YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
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La durée (00:54:30s) de la vidéo, le titre (The Cost of Sexual Sin « This Message addresses the cost factor of sexual immorality. Sexual impurity causes every person to lose more than the individual can gain.
the only antidote for immorality is simply « »flee » »
The Cost of Sexual Sin || Apostle Seth El-Richardson || Alignment and Consecration Series ».
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Le Moyen Âge a souvent lié la chasteté aux valeurs morales. Le pouvoir médiéval voyait dans la chasteté un moyen de réguler la société.
Dans de nombreuses cultures, la chasteté des femmes était associée à la foi religieuse.
Les femmes médiévales étaient soumises à une grande valorisation de la chasteté. Avant le mariage, la virginité et la fidélité après étaient des principes clés, fortement encouragés par l’Église. Les femmes étaient perçues comme les gardiennes de la pureté et la chasteté était essentielle pour assurer la légitimité des héritiers.
Les chevaliers ont modifié leurs pratiques de chasteté en réponse aux croisades.
Avant leur départ pour les croisades, les chevaliers européens prenaient souvent des vœux de chasteté, pensant que cela affermissait leur pureté morale et spirituelle pour les préparant mieux à la guerre sainte.
Dans les ordres monastiques, la chasteté était imposée comme une règle essentielle de la vie religieuse.
Les vœux de chasteté étaient un aspect central de la vie des bénédictins, des cisterciens et des chevaliers teutoniques, entre autres ordres médiévaux. Les religieux médiévaux voyaient la chasteté comme un moyen de transcender les plaisirs mondains et d’atteindre une hauteur spirituelle. Les légendes médiévales mettent en lumière le rôle crucial de la chasteté dans les sphères religieuses, morales, et sociales. Les récits de ceintures de chasteté, les vœux solennels avant les croisades, et les luttes personnelles montrent comment la chasteté était un concept clé, enveloppé de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les anecdotes médiévales montrent que la chasteté était un outil de contrôle, de pouvoir, et de quête spirituelle dans un monde souvent en conflit entre le physique et le spirituel.
Équipements pour les hommes et les femmes : La bataille contre la masturbation et les premiers dispositifs de chasteté.
À l’époque victorienne, la masturbation était considérée comme une menace grave pour le bien-être physique et mental. Les médecins et les moralistes de l’époque étaient en faveur de mesures sévères pour contrer ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». Cette situation a favorisé l’élaboration et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté pour les deux genres. À l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses personnes pratiquent la chasteté pour diverses raisons, et des services de coaching existent pour les accompagner c’est le cas de
Le Moyen Âge est réputé pour l’image des ceintures de chasteté. En réalité, l’histoire montre une image différente.
Le lien entre la période médiévale et les ceintures de chasteté est souvent établi. Néanmoins, cette association repose largement sur des légendes médiévales tardives. La légende dit que les croisés enfermaient leurs femmes dans des ceintures de chasteté. Les ceintures de chasteté servaient à préserver la fidélité des épouses des croisés. Cette croyance s’est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif par le biais de récits et d’illustrations. Il n’y a que peu de preuves historiques pour appuyer l’existence de cette pratique.
Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée :
Les époques de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques.
Dans les sociétés grecque et romaine, la chasteté était fréquemment liée à la pureté et à la vertu. Cependant, la chasteté n’était pas habituellement imposée par des dispositifs physiques comme des ceintures de chasteté. La notion de chasteté était plutôt ancrée dans des croyances spirituelles et religieuses. Dans la Rome antique, les Vestales, dévouées à Vesta, risquaient la mort si elles perdaient leur virginité. Cela représente un cas extrême de chasteté imposée par des institutions.
La civilisation égyptienne ancienne a joué un rôle clé dans le développement de l’histoire.
En Égypte antique, la chasteté était un choix personnel fait par les prêtres et prêtresses. Ils pensaient que l’abstinence rendait leur pouvoir spirituel plus fort. On ne dispose d’aucune preuve matérielle prouvant l’utilisation de dispositifs physiques pour maintenir la chasteté. La gestion de la sexualité était principalement une question de discipline personnelle. Les coutumes religieuses avaient aussi un impact sur la discipline sexuelle.
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#Cost #Sexual #Sin #Apostle #Seth #ElRichardson #Alignment #Consecration #Series
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] thank you for watching kindly like comment and subscribe click on the notification Bell so you can be alerted anytime a new video is uploaded and please don’t forget share and be a blessing to someone God richly bless you Shalom J yes 1 Samuel 21 tonight I said I am going to be teaching on sexual sin or sexual Purity I should have written sexual Purity I don’t know why I wrote s MH yes I want to actually talk about sexual Purity not sexual sin all right Samuel 21 1 26 all right David and the holy bread now David came to no the ahim to aimc the priest and aimc was afraid when he met David and said to him why are you alone and no one is with you so David said to a the priest the King has ordered me on some business and said to me do not let anyone know anything about the business on which I send you or what I have commanded you and I have directed my young men to such and to such a place now therefore what have you on hand give me five loaves of bread in my hand or whatever you can find or can be found and the priest answered David and said there is no common bread on hand but there is Holy bread if the young men have at least kept them themselves from women then David answered the priest and said to them truly women have been kept from us we did not even get the chance hey you truly women have been kept from us about 3 days since I came out and the vessels of the young men are holy Holiness imposed and the bread is in effect is in effect common even though it was consecrated to the vessel this day so the priest gave him holy bread for there was no bread that there was no bread there but the show bread which had been taken from before the Lord in order to put hot bread in his place on the day when it was taken away okay praise the Lord believe I want to do justice to scriptures tonight and it’s a very interesting section we are going to be enjoy this section I I want to begin by saying [Music] something when God wants to separate you into great work with him you see I have seen sometimes people can even be offended that why can’t all of us or why can’t we all Ascend into highest I have said that you used to be one of my diseases I used to think that all of us are chasing the same thing so you um we should all be lifted and in fact anything that God was speaking to me I was very quick to share it with others because to me we are all going to the same direction and if the Lord say something that will help me you hearing it will also help you for you to make a certain adjustments as we keep going but when I have begun to grow in the faith I’ve come to realize that we are all not chasing the same thing even though we may all have the same direction but we may not all have the same destination are you getting what I’m saying have you seeing that when you are on the highway driving you can all be going 95 but on the way going you will see that some will exit 41 some will exit 52 but your exit you see you can have someone right in front of you and the person is even racing you on the highway and yet their exit is different from yours yes we are all not going the so when God wants to now separate you from the company that you keep there is something called the oil of consecration the oil that set you apart from everybody else and that is the oil That Came Upon