātrā — by providence; akaruṇena — who is merciless; naḥ — our; prabho — O lord; bhavān — Your Lordship; praṇītaḥ — taken away; dṛk — of sight; agocarām — beyond the range; daśām — to a state; uśīnarāṇām — to the inhabitants of the state of Uśīnara; asi — you were; vṛtti-daḥ — giving livelihood; purā — formerly; kṛtaḥ — finished; adhunā — now; yena — by whom; śucām — of lamentation; vivardhanaḥ — increasing.
O lord, you have now been removed by cruel providence to a state beyond our sight. You had previously sustained the livelihood of the inhabitants of Uśīnara, and thus they were happy, but your condition now is the cause of their unhappiness.
SB 7.2.34
tvayā kṛtajñena vayaṁ mahī-pate
kathaṁ vinā syāma suhṛttamena te
tatrānuyānaṁ tava vīra pādayoḥ
śuśrūṣatīnāṁ diśa yatra yāsyasi
tvayā — you; kṛtajñena — a most grateful personality; vayam — we; mahī-pate — O King; katham — how; vinā — without; syāma — shall exist; suhṛt-tamena — the best of our friends; te — of you; tatra — there; anuyānam — the following; tava — of you; vīra — O hero; pādayoḥ — of the lotus feet; śuśrūṣatīnām — of those engaging in the service; diśa — please order; yatra — where; yāsyasi — you will go.
O King, O hero, you were a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend of all of us. How shall we exist without you? O hero, wherever you are going, please direct us there so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service. Let us go along with you!
Formerly, a kṣatriya king was generally the husband of many wives, and after the death of the king, especially in the battlefield, all the queens would agree to accept saha-māraṇa, dying with the husband who was their life. When Pāṇḍu Mahārāja, the father of the Pāṇḍavas, died, his two wives — namely, the mother of Yudhiṣṭhira, Bhīma and Arjuna and the mother of Nakula and Sahadeva — were both ready to die in the fire with their husband. Later, after a compromise was arranged, Kuntī stayed alive to care for the little children, and the other wife, Mādrī, was allowed to die with her husband. This system of saha-māraṇa continued in India even until the time of British rule, but later it was discouraged, since the attitude of wives gradually changed with the advancement of Kali-yuga. Thus the system of saha-māraṇa has practically been abolished. Nevertheless, within the past fifty years I have seen the wife of a medical practitioner voluntarily accept death immediately when her husband died. Both the husband and wife were taken in procession in the mourning cart. Such intense love of a chaste wife for her husband is a special case. ».
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Les bienfaits de la chasteté incluent un impact significatif sur le bien-être personnel et moral. Étudier l’effet de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral peut révéler des insights importants.
Un engagement conscient dans la chasteté a des répercussions importantes sur le bien-être personnel. Elle favorise une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une plus grande clarté mentale, et une paix intérieure grâce au respect des principes personnels. En pratiquant la chasteté, on développe une relation plus harmonieuse avec son propre corps et ses désirs. En développant la maîtrise de soi, la chasteté permet une plus grande liberté en éloignant les pulsions et les pressions sociales sur la sexualité. Elle apporte également un sens profond de pureté morale, qui renforce la dignité et l’estime de soi. Les effets de la chasteté sur la santé mentale sont notables. La chasteté permet aux individus de renforcer leur confiance en eux et de mieux affronter les défis.
Évaluer les répercussions de la chasteté sur les relations avec les autres et les liens familiaux.
En outre, la chasteté a un impact bénéfique sur les relations interpersonnelles. La cage de chasteté aide un homme à renforcer ses aptitudes à séduire et à adapter son comportement vis-à-vis de ses partenaires. L’acte bénéficie de capacités physiques et sexuelles plus fortes dues à leur sollicitation réduite. La chasteté peut être observée en toute discrétion, sans divulguer ce choix à ses partenaires. La chasteté, dans le contexte du mariage, peut solidifier les liens conjugaux en encourageant un amour plus profond, détaché du plaisir charnel.
Réponses aux Questions Fréquemment Posées sur la Chasteté.
La chasteté est-elle réservée uniquement aux personnes religieuses ? La chasteté est une pratique qui dépasse les limites des personnes consacrées. Quelle est la distinction entre chasteté et abstinence ? L’abstinence se limite à la promesse de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles. La chasteté inclut parfois l’utilisation d’un accessoire comme une ceinture ou une cage, et suit une méthode de progrès comparable à celle d’un entraînement sportif. Comment la chasteté se manifeste-t-elle dans les relations matrimoniales ? La chasteté dans les couples mariés est généralement discutée et partagée, avec des accords entre les partenaires sur la manière de la vivre. Pourquoi la chasteté est-elle si cruciale pour l’Église ? L’Église considère la chasteté comme une vertu essentielle pour vivre en accord avec les enseignements chrétiens. Comment la pratique de la chasteté aide-t-elle à l’épanouissement personnel ? La chasteté favorise l’épanouissement personnel en offrant un meilleur contrôle de soi, une clarté mentale accrue et une paix intérieure.
Définir la chasteté en termes modernes. Définir et comprendre la chasteté dans un cadre contemporain.
Au fond, la chasteté est la capacité à gérer ses pulsions sexuelles. Ce n’est pas simplement abstinence, mais un contrôle conscient des désirs sexuels selon des valeurs morales. Dans le monde contemporain, la chasteté implique non seulement la suppression des désirs, mais aussi leur redirection vers des buts supérieurs, tels que le respect de soi et des autres. Pour l’homme d’aujourd’hui, la chasteté ne signifie pas abandonner le plaisir, mais choisir de vivre sa sexualité de manière réfléchie.
La chasteté : Une valeur à redécouvrir dans le contexte moderne.
La chasteté est vue comme une qualité taboue dans la société moderne. Pour ceux qui l’appliquent, la chasteté propose une voie vers une paix intérieure renforcée, des relations plus profondes et une connexion spirituelle enrichissante. Autrefois, la chasteté était plus souvent assumée et discutée. Ce dossier explore la question de la chasteté . En fournissant une vue d’ensemble de la chasteté, cet article offre aux hommes les clés pour la comprendre et la mettre en œuvre dans leur quotidien.
Adopter des habitudes de chasteté quotidienne.
Pour intégrer la chasteté, les hommes peuvent adopter différentes stratégies. Commencer par une réflexion intérieure pour comprendre ses motivations et valeurs est essentiel. Ensuite, il peut être utile d’éviter les situations susceptibles de provoquer des désirs incontrôlés, telles que la consommation de contenus sexuels. Trouver un mentor ou rejoindre un groupe de soutien avec des convictions similaires peut aider à maintenir le cap. Dans une société saturée par la sexualité, pratiquer la chasteté peut présenter des difficultés. La pression sociale ainsi que les tentations incessantes sont des défis communs. Pour franchir ces obstacles, il est crucial de maintenir une discipline personnelle stricte. Ne pas se décourager après une chute et recommencer avec une volonté fraîche est crucial. La chasteté est un voyage de patience et persévérance, pas une perfection à atteindre. En conclusion, la chasteté est une vertu puissante qui, lorsqu’elle est intégrée dans la vie d’un homme, peut conduire à une plus grande liberté, une meilleure maîtrise de soi, et un épanouissement spirituel profond. Dans une société où la sexualité est souvent valorisée au détriment de la spiritualité, la chasteté, bien qu’elle puisse sembler contraignante, offre une opportunité pour une vie plus authentique, alignée avec ses valeurs et sa foi.
Examinez les antécédents historiques et culturels de la chasteté.
Les traditions religieuses et culturelles valorisent profondément la chasteté. Le vœu de continence des prêtres et religieux est souvent lié à la chasteté dans le christianisme. En islam et dans les Églises catholique et orthodoxe, la chasteté est élevée comme une vertu cruciale pour les religieux et les laïcs, notamment avant le mariage. Dans les temps antiques, la chasteté était vue comme un moyen de maintenir l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. Ainsi, la chasteté va au-delà des périodes historiques et des cultures, se maintenant comme une vertu respectée.
Il existe un lien profond entre la chasteté et la recherche spirituelle.
