chastity,DOMINATRIX décompose les bases de la CHASTETÉ sur Youtube

DOMINATRIX décompose les bases de la CHASTETÉ

Le thème «chastity» abordé en vidéo sur YouTube

A la une, le thème « chastity » publié par GoddessJoyIsHOT

Une vidéo, produite par GoddessJoyIsHOT et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est consacrée au thème « chastity » et en présente quelques aspects.

YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.

Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 712.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:13:47s), le titre (DOMINATRIX breaks down CHASTITY basics), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« I’M BACKKK 🖤❤ Vous avez tous attendu assez longtemps, et je suis enfin de retour ! et aujourd’hui je vous explique comment mettre une cage de chasteté. Liste de souhaits Envoyez-moi un email : Autres liens : ».

Le player de la vidéo est situé juste en dessous

La chasteté avant le mariage est souvent reconnue comme une pratique éthique. Les croyances religieuses ou culturelles jouent souvent un rôle dans la motivation de cette pratique. Adopter cette norme est souvent associé à une grande discipline personnelle. Les enseignements religieux sur la chasteté avant le mariage sont couramment présents dans les programmes éducatifs.

Avant l’union, la chasteté est perçue comme un engagement important pour le couple, qu’il ait ou non une croyance religieuse. Pour une femme, la chasteté corporelle avant le mariage est souvent vue comme un don de grande valeur. La virginité de la mariée est une immense fierté pour elle, sa famille et son époux dans l’Islam comme dans d’autres religions. Le chemin de la chasteté est souvent particulièrement difficile pour un garçon. Il est complexe pour un garçon de rester abstinent sexuellement jusqu’à l’union sans des outils comme une cage de chasteté. Cette lutte pour la maîtrise de soi constitue une preuve authentique d’amour, préparant le couple à une relation basée sur le respect. Avant le mariage, la continence ne se limite pas à préserver la pureté du corps, mais prépare aussi spirituellement le couple pour une union plus harmonieuse. Le respect de ce chemin de continence aide à forger une sexualité solide pour les futurs conjoints.

La fidélité, combinée à la chasteté, exprime un engagement profond envers l’autre.

Pour l’époux, maintenir la chasteté conjugale est synonyme de fidélité. Être fidèle, c’est plus que s’abstenir de sexualité extraconjugale ; cela inclut aussi la préservation de la pureté des pensées et actions. Pour garder la confiance de son épouse, il est indispensable de maîtriser ses pulsions sexuelles. Le concept de chasteté conjugale est l’un des points centraux sur le site chasteté.fr qui aborde le sujet de la chasteté conjugale .

Cela inclut le combat contre la pornographie, l’évitement des relations trop proches avec d’autres femmes, et le refus de flirter. Par conséquent, la chasteté se manifeste comme un don de soi, sauvegardant non seulement l’époux et son corps, mais aussi la famille, l’enfant et le foyer des dangers extérieurs.

Histoire de l’évolution de la chasteté.

Les pratiques de chasteté modernes varient fortement de celles du Moyen Âge. La femme était le principal sujet de suspicion en ce qui concerne la chasteté durant le Moyen Âge. Il est parfois raconté, bien que ces récits ne soient pas toujours fiables, que les maris enfermaient leurs femmes dans des ceintures de chasteté lorsqu’ils n’étaient pas présents. Il y a relativement peu de preuves de chasteté réciproque dans les sources historiques.

La naissance des ceintures de chasteté masculines.

Les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes semblent avoir fait leur apparition dans la sexualité principalement aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Les ceintures de chasteté étaient avant tout employées pour des raisons médicales, pour l’éducation des jeunes adultes et pour prévenir la masturbation, les relations sexuelles prémaritales, l’infidélité, mais aussi par amour pour Dieu, quelle que soit la religion. Ce don de chasteté, guidé par le respect divin, symbolise un engagement pour une vie plus pure et sanctifiée.

La chasteté conjugale est engagée au service de l’amour.

