YouTube et Le thème « no fap » en vidéo
Ali Ben-Hariz développe le thème « no fap »
Sur YouTube, publié par Ali Ben-Hariz (), cette vidéo examine le thème « no fap » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.
La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.
Lors de notre consultation de la vidéo (), quelques interactions avaient déjà été accumulées. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 955.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:15:26s), le titre (NO FAP – The POWER Of Self Discipline !), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Réservez un appel de coaching 1-1
Consultez mes cours ».
Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte
Les meilleures stratégies pour NoFap
Rester motivé sur NoFap : les meilleurs conseils
Adopter des habitudes saines, telles que l’exercice et la méditation, est crucial pour le succès. Ces pratiques permettent de garder un esprit motivé.
Les techniques pour surmonter les rechutes renforcent le parcours NoFap.
Les rechutes font partie du parcours, et une étude a démontré que des obstacles existent dans le cheminement Nofap. Il est essentiel de se focaliser sur ses objectifs, de comprendre les causes de l’échec et de solliciter l’aide de la communauté Nofap pour rebondir.
Sites et vidéos pour découvrir l’impact de l’abstinence.
Les articles et études scientifiques, notamment ceux de Nicole Prause, offrent une perspective approfondie sur les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en proposant des approches scientifiques pour y faire face.
La vie des hommes change avec l’abstinence, notamment en termes de santé et de concentration.
Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme sont nombreux et méritent d’être étudiés.
En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.
Observer la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression après l’arrêt de la masturbation, et ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé mentale.
Pour l’homme, la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation est source d’anxiété. En mettant un terme à cette addiction, les hommes remarquent une baisse significative de leur dépression et une amélioration de leur maîtrise de soi.
Examiner l’impact de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
Selon des recherches, l’abstinence masculine permet de surmonter les dysfonctions érectiles associées à la masturbation.
La communauté NoFap joue un rôle clé en soutenant les hommes dans leur parcours de guérison.
Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.
Les forums servent de points d’échange cruciaux, où les hommes peuvent recevoir du soutien, partager leurs réussites et accéder à des recherches scientifiques pertinentes.
Mettre en avant l’importance du soutien social et émotionnel pour les participants.
La communauté Nofap et ses forums soutiennent activement les hommes dans leur parcours d’abstinence, en aidant à gérer l’anxiété et la dépression. Ils offrent un espace pour échanger des solutions et des stratégies contre les rechutes. Un soutien professionnel peut être requis (à ce sujet voir ce leader pour arrêter la masturbation).
Analyser les bénéfices des forums et des groupes de soutien dans le soutien des individus.
Des études ont prouvé que les forums de soutien en ligne, tels que ceux de la communauté NoFap, augmentent les chances de succès dans la lutte contre des comportements comme la dépression et l’anxiété. Les recherches scientifiques soulignent l’importance de la solidarité au sein de la communauté NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation de manière efficace.
L’impact positif de NoFap sur les hommes modernes
Étudier l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes est important.
Les scientifiques ont étudié l’impact négatif de la pornographie, révélant qu’elle peut mener à des problèmes comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, chercheuse renommée, a notamment publié une étude sur l’impact de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau des hommes.
Comprendre ce qui pousse les individus à adopter NoFap permet de mieux saisir ses effets sur le corps et l’esprit.
Les motivations de NoFap sont centrées sur la lutte contre les effets néfastes de la pornographie, l’amélioration de la performance érectile et la gestion de l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont observé une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir renoncé à ces habitudes.
NoFap repose sur l’idée de renoncer à la masturbation pour mieux se concentrer sur soi.
En prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation, NoFap aide les hommes à réduire leur addiction. Cette démarche permet d’améliorer la concentration, d’accroître l’énergie et de renforcer la santé globale.