La connexion entre chasteté et spiritualité est bien établie dans diverses religions. La chasteté est perçue comme un chemin vers la sanctification dans plusieurs traditions religieuses. Contrôler ses désirs sexuels aide à focaliser plus d’énergie sur le bien-être personnel. Dans cette perspective, la chasteté est une offrande de soi et une marque de respect envers Dieu. Dans cette perspective, la chasteté est un choix visant à élever l’âme plutôt qu’une privation. Les perspectives sur la chasteté diffèrent selon les traditions religieuses. La chasteté est considérée comme une vertu essentielle pour les prêtres dans la tradition catholique. Dans l’islam, des règles sévères encadrent la sexualité pour promouvoir la chasteté. La pratique de la chasteté par les ascètes dans l’hindouisme et le bouddhisme vise l’illumination. La chasteté est une pratique qui unit les croyants au-delà des frontières religieuses.
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#Srimad #Bhagavatam #07.02.3234 #Real #Chastity #Means #Krishna #Consciousness
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] Vish Ann namash takur kishna radak Krishna goat sham radak giri Gohan Shri vavan Dam K Shri matam K Shri jagat puam K Shri mayur ganga jamuna mayi Maharani sh go all glories to the assembl devotees all glories to the symble devotees all glories to the symble devotees all glories to sh Guru and Shango all glories to Shila prad om Nam bhagavat n namas [Applause] s shat bhagavatam 7th Kanto Chapter 2 hiraku King of the Demons text 32 onwards 3233 don’t have any purpose report so I’ll just read them through and then we’ll go to 34 that has aort [Music] as the Queens loudly cried their tears glided down their breasts becoming rened by kumkum powder and fell upon the Lotus feet of their husband their hair became disarrayed their ornaments fell and in a way that if evoked sympathy from the hearts of others the Queens began lamenting their husband’s death text 33 oh Lord you have now been removed by cruel Providence to state to a state beyond our sight you had previously sustained the livelihood of the inhabitants of usara and thus they were happy but your condition now is the cause of their unhappiness text 34 VRA jashi [Music] [Music] shush [Music] [Music] for for [Music] you you a most grateful personality most grateful personality we we Mah oh kinging katam how Vina without without shama sh shall exist shall exist Sha the best of our friends the best of our friends they of you of you T there anuanu the following the following Tav of you of you V oh hero oh hero P of the lotus feet of of those engaged in the service for service DHA please order please order yatra where yashi you will go you will go translation by his Divine graci prad oh King oh hero you are a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend of all of us how shall we exist without you oh hero wherever you are going please direct us there so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service let us go along with you please repeat after me oh King oh King oh hero oh her you are a very grateful husband you are a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend the most pray of all of us all of us how shall we exist without you how shall we exist without you oh hero wherever you are going wherever you are going please direct us there direct us there so that we may follow your follow in your footsteps so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service engage again in your service let us go along with you let us go along with you purport by Shila prad formerly akria King was generally the husband of many wives and after the death of the king especially in the battlefield all the quins would agree to accept Saha Marana dying with the husband who was their life when pandu Maharaj the father of the pandas died his two wives wives namely the mother of judish beim and Arjun and the mother of nokul and sahadev were both ready to die in the fire with their husband later after a compromise was arranged kunti stayed alive to take care of the children and the other wife madri was allowed to die with her husband the system of s Marana continued in India even until the time of British rule but later it was discouraged since the attitude of the wives gradually changed with the advancement of kalijuga thus the system of sahana has practically been abolished nevertheless within the past 50 years I have seen the wife of a medical practitioner voluntarily except death immediately when a husband died but the husband and wife were both the husband and wife were taken in procession in the morning cart such intense love of a chest wife for the husband is a special case Omas sh Krishna prar h Krishna hurry Krishna Krishna Krishna hurry hurry H Hur Hur Hur H har Krishna [Music] D jatrai oh King oh hero you are a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend of all of us how shall we exist without you oh hero wherever you are going please direct us there so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service let us go along with you so hiranaka was killed by VV these two sons of diti were the first demons because they were sons of dii they were known as Dias diti Sons were Dias and Aditi Sons were Adias diti sons became demon and aditi’s sons became demigods the husband the two wives of the same husband actually Kapa monei was married to many wives and from him these different different living entities appeared from diti came Dias the from Aditi came Adias or demigods headed by Sun God and [Music] Indra and from kadu came the snakes from vinata came the birds headed by gura and Aruna so this is how we get the very clear understanding how creation actually started so anyway this Hanan nakos shipu and hiranaka became two very powerful personalities and they derived great pleasure fighting and killing so uh so that is the uh demoniac nature they always want to fight just for the sake of it and that’s how they want to establish their power uh the material nature the living entities the conditioned Souls was to dominate exerting their power and uh those days they used to establish their power with their strength so hiran Naka was extremely both extremely powerful they gigantic I mean they’re Giants actually gigantic personalities and they’re fighting all the time defeated all the demigods and hiran Naka his eyes were fixed on gold in his eyes all he seeing gold where is gold where is gold where’s money where’s money and he acquired so much gold and so he was challenging different demigods defeated many demigods then he came to Varun challenged him G PRI Radha Madan moan k j sh Krishna balaram k J jagat balad subadra Maharani kading prad shat bhagavatam so he challenged Barun this is the background of this this uh topic V told him look I became old I no match for you he realized that he is not going to be able to fight with him so he said by defeating me you don’t really get any pleasure so actually you should fight with someone who is equal to you or more powerful than you so so far he never came across anyone more powerful so he asked more powerful so who is that he said well there is this person personality called har so maybe you can fight with him and see who is more powerful where is har is very difficult to find him but when one is sincere uh in his search then he can find hurry so then hakra saw that a very strange creature who has the who looks like a boar a pig emerging uh with a with Earth planet actually personified Mother Earth [Music] darari he had Mother Earth resting on his tasks the bores have two teeth coming up from the lower jaw so Mother Earth was placed there and she became dirty because she fell on the lower planetary system lower Planet lower region because the balance of the planet is maintained by the gold in the planet so hiranaka took away all the gold and as a result of that Earth lost the balance or the ability to stay on the orbit and she fell into the lower region and so VV came Krishna came as shukar Rupa vad and he was lifting Mother Earth from the lower region so H nakakuki became very upset who are you trying to interfere in my Arrangement so he challenged him to fight and so vah placed Mother Earth on the orbit and he started to fight Haka had a mess a club in his hand and vad also called his Club he has conch Lotus disc and Club so because hak has had Club he said okay I’ll fight with Club so they fought now we have to remember why who are this hiranaka shipu and hiranaka joy and VI and what did Joy VI want joy and VI wanted to give a good fight to the Lord uh to make him experience vas the Mellow of chivalry that is experienced by fighting so he so they wished in vun no one can give him that mellow so I wish we could actually give him the pleasure out of fighting and as a result of that in order to fight with the Lord they came as hakushu and hiranaka so there is a terrible battle between them now the demigods were so much distressed by hiranaka and hak kashu they were excited that a big fight is taking place and Har is fighting with hiranaka so they were watching and they were expecting that he would kill this demon but during that fight all of a sudden hiranaka struck the Lord so hard in his mess that his mess went he fell out of his hand so Deigo started to cry my Lord please finish him off our life air is almost in our throat it’s about to live our body in anxiety so please don’t cause any more anxiety to us please do something about it so then what did VV do with his left arm left hand he just struck hiranaka just one slap and hironaka’s body kept on rolling life left his body fell so hakha was dead so the news riched his family his mother dii his wives they were crying his son Sons were crying