Les règles établies par les couples visent souvent à garantir la fidélité et la chasteté de l’homme. La question n’est pas de savoir si la femme est plus libre d’aventures extraconjugales, mais plutôt de la confiance plus importante dont elle dispose. La réalité est que la chasteté conjugale s’applique principalement au mari dans 95 % des cas. Il est contraint de porter un dispositif de chasteté, tel qu’une cage, qui bloque son pénis et interdit toute activité sexuelle. En ce qui concerne l’efficacité, la cage de chasteté est sans faille. Quand la cage est verrouillée autour des organes génitaux, le pénis est replié vers le bas, reposant sur les testicules. L’homme se voit contraint d’abandonner toute pensée et aventure sexuelle, se concentrant uniquement sur le moment de libération et sur la jouissance avec son âme sœur. Ce sacrifice traduit un don de soi, un acte d’amour offert sous le regard divin.

La chasteté conjugale est régulièrement vue comme une manifestation d’amour profond entre les partenaires. Elle est généralement associée à un engagement réciproque et à la préservation de l’intimité dans la relation. Elle peut également refléter un respect sincère pour les valeurs partagées entre les partenaires.

L’amour et la confiance entre les partenaires sont renforcés par la pratique de la chasteté conjugale. Elle permet de garder vivante la flamme réciproque, même si l’engagement vient uniquement de l’homme. Selon l’Église de Vatican II, la chasteté fait partie des vertus essentielles du mariage et du service à Dieu. Cet engagement sacré de chasteté est une offrande à Dieu, un respect des saints, qui renforce l’amour conjugal en le plaçant sous le signe de la sainteté.

La représentation de l’homme fluctuant.

Pour être précis, l’homme est perçu comme ayant une tendance accrue à la volage et à la masturbation en dehors de la relation. Il doit ainsi se conformer à des règles de chasteté plus sévères pour bénéficier de la confiance de son partenaire. Par amour, il peut consacrer toute son énergie, son désir et son affection, comme un acte divin guidé par Dieu. Ce geste d’abnégation est un engagement profond, un reflet de la sainteté que chaque homme est censé manifester.

La chasteté représente une pratique essentielle sur le plan personnel pour les hommes. La chasteté chez les hommes est fréquemment vue comme une forme stricte d’autodiscipline. Pour maintenir la chasteté, il faut un engagement profond envers ses propres principes. La chasteté masculine favorise le renforcement de l’autodiscipline, de la volonté et du caractère.

La chasteté conjugale soutient la flamme réciproque, même lorsque seul le mari y adhère. L’Église catholique reconnait la chasteté comme une vertu de premier plan dans la vie. Cette vertu est un don de soi au Christ, à Dieu et à autrui, comme en témoignent les vies des saints. À l’image du Christ, beaucoup de saints ont uni leur chasteté à une offrande totale de leur vie à Dieu. Saint Joseph, mari de la Vierge Marie, est régulièrement mentionné comme un parfait exemple de chasteté conjugale. Il est rapporté que Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, moine cistercien du XIIe siècle, se lança dans un buisson d’épines pour lutter contre ses désirs. Saint François d’Assise, avant de se donner à Dieu et au Christ, menait une vie de plaisir et de luxe. Après avoir reçu un appel profond de Dieu, Saint François d’Assise se tourna vers la pauvreté et la chasteté. Saint Thomas d’Aquin, lorsqu’il était jeune, fit face à des tentations de sa famille qui désirait le faire renoncer à la vie monastique. La légende raconte que Saint Thomas d’Aquin repoussa une femme envoyée pour le séduire en utilisant un tison ardent. Sainte Maria Goretti, alors âgée de 11 ans, choisit de mourir plutôt que d’accepter le péché.

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#DOMINATRIX #décompose #les #bases #CHASTETÉ