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la source: Cliquer ici
#FAP #POUVOIR #lautodiscipline
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Sexual Energy is incredibly powerful and if you learn how to harness that energy correctly you can transform your life everything can improve the issue with most men today is that they waste this Sexual Energy the moment they get an urge which by the way is perfectly normal I had a guy once ask me Ali how do I get rid of the urges and I’m like hey hey slow down buddy it’s a good thing that you have sexual urges it means you’re a healthy male now if you have no urge then maybe your testosterone is really low and in that case I recommend potentially going and seeing a doctor right those urges are perfectly normal and it’s good that you have them it means testosterone is running through your system but I want you to do and do something with the Sexual Energy what most men do is they release immediately they resort to pornography and masturbation and that Sexual Energy is just removed in the worst possible way through self-pleasure now ejaculation is not a bad thing I also want to make this very clear because there’s a lot of guys that will talk about how ejaculation is bad no however I’m against busting gallons all over yourself now if you’re in a relationship with a woman that you find incredibly attractive you bust as much as you want you’re in a in a relationship with this woman you know you release and brings the both of you together and it will inevitably at some point lead to a baby which is also one of life’s greatest Joys having kids I’m against the act of self-pleasuring because it always makes you feel worse afterwards especially since the majority of men couple masturbation with pornography they combine those two together it’s very rare that a guy would just stare at a blank wall and bust one off right most of the time he wants to pleasure his eyes as well so all of your senses are on fire and the issue with that is you become so accustomed to this dopamine release that normal sex will no longer give you that fulfillment you find it too boring and vanilla you want something more hardcore every time that’s the danger with porn and that’s why many women will complain that they’re not satisfied in their relationship because their man has unrealistic expectations of what sexual intercourse should look like and I believe it’s more so of a problem for men than it is for women pornography you know and I joke about it I’ve said before in videos you know you’ve got 25 tabs open there you are you know sat in front of your computer like the hunchback of Notre Dame in a dark room I mean it’s not really a empowering Act is it you don’t feel better after doing it you feel like a loser like a piece of [ __ ] that’s why you have that post not Clary that’s your body that’s your Soul telling you what you just did right there was not good but if you learn how to harness that Sexual Energy everything can improve in your life I mean boxers talk about this you know why do they retain weeks before a fight because it makes you stronger it does there’s studies on this [ __ ] now yes some people will argue that after the seventh day testosterone goes back to the normal level you know it spikes it increases I think by 400 after seven days and then some say it goes back down to normal after that to try and justify wanking you know Boston went off I just don’t think the idea of self-pleasure is good however I’ve noticed from my own experience that avoiding these disgusting Acts made me more focused gave me Clarity when it comes to my goals and it was difficult in the beginning to train myself to not release immediately after I feel that urge and instead I started harnessing that and no no I’m gonna retain another day and I forced myself and I said this to a guy the other day get out the house you know the kind of guy that I am I need drastic action I can’t just read a book on how to stop doing this [ __ ] and then that’s it I stop it’s not that simple for me and I believe for most guys it’s the same you’ve got to rip the Band-Aid off you’ve got to do something drastic throw a spanner in the works you know what worked for me was being out the house for 14 hours and then coming back only to rest because the issue is when you’re in your bedroom that’s where most guys end up doing the the deed right if you have nothing to do all evening and then you see some fat ass on Twitter or Instagram you know you’re gonna think oh [ __ ] and then you’re going to start going on the Hub and then you’re gonna you know before you know it three hours have gone and there you are