Youtube (nofap): Remplances sur nofap est une bonne chose, vous avez tout mal …

Remplances sur nofap est une bonne chose, vous avez tout mal ...

YouTube : du nouveau sur le thème « nofap »

Le thème « nofap » mis en image par Jak Piggott

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par Jak Piggott est destinée aux passionnés du thème «nofap ».

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 2648.

Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:05:31s), le titre (Relapsing On NoFap Is A GOOD Thing, You Have It All Wrong…), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« Après cette vidéo, votre état d’esprit entier entourant la rechute sur NOFAP sera complètement différent … obtenez ma formation gratuite qui vous montre exactement comment j’ai quitté cette mauvaise habitude étape par étape: https: //www.conquer-your-mend. com / freetraining rejoignez notre Discord Server RN: Je ne possède pas certains des clips utilisés dans cette vidéo, mon crédit va à: @zerobudgetstories @standingchad @ wageking3769 @ lordwojak4034 Instagram: @ jak.piggott tiktok: @ jak.piggott Courriel: piggottjak3 @ # selfrimprovement #selfdevelopment (tagstotranslate) nofap ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

L’abstinence transforme la vie des hommes, notamment en améliorant leur énergie et humeur.

Les avantages psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme méritent une analyse approfondie.

Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.

Explorer les effets de l’abstinence sur la diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression causées par la dépendance à la masturbation.

La dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation chez l’homme provoque souvent une anxiété importante. En cessant ces comportements, il est courant de voir une réduction de la dépression et une meilleure gestion des actions personnelles.

Observer les progrès érectiles après l’abstinence.

Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.

Les hommes trouvent un soutien essentiel au sein de la communauté NoFap pour faire face à leurs défis.

Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.

Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.

Mettre l’accent sur l’influence positive du soutien social et émotionnel sur la réussite de l’abstinence.

La communauté Nofap et ses forums soutiennent activement les hommes dans leur parcours d’abstinence, en aidant à gérer l’anxiété et la dépression. Ils offrent un espace pour échanger des solutions et des stratégies contre les rechutes. Un encadrement professionnel est parfois crucial (à ce sujet voir ce site très connu

Étudier l’importance des forums et des groupes de soutien pour renforcer la résilience des participants.

Les groupes de soutien en ligne, comme ceux de la communauté NoFap, sont efficaces pour aider les participants à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, comme le prouvent les recherches scientifiques. Ces forums permettent d’apporter une aide précieuse à ceux qui cherchent à arrêter la masturbation.

NoFap : une démarche révolutionnaire pour les hommes

Savoir ce qui motive ceux qui pratiquent NoFap permet de comprendre les résultats attendus de cette abstinence.

Les membres de NoFap s’unissent pour combattre les effets de la pornographie, améliorer leur fonction érectile et réduire l’anxiété. Des études montrent qu’après l’arrêt de la pornographie, plusieurs hommes sondés ont connu une réduction des symptômes de dépression et de pensées suicidaires.

Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.

Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.

NoFap est un mouvement prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation.

Le mouvement NoFap propose de rompre avec la pornographie et la masturbation afin de réduire l’addiction. Il s’agit d’une initiative permettant aux hommes d’améliorer leur bien-être mental et physique.

Comment réussir son parcours NoFap

Ressources fiables pour approfondir le parcours NoFap.

Les études de Nicole Prause et autres travaux scientifiques éclairent les mécanismes de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation, tout en offrant des solutions scientifiques pour remédier à ce phénomène.

Rester motivé sur NoFap : les meilleurs conseils

L’exercice, la méditation et l’évitement des déclencheurs sont des habitudes efficaces pour maintenir la motivation et atteindre ses objectifs.

Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.

Une étude scientifique a révélé que les rechutes font partie du processus NoFap. Pour les surmonter, les participants doivent se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour persévérer.