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: let’s talk about Chastity [Music] again hello to all my kinky friends followers and fans and welcome back to my YouTube channel I’m godess Joy your night in shiny armor because today I’m going to be teaching you how to wear this devilish device the Chastity cage you know the one that’s been growing cobwebs at the back of your cupboard cuz you’re too afraid to use it yeah that’s the one so if you don’t have a single clue how to use this device or you just want to stare at a superior woman for a few minutes well you’re in luck your prayers have been answered because in this video I’m going to be telling you a whole bunch of tips tricks and must knows to help you lock yourself with EAS so let’s get down to Basics to defeat the Hun so here we have what are a deliciously small chasti cage so this chasti cage comes in four parts here we have the head of the cage this is the ring this tiny little thing here is the lock and this here is the key to put them together you simp simply take the head and the ring and you slot them together like this so they join together here and this it’s very hard in latex gloves is where hey so this is where you put the lock into into here but the fun part is when you lock it up and then that key belongs for add your key holders neck with all the other keys so it’s very easy to lock a chasty cage with nothing inside but when you’re dealing with a human member things get a little bit harder and softer so it’s your lucky day again because I’ve prepared a handy dandy and completely YouTube safe demonstration for you using a very rip and squishy banana as the membera and a moldy orange as the Bulls it’s like looking in a mirror isn’t it so here we have our fruity makeshift member that definitely deserves to be locked don’t you think but first I think we’re going to need to find a cage that fits this member a little better because this metal cage is a bit too small to do the job prop properly now our metal cage is definitely way too small for the job so here’s a bigger plastic cage but again it’s still too small to fit our package I guess we’re just going to have to shrink it smaller much smaller M that’s better so now you have a cage that fits it’s time to show show you how to put it on so first off you’re going to need some lube baby oil or moisturizer whichever you like the most and you’re going to want to get downstairs nice and lubricated so everything will slip smoothly into place next you’re going to slide the ring to the base of the shaft and then tuck each of your prunes inside so the ring is resting behind your junk or you can go prunes first and shaft second whichever you’re more comfortable with and feels right for your body remember we’re all very very different so your journey with Chastity might be quite different to someone else’s if the boys are too close to your body to get the ring around you can warm them up with a hot bath or a little hand massage to get them really nice and malleable then once the Rings in place you can slide the head of the cage onto the shaft if you struggle with this next step using more lube and moisturizer can help you slide and glide it into place some cages also come with a handy piece of cloth to help you but if your cage doesn’t come with that no worries just grab an old nylon and cut off the end and you’ve got yourself a broken tight and a little piece of fabric that can help you so you’ll cover the shaft with the cloth then slot the cloth through the head of the cage and then you pull the head of the cage down the shaft filling it with the member and then just remove the cloth afterwards and hey Presto you’re done and then lock yourself and you’re ready to go a chastity cage with a snug fit is definitely what you’re aiming for the ring should not be too big else you’ll just slip out but be especially careful if that cage is too tight you definitely do not want your cage to start cutting off your circulation not a good look a snugly fitting cage with room for a finger in the ring is definitely the best shout if you’re really stuck for sizing there are a ton of resources online to help you bu the right size and show you how to measure properly and I’ll link a few sites to help you in the description of this video so if you’re new to Chas and buying a cage definitely measure first don’t just buy blindly because 99% of the time it’s not going to fit you properly or safely so you’ve got the cage on finally but it’s your first time so make sure top tip you go really really slow so I would advise just to wear your cage for a few hours on the first day lock it up by yourself get used to the feeling really take note of what your body is saying and then you keep adding hours days weeks months years in your own time until you can comfortably and confidently build up to those longer periods of time think of it as training for your greater purpose of being locked for Life by an evil and manipulative Superior Queen like with most things in life you need