sometimes as it loads you catch a glimpse of your face and you know what the [ __ ] am I doing it’s been three hours all right it’s shameful but you’re not the only one it’s a struggle millions of men around the world go through the danger with porn is that it’s free and widely available but what you pay with is your soul it numbs you it takes away any aggression out of you makes you docile takes away any desire to go out there and improve your life it’s dangerous it really is but I’m an optimist there’s always a way out is what I believe I want you guys to be in healthy loving relationships with women that you are absolutely attracted to that is ultimately the best thing to do to be an alleged with a woman that you find beautiful to become a man of value and to build a loving loving family harness that energy I’m telling you that energy will transform your life Sexual Energy is no joke the book thing can grow rich talks about it Napoleon Hill talks about the concept of sexual transmutation harnessing that energy to better your life to learn a new skill and you feel stronger man honestly you definitely do in the gym you’re better at making decisions you’re more decisive you don’t have that cloudy state of mind all the time which you do when you watch so much explicit content it numbs your mind your creative ideas aren’t there as often you’re not a sharp and also you end up seeing women in a different way when you cut out that [ __ ] you no longer see them as objects which heavy porn consumption makes you view women as just pieces of meat walking around it makes you value women a lot more you know 100 years ago the average man did not have access to thousands and thousands and thousands of naked women every day to watch and Feast their eyes on the only woman you ever got to see naked was a woman that you were in a relationship with married to of course there are going to be people that commit crimes and [ __ ] as well but we’re talking about you had to become a man of value to attract a woman in the first place and then get to know her and then that will naturally follow right but now the average Joe schmoe sits and feasts his eyes on some of the most beautiful women that have ever existed for free without having to become a man of value it’s a cheat and it’s going to get worse as well may I add because they’re going to introduce virtual reality [ __ ] and you know guys are already having less and less sex than ever before and with that being introduced it’s going to be an absolute disaster and I believe there is an agenda at play here you know this is why most governments haven’t banned it this is why it continues to be available men that watch explicit content on a frequent basis don’t achieve as much I’m just going to keep it real they don’t if you want to achieve great success you must be able to control your sexual energy and divert it to something that you really want to build a business maybe you want to learn an instrument let that occupy your time like I said be out of the house don’t be at home all day because free time is the enemy when you’re trying to level up it really is if you’re trying to abstain from this stupid act which it is I think stupid is the right word to describe it when you’re trying to abstain from it being busy with something productive is the best way you know we waste so much time watching explicit content self-pleasuring that time could be used to better yourself and you will notice enormous enormous progress and look the way I see it is it’s not a case of just clicking your fingers and then now you no longer masturbating you no longer watch porn no it’s not that simple I wish it was it’s not that simple it’s a case of replacing that bad habit with other productive habits and eventually the frequency of you engaging in watching pornography and masturbation will decrease you’ll find yourself doing it less and less and then you’ll realize oh [ __ ] it’s been two weeks it’s been a month that’s success when the frequency reduces over time and then you start feeling better about yourself it improves your self-esteem your self-confidence you no longer see yourself as a sad wanker now you’re somebody who is in shape your life is going places your career opportunities are becoming more and more fruitful then you attract women and then you get into a relationship and everything just starts to improve in your life your interactions with women start to improve you know when you watch so much porn you’re an awkward bastard because you’ve used it as an escape as an Avenue to not have to speak to real women oh I’ll just bust one off instead of having to talk to her and I know a lot of