so that time hakushu started to give them the transcendental knowledge the demon so this way we can see that in the Vic time even the demons were so well conversant with spiritual signs only thing is that they couldn’t accept the Supreme personality of godhead they accepted another reality another nature they accepted the existence of the Soul they accepted the transmigration of the soul the the cycle of birth and death death is not the end death is the end of the body but the soul continues to exist Soul Never Dies so I mean these instructions the that hiran shipu is giving to his nephews is very very uplifting actually you can see the well looks like some devotee speaking and so then while instructing about the immortality of the soul and uh the nature of birth and death uh Heros shipu gave giving the example how beautiful example usar the king of usar suaga the story of suaga the king and he was fighting a battle and in that battle he died so his dead body was brought to the palace and his wives are crying so that is the description this is how the wives are crying so I’ll briefly tell what happened after that also and then I’ll go to the purport today’s verse so the wives are crying so jamad dutas came to take him his subtle body the soul in the subtle body to jalaya the award of jamra for judgment and they could not because their W his wives love and affection was binding him so much the jamad dutas couldn’t actually penetrate that barrier so then they went to jamra and told him that look this is the case what to do then jamra came as a little boy and and he came and asked these women why are you all crying oh our husband died no our husband left us left you isn’t that your husband still lying there why are you saying that he left no no that’s his body but he is gone oh he is gone did you ever see him who is gone then it occured to them no the real person that he was they never got to see him although they’re crying you know please take us with you and so forth but they didn’t really know the person but at least they had deep love for that woman for that man so here we can see they’re crying and they’re so this is how jamra actually gave them the knowledge the death is simply a changing of body and in bhagavat Gita Krishna explains it very nicely through which verse huh very good is a matter of just changing our body the body is changing from Child childhood to youth to old age the body is changing but in spite of the change of the body the person Remains the Same so since due to the change of the body doesn’t the person become affected while leaving the body also the person become doesn’t become affected therefore those who are situated in knowledge those who are really wise they do not become bewildered they become do not become overwhelmed with this matter of changing of body so so here we can see that little boy through this little boy they got this knowledge oh yeah that’s true like he the the person that we knew was the body the body is lying here but the real person that he was who met the body alive we didn’t get to know him so through this beautiful example hiranaka hakushu pacified his nephews and also the wife of hiranaka and his mother diti now this purport actually is leading us to a very very important point that prad addressed in the purport here the wives are saying that please take us with you husband has left and saying saying that so they were prepared to go with him and in vic culture uh that was not always but often that was the case the husband the when the husband died the wife also went along with the husband that is called Saharan dying together with the husband [Music] and then PR is pointing out that that custom was very prevalent and of course here we have to remember it was not a for forced thing and there had been many instances M like in Rajasthan there’s a queen Rani Sati Jun Junu she became worshiped she’s woried because she became a Sati when went along with her husband similarly many rajput queens not only the Queens the whole like when Muhammad Gori defeated praj and all the women just they lit a huge fire and they all gave up their bodies how could one do such a thing because they had a very clear understanding that they were not this body the purpose of life was something higher than that like of course in Rajasthan in in uh the Queens uh left their bodies like that because they didn’t want to be molested by these Muslims they knew where they what they will do when they came and so better to give up our body than uh lose our uh chasti so there propad gives another example this another wonderful example pandu died King pandu died he was actually in badik Asam he was cursed that if he had he was cursed by a brahmana that if he ever United with his wife then he would die and it was a springtime Springtime actually arouses the the desires for lust lust is desires and pandu and madri pandu was with madri his second Queen and he it was actually the arrangement of Providence became so attracted madri tried to resist him no but and he forced and he died so then both kunti and madri want both wanted to become Sati follow her husband so kti’s claim was that I am the principal wife I’m the first wife therefore uh I have the right to go madri said no it is because of me he died he died with his desires unfulfilled with me there therefore I should go so here is a competition going on who is going to go with the husband one of them have to had to stay uh because the children the their uh Sons were all young little boys so they need a mother so one of them had to stay they they resolved that one of us has to stay but who will go and who will stay kunti claimed that I have the right to go because I the senior and madri said that no it’s because of me he left his body he died he died with unfulfilled desires so I should go with him and then finally madri won on what ground you have three sons I have two so you have greater responsibility towards the children so you should stay and madri went propas is mentioning that during the British time they actually uh stopped the British actually stopped this those days the British were mostly they were actually established in Bengal and there used to be instances like that but the thing is that it became very very Gastly you see previously it was voluntary if the if only if the wife wanted to follow the husband then only she was given the opportunity but what happened wife is not willing to die but they’re forcing that woman to go and and especially the brahmanical families like it was their uh here we have to remember in the age of Kali some demons actually took birth in brahminical family and they destroyed the Vic culture rakas brah the rasas were born in brahmana families and they destroyed by introducing these uh unnatural practices and there was an Englishman who’s a very uh senior government officer his name was Sir William Kerry so William Kerry was very uh instrumental in stopping the Sati proed here in Bengal and so uh like it yeah it was a very Gastly practice the sometimes the brahmanas of 70y old man would get married to a 13year old girl so for how long a 70y old man live maybe four five years and he would die at the age of 75 now the girl is only 18 years old and she is forced to die with the husband and what they would do like she would be crying no no I don’t want to and they would tie her up by hands and feet and so that one cannot hear the cry they would play play drum D just to cover the show The Cry of that woman it’s very gly and then they would throw her in the funeral P but prad is speaking about now before that let me give another example it was actually in Rajasthan that by the time British have actually established themselves all over India and they are trying to stop this process all over and there was a woman maybe from the royal family some royal family not a king but from that family and so this they want to they wanted to stop the woman who whose husband died from from becoming a Sati and she actually mentioned that the way my heart is burning due to the separation from my husband that becoming free from this body is going to be a relief it is not going to be a painful Affair it’s going to be a relief and in order to prove that she put her hand in fire the hand was burning and there was no feeling of pain in her so this is how intense the relationship were used to be between husband wife those days and that’s why for the wife to maintain her life when the husband is gone was you know was totally meaningless so she felt that let me just go with my husband and is it possible yes after death the subtle body actually leaves the body and the subtle body of the wife can meet the subtle body of the husband and go to the next destination so here prad is giving another example that uh he saw himself that a doctor died and his wife wife wanted to be wanted to go with her husband and while the husband’s body was being taken in A procession the wife’s body also she’s alive but she’s also taken that means no pressure no compulsion just she’s just uh voluntarily going with her husband PR witnessed it himself so that is how it used to be not just rakasa ritual that you know because your husband died now you have to go why force in this way it’s voluntary in vic time it was voluntary like we can see kunti and madri they actually argu I mean they’re contesting with each other who has the bigger who has the greater right to go with a husband to become a Sai anyway so VI culture is spiritual culture from Material perspective we won’t be able to understand it in order to understand the Vic culture you have to we have to assess it from the spiritual perspective what will uplift the spirit and what will degrade the spirit