to put the time and the work in and then you will finally start seeing some payoff and results the large majority of wearers will experience a little bit of pain when they first start wearing their cage but once you get the hang of it and after a few months you’ll be able to wear your cage with ease now you all need to especially pay attention to this it’s vital that you learn the difference between a good and a bad pain you should never feel sick or faint while wearing your cage nor should your tennis balls be purple or blue and if this happens you need to take your cage off immediately don’t Champion through extreme levels of pain it doesn’t make you a better sub it just makes you irresponsible and nobody wants to play with an irresponsible sub you’re just a health risk if you’re under the control of a keyh holder and it’s a health emergency you have permission unlock without asking I don’t care what your Dum says if it’s a health emergency your body comes before any type of kinky play and if your Dom doesn’t agree with those practices you can send them my way and I can have a lovely conversation with them and show them a few pictures that will definitely make them change their mind a good Dom will understand Health emergencies come before King but if you do need to unlock for a health emergency you must update your D as soon as the cage is off and you’re in an okay state to send a message always and I mean always send your Dom a health date explaining the situation so you won’t get in heaps of trouble for decaging without permission Health Emergency is not a get out of Chastity free card your Dom will see right through you when she asks for proof so if you are struggling with any pain or weird Sensations make sure you send proof and explain it to your Dom so she knows it’s a medical emergency and doesn’t just assume you had a moment of weakness now this next Point might ruin a few fantasies but you should always keep a spare key for your own own personal safety there should always be a backup option you’ve been playing with Chasity for a while you have a reliable cage and know what you’re doing and there’s no risk in safety concerns the key does not have to be accessible by any means buy a safety deposit box cross town and keep the key there put it in a block of ice in your freezer you could buy a timed lock box or my favorite you could bury a 6ot hole in the garden and keep your key there now those ideas are only for the experts if you’re new put your chass key in your underwear drawer and keep it there forget about it and only use it if you’re in an emergency situation I can imagine a really weak sub out there waiting until the dead of night and going down to the bottom of his garden digging up shovels filled with dirt and sifting through the mud just to try and find his tiny key delicious yes keeping a spare key isn’t just fun but remember your body comes before your Kink say play is important for you so let’s go back to what you might expect when wearing your cage for the first few nights and days I hope you remember that I told you to tell the difference between a good happy pain and a bad health-threatening pain because as I mentioned before this journey is definitely not going to be painfree the things that will traditionally cause the most discomfort are walking in your cage sleeping through the night and morning wood to ease these disc Comfort go to the toilet immediately when you wake up and make sure you use a hell of a lot of moisturizer you could also wear a Chassy strap which is a Sho string Ribbon or specifically one designed for chassity around your waist and your area and that will help relieve pressure when walking as it keeps the cage nice and tight to your form now that’s all for today’s t tips and tricks I hope you wrote all of that down and if you didn’t get out your pen and paper watch it again and take notes and hopefully this video taught you something new and your Chas cage hidden at the back of your cupboard doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore now make sure you subscribe to my channel you like this video and comment down below your favorite way of receiving praise so I know that you made it and watch till the end of this video good boy and make sure to follow my links to my other Pages have a fun day experimenting and stay freaky [Music] .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.12 let&;s talk about Chastity
0.12 [Music]
0.12 again hello to all my kinky friends
0.12 followers and fans and welcome back to
0.12 my YouTube channel I&;m godess Joy your
0.12 night in shiny armor because today I&;m
0.12 going to be teaching you how to wear
0.12 this devilish device the Chastity cage
0.12 you know the one that&;s been growing
0.12 cobwebs at the back of your cupboard cuz
0.12 you&;re too afraid to use it yeah that&;s
0.12 the one so if you don&;t have a single
0.12 clue how to use this device or you just
0.12 want to stare at a superior woman for a
0.12 few minutes well you&;re in luck your