Aaron and his sons God said anoint Aon and his sons consecrate these ones and make them priest that they may minister to me MH so the oil of consecration comes to your head to set you apart from the company you were growing up with now what I’m saying may not sound nice and may sound sometimes even prideful but that is how it has been done in scripture over the years you cannot keep the same company you see and do the same thing and everybody see something different it doesn’t happen like that when you are to do something uncommon there will be a point you will be separated and that separation is not going to be easy because nobody likes extreme changes even the friends you have will begin to think that why are you behaving nowadays as if something you are something else that we are not we all grew up together do you get what I’m saying but what you have now began to chase may not be what they are chasing or at most they may not be open to the level of revelation that you have now you see David being pursued by Saul and all that comes with it made a covenant with Jonathan and departed he wanted to go meet Samuel he went to the priest aimik now this is the Bible pick it by one by one [Music] verse one now David came to Knob to a the priest now David came to KN to aemc the priest so knob simply means a high place you see knob simply means a high place can you hear me yes sir okay no simply means a high place no also simply means prophecy so either way you are interpreting it you are still getting the same thing David was on his way to a higher place or David was also on his way to a place of the prophetic or the place of Destiny or you can also bring it to an understanding he was pursuing the prophetic is it making sense now oh yes okay so David was on his way to a higher ground than he is used to and he went and met with a himc the name aimc simply means brother of a king we know abim is a king so aimc is brother of a king so we know who is the brother of a king who is the king of kings Jesus the Lord Jesus and who is the brother of the king the Holy Spirit okay so now here is the thing D David went on the high place to meet with the spirit or to encounter the Holy Spirit down now when he encountered the Holy Spirit what was his request and aimc was afraid yes and ahc was afraid go on when he met David and said to him why are you alone and no one is with you you see that I just said that I just said something about Consecration and separation now I’m about to teach I just want us to read the Bible and then I’ll start from there you see Consecration and separation David was with other people but the him said why are you alone but yet when you read through you you realize that the answer there were people with him mhm but then a said why are you alone H the Journey of Purity is a lonely Journey uh go on I’ll come there I’ll come there so David said to him like the priest the king had ordered me has ordered me on some business and said to me okay do not let anyone know anything about the business on which I send you or what have what I have commanded you and I have directed my young men to such and to such a place okay so let’s start from here if I want to go and I’ll have to come back many times let’s start from here you see David met with aim mic which is the spirit and David is going to be asking for bread and David was very specific to ask for how many loaves of bread five Lo of bread five yes he asks exactly for now that we know also know that the number five is the number number what is Grace okay so is see everything he is asking is what many young men and young women are also asking we all go to the Holy Spirit and we are looking for Grace an ability from God to do the uncommon thing that’s why I said knob is a high ground or the place of the prophetic and we all go to the Holy Spirit to ask for the same thing you see okay and then he asked and aim said what you are asking for there’s no problem just that what I have is a hallowed bread so what will qualify you for the hallowed bread is at least if you have abstained from women so there’s number one thing I want you see David went up to a high place that’s number one he met with the brother of the king that’s number two he he and then in the message he began to say that there is an assignment the King has given unto me in other words he was already into the king’s assignment or we may want to say he was already into Ministry see there’s an assignment I have received from the King okay and when he went there he he began to pursue for Grace this is all there is to young men in Ministry and to young women in Ministry do you understand yes sir yes he began to pursue give me Grace to be able to heal to be able to prophesy to be able to do miracles to be able to speak wisdom give me Grace and the Holy Spirit said to the young man the problem is not in the accent the problem is that what I have is a hallowed bread it’s a hallowed bread you see let me say this one before I can there is no there is no gift or Grace God gives for fun are you listening yes sir there is no gift that is for sure so if in case you are pursuing the grace of God so you can demonstrate that you can do something you you better start thinking H H because he said what I have is a hallowed bread there is no common bread here here is the place of the priest we don’t deal with common breast common common bread here everything I have is a hallowed bread but I want you to pay attention to what I’m teaching tonight because I will start very soon and I need you to pay attention you see and David said David said something in the verse five then David answered the priest and said to him truly women have been kept from us about 3 days since I came out the vessels of the young men are holy and the bread is in effect common even though it was consecrated in the vess so this day the bread was a common bread David is saying this bread was a common bread just that it was Sanctified today that is why it has become a hallowed bread if it was not Sanctified today it wouldn’t be called hell bread I don’t know if you understand what I want to say H okay you see aim said that what I have is a hallowed bread a holy bread and David is saying what you have is a common bread just that it was Sanctified today the qualification for higher Realms with God is the ability not to be defiled the defiling or what we may the reason I wrote the dangers of sexual sin oh sexual Purity I I said I’m talking about sexual Purity is that I will come to sexual Purity but see the bread that a is given a said it’s a hallowed bread but David said it’s a common bread you just Sanctified it today that simply means that the Hess of the bread is not in the bread you don’t understand the the Hess of the gift is not in the gift it is in who you collected it from oh my goodness [Music] so the giting you have or the gifting you are receiving from aik if you did not receive a himik and you only receive the gift from aimc the gift in itself is not [Music] hallowed what is hallowed is the one you are receiving it from so you can receive the prophetic anointing and be Unholy and still prophesy that is dangerous you can no no no no no no see you can receive the healing anointing from the Holy Spirit walk away from him go and and be healing and he yet the gift is not hallowed the what makes the gift hallowed is the giver not the gift are you paying attention so oh yes that is why sometimes you will see that a young man can receive a Grace from God and be doubl in all kinds of promiscuity and you are wait if this young man if this young woman is this gifted the the danger of sexual sin is that when you are in that state everybody begins to think that what you are doing is hallowed and yet the gift in itself is not hallowed M oh boy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you see that is the deception so uh the idea is okay why is it that I can not me you see you someone can jump out of sexual immorality and all of a sudden begin to do great things in the meeting that is what David say you see he said the gift in itself is common just that you hallowed it now that is all there is in that message that I wanted to find I was you see yesterday I said I was going to talk about sexual