soul that is the consideration they had the clear understand understanding what’s to be done for Spiritual advancement and they would do that like nowadays we can see uh like when the young boys uh who has very bright future they become full-time devotees join the temples and people consider why he is he is a engineer from such a uh such a prestigious College he has such a nice opportunity to get earn so much money look what’s he doing wasting his life joining har Krishna but because they think that way because they don’t understand the importance of spiritual life uh by earning money making a lot of money and getting big position and all for how long will that last only as long as we have this body but then what therefore the first consideration is are you going to die at some point who can say no and then the consideration is when we die does everything end at the time or something continues so if it continues what how to secure that phase of my life beyond death and intelligent consideration should be that what is beyond death what is going to happen Beyond Death fine can make a lot of money enjoying this world fine but then what so those who are really intelligent they can understand the spiritual the value of spiritual practice they recognize the value of spiritual life and therefore they function on that platform with that understanding now those who don’t have the understanding of the spiritual reality they cannot they cannot understand that and they get surprised why they are doing that there’s a boy from Los Angeles he is from a very very wealthy family and they have a big mansion in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills is the most prestigious area in Los Angeles and the one area one part of that thing so that Villa was his domain like I he’s my disciple so I used I went to their house I used to know the mother very well so initi nearly when he let he became a devotee he became a devotee and joined the Los Angeles Temple and the temple atmosphere like four brahmacharis in one room so his mother came and she was shocked to see how he was living but he would not go back like the mother couldn’t understand why he left that opulent luxurious Arrangement at home and he’s living here in a small little room four boys staying in one room now of course later on she actually understood like she recognized that you know like he what he has done and I mean it was a right thing to do and she she was so she became so kind of uh I mean she understood the philosophy or the things so well that one time this boy wanted to get married I don’t want to mention his name many of you know him actually he wanted to get married and his mother was upset why you want to get married like you have taken to this life then uh I spoke to her I said look if he wants to get married let him get married she asked me will you ever get married I said no because I have taken an order where I can’t go back but he’s a young boy he’s a brahmachari brahmacharis get married but sasis cannot then he say if a sasi cannot get married shouldn’t get married then why should a brahmachari get married I mean that was wonderful actually she was very very she to understood Krishna Consciousness very nicely so this is how like when you look at it from the material perspective you can’t understand when you look at it from spiritual perspec perspective it becomes clear so this is what Krishna Consciousness is a devote understand what’s what’s beneficial for his spiritual advancement in that respect there’s a very nice example given by gurun nanak gurun nanak used to go to sometimes Sly people are invited in even in rich people’s house so he was was invited to a very rich man’s house and he saw in front of the house there are many flags so he asked what are these flags for so then he was told that when this person collects 10,000 gold coins he puts one flag you can well imagine how much money he had so many flags oh he didn’t say anything while he was leaving he told he told that man the owner of the house he gave him a needle and can you please keep this needle for me I’ll come sometime and collect it from you so he said he asked when will you collected from me in my next life so gurunanak said no that man said how am I going to carry this needle to my next life so gurunanak said oh you want be able to carry this needle how are you going to carry all this gold with you and he understood he got the message and he became his follower so this is the as the influence of a Association of a Sly person if we appro if he properly except the in the the advantage of this Association moment’s Association can transform us and take us to the spiritual platform s achieve ultimate Perfection so that’s the bottom line nothing will be able to carry after death in the next life there there’s a next life but we won’t be able to carry anything with us the only thing that will go with us is our attachment to Krishna because that is with the spirit soul and whatever is with the spirit soul we’ll go with the spirit Soul whatever is belong to the body we have to leave behind when we leave the body that reminds me of another example this is with Jesus some there was a conspir conspiracy the the the Jewish uh uh uh priests uh they were trying to get Jesus because they saw that Jesus is a threat to their business in the temple they were just running their business and Jesus came and he stopped it all I mean just and so they were trying to get him so once they thought at that time Palestine was under the Roman Empire so they thought that they’ll frame Jesus as a rebel against the king so they gave him some coins and asked Jesus Jesus whom should we give this coin to me meaning who should we pay the tax so they were expecting that Jesus would say that don’t pay to the Roman uh Empire Roman King Caesar rather and then they would say well see Jesus is provoking everyone to go against the king and so that was their plan but what was Jesus’s answer Jesus’s answer was give unto Caesar that belongs to Caesar and give unto God what belongs to him such a beautiful answer give unto Caesar what’s of Caesar give unto God what’s of God so this is the sentle person’s advice ADV we just always go into the spiritual uh by the Association we get the understanding of the spiritual reality and the importance of staying in the spiritual path okay some questions parameswari radhika deidi gur it’s say yeah gurug grah sorry not gurug anymore har Guru Maharaj as you said that women followed their husband’s death by burning themselves as they understood the highest purpose of life can you explain that this action and how is it the highest purpose of life not highest purpose of life the thing is that those days the wives used to be so attached to their husband that when the husband died their world became empty that’s how you feel when uh you are deeply in love with someone like I have experienced it when prad left my world became completely empty for quite some time it was like that like and so so that is the thing like the wives used to be so much in love with the husband that the her whole life actually revolved around the husband and that’s why when the husband died they felt she felt that was a use of my continuing better let me also go with him and they had that faith that they would be able to go with the husband because where the attachment is one goes there ramama Mand Das ramama Mand Das okay Guru Maharaj please accept my humble obediences can you please explain what happened to the residence of earth when Earth fell in lower region and if Earth was in lower region where did hiran shipu and other demon live yeah well when that happened we have to understand that there was a total Destruction everything was so everything was finished where they lived there seven there are 14 planetary systems if one planet goes there are 13 other planets to be in seven lower and another seven higher so the demons are generally in the lower planetary system so we have to understand that hiranaka was in a lower planetary system patala Loca but the thing is they had the ability to go anywhere they could go to the Heavenly planet also and fight with the demigods okay so these are the questions from the internet any question here yes har Maharaj please accept my humble obes it’s not working the [Music] mic har ball yeah har Krishna Maharaj please accept my humble obediences I wanted to know uh why was uh Saha Mar was why was it like initially glorified and then later now for example if you have children so was it a right approach that you uh have to give up your life along with your husband when the husband dies why was glorifying yes those days yeah because you know the those days you know the understanding was I mean it’s a general understanding understanding that the wife should be completely you know committed to her husband it is considered that it is one person in two bodies the wife let me finish the wife is considered to be ardhangini the half the body of the person is the wife and other half is the husband and it is because of their love for each other that they uh you know like created such bond that when the husband left the wife felt that it was not worthwhile because what’s the use of my life now but of course another thing is if there were children you know then they wouldn’t go be follow the husband unless the children are Tau secured properly right just like with the case of kunti and M madri they were consider who will take care of the children and why it is not glorified now is because it became a very brutal practice the wife those days it was voluntary it’s voluntarily you know it was a part of the Chastity you know that’s how they consider Chastity means you know the attachment