Youtube (masturbate): Comment arrêter la masturbation ? Les conseils du SEXOLOGUE…

Comment arrêter la masturbation ? Les conseils du SEXOLOGUE...

Le thème «masturbate», une vidéo sur YouTube

Une vidéo, produite par Ronan Moal – Sexologue et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est consacrée au thème « masturbate » et en présente quelques aspects.

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La durée (00:09:28s) de la vidéo, le titre (Comment arrêter la masturbation ? Les conseils du SEXOLOGUE…), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« S’inscrire à ma newsletter:

▶ Une méthode complète à télécharger pour arrêter de se masturber (avec des explications, exercices à pratiquer et enregistrements de séances d’hypnose…)
Comment arrêter la masturbation ?
Comment arrêter de se masturber et de regarder de la pornographie ?
Ce sont des questions que j’entends souvent en tant que sexologue…
Car de plus en plus d’hommes et de femmes sentent qu’ils n’ont pas une relation saine à cette pratique sexuelle et souhaitent arrêter de se masturber.
Qu’on parle de « se branler », d’onanisme ou de masturbation, se masturber est un acte sain, naturel et d’une manière générale plutôt encouragé par les sexologues.
La pornographie une fantaisie sexuelle comme une autre.
Comme souvent en matière de sexualité ce n’est pas l’acte le problème mais la relation qu’on à cet acte.
Si on sent qu’on ne peut pas arrêter la masturbation compulsive. Que la sexualité en solitaire et la pornographie sont les principales sources de plaisir et que cela se répercute sur notre vie en général, notre sexualité et notre couple c’est sans doute qu’on est tombé dans l’addiction sexuelle et il faut alors arrêter de se masturber.

Car si ce n’est pas déjà le cas cette dépendance risque de rapidement faire des dégâts :
Des troubles sexuels comme un manque de désir pour notre partenaire, une difficulté à éjaculer voire un problème d’érection.
Une baisse du moral pouvant aller jusqu’à la dépression
Un isolement social et dans les cas les plus grave une mise en danger en ne respectant pas la loi.

Ce n’est pas simple de savoir comment arrêter de se masturber car notre cerveau adore le sexe, la masturbation et la pornographie.
Nous sommes le fruit de 300 000 ans d’évolution et pendant tout ce temps la nature a privilégié non pas ce qui nous rendait heureux mais ce qui était bon pour l’espèce. La nature se fiche de l’individu et seule l’espèce l’intéresse.
En gros ce qui nous permettait de rester en vie et de nous reproduire.
Elle nous a donc programmé pour avoir certaines envies: ce sont nos pulsions.
Pour cela elle a utilisé ce qu’on appelle le système de la récompense.
C’est à dire nous récompenser pour chaque acte que notre instinct estime bon. Comme manger quand nous avons faim ou éjaculer (que ce soit en se masturbant ou en faisant l’amour car notre cerveau ne fait pas la différence entre une sexualité réelle et virtuelle). Pour lui toute éjaculation est potentiellement un bébé de plus sur terre.

La récompense est la sécrétion d’une substance appelée dopamine. C’est elle qui est responsable de la sensation de plaisir que nous ressentons dans certains actes. Elle joue aussi un rôle dans la motivation.

Dans la sexualité la récompense est particulièrement forte: on a rarement un orgasme en buvant un verre d’eau.
Au point que la simple idée d’un acte sexuel déclenche déjà une sécrétion de dopamine: une sorte d’échantillon gratuit destiné à nous faire aller plus loin.
En plus pendant longtemps il a été compliqué pour un homme de voir une femme nue et encore plus de la voir faire l’amour. Nous sommes donc devenus très réactif et facilement excitables sexuellement. Sauf qu’aujourd’hui un homme qui veut se masturber peut grâce à la pornographie voir plus de femmes faisant l’amour en quelques minutes que les hommes des générations précédentes pouvaient en voir dans toute leur vie.