Purity I didn’t even know where I was going to prepare the message from I was working today and as I was worshiping the Lord he said talk about about David and his hallowed men before I came to read it this evening before I came to read it and when I sat here and I was reading he began to explain to me said the gift in itself is not the hallowed part of this message but you see when you read this scripture and you are quick in Reading you would begin to think that the blood the bread is a hallowed bread you will see that that is the first initial thought but then as you begin to take the time to read as the spirit of the Lord begins to help you you begin to realize that the gift the bread is not the hallowed it is only hallowed because of the one who gave it my God that is is why you can see many people they will be doubling in things and still things good things are still happening with their gifts when they stand and they are sinking the place is shaking but right from there they jump onto sexual immorality and they keep going and they keep going what makes the gift hallowed is The Giver is the giver Paul said that what is that scripture 1 Corinthians 6:8 did don’t know that your body is the Temple of the Living God yes 1 Corinthians 6:8 shall pleas sexual immorality M every sin that a man does is outside the body but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body or do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God 18 okay yeah flee sexual immorality okay okay okay read the again again okay flee sexual immorality for every sin that a man does is outside the body but he who commits sexual immorality sin against his own body or do you not know that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and you are not your own you see everything sin a man commits is outside the body but the one he commits with sex sexual immorality when I talk about sexual immorality I’m talking about perversion perversion is adultery fornication masturbation uh lesbianism gay transgender whatever everything pertaining to ungodly sex is sexual immorality you get what I’m saying yes sir everything even in marriage I have said here before as the Lord said to us even in marriage if you sleep with the woman through her behind not through her behind as in the other hand I’m talking about I’m talking about the using the Anor that is that is onod that is perversion that is perversion that is against nature yes an sex is ungodly I don’t know what you’re are looking for I don’t know what you’re looking for okay let’s let’s put that one so see any form of sin any any form of sin a person comes is not against the body but sexual immorality let me explain the reason why sexual immorality is more dangerous than any other sin sexual immorality it is when a person commits sexual immorality and the person is gifted the person can still function in the gift because the sexual immorality does not cause you to lose the gift the sexual immorality does not cause you to lose the gift what sexual what immorality does it it shuts down your authorization are you back that’s sir what sexual immorality does it shuts down your authorization so okay you see that the young man is going about sleeping with young lady is or the young lady is going about sleeping with me but can still stand and perform very well the functioning of the gift is different from being an authority in the gift H you can perform very well but you are not an authority to become you see because in the spiritual realm how vast you spread in the spirit in the your first measurement your first measurement of in the spirit I am bringing one message into this teachings and I I have tried not to bring the message here try not to bring because a message if I start I can’t stop the the vastness of your place of occupation in the spirit is dependent not on your prayer only but on your Purity level your vastness the first measurement of a great man of God as God said in scriptures that’s why I said I don’t want to bring this message here it’s too long is how pure you are it’s not about how you can preach or how you can fast or how you can pray or how you can do any gift how pure how pure you are so your Purity level level is your realm of authority your Purity level is not in the realm of the anointing do you understand am I teaching everybody or like this if you are hallowed you qualify for hallowed bread yes and I’m saying the hallowed bread it is not the bread that is hallowed it is The Giver of the bread that makes the bread hallowed Holy Spirit the holy so the more pure you are the more of the Holy Spirit you [Music] have that is what makes you an authority in the spirit so if a man is excessively gifted but is doubling in all kinds of things you realize that this person can perform very well even the gift can make room for the person and the person will start going into places and be invited into places but such a one can never become an authority in that gift you can never become a because your stakeholdership in the Realms of the spirit is dependent upon how you are not defile let me give you a clear example and this example is according to my level May the angels not be offended and may the Holy Spirit not be offended you see I don’t think I can give this it’s too big for me it’s too big for me you see so there comes a point where you are to be lifted above your peers what God measures in your lifting above your PE is not in the gift H H read it Psalm 45:7 45 Psalm 45 and verse 7 you love righteousness and hate wickedness therefore God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions what did God check to anoint you above your companions H you love righteousness and ha love righteousness and hated iniquity that that is that is the first measurement H if you qualify for that’s why David is going to a place a high place a place of a prophetic Destiny oh Jesus and what he is asking for he’s being measured he’s asking for Grace Grace and he is being measured on Holiness holiness it is not that you cannot be gifted pay attention to what I’m saying you can receive the gift but what makes the gift hallowed is the giver thank you Lord that is why sexual immorality is a disease because you see it doesn’t take away the gift from you it silences your voice in the gift oh yeah so if you are gifted with any ability and you commit sexual sin even once you are standing there Ministry within you you know I don’t qualify to be here you within you you know no mhm but you see that the gift will be working and if it gets to a point whereby the person walks over and realizes that oh even I can keep doing and the gift is there keep doing it gets to a point is see the Bible said that they became Harden in their house so God gave them up to their reprobate mind because he could no more prompt them his prompting was meaningless to them do you know how many young men listen if you like let’s get to Ghana now out of 100 preachers about 80 of them can prophesy H go to ATA mountains everybody can see almost every everybody can see but how is it that only few people become High Flyers and Giants and most of those people don’t even prophesy H the Hess of the gift the Hess that strength you have in using the gift is in the Hess of the gift h i intentionally placed alignment and consecration after the conference intentionally so that right after the conference we will come back with the consciousness of alignment and cons because I already knew what God was going to do but he had already said many things he was going to do but may our heart not be lifted above our level intentionally the Purity may you see I I said yesterday that there are four main areas that a person should always check I think where is it four main areas where a person should check their purity all the time number one is their salvation Salvation you always want to examine yourself if you you still have the joy of your salvation Salvation now means like I go to church you always want to examine that very well and then purity of money have you given yourself to the pursuit of money and left your relationship with God it has to always be checked do you now prefer to give excuses to the prayer time so you can make more money and uh today uh someone I think yesterday