Soul attachment to the husband but when it become a brutal practice forcibly forcing them forcibly throwing them in the you know funeral P that’s why it was rejected and all right you from Goa also okay very good so no but actually they say no if if the soul is means if the somebody is killed before its lifespan then it has to come again to uh finish his life again so if the lady is it is like suicide only if a if anybody commits suicide then again he has to come to spend that remaining hours remaining years of life so here also same thing no if the lady goes with husband yeah yes she’s coming back with her husband that’s the understanding I’ll come back with my husband right but here of course it’s a very good point you actually brought up you see chitan Maha pru gave us another dimension of understanding pure spiritual understanding those days the understanding was that a wife should be solely attached and to husband but chaitan Maha pru gave us an understanding that a living entity should be solely attached to Krishna and that is what Krishna displayed in his past time the gopies are not interested in the husband they’re interested in Krishna right so that is the ultimate consideration but this a secondary moral consideration that what was being practiced those days so for the sake of Krishna yeah this is the bottom line like the wife is so attached the the Perfection of one’s chastity is to be completely connected to the husband right but that is a materialistic consideration the greater consideration uh higher consideration is the Chastity towards Krishna and for the sake of Krishna one is prepared to give up everything all right you also from Goa oh you from okay okay thank you when did you come grou oh Goa group only very good thank you Yes Man huh yeah brahmanas also could have more W the thing is that you see uh having more wives those days was okay uh uh but in this age it is forbidden uh for not really forbidden but it’s not the you know a person cannot maintain even himself so another thing is that even with one wife he cannot continue after some time you know husband goes this way wife goes that way so in age of K everything has become so faral you know thank you so I’ll end now thank you all very much all glories to Shila prad and uh the group from Goa I wish you all the best and I also wish that you’ll have a very very pleasant and fruitful stay here and you’ll be here for how many days you’re living today only what time in the afternoon why did you come with such a for such a short time days to oh okay okay okay anyway I’m very happy to meet you and come again all of you please come again .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.28 [Music]
1.28 Vish
1.28 Ann
1.28 namash takur
1.28 kishna radak Krishna goat sham radak
1.28 giri
1.28 Gohan Shri vavan Dam K Shri matam K Shri
1.28 jagat puam K Shri
1.28 mayur
1.28 ganga jamuna mayi
1.28 Maharani
1.28 sh
1.28 go all glories to the assembl
1.28 devotees all glories to the symble
1.28 devotees all glories to the symble
1.28 devotees all glories to sh Guru and
1.28 Shango all glories to Shila
1.28 prad om Nam bhagavat
1.28 n namas
1.28 [Applause]
1.28 s
1.28 shat
1.28 bhagavatam 7th
1.28 Kanto Chapter 2
1.28 hiraku King of the
1.28 Demons
1.28 text 32
1.28 onwards
1.28 3233 don&;t have any purpose report so
1.28 I&;ll just read them through and
1.28 then we&;ll go to 34 that has aort
1.28 [Music]
1.28 as the Queens loudly
1.28 cried their tears glided down their
1.28 breasts becoming rened by kumkum powder
1.28 and fell upon the Lotus feet of their
1.28 husband their hair became
1.28 disarrayed their ornaments fell and in a
1.28 way that if evoked sympathy from the
1.28 hearts of others the Queens began
1.28 lamenting their husband&;s
1.28 death text 33
1.28 oh Lord you have now been removed by
1.28 cruel Providence to state to a state
1.28 beyond our
1.28 sight you had previously sustained the
1.28 livelihood of the inhabitants of usara
1.28 and thus they were happy but your
1.28 condition now is the cause of their
1.28 unhappiness text 34
1.28 VRA jashi
1.28 [Music]
1.28 [Music]
1.28 shush
1.28 [Music]
1.28 [Music]
1.28 for for
1.28 [Music]
1.28 you
1.28 you a most grateful personality most
1.28 grateful
1.28 personality we we
1.28 Mah oh kinging katam how Vina without
1.28 without shama sh shall exist shall exist
1.28 Sha
1.28 the best of our friends the best of our
1.28 friends they of you of you
1.28 T there anuanu the following the
1.28 following Tav of you of you
1.28 V oh hero oh hero
1.28 P of the lotus feet
1.28 of of those engaged in the service
1.28 for service
1.28 DHA please order please order
1.28 yatra where
1.28 yashi you will go you will go
1.28 translation by his Divine graci
1.28 prad oh King oh
1.28 hero you are a very grateful husband and
1.28 the most sincere friend of all of us how
1.28 shall we exist without you oh hero
1.28 wherever you are going please direct us
1.28 there so that we may follow in your
1.28 footsteps and engage again in your
1.28 service let us go along with
1.28 you please repeat after me oh King oh
1.28 King oh hero oh her you are a very
1.28 grateful husband you are a very grateful
1.28 husband and the most sincere friend the
1.28 most
1.28 pray of all of us all of us how shall we
1.28 exist without you how shall we exist
1.28 without you oh
1.28 hero wherever you are going wherever you
1.28 are going please direct us there direct
1.28 us there so that we may follow your
1.28 follow in your footsteps so that we may
1.28 follow in your footsteps and engage
1.28 again in your service engage again in
1.28 your service let us go along with you
1.28 let us go along with you purport by
1.28 Shila
1.28 prad formerly akria King was generally
1.28 the husband of many wives and after the
1.28 death of the king especially in the
1.28 battlefield all the quins would agree to
1.28 accept Saha Marana dying with the
1.28 husband who was their
1.28 life when pandu Maharaj the father of
1.28 the pandas died his two wives wives
1.28 namely the mother of judish beim and
1.28 Arjun and the mother of nokul and
1.28 sahadev were both ready to die in the
1.28 fire with their
1.28 husband later after a compromise was
1.28 arranged kunti stayed alive to take care
1.28 of the children and the other wife madri
1.28 was allowed to die with her
1.28 husband the system of s
1.28 Marana continued in India even until the
1.28 time of British
1.28 rule but later it was discouraged since
1.28 the attitude of the wives gradually
1.28 changed with the advancement of kalijuga
1.28 thus the system of
1.28 sahana has practically been
1.28 abolished nevertheless within the past
1.28 50 years I have seen the wife of a
1.28 medical
1.28 practitioner voluntarily except death
1.28 immediately when a husband died but the
1.28 husband and wife were both the husband
1.28 and wife were taken in procession in the
1.28 morning
1.28 cart such intense love of a chest wife
1.28 for the husband is a special
1.28 case Omas
1.28 sh
1.28 Krishna
1.28 prar h Krishna hurry Krishna Krishna
1.28 Krishna hurry hurry H
1.28 Hur Hur
1.28 Hur H har Krishna
1.28 [Music]
1.28 D
1.28 jatrai oh King oh hero you are a very
1.28 grateful husband and the most sincere
1.28 friend of all of us how shall we exist
1.28 without you oh hero wherever you are
1.28 going please direct us there so that we
1.28 may follow in your footsteps and engage
1.28 again in your service let us go along
1.28 with
1.28 you
1.28 so
1.28 hiranaka was
1.28 killed
1.28 by
1.28 VV these two sons of
1.28 diti were the first
1.28 demons because they were sons of dii
1.28 they were known as
1.28 Dias diti Sons were Dias and Aditi Sons
1.28 were
1.28 Adias diti sons became demon and aditi&;s
1.28 sons became
1.28 demigods the husband the two wives of
1.28 the same
1.28 husband actually Kapa monei was married
1.28 to many wives and from him these
1.28 different
1.28 different living entities
1.28 appeared from diti came
1.28 Dias the from Aditi came Adias or
1.28 demigods headed by Sun God and
1.28 [Music]
1.28 Indra and from kadu came the
1.28 snakes from vinata came the birds headed
1.28 by gura and
1.28 Aruna so this is how we get the very
1.28 clear understanding how creation
1.28 actually
1.28 started so
1.28 anyway this Hanan nakos shipu and
1.28 hiranaka became two very
1.28 powerful
1.28 personalities
1.28 and they
1.28 derived great
1.28 pleasure fighting and
1.28 killing so uh so that is the uh demoniac
1.28 nature they always want to fight just
1.28 for the sake of it
1.28 and that&;s how they want to establish
1.28 their
1.28 power uh the material nature the living
1.28 entities the conditioned Souls was to
1.28 dominate exerting their
1.28 power and uh those days they used to
1.28 establish their power with their
1.28 strength so hiran Naka was extremely
1.28 both extremely
1.28 powerful they gigantic I mean they&;re
1.28 Giants actually
1.28 gigantic personalities and they&;re
1.28 fighting all the
1.28 time defeated all the
1.28 demigods and hiran
1.28 Naka his eyes were fixed on
1.28 gold in his eyes all he seeing gold
1.28 where is gold where is gold where&;s
1.28 money where&;s money
1.28 and he acquired so much
1.28 gold
1.28 and so he was challenging different
1.28 demigods defeated many
1.28 demigods then he came to
1.28 Varun challenged
1.28 him G
1.28 PRI Radha Madan moan k j sh Krishna
1.28 balaram k
1.28 J jagat balad subadra Maharani
1.28 kading
1.28 prad shat
1.28 bhagavatam
1.28 so he challenged
1.28 Barun this is the background of this
1.28 this uh
1.28 topic V told him look I became old I no
1.28 match for you he realized that he is not
1.28 going to be able to fight with
1.28 him so he said by defeating me you don&;t
1.28 really get any