C’est la même chose pour une personne homosexuelle car même si vous êtes attiré par les gens du même sexe que vous, votre instinct reste un instinct de reproduction (d’ailleurs si vous avez des enfants ils seront sans doute hétérosexuels)

L’évolution nous a transformé en obsédés sexuels bien malgré nous.

Du coup quand il y a 20 ans est arrivé internet à haut débit et la pornographie d’accès facile notre cerveau en est devenu fou.
Pour lui internet est une sorte de coffre aux trésors, rempli de femmes toujours plus belles, toujours différentes et faisant des trucs toujours plus « hard ».

Plus d’informations et d’astuces pour améliorer sa sexualité sur :



Un article complémentaire:

#masturbation #porno #pornographie ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous

Mesurer les gains d’un arrêt efficace

Expliquer le trajet vers une joie persistante

La réduction de la dépendance mène à des avantages durables dans la vie personnelle, sociale et professionnelle.

Présenter les étapes vers un équilibre mental amélioré

Abandonner cette habitude favorise souvent une plus grande énergie, une meilleure humeur et une concentration accrue.

Mettre en évidence les progrès dans les relations avec les autres

Les rapports amoureux deviennent plus épanouissants, avec une connexion plus intense sur les plans émotionnel et physique.

Sexualité et addiction à la masturbation : trouver des solutions

Pour de nombreuses personnes, hommes et femmes confondus, mettre fin à la masturbation peut représenter un véritable défi. Si cette activité est souvent vue comme une pratique saine et normale pour mieux comprendre sa sexualité, elle peut toutefois devenir problématique lorsqu’elle prend une place compulsive et empiète sur d’autres sphères de la vie, comme le travail ou la santé mentale.

Examiner les éléments qui contribuent à l’expansion de cette pratique

Aborder les aspects psychologiques et émotionnels

Le stress, l’anxiété et l’insatisfaction dans d’autres aspects de la vie peuvent favoriser cette pratique fréquente.

Analyser l’impact de la solitude et du désir

La solitude et l’insatisfaction dans les relations ou la vie personnelle sont également des facteurs contribuant à cette pratique.

Explorer l’impact comportemental de la consommation de pornographie

La pornographie joue un rôle déterminant. Elle suscite souvent le besoin de se masturber et peut altérer la vision de la sexualité.

Analyser les racines et les manifestations de la dépendance à la masturbation

Dresser un portrait des pratiques associées à la masturbation

La masturbation, perçue comme une pratique sexuelle naturelle, apporte souvent des bienfaits tels qu’une réduction du stress et une meilleure connaissance corporelle. Mais son excès peut conduire à des complications.

Reconnaître les signes d’une addiction naissante

La masturbation instinctive, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.

Observer les influences sur la santé mentale et corporelle

La consommation habituelle de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.

Formuler une stratégie pour arrêter

Présenter des solutions pour réduire de manière efficace cette pratique

  • Détecter les facteurs déclencheurs : Identifiez les situations qui suscitent l’envie.
  • Remplacer cette habitude par des activités saines : Pratiquez des sports ou adoptez de nouveaux loisirs.
  • Identifier ce qui déclenche l’envie : Prenez note des moments où vous ressentez le besoin.

Mettre en évidence l’impact du soutien social sur le bien-être

  • Parler à un sexologue : Ce professionnel pourra proposer des solutions adaptées à votre situationnotamment www.chastete.frpour le monde entier.C’est une des stratégies les plus efficaces pour se défaire de la masturbation.
  • S’impliquer dans des groupes de soutien : Échanger ses expériences renforce l’engagement.

Recommander des actions à entreprendre pour éviter les retours en arrière

  • Désactiver l’accès à la pornographie : Utilisez des filtres ou bloqueurs pour limiter l’accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Éviter l’accès à la pornographie : Installez des outils de filtrage pour bloquer l’accès aux contenus explicites.

Pour finir

L’arrêt de la masturbation instinctive est un travail de longue haleine. Avec un plan rigoureux et un soutien approprié, il devient réalisable de surmonter cette difficulté et de découvrir les avantages d’une vie plus équilibrée, centrée sur des objectifs plus gratifiants.