when I was sharing the link I said don’t sleep come and pray and someone said I said I’m not saying oh you know I have death to pay I okay huh I also know that there was a time you were in Ghana you didn’t even have a debt and you were praying I also know yes few days ago you got to UK now you are telling me you you oh so you you don’t have time to pray hey hey h Lord help us oh help us you have debt to pay are you kidding me when you didn’t have debt were you not eating praise the Lord I mean know just by the way praise the Lord you see Hallelujah yes place of money always examine yourself how am I pursuing have I given myself to the pursuit of money at the expense of my relationship with the Lord and number three place you check all the time is the one we are talking about sexual Purity sexual purity always do am I paying attention to one young woman more than necessary no no master but not be fire wow so it must be fully examine do you understand am I giving attention to the the young man more than necessary it has to be checked and the last thing is the purity of marriage oh that one is another sermon if these four areas number one the place of Salvation that is spirituality the place of Purity that sexual Purity in particular the place of money and in the place of purity of marriage it has to be fully examined all the time you check am I in line as to what the scripture said concerning treating my spouse or I have gone with the Social Media Group H some men believe that you know you can do whatever you want to a woman you can slap her if you feel like but in this age ah yes the height in God is for hallowed men are we pursuing higher Realms with God are we pursuing great things with God are we pursuing higher anointings you see usually when we are praying maybe the angels will be quiet for a second until maybe we are done praying and I want to talk to them and then they start on but even as I have been teaching throughout this session his hand has been upon me throughout the session even before we began the session even throughout deis you have to understand the place of Purity is very important may we not get to a point where we are so contaminated so contaminated that you see we are given to immorality Jesus yes right now that nobody knows you that much there’s not really much going on around you sometimes you feel so secure but may doors one door be open you Mee and you see one young lady that looks just like your wife but has something your wife doesn’t have you know one lady one young man that looks like your taste this and this and this and that and before you know it you start having reasonable excuses and some even get to a point of developing scriptures to back their sin hey any height you are going in God sexual immorality can silence your voice in any realm it will not take the gift from you get that very clear it will not take the gift from you it will disqualify your strength in the gift so they will get to a point where you see that even though the angels are there the spirit of the Lord they are talking but you don’t feel like listening because you know you are impure [Music] damn time will not help me on this message cuz this one this one is there are two prayer points that I wrote down and I believe today is the last day we are dealing with alignment and Consecration and then tomorrow I think we will pray Worship the Lord yes write this prayer point if you are able to and that is the last two prayer points I think Saturday we’ll be praying okay we’ll pray them on Saturday we’ll be doing a 10 hour shedding Saturday so we’ll be praying I can bring them yes I need a flyer yes I make the flyer right after yes yes please there are reals in God for all of us to go are you hallowed it is not the gift there are many who don’t prophesy and they have giant Ministries nobody prophesies in the Roman Catholic church and the ministry is 1,500 years old no Bishop dep is doesn’t prophesy at the Ministries around the world Pap professor and the ministry is around Church of Pentecost there is not personal prophecies there and the ministry is all over the world Lighthouse Chapel the leader of the church doesn’t professor and the ministry is all over action chap Bishop Dam doesn’t professor and the ministry is all I’m not saying this men don’t prophesy of course they speak the Mind Of God I’m talking about the the the word of knowledge and then Word of Wisdom in the prophetic yeah as we see these days was what some of us agrees to do you see but the ministry goes around the world are you H I think when I was listening to um James koala it jamesa the the guy that was sharing his testimony yeah yeah and he was talking about Dr Maceo when he was to visit one of I think Nigeria or something yeah and they were told to vacate the place 21 days ahead of time and 21 days after the visit is the passing by of no that one is not anointing H that one is Purity Purity the man is not defiled so you cannot get close to him [Music] H that’s why I think I heard the same of WF Kim y mm yes man of God one of my greatest prayers I don’t want a Ministry where people are cheating here and there messing up here and there we can work and make our own money there’s no need to be stealing and be be be boxing people to give anything all we M we can get one job two jobs whatever job we want to do and start building things with the money few days to come M so there is I want a pure solid life with God yes not a Ministry where there is popularity here you this and this and then today you are insulting this you are lambasting no a pure walk with God a pure work with God that is my greatest desire a pure walk with God whereby my life I am not pretending to be speaking outside be performing Miracles outside and then when I get home I don’t know how to talk to my wife I don’t know how to treat my wife and no no no no no no what kind of pretense is that hm H what kind of pretense is that that Ministry where the joy of Salvation is still in you yes I pray for you in the name of Jesus re amen may the Lord grace us with the strength to be pure amen if there is one thing I desire one thing I desire Lord and that is my prayer for life may I know only one woman all the days of my life amen one woman the woman I have married and that is it may there not be any reason or any how anywhere thank you Lord pure work pure work oh holy spirit Lord help us Lord the grace is for hallowed men there are hallowed bread God has but it is for those who have kept themselves pure when you see men like Prophet Angel Prophet maanda Apostle listen there are certain Realms these men are climbing you cannot do that with immorality or you think if you like check their lives mhm examine very a man like Prophet mandua you barely see him anywhere y barely see him anywhere and check the depth of Revelations the depth of understanding the encounters H do you think the angels will be standing there and you are messing around messing around messing around h ah oh help us may the Lord help us to walk in absolute Purity in the name of Jesus yes some of you as even as I’m talking have already given your offering left and right I don’t know how many that’s a whole lot I don’t know okay um if where where is the where is the where is the channel lift up your offering let me pray lift up your offering yes the Lord bless your seed the Lord multiply you the Lord replenish your increase even as you give May the same Lord give unto you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Amen I pray go ahead go ahead and give your offering the Lord bless you I pray that may we have the strength to walk with God in all pess amen amen I don’t know if you’re able to understand everything I was saying today Holy Spirit helping us I wish you were able to get me the Lord bless you the Lord keep you Elder you are welcome thank you papa you’re welcome you have missed the P three days and I understand another church meeting yes God bless everyone God willing tomorrow tomorrow 9 to 10 Shalom have a good [Music] night thank you for watching kindly like comment and subscribe click on the notification Bell so you can be alerted anytime a new video is uploaded and please don’t forget share and be a blessing to someone God richly bless you shalom .