guys will see and I see in in YouTube comments and Tick Tock comments yeah but it saves me the hassle of dealing with today’s women that’s not a solution my brother you’ve got to have optimism you know I’ll see comments like why should I deal with today’s women where I can just pay an escort and I’m not bro that’s a defeatist mentality become a man of value and you can attract any woman you desire the right women ultimately you attract what you are if you’re scared and anxious and fearful you’re not going to attract a woman who brings so much Beauty and femininity into your life and I know you can attract women who are short-term and they can sniff that fear in you they’ll exploit you mostly in most cases and then get out because they don’t respect you women don’t respect the man who’s fearful of losing her a man who’s afraid of women and or sees them as the enemy no develop a better relationship with women and it all starts with developing a better relationship with yourself this is why cutting porn out is so important because you’ll end up liking yourself a lot more and you won’t have that anxiety flying over your head it’s a cloud of anxiety I’ve described it before in my videos that follows you everywhere when you watch so much porn everywhere you go there’s like a gray cloud over you it feels like there’s something heavy on your chest all right fellas look I appreciate things take time it’s not going to happen overnight you’re not just gonna click your fingers and then never watch it again no but like I said the frequency will drop distract yourself learn a new skill pick up something right now you know join a boxing club or a jiu jitsu Club occupy your time with something that will help you improve I mean physically you should be working out three to five times a week anyways but then on top of that you can pick up a martial art or a combat sport you can learn an instrument you can start uploading YouTube videos as an example learn how to trade whatever fill your calendar as I said free time is the enemy that’s when the Devil comes in and starts whispering into your rear that’s when the weakness starts showing up you’ll slip up you’ll end up watching explicit content you’ll waste your time and I’ve said this before guys zero days are dangerous wasted days add up in the same way that productive days add up and you end up becoming much more successful over the long run wasted days also add up and you’ll look back a year later and think wow I’ve done nothing in fact I’m in a worse position now than I was a year ago and that’s scary all right so harness that energy it’s powerful do not let it go to waste if you not do something with it it will disappear get out the house do something drastic sign up today to a jiu jitsu Club pay for a course today invest get get yourself into something new that you haven’t done before let that occupy more of your time and the frequency of you engaging in that filter will disappear and your life will get better and after you know you’re going to start collecting one splendatious win after the next and you’re going to feel better about yourself man you’re going to respect yourself a lot more and that’s only going to keep improving as your self-confidence increases you take more action you take more action you get more results that belief increases the belief leads to more action and things just start taking off for you all right hopefully this video has helped you fellas if it has make sure you give it a like comment down below let me know what you think and if you’re new here consider subscribing see you in the next one peace .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.68 Sexual Energy is incredibly powerful
0.68 and if you learn how to harness that
0.68 energy correctly you can transform your
0.68 life
0.68 everything can improve
0.68 the issue with most men today
0.68 is that they waste this Sexual Energy
0.68 the moment they get an urge which by the
0.68 way is perfectly normal I had a guy once
0.68 ask me Ali how do I get rid of the urges
0.68 and I&;m like hey hey slow down buddy
0.68 it&;s a good thing that you have sexual
0.68 urges it means you&;re a healthy male now
0.68 if you have no urge then maybe your
0.68 testosterone is really low and in that
0.68 case I recommend potentially going and
0.68 seeing a doctor
0.68 right
0.68 those urges
0.68 are perfectly normal
0.68 and it&;s good that you have them
0.68 it means testosterone is running through
0.68 your system
0.68 but I want you to do and do something
0.68 with the Sexual Energy
0.68 what most men do
0.68 is
0.68 they release immediately they resort to
0.68 pornography and masturbation