1.28 pleasure so actually you should fight
1.28 with someone who is equal to you or more
1.28 powerful than
1.28 you so so far he never came across
1.28 anyone more powerful
1.28 so he asked more
1.28 powerful so who is that he said well
1.28 there is this person personality called
1.28 har so maybe you can fight with him and
1.28 see who is more
1.28 powerful where is
1.28 har is very difficult to find
1.28 him but when one is
1.28 sincere uh in his search then he can
1.28 find
1.28 hurry so
1.28 then hakra saw that a very strange
1.28 creature who has the who looks like a
1.28 boar a
1.28 pig
1.28 emerging uh with a with Earth planet
1.28 actually personified Mother
1.28 Earth
1.28 [Music]
1.28 darari he had
1.28 Mother
1.28 Earth resting on
1.28 his
1.28 tasks the bores have
1.28 two teeth coming up from the lower jaw
1.28 so Mother Earth was placed
1.28 there and she became dirty because she
1.28 fell on the lower planetary system lower
1.28 Planet lower
1.28 region
1.28 because the
1.28 balance of the planet is maintained by
1.28 the gold in the
1.28 planet so hiranaka took away all the
1.28 gold and as a result of that Earth lost
1.28 the balance or the ability to stay on
1.28 the orbit and she fell
1.28 into the lower
1.28 region and so VV came Krishna came as
1.28 shukar Rupa vad and he was lifting
1.28 Mother Earth from the lower
1.28 region so H nakakuki became very
1.28 upset who are you trying
1.28 to interfere in my
1.28 Arrangement so he challenged him to
1.28 fight and so vah placed Mother Earth on
1.28 the
1.28 orbit and he started to fight
1.28 Haka had a mess a club in his
1.28 hand and vad
1.28 also called his
1.28 Club he has conch Lotus disc and
1.28 Club so because hak has had Club he said
1.28 okay I&;ll fight with Club so they
1.28 fought now we have to remember why who
1.28 are this hiranaka shipu and
1.28 hiranaka joy and
1.28 VI and what did Joy VI want joy and VI
1.28 wanted to give a good fight to the Lord
1.28 uh to make him experience
1.28 vas the Mellow of chivalry that is
1.28 experienced by fighting
1.28 so he so they wished in vun no one can
1.28 give him that mellow so I wish we could
1.28 actually give him the pleasure out of
1.28 fighting and as a result of that in
1.28 order to fight with the Lord they came
1.28 as hakushu and hiranaka so there is a
1.28 terrible battle between
1.28 them now the demigods were so much
1.28 distressed by hiranaka and hak
1.28 kashu they were excited that a big fight
1.28 is taking place and Har is fighting with
1.28 hiranaka so they were watching and they
1.28 were expecting that he would kill this
1.28 demon but during that fight all of a
1.28 sudden
1.28 hiranaka struck the Lord so hard in his
1.28 mess that his mess went
1.28 he fell out of his
1.28 hand so Deigo started to cry my Lord
1.28 please finish him off our life air is
1.28 almost in our throat it&;s about to live
1.28 our body in
1.28 anxiety so please don&;t cause any more
1.28 anxiety to us please do something about
1.28 it so then what did VV do with his left
1.28 arm left hand he just struck
1.28 hiranaka just one
1.28 slap and
1.28 hironaka&;s body kept on rolling life
1.28 left his body
1.28 fell so hakha was
1.28 dead so the news riched his
1.28 family his mother dii his
1.28 wives they were
1.28 crying his son Sons were
1.28 crying so that time
1.28 hakushu started to give them the
1.28 transcendental
1.28 knowledge the demon so this way we can
1.28 see that in the Vic time even the demons
1.28 were so well
1.28 conversant with spiritual
1.28 signs only thing is that they couldn&;t
1.28 accept the Supreme personality of
1.28 godhead they accepted another reality
1.28 another nature they accepted the
1.28 existence of the
1.28 Soul they accepted the transmigration of
1.28 the
1.28 soul the the cycle of birth and death
1.28 death is not the end death is the end of
1.28 the body but the soul continues to
1.28 exist Soul Never Dies so I mean these
1.28 instructions the that hiran shipu is
1.28 giving to his nephews is very very
1.28 uplifting
1.28 actually you can see the well looks like
1.28 some devotee
1.28 speaking
1.28 and so then while instructing about the
1.28 immortality of the soul and uh the
1.28 nature of birth and death uh Heros shipu
1.28 gave giving the
1.28 example how beautiful
1.28 example usar the king of usar
1.28 suaga the story of
1.28 suaga the
1.28 king and he was fighting a battle and in
1.28 that battle he
1.28 died so his dead body was brought to the
1.28 palace and his wives are crying so that
1.28 is the
1.28 description this is how the wives are
1.28 crying so I&;ll briefly tell what
1.28 happened after that also and then I&;ll
1.28 go to the purport today&;s
1.28 verse
1.28 so the wives are
1.28 crying so jamad dutas came to take him
1.28 his subtle body the soul in the subtle
1.28 body to
1.28 jalaya the award of jamra for
1.28 judgment and
1.28 they could not because their W his wives
1.28 love and affection was binding him so
1.28 much the jamad dutas couldn&;t actually
1.28 penetrate that
1.28 barrier so then they went to jamra and
1.28 told him that look this is the case what
1.28 to
1.28 do then jamra came as a little
1.28 boy and and he came and asked these
1.28 women why are you all
1.28 crying oh our husband died no our
1.28 husband left
1.28 us left you isn&;t that your
1.28 husband still lying there why are you
1.28 saying that he
1.28 left no no that&;s his body but he is
1.28 gone oh he is
1.28 gone did you ever see
1.28 him who is gone
1.28 then it occured to them
1.28 no the real person that he was they
1.28 never got to see
1.28 him although they&;re crying you know
1.28 please take us with you and so forth but
1.28 they didn&;t really know the person but
1.28 at least they had deep love for that
1.28 woman for that man so here we can
1.28 see they&;re crying and they&;re so this
1.28 is how jamra actually gave them the
1.28 knowledge
1.28 the death is simply a changing of
1.28 body and in bhagavat Gita Krishna
1.28 explains it very nicely through which
1.28 verse huh very
1.28 good is a matter of just changing our
1.28 body the body is
1.28 changing from Child childhood to youth
1.28 to old age the body is
1.28 changing but in spite of the change of
1.28 the body the person Remains the
1.28 Same so
1.28 since due to the change of the body
1.28 doesn&;t the person become affected while
1.28 leaving the body also the person become
1.28 doesn&;t become
1.28 affected
1.28 therefore those who are situated in
1.28 knowledge those who are really wise
1.28 they do not become bewildered they
1.28 become do not become
1.28 overwhelmed with this matter of changing
1.28 of
1.28 body so so here we can see that little
1.28 boy through this little boy they got
1.28 this knowledge oh yeah that&;s true like
1.28 he the the person that we knew was the
1.28 body the body is lying here but the real
1.28 person that he was who met the body
1.28 alive we didn&;t get to know
1.28 him
1.28 so through this beautiful example
1.28 hiranaka hakushu pacified his nephews
1.28 and also the wife of
1.28 hiranaka and his
1.28 mother
1.28 diti now this purport actually is
1.28 leading us to a very very important
1.28 point that prad addressed in the purport
1.28 here the wives are saying that please
1.28 take us with
1.28 you husband has left and saying saying
1.28 that so they were prepared to go with
1.28 him and in vic culture uh that
1.28 was not always but often that was the
1.28 case the husband the when the husband
1.28 died the wife also went along with the
1.28 husband that is called
1.28 Saharan dying together with the
1.28 husband
1.28 [Music]
1.28 and then PR is pointing out that that
1.28 custom was very prevalent and of course
1.28 here we have to remember it was not a
1.28 for forced
1.28 thing and there had been many instances
1.28 M like in Rajasthan there&;s a queen Rani
1.28 Sati Jun
1.28 Junu she became worshiped she&;s woried
1.28 because she became a
1.28 Sati when went along with her
1.28 husband similarly many rajput queens not
1.28 only the Queens the whole like when
1.28 Muhammad Gori defeated praj
1.28 and all the
1.28 women just they lit a huge fire and they
1.28 all gave up their
1.28 bodies how could one do such a thing
1.28 because they had a very clear
1.28 understanding that they were not this
1.28 body the purpose of life was something
1.28 higher than
1.28 that like of course in Rajasthan in in
1.28 uh the Queens uh
1.28 left their bodies like that because they
1.28 didn&;t want to be molested by these
1.28 Muslims they knew where they what they
1.28 will do when they came and so better to
1.28 give up our body than uh lose our uh
1.28 chasti so there propad gives another
1.28 example this another wonderful
1.28 example pandu died
1.28 King pandu died he was actually in badik
1.28 Asam he was
1.28 cursed that if he had he was cursed by a
1.28 brahmana that if he ever United with his
1.28 wife then he would
1.28 die and it was a springtime Springtime
1.28 actually
1.28 arouses
1.28 the the desires for lust lust is
1.28 desires and pandu and madri pandu was
1.28 with madri his second
1.28 Queen and he it was actually the
1.28 arrangement of Providence became so
1.28 attracted madri tried to resist him no
1.28 but and he forced and he
1.28 died
1.28 so then both kunti and madri want both
1.28 wanted to become Sati follow her
1.28 husband so kti&;s claim was that I am the
1.28 principal wife I&;m the first wife
1.28 therefore uh I have the right to
1.28 go madri said no it is because of me he
1.28 died he died with his desires
1.28 unfulfilled with me there therefore I
1.28 should go so here is a competition going
1.28 on who is going to go with the husband
1.28 one of them have to had to stay uh
1.28 because the children the their uh Sons