Si vous souhaitez regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici

#Remplances #sur #nofap #est #une #bonne #chose #vous #avez #tout #mal

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: I’m on day 14 of noap I go on Instagram for the first time in 2 weeks and the first post I see is a pair of juicy titties what do you think happens next I’m staring at this photo for about I’d say 3 to 5 minutes I’m going back and forth with my mind should I relapse oh bro it’s going to feel so good just let it out once and we’ll just start again tomorrow imagine how good it’s going to feel bro you’re on day 14 don’t do it you’re going to lose all your benefits but my mind thinks of so many reasons to watch porn and it ignores all the reasons why I shouldn’t so it gets hooked I go in the hub I scroll for about I’d say 15 to 20 minutes until I find that perfect video to bust one off too I said to myself I’m just going to Edge I’m not actually going to relapse I’m just going to Edge cuz I didn’t know edging was bad for me back then but I get too excited and I accidentally let it off I was [ __ ] going real hard bro and it came out like a rocket and I couldn’t control it and after that that I felt like a guilty piece of [ __ ] 14 days on noof fap out the window just like that I’ve lost all my benefits what am I going to do I am feeling the worst I’ve ever felt in a very long time I’m sitting on my desk I don’t know what to do I’ve turned my phone off I don’t want anything to do with it I think porn is the worst thing in the world even though I know my mind will crave it in a couple more hours but I remember it is not a relapse if I learn something something from it so what if we can find a lesson from this relapse then it’s not a bad thing it’s like working on a business failing in that business but learning something to make that business more successful it’s inherently not a bad thing is it it’s just all part of the process I’m on my desk I get out my notepad and I ask myself this question why did I relapse well let’s go back to the start it’s a Thursday morning and I wake up around 8:00 a.m. this is the latest I’ve woken up in so long I remember I was having a good night with the boys on 2K we sat till like I think 11: or 1200 a.m. which is very late for me I had hit the snooze button a few times I told myself I was going to wake up at 5:30 a.m. with 5 hours of sleep I was too tired and I’d already started my day off with an L by waking up late so I might as well get up and just scroll on Tik Tok anyway I got have a [ __ ] workout because my morning has been [ __ ] I pay attention in school but I’m not even paying attention I’m just scrolling on my phone I have a [ __ ] day so I go on Instagram to escape these negative thoughts I’m having I see a big pair of juicy titties so [ __ ] it I’ve had a bad day I’m not feeling right and porn is commonly used as a source of escapism for most men and I was using it for that reason so [ __ ] it I had a [ __ ] day I might as well relapse that’s why I did the trigger for going on social media was having a [ __ ] day yeah I could just say oh yeah social media was the trigger yeah it was and I did compens that by deleting social media deleting Instagram so I wouldn’t get those urges anymore but the main reason was actually staying up too late with the boys I’m not saying to not have fun and I’m glad I did that however I could have woken up Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. but still had a good day I chose to scroll on Tik Tok the first thing in the morning so I made sure that I would not go on my phone the first 30 minutes of every single day that’s what I learned from that relapse and also that social media was giving me urges so I deleted Instagram for 6 months until I started posting on it and I told myself that relapsing on noof fap was just like missing a day in the gym if you relapse once a week it’s like missing one workout in a week when you think about it 52 workouts in a year is a [ __ ] lot is a lot of workouts bro and you can make a lot of progress with that but if you miss like one workout in 2 months it’s not going to do much I’m not saying you should go out there and relapse once or twice a month but what I am saying bro is it’s not actually that bad of course the goal is to not realas bro but the main main goal should be to just change your lifestyle as soon as I started focusing on my goals and not [ __ ] getting to a certain day on nofap I got to that day mark on noof fap naturally without even counting I got to day 90 I’m like [ __ ] I’m at day 90 this went so quick it is not about getting to a certain day Mark it’s not about quitting porn it’s about creating a new lifestyle and quitting porn helps with that after that day 14 I didn’t relapse again I viewed porn again I Peak at porn but I didn’t do it and I haven’t done it since I did that exercise of learning from a relapse just once and I never did it again I relapsed so many times hundreds of times before that but I never learned something from a relapse but this time I made it a priority to learn from every single mistake I make and that’s why I was successful and if you implement that into your own life right now bro I can guarantee you it will get to a point when your whole entire life has changed relapsing is not a bad thing if you learn something from it this is the best mindset of noap and I can guarantee you that with that zra if you are struggling with breaking this addiction and you want the complete guide I covered like maybe a fifth of it in this video go and check out the free training I have for you down below in the description join our Discord server down below and if you haven’t already subscribe and I’ll catch you in the next video bro f .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.08 I&;m on day 14 of noap I go on Instagram
0.08 for the first time in 2 weeks and the
0.08 first post I see is a pair of juicy
0.08 titties what do you think happens next
0.08 I&;m staring at this photo for about I&;d
0.08 say 3 to 5 minutes I&;m going back and