0.68 and that Sexual Energy is just removed
0.68 in the worst possible way
0.68 through self-pleasure now ejaculation is
0.68 not a bad thing I also want to make this
0.68 very clear because there&;s a lot of guys
0.68 that will talk about how ejaculation is
0.68 bad no
0.68 however I&;m against busting gallons all
0.68 over yourself now if you&;re in a
0.68 relationship with a woman that you find
0.68 incredibly attractive
0.68 you bust as much as you want
0.68 you&;re in a in a relationship with this
0.68 woman you know you release and brings
0.68 the both of you together and it will
0.68 inevitably at some point lead to a baby
0.68 which is also
0.68 one of life&;s greatest Joys having kids
0.68 I&;m against the act of self-pleasuring
0.68 because it always makes you feel worse
0.68 afterwards especially since the majority
0.68 of men couple masturbation with
0.68 pornography they combine those two
0.68 together
0.68 it&;s very rare that a guy would just
0.68 stare at a blank wall and bust one off
0.68 right most of the time he wants to
0.68 pleasure his eyes as well
0.68 so all of your senses are on fire and
0.68 the issue with that is you become so
0.68 accustomed to this dopamine release
0.68 that normal sex will no longer give you
0.68 that fulfillment
0.68 you find it too boring and vanilla
0.68 you want something more hardcore every
0.68 time
0.68 that&;s the danger with porn
0.68 and that&;s why many women will complain
0.68 that
0.68 they&;re not satisfied in their
0.68 relationship because their man has
0.68 unrealistic expectations
0.68 of what sexual intercourse
0.68 should look like
0.68 and I believe it&;s more so of a problem
0.68 for men than it is for women pornography
0.68 you know and I joke about it I&;ve said
0.68 before in videos you know you&;ve got 25
0.68 tabs open there you are
0.68 you know sat in front of your computer
0.68 like the hunchback of Notre Dame in a
0.68 dark room
0.68 I mean it&;s not really a empowering Act
0.68 is it you don&;t feel better after doing
0.68 it you feel like a loser like a piece of
0.68 [ __ ] that&;s why you have that post not
0.68 Clary
0.68 that&;s your body that&;s your Soul
0.68 telling you what you just did right
0.68 there was not good
0.68 but if you learn how to harness that
0.68 Sexual Energy everything can improve in
0.68 your life
0.68 I mean boxers talk about this
0.68 you know why do they retain weeks before
0.68 a fight because it makes you stronger it
0.68 does there&;s studies on this [ __ ] now
0.68 yes some people will argue that after
0.68 the seventh day
0.68 testosterone goes back to the normal
0.68 level
0.68 you know it spikes it increases I think
0.68 by 400 after seven days and then some
0.68 say
0.68 it goes back down to normal after that
0.68 to try and justify wanking you know
0.68 Boston went off
0.68 I just don&;t think the idea of
0.68 self-pleasure is good
0.68 however I&;ve noticed
0.68 from my own experience that avoiding
0.68 these disgusting Acts
0.68 made me more focused
0.68 gave me Clarity when it comes to my
0.68 goals
0.68 and it was difficult in the beginning to
0.68 train myself to not release immediately
0.68 after I feel that urge
0.68 and instead I started harnessing that
0.68 and no no I&;m gonna retain another day
0.68 and I forced myself and I said this to a
0.68 guy the other day
0.68 get out the house
0.68 you know
0.68 the kind of guy that I am I need drastic
0.68 action I can&;t just read a book on how
0.68 to stop doing this [ __ ] and then that&;s
0.68 it I stop it&;s not that simple for me
0.68 and I believe for most guys it&;s the
0.68 same
0.68 you&;ve got to rip the Band-Aid off
0.68 you&;ve got to do something drastic throw
0.68 a spanner in the works
0.68 you know what worked for me was being
0.68 out the house
0.68 for 14 hours and then coming back only
0.68 to rest
0.68 because the issue is when you&;re in your
0.68 bedroom that&;s where most guys end up
0.68 doing the the deed right
0.68 if you have nothing to do all evening
0.68 and then you see some fat ass on Twitter
0.68 or Instagram you know you&;re gonna think
0.68 oh [ __ ]
0.68 and then you&;re going to start going on
0.68 the Hub and then you&;re gonna you know
0.68 before you know it three hours have gone
0.68 and there you are
0.68 sometimes as it loads you catch a
0.68 glimpse of your face and you know what
0.68 the [ __ ] am I doing it&;s been three
0.68 hours
0.68 all right it&;s shameful
0.68 but you&;re not the only one
0.68 it&;s a struggle millions of men around
0.68 the world go through
0.68 the danger with porn is that it&;s free
0.68 and widely available
0.68 but what you pay with is your soul