0.12 prayers have been answered because in
0.12 this video I&;m going to be telling you a
0.12 whole bunch of tips tricks and must
0.12 knows to help you lock yourself with EAS
0.12 so let&;s get down to Basics to defeat
0.12 the
0.12 Hun so here we have what are a
0.12 deliciously small chasti cage so this
0.12 chasti cage comes in four parts here we
0.12 have the head of the cage this is the
0.12 ring this tiny little thing here is the
0.12 lock and this here is the key to put
0.12 them together you simp simply take the
0.12 head and the ring and you slot them
0.12 together like
0.12 this so they join together here and this
0.12 it&;s very hard in latex gloves is where
0.12 hey so this is where you put the lock
0.12 into into here but the fun part is when
0.12 you lock it up and then that key belongs
0.12 for add your key holders neck with all
0.12 the other keys so it&;s very easy to lock
0.12 a chasty cage with nothing inside but
0.12 when you&;re dealing with a human member
0.12 things get a little bit harder and
0.12 softer so it&;s your lucky day again
0.12 because I&;ve prepared a handy dandy and
0.12 completely YouTube safe demonstration
0.12 for you using a very rip and squishy
0.12 banana as the membera and a moldy orange
0.12 as the Bulls it&;s like looking in a
0.12 mirror isn&;t it so here we have our
0.12 fruity makeshift member that definitely
0.12 deserves to be
0.12 locked don&;t you think but first I think
0.12 we&;re going to need to find a cage that
0.12 fits this member a little better because
0.12 this metal cage is a bit too small to do
0.12 the job prop properly now our metal cage
0.12 is definitely way too small for the job
0.12 so here&;s a bigger plastic cage but
0.12 again it&;s still too small to fit our
0.12 package I guess we&;re just going to have
0.12 to shrink it
0.12 smaller much
0.12 smaller
0.12 M that&;s better so now you have a cage
0.12 that fits it&;s time to show show you how
0.12 to put it
0.12 on so first off you&;re going to need
0.12 some lube baby oil or moisturizer
0.12 whichever you like the most and you&;re
0.12 going to want to get downstairs nice and
0.12 lubricated so everything will slip
0.12 smoothly into place next you&;re going to
0.12 slide the ring to the base of the shaft
0.12 and then tuck each of your prunes inside
0.12 so the ring is resting behind your junk
0.12 or you can go prunes first and shaft
0.12 second whichever you&;re more comfortable
0.12 with and feels right for your body
0.12 remember we&;re all very very different
0.12 so your journey with Chastity might be
0.12 quite different to someone else&;s if the
0.12 boys are too close to your body to get
0.12 the ring around you can warm them up
0.12 with a hot bath or a little hand massage
0.12 to get them really nice and malleable
0.12 then once the Rings in place you can
0.12 slide the head of the cage onto the
0.12 shaft if you struggle with this next
0.12 step using more lube and moisturizer can
0.12 help you slide and glide it into place
0.12 some cages also come with a handy piece
0.12 of cloth to help you but if your cage
0.12 doesn&;t come with that no worries just
0.12 grab an old nylon and cut off the end
0.12 and you&;ve got yourself a broken tight
0.12 and a little piece of fabric that can
0.12 help you so you&;ll cover the shaft with
0.12 the cloth then slot the cloth through
0.12 the head of the cage and then you pull
0.12 the head of the cage down the shaft
0.12 filling it with the member and then just
0.12 remove the cloth afterwards and hey
0.12 Presto you&;re done and then lock
0.12 yourself and you&;re ready to go a
0.12 chastity cage with a snug fit is
0.12 definitely what you&;re aiming for the
0.12 ring should not be too big else you&;ll
0.12 just slip out but be especially careful
0.12 if that cage is too tight you definitely
0.12 do not want your cage to start cutting
0.12 off your
0.12 circulation not a good look a snugly
0.12 fitting cage with room for a finger in
0.12 the ring
0.12 is definitely the best shout if you&;re
0.12 really stuck for sizing there are a ton
0.12 of resources online to help you bu the
0.12 right size and show you how to measure
0.12 properly and I&;ll link a few sites to
0.12 help you in the description of this
0.12 video so if you&;re new to Chas and
0.12 buying a cage definitely measure first
0.12 don&;t just buy blindly because 99% of
0.12 the time it&;s not going to fit you
0.12 properly or safely so you&;ve got the
0.12 cage on finally but it&;s your first time
0.12 so make sure top tip you go really
0.12 really slow so I would advise just to
0.12 wear your cage for a few hours on the
0.12 first day lock it up by yourself get
0.12 used to the feeling really take note of
0.12 what your body is saying and then you
0.12 keep adding hours days weeks months
0.12 years in your own time until you can
0.12 comfortably and confidently build up to
0.12 those longer periods of time think of it
0.12 as training for your greater purpose of
0.12 being locked for Life by an evil and
0.12 manipulative Superior Queen