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2.13 [Music]
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2.13 notification Bell so you can be alerted
2.13 anytime a new video is uploaded and
2.13 please don&;t forget share and be a
2.13 blessing to someone God richly bless you
2.13 Shalom J
2.13 yes 1 Samuel
2.13 21 tonight I said I am going to be
2.13 teaching
2.13 on
2.13 sexual sin or sexual Purity I should
2.13 have written sexual Purity I don&;t know
2.13 why I wrote
2.13 s MH
2.13 yes I want to actually talk about sexual
2.13 Purity not sexual
2.13 sin all
2.13 right Samuel 21 1
2.13 26 all right David and the holy
2.13 bread now David came to no the ahim to
2.13 aimc the priest and aimc was afraid when
2.13 he met David and said to him why are you
2.13 alone and no one is with you so David
2.13 said to a the priest the King has
2.13 ordered me on some business and said to
2.13 me do not let anyone know anything about
2.13 the business on which I send you or what
2.13 I have commanded you and I have directed
2.13 my young men to such and to such a place
2.13 now therefore what have you on hand give
2.13 me five loaves of bread in my hand or
2.13 whatever you can find or can be found
2.13 and the priest answered David and said
2.13 there is no common bread on hand but
2.13 there is Holy bread if the young men
2.13 have at least kept them themselves from
2.13 women then David answered the priest and
2.13 said to them truly women have been kept
2.13 from
2.13 us we did not even get the
2.13 chance hey you
2.13 truly women have been kept from us about
2.13 3 days since I came out and the vessels
2.13 of the young men are
2.13 holy Holiness
2.13 imposed and the bread is in effect is in
2.13 effect common even though it was
2.13 consecrated to the vessel this day so
2.13 the priest gave him holy bread for there
2.13 was no bread that there was no bread
2.13 there but the show bread which had been
2.13 taken from before the Lord in order to
2.13 put hot bread in his place on the day
2.13 when it was taken
2.13 away
2.13 okay praise the Lord believe I want to
2.13 do justice to scriptures tonight
2.13 and it&;s a very interesting section we
2.13 are going to be enjoy this section I I
2.13 want to begin by saying
2.13 [Music]
2.13 something when God wants to separate you
2.13 into great work with
2.13 him you see I have seen sometimes people
2.13 can even be offended that why can&;t all
2.13 of us or why can&;t we all Ascend into
2.13 highest I have said that you used to be
2.13 one of my
2.13 diseases I used to think that all of us
2.13 are chasing the same thing
2.13 so you um we should all be lifted and in
2.13 fact anything that God was speaking to
2.13 me I was very quick to share it with
2.13 others because to me we are all going to
2.13 the same
2.13 direction and if the Lord say something
2.13 that will help me
2.13 you hearing it will also help you for
2.13 you to make a certain adjustments as we
2.13 keep going but when I have begun to grow
2.13 in the
2.13 faith I&;ve come to realize
2.13 that we are all not chasing the same
2.13 thing even though we may all have the
2.13 same
2.13 direction but we may not all have the
2.13 same destination
2.13 are you getting what I&;m saying have you
2.13 seeing that when you are on the highway
2.13 driving you can all be going
2.13 95 but on the way going you will see
2.13 that some will exit 41 some will exit
2.13 52 but your exit you see you can have
2.13 someone right in front of you and the
2.13 person is even racing you on the
2.13 highway and yet their exit is different
2.13 from yours
2.13 yes we are all not going the so when God
2.13 wants to now separate you from the
2.13 company that you keep there is something
2.13 called the oil of
2.13 consecration the oil that set you apart
2.13 from everybody else and that is the oil
2.13 That Came Upon Aaron and his sons God
2.13 said anoint Aon and his sons consecrate
2.13 these ones and make them priest that
2.13 they may minister to me MH
2.13 so the oil of consecration comes to your
2.13 head to set you apart from the company
2.13 you were growing up with now what I&;m
2.13 saying may not sound
2.13 nice and may sound sometimes even
2.13 prideful
2.13 but that is how it has been done in
2.13 scripture over the
2.13 years you
2.13 cannot keep the same company you see and
2.13 do the same thing and everybody see
2.13 something different it doesn&;t happen
2.13 like
2.13 that when you are to do something
2.13 uncommon there will be a point you will
2.13 be separated
2.13 and that separation is not going to be
2.13 easy because nobody likes extreme
2.13 changes even the friends you have will
2.13 begin to think that why are you behaving
2.13 nowadays as if something you are
2.13 something else that we are not we all
2.13 grew up together do you get what I&;m
2.13 saying but what you have now began to
2.13 chase may not be what they are chasing
2.13 or at most they may not be open to the
2.13 level of revelation that you have
2.13 now you see David being pursued by Saul
2.13 and all that comes with it made a
2.13 covenant with Jonathan and
2.13 departed he wanted to go meet Samuel he
2.13 went to the priest aimik now this is the
2.13 Bible pick it by one by one
2.13 [Music]
2.13 verse
2.13 one now David came to
2.13 Knob to a the priest now David came to
2.13 KN to aemc the priest so knob simply
2.13 means a high
2.13 place you see knob simply means a high
2.13 place can you hear me yes sir okay no
2.13 simply means a high place no also simply
2.13 means
2.13 prophecy so either way you are
2.13 interpreting it you are still getting
2.13 the same thing David was on his way to a
2.13 higher place or David was also on his
2.13 way to a place of the prophetic or the
2.13 place of
2.13 Destiny or you can also bring it to an
2.13 understanding he was pursuing the
2.13 prophetic
2.13 is it making sense now oh yes okay so
2.13 David was on his way to a higher ground
2.13 than he is used to and he went and met
2.13 with a himc the name aimc simply means
2.13 brother of a
2.13 king we know abim is a king so aimc is
2.13 brother of a king so we know who is the
2.13 brother of a king who is the king of
2.13 kings
2.13 Jesus the Lord Jesus and who is the
2.13 brother of the king the Holy Spirit okay
2.13 so now here is the
2.13 thing D David went on the high place to
2.13 meet with the spirit or to encounter the
2.13 Holy Spirit down now when he encountered
2.13 the Holy Spirit what was his
2.13 request and aimc was afraid yes and ahc
2.13 was afraid go on when he met David and
2.13 said to him why are you alone and no one
2.13 is with you you see that I just said
2.13 that I just said something about
2.13 Consecration and
2.13 separation now I&;m about to teach I just
2.13 want us to read the Bible and then I&;ll
2.13 start from there you see Consecration
2.13 and
2.13 separation David was with other people
2.13 but the him said why are you
2.13 alone but yet when you read through you
2.13 you realize that the answer there were
2.13 people with him mhm but then a said why
2.13 are you alone H the Journey of Purity is
2.13 a lonely
2.13 Journey uh go on I&;ll come there I&;ll
2.13 come there so David said to him like the
2.13 priest the king had ordered me has
2.13 ordered me on some business and said to
2.13 me okay do not let anyone know anything
2.13 about the business on which I send you
2.13 or what have what I have commanded you
2.13 and I have directed my young men to such
2.13 and to such a place okay
2.13 so let&;s start from here if I want to go
2.13 and I&;ll have to come back many times
2.13 let&;s start from here you
2.13 see David met with aim mic which is the
2.13 spirit and David is going to be asking
2.13 for
2.13 bread and David was very specific to ask
2.13 for how many loaves of
2.13 bread five Lo of bread
2.13 five yes he asks exactly for now that we
2.13 know also know that the number five is
2.13 the number number
2.13 what is Grace okay so is see everything
2.13 he is asking is what many young men and
2.13 young women are also asking we all go to
2.13 the Holy Spirit and we are looking for
2.13 Grace an ability from God to do the
2.13 uncommon
2.13 thing that&;s why I said knob is a high
2.13 ground or the place of the prophetic