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le post original: Cliquer ici

#Comment #arrêter #masturbation #Les #conseils #SEXOLOGUE..

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: How to stop masturbation? How to stop masturbating and watching pornography? These are the questions that I often hear as a sex therapist as more and more men and women realize that they do not have a healthy relationship with these practices and wish to stop masturbating. Masturbation is a natural, healthy act that is generally encouraged by sex therapists. Pornography is a sexual fantasy like any other. As often in matters of sexuality, it is not the act that is the problem but the relationship that we have with this act. If you feel that you need to masturbate to feel good. If masturbation and pornography have become your main sources of satisfaction. Whether it affects your life in general, your sexuality or your relationship. It is undoubtedly that you have fallen into sexual addiction and that on the other hand is a problem. Because if you do not already feel the negative effects, they may not be long in arriving. Sexual problems like loss of desire for your partner, having trouble ejaculating, or erection problems. A more aggressive and disrespectful sexuality but also a drop in morale or even depression and in the most extreme cases an endangerment by not respecting the law. Because our brains love sex and pornography. We come from 300 million people of evolution and during all this time nature has privileged not what made us happy but what was good for the species. Nature does not care about the individual and only the species in general interests it. So she programmed us to want a number of things: what allowed us to stay alive and reproduce. These are our impulses. And for that she used what is called the reward system method. That is, rewarding ourselves every time we do something that our instinct considers good. Like eating when we are hungry and drinking when we are thirsty. Or ejaculate because for our brain any ejaculation is potentially one more human on earth. In our case, the reward is the secretion of a substance called dopamine which is responsible for the sensation of pleasure that we feel, including certain acts, and which also plays a role in motivation. And in sexuality the reward system is particularly powerful. We rarely have an orgasm by drinking a glass of water. So much so that the mere idea of ​​having sex already triggers a relatively strong first secretion of dopamine . A kind of free sample to make us want to go further. Moreover for a long time it was difficult for a man to see a naked woman and even more so to see her making love. We have therefore become extremely sensitive and easily sexually aroused. For homosexual people it’s the same because even if you are attracted to people of the same sex as you, your instinct remains a reproductive instinct. Besides, if you have children there is a good chance that these children themselves are heterosexual. So when 20 years ago high speed internet arrived and easy access pornography our brains didn’t go crazy. For him, the internet is a real treasure chest filled with women who are always more beautiful, always different and who do things more and more hard. Thanks to masturbation, dopamine flows freely in our skulls. Except that after a certain time, by dint of being solicited, the dopamine receptors end up being damaged. They become less sensitive and to have the same pleasant feeling we need more of this substance and therefore stronger stimulation. This leads us to watch more hardcore videos. Sometimes generating a feeling of guilt. But above all, this has consequences for the rest of our life. Daily acts, what are called « small pleasures » with their low dose of dopamine may lose their interest. A drop in morale sets in to see a depression. Over time, masturbation and pornography become the main sources of satisfaction. Reinforcing the vicious circle of addiction and sometimes leading to social isolation . This also has consequences on our sexuality. Because the brain accustomed to strong and stimulating images may after a certain time no longer find a « normal » sexual partner sufficiently arousing . Even if she is beautiful. Even though we have very strong feelings for her. We suddenly lose our sexual desire for her and we have trouble ejaculating. Sometimes even erection problems. Or to keep the same level of sexual arousal we resort to a more aggressive sexuality. Sometimes disrespectful even violent. Finally, in the most extreme cases, the search for strong stimuli can lead to playing with the limits of the law. Or even overtake them and put yourself in danger. If you want to regain your sexual capacities, feel good and be happy as a couple, you absolutely must escape from this prison that has become of masturbation and pornography. Stop watching porn for good and stop masturbation for a while. You can, if you wish, come back to it later, but on condition that you do not use a classic and compulsive masturbation technique . Rather be inspired