0.12 like with most things in life you need
0.12 to put the time and the work in and then
0.12 you will finally start seeing some
0.12 payoff and results the large majority of
0.12 wearers will experience a little bit of
0.12 pain when they first start wearing their
0.12 cage but once you get the hang of it and
0.12 after a few months you&;ll be able to
0.12 wear your cage with ease now you all
0.12 need to especially pay attention to this
0.12 it&;s vital that you learn the difference
0.12 between a good and a bad pain you should
0.12 never feel sick or faint while wearing
0.12 your cage nor should your tennis balls
0.12 be purple or blue and if this happens
0.12 you need to take your cage off
0.12 immediately don&;t Champion through
0.12 extreme levels of pain it doesn&;t make
0.12 you a better sub it just makes you
0.12 irresponsible and nobody wants to play
0.12 with an irresponsible sub you&;re just a
0.12 health risk if you&;re under the control
0.12 of a keyh holder and it&;s a health
0.12 emergency you have permission unlock
0.12 without asking I don&;t care what your
0.12 Dum says if it&;s a health emergency your
0.12 body comes before any type of kinky play
0.12 and if your Dom doesn&;t agree with those
0.12 practices you can send them my way and I
0.12 can have a lovely conversation with them
0.12 and show them a few pictures that will
0.12 definitely make them change their mind a
0.12 good Dom will understand Health
0.12 emergencies come before King but if you
0.12 do need to unlock for a health emergency
0.12 you must update your D
0.12 as soon as the cage is off and you&;re in
0.12 an okay state to send a message always
0.12 and I mean always send your Dom a health
0.12 date explaining the situation so you
0.12 won&;t get in heaps of trouble for
0.12 decaging without permission Health
0.12 Emergency is not a get out of Chastity
0.12 free card your Dom will see right
0.12 through you when she asks for proof so
0.12 if you are struggling with any pain or
0.12 weird Sensations make sure you send
0.12 proof and explain it to your Dom so she
0.12 knows it&;s a medical emergency and
0.12 doesn&;t just assume you had a moment of
0.12 weakness now this next Point might ruin
0.12 a few fantasies but you should always
0.12 keep a spare key for your own own
0.12 personal safety there should always be a
0.12 backup option you&;ve been playing with
0.12 Chasity for a while you have a reliable
0.12 cage and know what you&;re doing and
0.12 there&;s no risk in safety concerns the
0.12 key does not have to be accessible by
0.12 any means buy a safety deposit box cross
0.12 town and keep the key there put it in a
0.12 block of ice in your freezer you could
0.12 buy a timed lock box or my favorite
0.12 you could bury a 6ot hole in the garden
0.12 and keep your key there now those ideas
0.12 are only for the experts if you&;re new
0.12 put your chass key in your underwear
0.12 drawer and keep it there forget about it
0.12 and only use it if you&;re in an
0.12 emergency
0.12 situation I can imagine a really weak
0.12 sub out there waiting until the dead of
0.12 night and going down to the bottom of
0.12 his garden digging up shovels filled
0.12 with dirt and sifting through the mud
0.12 just to try and find his tiny
0.12 key delicious yes keeping a spare key
0.12 isn&;t just fun but remember your body
0.12 comes before your Kink say play is
0.12 important for you so let&;s go back to
0.12 what you might expect when wearing your
0.12 cage for the first few nights and
0.12 days I hope you remember that I told you
0.12 to tell the difference between a good
0.12 happy pain and a bad health-threatening
0.12 pain because as I mentioned before this
0.12 journey is definitely not going to be
0.12 painfree the things that will
0.12 traditionally cause the most discomfort
0.12 are walking in your cage sleeping
0.12 through the night and morning wood to
0.12 ease these disc Comfort go to the toilet
0.12 immediately when you wake up and make
0.12 sure you use a hell of a lot of
0.12 moisturizer you could also wear a Chassy
0.12 strap which is a Sho string Ribbon or
0.12 specifically one designed for chassity
0.12 around your waist and your area and that
0.12 will help relieve pressure when walking
0.12 as it keeps the cage nice and tight to
0.12 your form now that&;s all for today&;s t
0.12 tips and tricks I hope you wrote all of
0.12 that down and if you didn&;t get out your
0.12 pen and paper watch it again and take
0.12 notes and hopefully this video taught
0.12 you something new and your Chas cage
0.12 hidden at the back of your cupboard
0.12 doesn&;t seem so intimidating anymore now
0.12 make sure you subscribe to my channel
0.12 you like this video and comment down
0.12 below your favorite way of receiving
0.12 praise so I know that you made it and
0.12 watch till the end of this video good
0.12 boy and make sure to follow my links to
0.12 my other Pages have a fun day
0.12 experimenting and stay freaky
0.12 [Music]

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