2.13 and we all go to the Holy Spirit to ask
2.13 for the same
2.13 thing you see okay and then he asked and
2.13 aim
2.13 said what you are asking for there&;s no
2.13 problem just that what I have is a
2.13 hallowed bread
2.13 so what will qualify you for the
2.13 hallowed bread is at least if you have
2.13 abstained from women so there&;s number
2.13 one thing I want you see David went up
2.13 to a high place that&;s number one he met
2.13 with the brother of the king that&;s
2.13 number two he he and then in the message
2.13 he began to say that there is an
2.13 assignment the King has given unto me in
2.13 other words he was already into the
2.13 king&;s assignment or we may want to say
2.13 he was already into Ministry
2.13 see there&;s an assignment I have
2.13 received from the King okay and when he
2.13 went there he he began to pursue for
2.13 Grace this is all there is to young men
2.13 in Ministry and to young women in
2.13 Ministry do you understand yes sir yes
2.13 he began to pursue give me Grace to be
2.13 able to heal to be able to prophesy to
2.13 be able to do miracles to be able to
2.13 speak wisdom give me
2.13 Grace and the Holy Spirit said to the
2.13 young man the problem is not in the
2.13 accent the problem is that what I
2.13 have is a hallowed
2.13 bread it&;s a hallowed bread you
2.13 see let me say this one before I can
2.13 there is
2.13 no there is no gift or Grace
2.13 God gives for
2.13 fun are you listening yes sir there is
2.13 no gift that is for
2.13 sure so if in case you are pursuing the
2.13 grace of God so you can demonstrate that
2.13 you can do something you you better
2.13 start thinking H H because he said what
2.13 I have is a hallowed
2.13 bread there is no common bread here here
2.13 is the place of the priest we don&;t deal
2.13 with common breast common common bread
2.13 here everything I have is a hallowed
2.13 bread but I want you to pay attention to
2.13 what I&;m teaching
2.13 tonight because I will start very soon
2.13 and I need you to pay
2.13 attention you see and David said David
2.13 said
2.13 something in the verse
2.13 five then David answered the priest and
2.13 said to him truly women have been kept
2.13 from us about 3 days since I came out
2.13 the vessels of the young men are holy
2.13 and the bread is in effect common even
2.13 though it was consecrated in the vess so
2.13 this
2.13 day the bread was a common bread David
2.13 is saying this bread was a common bread
2.13 just that it was Sanctified today that
2.13 is why it has become a hallowed
2.13 bread if it was not Sanctified today it
2.13 wouldn&;t be called hell
2.13 bread I don&;t know if you understand
2.13 what I want to say
2.13 H okay you see aim said that what I have
2.13 is a hallowed bread a holy bread and
2.13 David is
2.13 saying what you have is a common bread
2.13 just that it was Sanctified
2.13 today the
2.13 qualification for higher Realms with God
2.13 is the ability not to be
2.13 defiled the
2.13 defiling or what we may the reason I
2.13 wrote the dangers of sexual sin oh
2.13 sexual Purity I I said I&;m talking about
2.13 sexual Purity is that I will come to
2.13 sexual Purity but
2.13 see the
2.13 bread that a is
2.13 given a said it&;s a hallowed bread but
2.13 David said it&;s a common bread you just
2.13 Sanctified it
2.13 today that simply means
2.13 that the
2.13 Hess of the bread is not in the
2.13 bread you don&;t understand the the Hess
2.13 of the gift
2.13 is not in the
2.13 gift it is in who you collected it
2.13 from oh my
2.13 goodness
2.13 [Music]
2.13 so the giting you have or the gifting
2.13 you are receiving from
2.13 aik if you did not receive a himik and
2.13 you only receive the gift from
2.13 aimc the gift in itself is not
2.13 [Music]
2.13 hallowed what is hallowed is the one you
2.13 are receiving it
2.13 from so you can receive the prophetic
2.13 anointing and be
2.13 Unholy and still
2.13 prophesy that is
2.13 dangerous you can no no no no no no see
2.13 you can receive the healing
2.13 anointing from the Holy Spirit walk away
2.13 from him go and and be healing and he
2.13 yet the
2.13 gift is not
2.13 hallowed
2.13 the what makes the gift hallowed is the
2.13 giver not the
2.13 gift are you paying attention so oh
2.13 yes that is why sometimes you will see
2.13 that a young man can receive a Grace
2.13 from God and be doubl in all kinds of
2.13 promiscuity and you are wait if this
2.13 young man if this young woman is this
2.13 gifted the the danger of sexual sin is
2.13 that when you are in that state
2.13 everybody begins to think that what you
2.13 are doing is
2.13 hallowed and yet the gift in itself is
2.13 not hallowed
2.13 M oh boy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you
2.13 see that is the
2.13 deception so uh the idea is okay why is
2.13 it that I can not me you see you someone
2.13 can jump out of sexual
2.13 immorality and all of a sudden begin to
2.13 do great things in the
2.13 meeting that is what David say you see
2.13 he said the gift in itself is common
2.13 just that you hallowed it
2.13 now that is all there is in that message
2.13 that I wanted to find I was you see
2.13 yesterday I said I was going to talk
2.13 about sexual Purity I didn&;t even know
2.13 where I was going to prepare the message
2.13 from I was working today and as I was
2.13 worshiping the Lord he said talk about
2.13 about David and his hallowed men before
2.13 I came to read it this
2.13 evening before I came to read it and
2.13 when I sat here and I was reading he
2.13 began to explain to me said the gift in
2.13 itself is not the hallowed part of this
2.13 message but you see when you read this
2.13 scripture and you are quick in Reading
2.13 you would begin to think that the blood
2.13 the bread is a hallowed
2.13 bread you will see that that is the
2.13 first initial thought but then as you
2.13 begin to take the time to read as the
2.13 spirit of the Lord begins to help you
2.13 you begin to realize that the gift the
2.13 bread is not the
2.13 hallowed it is only hallowed because of
2.13 the one who gave
2.13 it my
2.13 God that is is why you can see many
2.13 people they will be doubling in things
2.13 and still things good things are still
2.13 happening with their gifts when they
2.13 stand and they are sinking the place is
2.13 shaking but right from there they jump
2.13 onto sexual
2.13 immorality and they keep going and they
2.13 keep
2.13 going what makes the gift hallowed is
2.13 The Giver
2.13 is the
2.13 giver Paul said that what is that
2.13 scripture 1 Corinthians
2.13 6:8 did don&;t know that your
2.13 body is the Temple of the Living God yes
2.13 1 Corinthians
2.13 6:8 shall
2.13 pleas sexual
2.13 immorality M every sin that a man does
2.13 is outside the body but he who commits
2.13 sexual immorality sins against his own
2.13 body or do you not know that your body
2.13 is the Temple of the Holy Spirit who is
2.13 in you whom you have from God 18
2.13 okay yeah flee sexual
2.13 immorality okay
2.13 okay okay read the again again
2.13 okay flee sexual immorality for every
2.13 sin that a man does is outside the body
2.13 but he who commits sexual immorality sin
2.13 against his own body or do you not know
2.13 that your body is the Temple of the Holy
2.13 Spirit who is in you whom you have from
2.13 God and you are not your
2.13 own you
2.13 see everything sin a man commits is
2.13 outside the body but the one he commits
2.13 with sex sexual immorality when I talk
2.13 about sexual immorality I&;m talking
2.13 about
2.13 perversion perversion is adultery
2.13 fornication
2.13 masturbation uh
2.13 lesbianism gay transgender whatever
2.13 everything pertaining to ungodly
2.13 sex is sexual
2.13 immorality you get what I&;m saying yes
2.13 sir
2.13 everything even in marriage I have said
2.13 here before as the Lord said to us even
2.13 in marriage if you sleep with the woman
2.13 through her
2.13 behind not through her behind as in the
2.13 other hand I&;m talking about
2.13 I&;m talking about the using the
2.13 Anor that is that is onod that is
2.13 perversion that is perversion that is
2.13 against nature yes an sex is
2.13 ungodly I don&;t know what you&;re are
2.13 looking
2.13 for I don&;t know what you&;re looking
2.13 for okay let&;s let&;s put that one so see