by those from Tantra and Taoism. Methods that not only have no negative effects but even on the contrary make it possible to become a better sexual partner. But that will be in a second time. For now you have to stop everything. It is not easy because sex addiction is a real addiction, like smoking or alcoholism. To get there you need to be well prepared, motivated and know what you are tackling. Because we fight better an enemy that we know. This is kind of the purpose of this video. You are going to free up a lot of the time and energy that you used up until now on adult sites to masturbate. If you don’t use this time and energy in a beneficial and constructive way, you will relapse. If, on the contrary, you do it intelligently and invest yourself well, you will become a new man. A better sexual partner. More sensual and masculine. But also a happier, more confident and self-confident man. So more attractive because it is all linked. You might find it hard to believe what I’m saying and yet you can hardly imagine all the benefits you can get from quitting porn and masturbation. Perhaps you have never even experienced sex without pornography. I see these benefits every day with the men who consult me. I see men who were introverted, sometimes even depressed and feeling bad about themselves, come to life completely. People who lacked confidence become more confident of more confident. More charismatic. Sometimes some who had been single for years get into a relationship or couples who were going to badly become accomplices again. With the people who consult me, I do a real work of personal development to help them develop a new version of themselves. To use all this time and new energy in a beneficial and constructive way. If you are interested, you will find more information on the site with a section dedicated to this issue. Tips articles and even a complete method to download that will not only give you all the information you need to stop porn and masturbation. But also an exercise program to help you with what we know about the brain. But this time to manipulate it in the way that suits you. Develop your self-confidence, your self-confidence and your charisma. There are also relaxation techniques and hypnosis sessions that will help you speed up the repair of dopamine receptors and resolve any sexual difficulties more quickly. To regain better morale more quickly. Finally, these sessions will also allow you to positively re- program yourself to achieve your goals. And finally a masturbation technique from Tantra and Taoism which will allow you, if you wish later, to resume masturbation without having the disadvantages. To be successful in stopping masturbation you need to be well prepared. You are going to go through a withdrawal period and by the time the dopamine receptors repair themselves you may have a low morale. Even a slight depression. If you feel that this has gone too far, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. You are also going to have a fragile period and it is likely that in a while a simple sexy photo will become very exciting for you. This could be the start of the gear that will make you crack. So you need to protect you from yourself. Delete from your computer, your smartphone or your tablet if you have one any erotic photo or video. Install porn blockers with a complicated password that you won’t be able to remember. You can of course uninstall the application but it will take a while and you may be able to resist. I also advise you to put your computer in a passageway. You will lack privacy and little trick, to install a mirror next to it. It’s a productivity trick that allows you to work better, but it also means that when you risk breaking down, catching your reflection in the mirror can give you the will to resist. You should definitely be wary of social networks because sexy photos are often hidden in the places where they are least expected . Remove all dangerous accounts and even ideally if you can, at least for a while away from its applications. Improve your lifestyle. Try to eat better, get regular and sufficient sleep. Get into sport if you do n’t and if you are already athletic, try to set yourself motivating challenges. You should also absolutely learn relaxation techniques because it is likely that today masturbation is your way to relax. By stopping masturbating you will deprive yourself of this method and you risk having an increase in stress which could make you relapse. It is not easy to stop masturbating but it is totally worth it . If you are motivated and you invest well you will get there and you will reap huge benefits. If this video taught you something and you found it interesting you can show that you like it by clicking on the little thumb because this will allow Youtube to offer it to other people who maybe have the same difficulties that you. You can also subscribe and click on the little bell to be kept informed of the next videos that I will put online about sexuality or well-being in general .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0 How to stop masturbation? How to stop masturbating and