0.68 it numbs you it takes away any
0.68 aggression out of you
0.68 makes you docile
0.68 takes away any desire
0.68 to go out there and improve your life
0.68 it&;s dangerous it really is
0.68 but I&;m an optimist there&;s always a way
0.68 out is what I believe I want you guys to
0.68 be in healthy loving relationships with
0.68 women
0.68 that you are absolutely attracted to
0.68 that is
0.68 ultimately the best thing
0.68 to do to be an alleged with a woman that
0.68 you find beautiful to become a man of
0.68 value
0.68 and to build a loving loving family
0.68 harness that energy I&;m telling you that
0.68 energy will transform your life Sexual
0.68 Energy is no joke the book thing can
0.68 grow rich
0.68 talks about it
0.68 Napoleon Hill talks about the concept of
0.68 sexual transmutation harnessing that
0.68 energy to better your life
0.68 to learn a new skill
0.68 and you feel stronger man honestly you
0.68 definitely do in the gym
0.68 you&;re better at making decisions you&;re
0.68 more decisive you don&;t have that cloudy
0.68 state of mind all the time which you do
0.68 when you watch so much explicit content
0.68 it numbs your mind your creative ideas
0.68 aren&;t there as often
0.68 you&;re not a sharp
0.68 and also
0.68 you end up seeing women in a different
0.68 way when you cut out that [ __ ] you no
0.68 longer see them as objects
0.68 which heavy porn consumption makes you
0.68 view women as just pieces of meat
0.68 walking around it makes you value women
0.68 a lot more
0.68 you know 100 years ago the average man
0.68 did not have access to thousands and
0.68 thousands and thousands of naked women
0.68 every day to watch and
0.68 Feast their eyes on the only woman you
0.68 ever got to see naked was a woman that
0.68 you were in a relationship with
0.68 married to
0.68 of course there are going to be people
0.68 that commit crimes and [ __ ] as well but
0.68 we&;re talking about
0.68 you had to become a man of value to
0.68 attract a woman in the first place and
0.68 then get to know her and then that will
0.68 naturally follow right but now the
0.68 average Joe schmoe
0.68 sits and feasts his eyes on some of the
0.68 most beautiful women that have ever
0.68 existed
0.68 for free without having to become a man
0.68 of value it&;s a cheat
0.68 and it&;s going to get worse as well may
0.68 I add
0.68 because they&;re going to introduce
0.68 virtual reality [ __ ] and you know guys
0.68 are already having less and less sex
0.68 than ever before and with that being
0.68 introduced it&;s going to be an absolute
0.68 disaster
0.68 and I believe there is an agenda at play
0.68 here
0.68 you know this is why most governments
0.68 haven&;t banned it
0.68 this is why it continues to be available
0.68 men that watch explicit content on a
0.68 frequent basis
0.68 don&;t achieve as much I&;m just going to
0.68 keep it real
0.68 they don&;t
0.68 if you want to achieve great success you
0.68 must
0.68 be able to control your sexual energy
0.68 and divert it
0.68 to something that you really want to
0.68 build a business
0.68 maybe you want to learn an instrument
0.68 let that occupy your time like I said be
0.68 out of the house don&;t be at home all
0.68 day
0.68 because free time is the enemy when
0.68 you&;re trying to level up it really is
0.68 if you&;re trying to abstain from this
0.68 stupid act which it is I think stupid is
0.68 the right word to describe it when
0.68 you&;re trying to abstain from it being
0.68 busy with something productive is the
0.68 best way
0.68 you know we waste so much time watching
0.68 explicit content self-pleasuring that
0.68 time could be used to better yourself
0.68 and you will notice enormous enormous
0.68 progress and look the way I see it is
0.68 it&;s not a case of just clicking your
0.68 fingers and then now you no longer
0.68 masturbating you no longer watch porn no
0.68 it&;s not that simple I wish it was it&;s
0.68 not that simple it&;s a case of replacing
0.68 that bad habit with other productive
0.68 habits and eventually the frequency of
0.68 you engaging in watching pornography and
0.68 masturbation will decrease
0.68 you&;ll find yourself doing it less and
0.68 less
0.68 and then you&;ll realize oh [ __ ] it&;s
0.68 been two weeks it&;s been a month that&;s
0.68 success when the frequency reduces over
0.68 time
0.68 and then you start feeling better about
0.68 yourself it improves your self-esteem
0.68 your self-confidence
0.68 you no longer see yourself as a sad
0.68 wanker
0.68 now you&;re somebody who is in shape your
0.68 life is going places your career
0.68 opportunities are
0.68 becoming more and more fruitful
0.68 then you attract women