1.28 were all young little boys so they need
1.28 a
1.28 mother so one of them had to stay they
1.28 they resolved that one of us has to stay
1.28 but who will go and who will stay kunti
1.28 claimed that I have the right to go
1.28 because I the senior
1.28 and madri
1.28 said that no it&;s because of me he left
1.28 his body he died he died with
1.28 unfulfilled desires so I should go with
1.28 him and then finally madri won on what
1.28 ground you have three sons I have two so
1.28 you have greater responsibility towards
1.28 the children so you should stay and
1.28 madri went
1.28 propas is mentioning that during the
1.28 British time they
1.28 actually uh stopped the British actually
1.28 stopped
1.28 this those days the British were
1.28 mostly they were actually established in
1.28 Bengal and there used to be instances
1.28 like that but the thing is that it
1.28 became very very Gastly you see
1.28 previously it was
1.28 voluntary if the if only if the wife
1.28 wanted to follow the husband then only
1.28 she was given the
1.28 opportunity but what
1.28 happened wife is not willing to die but
1.28 they&;re forcing that woman to
1.28 go and and
1.28 especially the
1.28 brahmanical
1.28 families like it was their uh
1.28 here we have to remember in the age of
1.28 Kali some demons actually took birth in
1.28 brahminical family and they destroyed
1.28 the Vic culture
1.28 rakas
1.28 brah the rasas were born in brahmana
1.28 families and they destroyed by
1.28 introducing these uh
1.28 unnatural
1.28 practices and there was an Englishman
1.28 who&;s
1.28 a very uh senior government officer his
1.28 name was Sir William
1.28 Kerry so William Kerry was
1.28 very uh instrumental in stopping the
1.28 Sati proed here in
1.28 Bengal
1.28 and
1.28 so uh like it yeah it was a very Gastly
1.28 practice the sometimes the brahmanas of
1.28 70y old man would get married to a
1.28 13year old
1.28 girl so for how long a 70y old man live
1.28 maybe four five years and he would die
1.28 at the age of 75 now the girl is only 18
1.28 years
1.28 old and she is forced to die with the
1.28 husband and what they would do like she
1.28 would be crying no no I don&;t want to
1.28 and they would tie her up by hands and
1.28 feet and so that one cannot hear the cry
1.28 they would play play drum
1.28 D just to cover the show The Cry of that
1.28 woman it&;s very gly and then they would
1.28 throw her in the funeral
1.28 P but prad is speaking about now before
1.28 that let me give another
1.28 example it was actually in Rajasthan
1.28 that by the time British have actually
1.28 established themselves all over
1.28 India and they are trying to stop this
1.28 process all
1.28 over and there was a woman maybe from
1.28 the royal family some royal family not a
1.28 king but from that
1.28 family and so this they want to they
1.28 wanted to stop the woman who whose
1.28 husband died from from becoming a
1.28 Sati and she actually
1.28 mentioned
1.28 that the way my heart is burning due to
1.28 the separation from my
1.28 husband that becoming free from this
1.28 body is going to be a
1.28 relief it is not going to be a painful
1.28 Affair it&;s going to be a relief and in
1.28 order to prove that she put her hand in
1.28 fire the hand was burning and there was
1.28 no feeling
1.28 of pain in
1.28 her so this is how
1.28 intense the relationship were used to be
1.28 between husband wife those days and
1.28 that&;s why for the wife to maintain her
1.28 life when the husband is gone was you
1.28 know was totally meaningless so she felt
1.28 that let me just go with my husband
1.28 and is it possible yes
1.28 after
1.28 death the subtle body actually leaves
1.28 the
1.28 body and the subtle body of the wife can
1.28 meet the subtle body of the husband and
1.28 go to the next
1.28 destination so here prad is giving
1.28 another example that uh he saw
1.28 himself that a doctor died and his wife
1.28 wife wanted to be wanted to go with her
1.28 husband and while the husband&;s body was
1.28 being taken in A
1.28 procession the wife&;s body also she&;s
1.28 alive but she&;s also taken that means no
1.28 pressure no compulsion just she&;s just
1.28 uh voluntarily going with her husband PR
1.28 witnessed it himself so that is how it
1.28 used to be not just
1.28 rakasa ritual that you know because your
1.28 husband died now you have to
1.28 go why
1.28 force in this way it&;s voluntary in vic
1.28 time it was
1.28 voluntary like we can see kunti and
1.28 madri they actually argu I mean they&;re
1.28 contesting with each other who has the
1.28 bigger who has the greater right to go
1.28 with a husband to become a
1.28 Sai anyway so VI culture is spiritual
1.28 culture from Material perspective we
1.28 won&;t be able to understand it in order
1.28 to understand the Vic culture you have
1.28 to we have to assess it from the
1.28 spiritual
1.28 perspective what will uplift the
1.28 spirit and what will degrade the spirit
1.28 soul that is the
1.28 consideration they had the clear
1.28 understand
1.28 understanding what&;s to be done for
1.28 Spiritual advancement and they would do
1.28 that like nowadays we can see uh like
1.28 when the young
1.28 boys uh who has very bright
1.28 future they become full-time devotees
1.28 join the temples
1.28 and people consider why he is he is
1.28 a engineer from such a
1.28 uh such a prestigious College he has
1.28 such a nice opportunity to get earn so
1.28 much money look what&;s he doing wasting
1.28 his life joining har
1.28 Krishna but because they think that way
1.28 because they don&;t understand the
1.28 importance of spiritual life uh by
1.28 earning money making a lot of money and
1.28 getting big position and all for how
1.28 long will that
1.28 last only as long as we have this
1.28 body but then
1.28 what therefore the first consideration
1.28 is are you going to die at some point
1.28 who can say
1.28 no and then the consideration is when we
1.28 die does everything end at the time or
1.28 something
1.28 continues so if it
1.28 continues what how to
1.28 secure that phase of my life beyond
1.28 death and intelligent consideration
1.28 should be that what is beyond death what
1.28 is going to happen Beyond
1.28 Death fine can make a lot of money
1.28 enjoying this world fine but then
1.28 what so those who are really
1.28 intelligent they can understand the
1.28 spiritual the value of spiritual
1.28 practice they recognize the value of
1.28 spiritual life and therefore they
1.28 function on that platform with that
1.28 understanding now those who don&;t have
1.28 the understanding of the spiritual
1.28 reality they
1.28 cannot they cannot understand that and
1.28 they get surprised why they are doing
1.28 that there&;s a boy from Los
1.28 Angeles he is from a very very wealthy
1.28 family and they have a big mansion
1.28 in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills is the
1.28 most prestigious area in Los
1.28 Angeles
1.28 and the one area one part of that thing
1.28 so that Villa was his
1.28 domain like I he&;s my disciple so I used
1.28 I went to their house I used to know the
1.28 mother very
1.28 well so initi nearly when he let he
1.28 became a
1.28 devotee he became a devotee
1.28 and joined the Los Angeles Temple and
1.28 the temple atmosphere like four
1.28 brahmacharis in one
1.28 room so his mother came and she was
1.28 shocked to see how he was
1.28 living but he would not go back
1.28 like the mother couldn&;t understand why
1.28 he left that opulent
1.28 luxurious Arrangement at home and he&;s
1.28 living here in a small little room four
1.28 boys staying in one
1.28 room now of course later on she actually
1.28 understood like she recognized that you
1.28 know
1.28 like he what he has done
1.28 and I mean it was a right thing to
1.28 do and she she was
1.28 so she became so kind
1.28 of uh I mean she understood the
1.28 philosophy or the things so
1.28 well that one time this boy wanted to
1.28 get married I don&;t want to mention his
1.28 name many of you know him actually
1.28 he wanted to get married and his mother
1.28 was upset why you want to get
1.28 married like you have taken to this
1.28 life
1.28 then
1.28 uh I spoke to her I said look if he
1.28 wants to get married let him get
1.28 married she asked me will you ever get
1.28 married I said no because I have taken
1.28 an order where I can&;t go back but he&;s
1.28 a young boy he&;s a brahmachari
1.28 brahmacharis get married but sasis
1.28 cannot then he say if a sasi cannot get
1.28 married shouldn&;t get married then why
1.28 should a brahmachari get
1.28 married I mean that was wonderful
1.28 actually she was very very she to
1.28 understood Krishna Consciousness very
1.28 nicely so this is how like when you look
1.28 at it from the material perspective you
1.28 can&;t understand when you look at it
1.28 from spiritual perspec perspective it
1.28 becomes
1.28 clear so this is what Krishna
1.28 Consciousness
1.28 is a devote understand what&;s what&;s
1.28 beneficial for his spiritual advancement
1.28 in that respect there&;s a very nice
1.28 example given by gurun
1.28 nanak gurun nanak used to go to
1.28 sometimes Sly people are invited in even
1.28 in rich people&;s house so he was was
1.28 invited to a very rich man&;s
1.28 house and he saw in front of the house
1.28 there are many
1.28 flags so he asked what are these flags
1.28 for so then he was told that when this
1.28 person collects 10,000 gold coins he
1.28 puts one
1.28 flag you can well imagine how much money
1.28 he had so many
1.28 flags oh he didn&;t say anything while he
1.28 was
1.28 leaving he told
1.28 he told that man the owner of the
1.28 house he gave him a
1.28 needle and can you please keep this
1.28 needle for me I&;ll come sometime and