0 watching pornography? These are the questions that I often hear as
0 a sex therapist as more and more men and women realize that they do not have
0 a healthy relationship with these practices and wish to stop masturbating.
0 Masturbation is a natural, healthy act that is generally encouraged by sex therapists.
0 Pornography is a sexual fantasy like any other.
0 As often in matters of sexuality, it is not the act that is the problem
0 but the relationship that we have with this act. If you feel that you need
0 to masturbate to feel good. If masturbation and pornography have become
0 your main sources of satisfaction. Whether it affects your life in general,
0 your sexuality or your relationship. It is undoubtedly that you have fallen into sexual addiction and
0 that on the other hand is a problem. Because if you do not already feel the negative effects, they
0 may not be long in arriving. Sexual problems like loss of desire for your
0 partner, having trouble ejaculating, or erection problems. A more
0 aggressive and disrespectful sexuality but also a drop in morale or even depression and in the
0 most extreme cases an endangerment by not respecting the law. Because our brains love sex and
0 pornography. We come from 300 million people of evolution and during all this time nature has
0 privileged not what made us happy but what was good for the species. Nature does
0 not care about the individual and only the species in general interests it. So she
0 programmed us to want a number of things: what allowed us to stay alive
0 and reproduce. These are our impulses. And for that she used what is called the
0 reward system method. That is, rewarding ourselves every time we do
0 something that our instinct considers good. Like eating when we are hungry and drinking when we
0 are thirsty. Or ejaculate because for our brain any ejaculation is potentially one more
0 human on earth. In our case, the reward is the secretion of a substance called dopamine
0 which is responsible for the sensation of pleasure that we feel, including certain acts, and which
0 also plays a role in motivation. And in sexuality the reward system is
0 particularly powerful. We rarely have an orgasm by drinking a glass of water. So much so that
0 the mere idea of ​​having sex already triggers a relatively strong
0 first secretion of dopamine . A kind of free sample to make us want to go further. Moreover for a
0 long time it was difficult for a man to see a naked woman and even more so to see her making
0 love. We have therefore become extremely sensitive and easily sexually aroused.
0 For homosexual people it&;s the same because even if you are attracted to people of the same
0 sex as you, your instinct remains a reproductive instinct. Besides, if you have children
0 there is a good chance that these children themselves are heterosexual. So when 20 years ago
0 high speed internet arrived and easy access pornography our brains didn&;t go crazy.
0 For him, the internet is a real treasure chest filled with women who are always more beautiful,
0 always different and who do things more and more hard. Thanks to masturbation,
0 dopamine flows freely in our skulls. Except that after a certain time, by dint
0 of being solicited, the dopamine receptors end up being damaged. They become less
0 sensitive and to have the same pleasant feeling we need more of this
0 substance and therefore stronger stimulation. This leads us to watch more hardcore videos.
0 Sometimes generating a feeling of guilt. But above all, this has consequences for the rest
0 of our life. Daily acts, what are called "small pleasures" with their low
0 dose of dopamine may lose their interest. A drop in morale sets in to see a depression.
0 Over time, masturbation and pornography become the main sources of
0 satisfaction. Reinforcing the vicious circle of addiction and sometimes leading to social
0 isolation . This also has consequences on our sexuality. Because the brain accustomed to strong and stimulating
0 images may after a certain time no longer find a "normal" sexual partner
0 sufficiently arousing . Even if she is beautiful. Even though we have very strong
0 feelings for her. We suddenly lose our sexual desire for her and we have trouble ejaculating.
0 Sometimes even erection problems. Or to keep the same level of sexual arousal
0 we resort to a more aggressive sexuality. Sometimes disrespectful even violent. Finally,
0 in the most extreme cases, the search for strong stimuli can lead to playing with the
0 limits of the law. Or even overtake them and put yourself in danger. If you want to regain your
0 sexual capacities, feel good and be happy as a couple, you absolutely
0 must escape from this prison that has become of masturbation and pornography. Stop
0 watching porn for good and stop masturbation for a while. You
0 can, if you wish, come back to it later, but on condition that you do not use a
0 classic and compulsive masturbation technique . Rather be inspired by those from Tantra and
0 Taoism. Methods that not only have no negative effects but even on the contrary