2.13 any form of sin any any form of sin a
2.13 person comes
2.13 is not against the body but sexual
2.13 immorality let me explain the reason why
2.13 sexual immorality is more dangerous than
2.13 any other
2.13 sin sexual
2.13 immorality it is
2.13 when a person commits sexual
2.13 immorality and the person is
2.13 gifted the person can still function in
2.13 the
2.13 gift because the sexual immorality does
2.13 not cause you to lose the
2.13 gift the sexual immorality does not
2.13 cause you to lose the
2.13 gift what sexual what immorality
2.13 does
2.13 it it shuts down your
2.13 authorization are you back that&;s sir
2.13 what sexual immorality does it shuts
2.13 down your
2.13 authorization so okay you see that the
2.13 young man is going about sleeping with
2.13 young lady is or the young lady is going
2.13 about sleeping with me but can still
2.13 stand and perform very
2.13 well the functioning of the gift is
2.13 different from being an authority in the
2.13 gift
2.13 H you can perform very well but you are
2.13 not an
2.13 authority to become you see because
2.13 in the spiritual
2.13 realm how vast you spread in the
2.13 spirit in the your first
2.13 measurement your first measurement of in
2.13 the
2.13 spirit I am bringing one message into
2.13 this teachings and I I have tried not to
2.13 bring the message
2.13 here try not to bring because a message
2.13 if I start I can&;t
2.13 stop the the
2.13 vastness of your place of occupation in
2.13 the spirit is dependent not on your
2.13 prayer
2.13 only but on your Purity
2.13 level your
2.13 vastness the first measurement of a
2.13 great man of
2.13 God as God said in scriptures that&;s why
2.13 I said I don&;t want to bring this
2.13 message here it&;s too long
2.13 is how pure you
2.13 are it&;s not about how you can preach or
2.13 how you can fast or how you can pray or
2.13 how you can do any gift how
2.13 pure how pure you
2.13 are so your Purity level level is your
2.13 realm of
2.13 authority your Purity level is not in
2.13 the realm of the
2.13 anointing do you understand am I
2.13 teaching everybody or like
2.13 this if you are hallowed you qualify for
2.13 hallowed bread yes and I&;m saying the
2.13 hallowed bread it is not the bread that
2.13 is hallowed it is The Giver of the bread
2.13 that makes the bread
2.13 hallowed Holy Spirit the holy so the
2.13 more pure you are the more of the Holy
2.13 Spirit you
2.13 [Music]
2.13 have that is what makes you an authority
2.13 in the spirit
2.13 so if a man is excessively gifted but is
2.13 doubling in all kinds of things you
2.13 realize that this person can perform
2.13 very well even the gift can make room
2.13 for the person and the person will start
2.13 going into places and be invited into
2.13 places but such a one can never become
2.13 an authority in that
2.13 gift you can never become a because your
2.13 stakeholdership in the Realms of the
2.13 spirit is dependent upon how you are not
2.13 defile let me give you a clear example
2.13 and this example is according to my
2.13 level May the angels not be offended and
2.13 may the Holy Spirit not be offended
2.13 you see I don&;t think I can give this
2.13 it&;s too big for me it&;s too big for me
2.13 you see
2.13 so there comes a point where you are to
2.13 be
2.13 lifted above your peers what God
2.13 measures in your lifting above your PE
2.13 is not in the gift
2.13 H H read it Psalm
2.13 45:7
2.13 45 Psalm 45 and verse 7 you love
2.13 righteousness and hate wickedness
2.13 therefore
2.13 God your God has anointed you with the
2.13 oil of gladness more than your
2.13 companions what did God check to anoint
2.13 you above your companions H you love
2.13 righteousness and
2.13 ha love righteousness and hated
2.13 iniquity that that is that is the first
2.13 measurement
2.13 H if you qualify for that&;s why David is
2.13 going to a place a high place a place of
2.13 a prophetic
2.13 Destiny oh
2.13 Jesus and what he is asking for he&;s
2.13 being measured he&;s asking for Grace
2.13 Grace and he is being measured on
2.13 Holiness holiness
2.13 it is not that you cannot be
2.13 gifted pay attention to what I&;m saying
2.13 you can receive the
2.13 gift but what makes the gift
2.13 hallowed is the
2.13 giver thank you Lord that is why sexual
2.13 immorality is a
2.13 disease because you see it doesn&;t take
2.13 away the gift from
2.13 you it silences your voice in the
2.13 gift oh yeah so if you are gifted with
2.13 any ability and you commit sexual sin
2.13 even once you are standing there
2.13 Ministry within you you
2.13 know I don&;t qualify to be
2.13 here you within you you know no mhm but
2.13 you see that the gift will be
2.13 working and if it gets to a point
2.13 whereby the person walks over and
2.13 realizes that oh even I can keep doing
2.13 and the gift is there keep
2.13 doing it gets to a point is see the
2.13 Bible said
2.13 that they became Harden in their
2.13 house so God gave them up to their
2.13 reprobate
2.13 mind because he could no more prompt
2.13 them his prompting was meaningless to
2.13 them do you know how many young men
2.13 listen if you
2.13 like let&;s get to Ghana
2.13 now out of 100 preachers about 80 of
2.13 them can
2.13 prophesy
2.13 H go to ATA mountains everybody can see
2.13 almost every everybody can
2.13 see but how is it that only few people
2.13 become High Flyers and
2.13 Giants and most of those people don&;t
2.13 even
2.13 prophesy
2.13 H the
2.13 Hess of the
2.13 gift the
2.13 Hess that strength you have in using the
2.13 gift is in the Hess of the
2.13 gift
2.13 h i intentionally placed alignment and
2.13 consecration after the
2.13 conference intentionally so that right
2.13 after the conference we will come back
2.13 with the consciousness of alignment and
2.13 cons because I already knew what God was
2.13 going to do but he had already said many
2.13 things he was going to
2.13 do but may our heart not be lifted above
2.13 our
2.13 level
2.13 intentionally the
2.13 Purity may you see I I said yesterday
2.13 that there are four main areas that a
2.13 person should always check I think where
2.13 is it
2.13 four main areas where a person should
2.13 check their purity all the
2.13 time number one is their
2.13 salvation Salvation you always want to
2.13 examine yourself if you you still have
2.13 the joy of your
2.13 salvation Salvation now means like I go
2.13 to
2.13 church you always want to examine that
2.13 very
2.13 well and
2.13 then purity of
2.13 money have you given yourself to the
2.13 pursuit of money and left your
2.13 relationship with God it has to always
2.13 be
2.13 checked do you now
2.13 prefer
2.13 to give excuses to the prayer time so
2.13 you can make more
2.13 money and uh today
2.13 uh someone I think yesterday when I was
2.13 sharing the link I said don&;t sleep come
2.13 and pray and someone
2.13 said I
2.13 said I&;m not
2.13 saying oh you know I have death to pay I
2.13 okay huh I also know that there was a
2.13 time you were in Ghana you didn&;t even
2.13 have a debt and you were praying
2.13 I also
2.13 know
2.13 yes few days ago you got to UK now you
2.13 are telling me you you oh so you you
2.13 don&;t have time to pray
2.13 hey
2.13 hey h Lord help us oh help us you have
2.13 debt to pay are you kidding
2.13 me when you didn&;t have debt were you
2.13 not
2.13 eating praise the Lord I mean know just
2.13 by the way praise the Lord you see
2.13 Hallelujah yes place of money always
2.13 examine
2.13 yourself how am I
2.13 pursuing have I given myself to the
2.13 pursuit of money at the expense of my
2.13 relationship with the
2.13 Lord and number three place you check
2.13 all the time is the one we are talking
2.13 about sexual
2.13 Purity sexual purity
2.13 always do am I paying attention to one
2.13 young woman more than
2.13 necessary no no master but not be fire
2.13 wow so it must be fully
2.13 examine do you
2.13 understand am I giving attention
2.13 to the the young man more than
2.13 necessary it has to be
2.13 checked and the last
2.13 thing is the purity of
2.13 marriage oh that one is another
2.13 sermon if these four areas number one
2.13 the place of Salvation that is
2.13 spirituality the place of Purity that
2.13 sexual Purity in particular the place of