0.68 and then you get into a relationship and
0.68 everything just starts to improve in
0.68 your life your interactions with women
0.68 start to improve you know when you watch
0.68 so much porn you&;re an awkward bastard
0.68 because you&;ve used it as an escape as
0.68 an Avenue to not have to speak to real
0.68 women oh I&;ll just bust one off instead
0.68 of having to talk to her and I know a
0.68 lot of guys will see and I see in in
0.68 YouTube comments and Tick Tock comments
0.68 yeah but it saves me the hassle of
0.68 dealing with today&;s women that&;s not a
0.68 solution my brother you&;ve got to have
0.68 optimism
0.68 you know I&;ll see comments like why
0.68 should I deal with today&;s women where I
0.68 can just pay an escort and I&;m not bro
0.68 that&;s a defeatist mentality become a
0.68 man of value and you can attract any
0.68 woman you desire the right women
0.68 ultimately you attract what you are
0.68 if you&;re scared and anxious and fearful
0.68 you&;re not going to attract a woman
0.68 who brings so much
0.68 Beauty and
0.68 femininity into your life and
0.68 I know you can attract women who are
0.68 short-term
0.68 and they can sniff that fear in you
0.68 they&;ll exploit you mostly in most cases
0.68 and then get out
0.68 because they don&;t respect you women
0.68 don&;t respect the man who&;s fearful of
0.68 losing her
0.68 a man who&;s afraid of women and or sees
0.68 them as the enemy no
0.68 develop a better relationship with women
0.68 and it all starts with
0.68 developing a better relationship with
0.68 yourself this is why cutting porn out is
0.68 so important because you&;ll end up
0.68 liking yourself a lot more and you won&;t
0.68 have that anxiety flying over your head
0.68 it&;s a cloud of anxiety I&;ve described
0.68 it before in my videos that follows you
0.68 everywhere when you watch so much porn
0.68 everywhere you go there&;s like a gray
0.68 cloud over you
0.68 it feels like
0.68 there&;s something heavy on your chest
0.68 all right fellas look I appreciate
0.68 things take time it&;s not going to
0.68 happen overnight you&;re not just gonna
0.68 click your fingers and then never watch
0.68 it again no but like I said the
0.68 frequency will drop distract yourself
0.68 learn a new skill pick up something
0.68 right now
0.68 you know join a boxing club or a jiu
0.68 jitsu Club
0.68 occupy your time with something that
0.68 will help you improve I mean physically
0.68 you should be working out three to five
0.68 times a week anyways but then on top of
0.68 that you can pick up a martial art or a
0.68 combat sport you can learn an instrument
0.68 you can start uploading YouTube videos
0.68 as an example learn how to trade
0.68 whatever
0.68 fill your calendar as I said free time
0.68 is the enemy
0.68 that&;s when the Devil comes in and
0.68 starts whispering
0.68 into your rear that&;s when the weakness
0.68 starts showing up
0.68 you&;ll slip up you&;ll end up watching
0.68 explicit content
0.68 you&;ll waste your time
0.68 and I&;ve said this before guys
0.68 zero days are dangerous
0.68 wasted days add up in the same way that
0.68 productive days add up and you end up
0.68 becoming much more successful over the
0.68 long run
0.68 wasted days also add up and you&;ll look
0.68 back a year later and think wow I&;ve
0.68 done nothing
0.68 in fact I&;m in a worse position now than
0.68 I was a year ago and that&;s scary
0.68 all right so harness that energy it&;s
0.68 powerful
0.68 do not let it go to waste if you not do
0.68 something with it
0.68 it will disappear
0.68 get out the house do something drastic
0.68 sign up today to a jiu jitsu Club
0.68 pay for a course today invest get get
0.68 yourself into something new that you
0.68 haven&;t done before let that occupy more
0.68 of your time
0.68 and the frequency of you engaging in
0.68 that filter will disappear and your life
0.68 will get better and after you know
0.68 you&;re going to start collecting one
0.68 splendatious win after the next and
0.68 you&;re going to feel better about
0.68 yourself man you&;re going to respect
0.68 yourself a lot more
0.68 and that&;s only going to keep improving
0.68 as your self-confidence increases you
0.68 take more action you take more action
0.68 you get more results that belief
0.68 increases the belief leads to more
0.68 action and
0.68 things just start taking off for you all
0.68 right
0.68 hopefully this video has helped you
0.68 fellas if it has make sure you give it a
0.68 like comment down below let me know what
0.68 you think and if you&;re new here
0.68 consider subscribing see you in the next
0.68 one peace
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