0 make it possible to become a better sexual partner. But that will be in a second time.
0 For now you have to stop everything. It is not easy because sex addiction
0 is a real addiction, like smoking or alcoholism. To get there you need to be well
0 prepared, motivated and know what you are tackling. Because we fight better an enemy that we
0 know. This is kind of the purpose of this video. You are going to free up a lot of the time and energy that
0 you used up until now on adult sites to masturbate. If you don&;t use
0 this time and energy in a beneficial and constructive way, you will relapse. If, on the contrary,
0 you do it intelligently and invest yourself well, you will
0 become a new man. A better sexual partner. More sensual and masculine. But also a
0 happier, more confident and self-confident man. So more attractive because it is all linked.
0 You might find it hard to believe what I&;m saying and yet you can
0 hardly imagine all the benefits you can get from quitting porn and
0 masturbation. Perhaps you have never even experienced sex without pornography. I see
0 these benefits every day with the men who consult me. I see men who were
0 introverted, sometimes even depressed and feeling bad about themselves, come to life completely. People
0 who lacked confidence become more confident of more confident. More charismatic. Sometimes
0 some who had been single for years get into a relationship or couples who were going to
0 badly become accomplices again. With the people who consult me, I do a real work
0 of personal development to help them develop a new version of themselves. To use
0 all this time and new energy in a beneficial and constructive way. If you are
0 interested, you will find more information on the site with a section dedicated
0 to this issue. Tips articles and even a complete method to download that
0 will not only give you all the information you need to stop
0 porn and masturbation. But also an exercise program to help you with what we know about
0 the brain. But this time to manipulate it in the way that suits you. Develop your
0 self-confidence, your self-confidence and your charisma. There are also
0 relaxation techniques and hypnosis sessions that will help you speed up the repair
0 of dopamine receptors and resolve any sexual difficulties more quickly. To regain
0 better morale more quickly. Finally, these sessions will also allow you to
0 positively re- program yourself to achieve your goals. And finally a masturbation technique from
0 Tantra and Taoism which will allow you, if you wish later, to resume masturbation
0 without having the disadvantages. To be successful in stopping masturbation you need to be well
0 prepared. You are going to go through a withdrawal period and by the time the dopamine receptors
0 repair themselves you may have a low morale. Even a slight depression. If you
0 feel that this has gone too far, don&;t hesitate to talk to your doctor. You are also going to have a
0 fragile period and it is likely that in a while a simple sexy photo will become
0 very exciting for you. This could be the start of the gear that will make you crack. So you
0 need to protect you from yourself. Delete from your computer, your smartphone or your
0 tablet if you have one any erotic photo or video. Install porn blockers
0 with a complicated password that you won&;t be able to remember. You can of course uninstall
0 the application but it will take a while and you may be able to resist. I also advise you
0 to put your computer in a passageway. You will lack privacy
0 and little trick, to install a mirror next to it. It&;s a productivity trick that allows you to
0 work better, but it also means that when you risk breaking down, catching
0 your reflection in the mirror can give you the will to resist. You should definitely be
0 wary of social networks because sexy photos are often hidden in the places where they are
0 least expected . Remove all dangerous accounts and even ideally if you can, at
0 least for a while away from its applications. Improve your lifestyle. Try to eat better,
0 get regular and sufficient sleep. Get into sport if you do
0 n&;t and if you are already athletic, try to set yourself motivating challenges. You should also
0 absolutely learn relaxation techniques because it is likely that today
0 masturbation is your way to relax. By stopping masturbating you will deprive yourself
0 of this method and you risk having an increase in stress which could
0 make you relapse. It is not easy to stop masturbating but it is totally worth it
0 . If you are motivated and you invest well you will get there and you will reap
0 huge benefits. If this video taught you something and you found it
0 interesting you can show that you like it by clicking on the little thumb because this will allow
0 Youtube to offer it to other people who maybe have the same difficulties that
0 you. You can also subscribe and click on the little bell to be kept informed of the
0 next videos that I will put online about sexuality or well-being in general

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