0.08 forth with my mind should I relapse oh
0.08 bro it&;s going to feel so good just let
0.08 it out once and we&;ll just start again
0.08 tomorrow imagine how good it&;s going to
0.08 feel bro you&;re on day 14 don&;t do it
0.08 you&;re going to lose all your benefits
0.08 but my mind thinks of so many reasons to
0.08 watch porn and it ignores all the
0.08 reasons why I shouldn&;t so it gets
0.08 hooked I go in the hub I scroll for
0.08 about I&;d say 15 to 20 minutes until I
0.08 find that perfect video to bust one off
0.08 too I said to myself I&;m just going to
0.08 Edge I&;m not actually going to relapse
0.08 I&;m just going to Edge cuz I didn&;t know
0.08 edging was bad for me back then but I
0.08 get too excited and I accidentally let
0.08 it off I was [ __ ] going real hard bro
0.08 and it came out like a rocket and I
0.08 couldn&;t control it and after that that
0.08 I felt like a guilty piece of [ __ ] 14
0.08 days on noof fap out the window just
0.08 like that I&;ve lost all my benefits what
0.08 am I going to do I am feeling the worst
0.08 I&;ve ever felt in a very long time I&;m
0.08 sitting on my desk I don&;t know what to
0.08 do I&;ve turned my phone off I don&;t want
0.08 anything to do with it I think porn is
0.08 the worst thing in the world even though
0.08 I know my mind will crave it in a couple
0.08 more hours but I remember it is not a
0.08 relapse if I learn something something
0.08 from it so what if we can find a lesson
0.08 from this relapse then it&;s not a bad
0.08 thing it&;s like working on a business
0.08 failing in that business but learning
0.08 something to make that business more
0.08 successful it&;s inherently not a bad
0.08 thing is it it&;s just all part of the
0.08 process I&;m on my desk I get out my
0.08 notepad and I ask myself this question
0.08 why did I relapse well let&;s go back to
0.08 the start it&;s a Thursday morning and I
0.08 wake up around 8:00 a.m. this is the
0.08 latest I&;ve woken up in so long I
0.08 remember I was having a good night with
0.08 the boys on 2K we sat till like I think
0.08 11: or 1200 a.m. which is very late for
0.08 me I had hit the snooze button a few
0.08 times I told myself I was going to wake
0.08 up at 5:30 a.m. with 5 hours of sleep I
0.08 was too tired and I&;d already started my
0.08 day off with an L by waking up late so I
0.08 might as well get up and just scroll on
0.08 Tik Tok anyway I got have a [ __ ] workout
0.08 because my morning has been [ __ ] I pay
0.08 attention in school but I&;m not even
0.08 paying attention I&;m just scrolling on
0.08 my phone I have a [ __ ] day
0.08 so I go on Instagram to escape these
0.08 negative thoughts I&;m having I see a big
0.08 pair of juicy titties so [ __ ] it I&;ve
0.08 had a bad day I&;m not feeling right and
0.08 porn is commonly used as a source of
0.08 escapism for most men and I was using it
0.08 for that reason so [ __ ] it I had a [ __ ]
0.08 day I might as well relapse that&;s why I
0.08 did the trigger for going on social
0.08 media was having a [ __ ] day yeah I could
0.08 just say oh yeah social media was the
0.08 trigger yeah it was and I did compens
0.08 that by deleting social media deleting
0.08 Instagram so I wouldn&;t get those urges
0.08 anymore but the main reason was actually
0.08 staying up too late with the boys I&;m
0.08 not saying to not have fun and I&;m glad
0.08 I did that however I could have woken up
0.08 Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. but still
0.08 had a good day I chose to scroll on Tik
0.08 Tok the first thing in the morning so I
0.08 made sure that I would not go on my
0.08 phone the first 30 minutes of every
0.08 single day that&;s what I learned from
0.08 that relapse and also that social media
0.08 was giving me urges so I deleted
0.08 Instagram for 6 months until I started
0.08 posting on it and I told myself that
0.08 relapsing on noof fap was just like
0.08 missing a day in the gym if you relapse
0.08 once a week it&;s like missing one
0.08 workout in a week when you think about
0.08 it 52 workouts in a year is a [ __ ]
0.08 lot is a lot of workouts bro and you can
0.08 make a lot of progress with that but if
0.08 you miss like one workout in 2 months
0.08 it&;s not going to do much I&;m not saying
0.08 you should go out there and relapse once
0.08 or twice a month but what I am saying
0.08 bro is it&;s not actually that bad of
0.08 course the goal is to not realas bro but
0.08 the main main goal should be to just
0.08 change your lifestyle as soon as I
0.08 started focusing on my goals and not
0.08 [ __ ] getting to a certain day on
0.08 nofap I got to that day mark on noof fap
0.08 naturally without even counting I got to
0.08 day 90 I&;m like [ __ ] I&;m at day 90 this
0.08 went so quick it is not about getting to
0.08 a certain day Mark it&;s not about
0.08 quitting porn it&;s about creating a new
0.08 lifestyle and quitting porn helps with
0.08 that after that day
0.08 14 I didn&;t relapse again I viewed porn
0.08 again I Peak at porn but I didn&;t do it
0.08 and I haven&;t done it since I did that
0.08 exercise of learning from a relapse just
0.08 once and I never did it again I relapsed
0.08 so many times hundreds of times before
0.08 that but I never learned something from
0.08 a relapse but this time I made it a
0.08 priority to learn from every single
0.08 mistake I make and that&;s why I was
0.08 successful and if you implement that
0.08 into your own life right now bro I can
0.08 guarantee you it will get to a point
0.08 when your whole entire life has changed
0.08 relapsing is not a bad thing if you
0.08 learn something from it this is the best
0.08 mindset of noap and I can guarantee you
0.08 that with that zra if you are struggling
0.08 with breaking this addiction and you
0.08 want the complete guide I covered like
0.08 maybe a fifth of it in this video go and
0.08 check out the free training I have for
0.08 you down below in the description join
0.08 our Discord server down below and if you
0.08 haven&;t already subscribe and I&;ll catch
0.08 you in the next video bro f

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