1.28 collect it from
1.28 you so he said he asked when will you
1.28 collected from
1.28 me in my next
1.28 life so gurunanak said no that man said
1.28 how am I going to carry this needle to
1.28 my next life so gurunanak said oh you
1.28 want be able to carry this needle how
1.28 are you going to carry all this gold
1.28 with
1.28 you and he understood he got the
1.28 message and he became his
1.28 follower so this is the as the influence
1.28 of a Association of a Sly person if we
1.28 appro if he properly except the in the
1.28 the advantage of this
1.28 Association moment&;s
1.28 Association can transform us and take us
1.28 to the spiritual
1.28 platform s achieve ultimate
1.28 Perfection so that&;s the bottom line
1.28 nothing will be able to carry after
1.28 death in the next life there there&;s a
1.28 next life but we won&;t be able to carry
1.28 anything with
1.28 us the only thing that will go with us
1.28 is our attachment to
1.28 Krishna because that is with the spirit
1.28 soul and whatever is with the spirit
1.28 soul we&;ll go with the spirit
1.28 Soul whatever is belong to the body we
1.28 have to leave behind when we leave the
1.28 body
1.28 that reminds me of another
1.28 example this is with
1.28 Jesus some there was a conspir
1.28 conspiracy the the the Jewish uh
1.28 uh uh priests uh they were trying to get
1.28 Jesus because they saw that Jesus is a
1.28 threat to their business
1.28 in the temple they were just running
1.28 their
1.28 business and Jesus came and he stopped
1.28 it all I mean
1.28 just and so they were trying to get him
1.28 so once they thought at that time
1.28 Palestine was under the Roman
1.28 Empire so they thought that they&;ll
1.28 frame
1.28 Jesus as a rebel against the king so
1.28 they gave him some
1.28 coins and
1.28 asked Jesus Jesus whom should we give
1.28 this coin to me meaning who should we
1.28 pay the
1.28 tax so they were expecting that Jesus
1.28 would say that don&;t pay to the Roman uh
1.28 Empire Roman
1.28 King
1.28 Caesar rather and then they would say
1.28 well see Jesus is
1.28 provoking everyone to go against the
1.28 king and so that was their
1.28 plan but what was Jesus&;s
1.28 answer Jesus&;s answer was give unto
1.28 Caesar that belongs to Caesar and give
1.28 unto God what belongs to
1.28 him such a beautiful answer give unto
1.28 Caesar what&;s of Caesar give unto God
1.28 what&;s of
1.28 God so this is the sentle person&;s
1.28 advice ADV we just always go into the
1.28 spiritual uh by the Association we get
1.28 the understanding of the spiritual
1.28 reality and the importance of staying in
1.28 the spiritual
1.28 path okay some
1.28 questions parameswari radhika deidi gur
1.28 it&;s say yeah gurug grah sorry not gurug
1.28 anymore har Guru Maharaj as you said
1.28 that women followed their husband&;s
1.28 death by burning themselves as they
1.28 understood the highest purpose of life
1.28 can you explain that this action and how
1.28 is it the highest purpose of
1.28 life not highest purpose of
1.28 life the thing is that those days the
1.28 wives used to be so attached to their
1.28 husband that when the husband died their
1.28 world became empty
1.28 that&;s how you feel when uh you are
1.28 deeply in love with
1.28 someone like I have experienced it when
1.28 prad left my world became completely
1.28 empty for quite some time it was like
1.28 that
1.28 like
1.28 and so so that is the thing like the
1.28 wives used to be so much in love with
1.28 the husband that the her whole life
1.28 actually revolved around the
1.28 husband and that&;s why when the husband
1.28 died they felt she felt that was a use
1.28 of my continuing better let me also go
1.28 with him and they had that faith that
1.28 they would be able to go with the
1.28 husband because where the attachment is
1.28 one goes
1.28 there ramama Mand
1.28 Das ramama Mand
1.28 Das okay Guru Maharaj please accept my
1.28 humble obediences can you please explain
1.28 what happened to the residence of earth
1.28 when Earth fell in lower region and if
1.28 Earth was in lower region where did
1.28 hiran shipu and other demon
1.28 live yeah well when that happened we
1.28 have to understand that there was a
1.28 total
1.28 Destruction everything
1.28 was so everything was
1.28 finished where they lived there seven
1.28 there are 14 planetary
1.28 systems if one planet goes there are 13
1.28 other planets to be
1.28 in seven lower and another seven
1.28 higher
1.28 so the demons are generally in the lower
1.28 planetary system so we have to
1.28 understand that hiranaka was in a lower
1.28 planetary system patala Loca but the
1.28 thing is they had the ability to go
1.28 anywhere they could go to the Heavenly
1.28 planet
1.28 also and fight with the
1.28 demigods okay so these are the questions
1.28 from the
1.28 internet any question here
1.28 yes har Maharaj please accept my humble
1.28 obes it&;s not working the
1.28 [Music]
1.28 mic har
1.28 ball yeah har Krishna Maharaj please
1.28 accept my humble
1.28 obediences I wanted to know uh why was
1.28 uh Saha
1.28 Mar was why was it like initially
1.28 glorified
1.28 and then later now for example if you
1.28 have children so was it a right approach
1.28 that you uh have to give up your life
1.28 along with your husband when the husband
1.28 dies why was glorifying yes those days
1.28 yeah because you know
1.28 the those
1.28 days you know the understanding was I
1.28 mean it&;s a general understanding
1.28 understanding that the wife should be
1.28 completely you
1.28 know committed to her
1.28 husband it is considered that it is one
1.28 person in two
1.28 bodies the wife let me finish the wife
1.28 is considered to be
1.28 ardhangini the half the body of the
1.28 person is the wife and other half is the
1.28 husband and it is because of their love
1.28 for each other that they
1.28 uh you know like created such bond that
1.28 when the husband left the wife felt that
1.28 it was not worthwhile because what&;s the
1.28 use of my life now but of course another
1.28 thing is if there were
1.28 children you know then they wouldn&;t go
1.28 be follow the husband unless the
1.28 children are Tau secured properly right
1.28 just like with the case of kunti and M
1.28 madri they were consider
1.28 who will take care of the children and
1.28 why it is not glorified now is because
1.28 it became a very brutal practice the
1.28 wife those days it was
1.28 voluntary it&;s voluntarily you know it
1.28 was a part of the Chastity you know
1.28 that&;s how they consider Chastity means
1.28 you know the attachment Soul attachment
1.28 to the husband but when it become a
1.28 brutal practice forcibly forcing them
1.28 forcibly throwing them in the you know
1.28 funeral P that&;s why it was rejected
1.28 and all
1.28 right you from Goa also okay very
1.28 good so no but actually they say no if
1.28 if the soul is means if the somebody is
1.28 killed before its lifespan then it has
1.28 to come again
1.28 to uh finish his life again so if the
1.28 lady is it is like suicide only if a if
1.28 anybody commits suicide then again he
1.28 has to come to spend that remaining
1.28 hours remaining years of life so here
1.28 also same thing no if the lady goes with
1.28 husband yeah yes she&;s coming back with
1.28 her
1.28 husband that&;s the understanding I&;ll
1.28 come back with my husband right but here
1.28 of course it&;s a very good point you
1.28 actually brought up you see chitan Maha
1.28 pru gave us another dimension of
1.28 understanding pure spiritual
1.28 understanding those days the
1.28 understanding was that a wife should be
1.28 solely attached and to
1.28 husband but chaitan Maha pru gave us an
1.28 understanding that a living entity
1.28 should be solely attached to
1.28 Krishna and that is what Krishna
1.28 displayed in his past time
1.28 the gopies are not interested in the
1.28 husband they&;re interested in Krishna
1.28 right so that is the ultimate
1.28 consideration but this a secondary moral
1.28 consideration that what was being
1.28 practiced those
1.28 days so for the sake of Krishna yeah
1.28 this is the bottom line like the wife is
1.28 so attached the the Perfection of one&;s
1.28 chastity
1.28 is to be completely connected to the
1.28 husband
1.28 right but that is a materialistic
1.28 consideration the greater
1.28 consideration uh higher consideration is
1.28 the Chastity towards Krishna and for the
1.28 sake of Krishna one is prepared to give
1.28 up
1.28 everything all right you also from
1.28 Goa oh you from okay okay thank you when
1.28 did you
1.28 come
1.28 grou oh Goa group only very good thank
1.28 you Yes
1.28 Man
1.28 huh yeah brahmanas also could have more
1.28 W the thing is that you see uh having
1.28 more wives those days was okay uh
1.28 uh but in this age it is
1.28 forbidden uh for not really forbidden
1.28 but it&;s not the you know a person
1.28 cannot maintain even
1.28 himself
1.28 so another thing is that even with one
1.28 wife he cannot
1.28 continue after some time you know
1.28 husband goes this way wife goes that
1.28 way so in age of K everything has become
1.28 so faral you
1.28 know thank
1.28 you so I&;ll end now thank you all very
1.28 much all glories to Shila
1.28 prad and uh the group
1.28 from
1.28 Goa I wish you all the best and I also
1.28 wish that you&;ll have a very very
1.28 pleasant and fruitful stay here and
1.28 you&;ll be here for how many
1.28 days you&;re living today only what
1.28 time in the
1.28 afternoon why did you come with such a
1.28 for such a short
1.28 time
1.28 days to oh okay okay okay anyway I&;m
1.28 very happy to meet you
1.28 and come again all of you please come
1.28 again
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