2.13 money and in the place of purity of
2.13 marriage it has to be fully
2.13 examined all the time you check am I in
2.13 line as to what the scripture said
2.13 concerning treating my
2.13 spouse or I have gone with the Social
2.13 Media
2.13 Group
2.13 H some men believe
2.13 that you know you can do whatever you
2.13 want to a woman you can slap her if you
2.13 feel like but in this
2.13 age
2.13 ah
2.13 yes the height in God is for hallowed
2.13 men are we pursuing higher Realms with
2.13 God are we pursuing great things with
2.13 God are we pursuing higher
2.13 anointings you
2.13 see usually when we are
2.13 praying maybe the angels will be quiet
2.13 for a second until maybe we are done
2.13 praying and I want to talk to them and
2.13 then they start on but even as I have
2.13 been teaching throughout this session
2.13 his hand has been upon me throughout the
2.13 session even before we began the session
2.13 even throughout
2.13 deis you have to
2.13 understand the place of Purity is very
2.13 important may we not get to a point
2.13 where we are so contaminated
2.13 so contaminated that you see we are
2.13 given to
2.13 immorality
2.13 Jesus
2.13 yes right now that nobody knows you that
2.13 much there&;s not really much going on
2.13 around you sometimes you feel so
2.13 secure but may doors one door be open
2.13 you Mee and you see one young lady that
2.13 looks just like your wife but has
2.13 something your wife doesn&;t have you
2.13 know one lady one young man that looks
2.13 like your taste this and this and this
2.13 and
2.13 that and before you know it you start
2.13 having reasonable
2.13 excuses and some even get to a point of
2.13 developing scriptures to back their sin
2.13 hey any height you are going in
2.13 God sexual
2.13 immorality can silence your voice in any
2.13 realm it will not take the gift from you
2.13 get that very clear it will not take the
2.13 gift from you it will disqualify your
2.13 strength in the gift
2.13 so they will get to a point where you
2.13 see that even though the angels are
2.13 there the spirit of the Lord they are
2.13 talking but you don&;t feel like
2.13 listening because you know you are
2.13 impure
2.13 [Music]
2.13 damn time will not help me on this
2.13 message cuz
2.13 this
2.13 one this one
2.13 is there are two prayer points that I
2.13 wrote down and I believe today is the
2.13 last day we are dealing
2.13 with alignment and
2.13 Consecration and then tomorrow I think
2.13 we will pray Worship the
2.13 Lord yes write this prayer point if you
2.13 are able
2.13 to and that is the last two prayer
2.13 points I think Saturday we&;ll be praying
2.13 okay we&;ll pray them on Saturday we&;ll
2.13 be doing a 10 hour shedding Saturday so
2.13 we&;ll be praying I can bring
2.13 them yes I need a flyer yes I make the
2.13 flyer right after yes yes
2.13 please there are reals
2.13 in God for all of us to go are you
2.13 hallowed it is not the
2.13 gift there are many who don&;t prophesy
2.13 and they have giant Ministries nobody
2.13 prophesies in the Roman Catholic
2.13 church and the ministry is 1,500 years
2.13 old no Bishop dep is doesn&;t prophesy at
2.13 the Ministries around the
2.13 world Pap professor and the ministry is
2.13 around Church of Pentecost there is not
2.13 personal prophecies there and the
2.13 ministry is all over the
2.13 world Lighthouse Chapel the leader of
2.13 the church doesn&;t professor and the
2.13 ministry is all over action chap Bishop
2.13 Dam doesn&;t professor and the ministry
2.13 is all I&;m not saying this men don&;t
2.13 prophesy of course they speak the Mind
2.13 Of God I&;m talking about the the the
2.13 word of knowledge and then Word of
2.13 Wisdom in the prophetic yeah as we see
2.13 these days was what some of us agrees to
2.13 do you see but the ministry goes around
2.13 the
2.13 world are you
2.13 H I think when I was listening to um
2.13 James koala
2.13 it
2.13 jamesa
2.13 the the guy that was sharing his
2.13 testimony yeah yeah and he was talking
2.13 about Dr
2.13 Maceo when he was to visit one of I
2.13 think Nigeria or something yeah and they
2.13 were told to vacate the place 21 days
2.13 ahead of time and 21 days after the
2.13 visit is the passing by of no that one
2.13 is not anointing H that one is
2.13 Purity Purity the man is not defiled so
2.13 you cannot get close to
2.13 him
2.13 [Music]
2.13 H that&;s why I think I heard the same of
2.13 WF Kim y mm
2.13 yes man of God one of my greatest
2.13 prayers I don&;t want a Ministry where
2.13 people are cheating here and there
2.13 messing up here and
2.13 there we can work and make our own money
2.13 there&;s no need to be stealing and be be
2.13 be boxing people to give
2.13 anything all we
2.13 M we can get one job two jobs whatever
2.13 job we want to do and start building
2.13 things with the money few days to
2.13 come M so there is I want a pure solid
2.13 life with God yes not a Ministry where
2.13 there is popularity here you this and
2.13 this and then today you are insulting
2.13 this you are lambasting no a pure walk
2.13 with God
2.13 a pure work with God that is my greatest
2.13 desire a pure walk with God whereby my
2.13 life I am not
2.13 pretending to be speaking outside be
2.13 performing Miracles outside and then
2.13 when I get home I don&;t know how to talk
2.13 to my wife I don&;t know how to treat my
2.13 wife and no no no no no no what kind of
2.13 pretense is that hm
2.13 H what kind of pretense is
2.13 that that Ministry where the joy of
2.13 Salvation is still in you
2.13 yes I pray for you in the name of Jesus
2.13 re
2.13 amen may the Lord grace us with the
2.13 strength to be pure amen if there is one
2.13 thing I
2.13 desire one thing I
2.13 desire Lord and that is my prayer for
2.13 life may I know only one woman all the
2.13 days of my life amen one woman the woman
2.13 I have married and that is
2.13 it may there not be any reason or any
2.13 how anywhere
2.13 thank you Lord pure
2.13 work pure
2.13 work oh holy
2.13 spirit
2.13 Lord help us Lord
2.13 the grace is for hallowed
2.13 men there are hallowed bread God
2.13 has but it is for those who have kept
2.13 themselves
2.13 pure when you see men like Prophet Angel
2.13 Prophet maanda
2.13 Apostle listen there are certain Realms
2.13 these men are
2.13 climbing you cannot do that with
2.13 immorality or you
2.13 think if you like check their lives mhm
2.13 examine
2.13 very a man like Prophet
2.13 mandua you barely see him
2.13 anywhere y barely see him anywhere and
2.13 check the depth of
2.13 Revelations the depth of understanding
2.13 the
2.13 encounters H do you think the angels
2.13 will be standing there and you are
2.13 messing around messing around messing
2.13 around h
2.13 ah oh help us may the
2.13 Lord help us to walk in absolute Purity
2.13 in the name of Jesus yes some of you as
2.13 even as I&;m talking have already given
2.13 your offering left and right I don&;t
2.13 know how
2.13 many that&;s a whole lot I don&;t
2.13 know
2.13 okay um
2.13 if where where is the where is the where
2.13 is the
2.13 channel lift up your offering let me
2.13 pray lift up your
2.13 offering yes
2.13 the Lord bless your seed the Lord
2.13 multiply you the Lord replenish your
2.13 increase even as you give May the same
2.13 Lord give unto you in the name of Jesus
2.13 in the name of
2.13 Jesus Amen I pray go ahead go ahead and
2.13 give your offering the Lord bless you I
2.13 pray that may we have the strength to
2.13 walk with God in all
2.13 pess
2.13 amen amen I don&;t know if you&;re able to
2.13 understand everything I was saying
2.13 today Holy Spirit helping us I wish you
2.13 were able to get
2.13 me the Lord bless you the Lord keep you
2.13 Elder you are welcome thank you papa
2.13 you&;re welcome you have missed the P
2.13 three days and I understand another
2.13 church
2.13 meeting yes God bless everyone God
2.13 willing tomorrow tomorrow 9 to 10 Shalom
2.13 have a good
2.13 [Music]
2.13 night thank you for watching kindly like
2.13 comment and subscribe click on the
2.13 notification Bell so you can be alerted
2.13 anytime a new video is uploaded and
2.13 please don&;t forget share and be a
2.13 blessing to someone God richly bless you
2.13 shalom
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