*; Cultivating Sexual Energy – From a Spark to a Blazing Fire, pt. 4

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Tapas Pt. 4 – Cast Into the Flame

Howdy fellas! Sorry for the huge delay on this one, I’ve been diving down rabbit holes and believe I’ve discovered a wildly effective Qi/Prana boosting protocol. Once I get it worked out with the Semen Retention Mastermind group I’ve started, I’ll be happy to share here.

It has provided the most striking benefits in an incredibly short amount of time. My endurance skyrocketed, lifts in the gym shot up, I need less sleep, and I dropped 3 belt sizes without intending to, all in about a month and a half – and it’s not like I was overweight. I actually had to start forcing myself to eat more.

It’s one part ancient wisdom and one part cutting-edge, modern bio-hacking. I’m thinking of dubbing it the « Tesla Protocol », as he was obsessed with finding a way to provide the world with free energy. And of course, he was a noted celibate.


Part 1 covered the concept of tapas, or spiritual austerities, and how you can use tapas to magnify and enhance the sexual energy cultivated through semen retention into tejas, an « inner radiance, fearlessness, majesty, and authority ».

It also covered the concept of syntropy,  which is how any system is able to conserve, increase and synchronize energy within itself, which is the main reason why you get so many benefits from semen retention. Yoga, meditation and tapas all increase syntropy as well.

You can find Part 1 here.

Part 2 detailed how to use tapas to overcome craving, both for the urge to masturbate and for all cravings in general. It detailed some of the science behind why yoga and breathing exercises are just about the most syntropic things you could ever possibly do, by regulating both the endocrine and nervous systems, and activating and clearing out your energy body, called the pranamaya kosha in yogic circles. Then I introduced some new yogic techniques to pump more prana and tejas into that energetic system.

You can find Part 2 here.

Part 3 covered how to make good use of the power of resolves, or « strong determinations », in order to boost confidence in yourself, to become the one person you can always count on, and to strategically release dopamine and testosterone in order to rewire your brain to be oriented towards resilience and success. It also covered why proper meditation is even more syntropic than the postures and breathing exercises of yoga. We discussed how deep states of meditation, known as jhanas, create the highest level of syntropy within the body-mind system, as well as unbelievable amounts of bliss, and, spiciest of all, the relationship between the energy gained from semen retention, the bliss and syntropy of jhana, and how the two relate to tantric sex.

You can find Part 3 here.

Go/No Go Circuits

Tapas is all about training your “go/no go” brain circuits in the basal ganglia, a primitive/foundational part of your brain. As you can probably surmise, the “go circuit” is what lights up to propel you towards doing something, while the “no go circuit” is what lights up when you stop yourself from doing something. 

Modern society has trained us well to constantly be doing, to be constantly on the go, so the only way to further train the “go circuit” is to do the things you feel resistant towards. That is, by practicing tapas, austerities, the tough shit.

But this also means we have buckets of forward momentum – “oh look tasty snack, I’ll just eat it. Oh look shiny box with apps and movies I’ll stare at it. Oh look boobies I’ll touch myself.” 

There’s zero effort needed to attain this highly rewarding junk, with absolutely zero resistance arising. It’s all so slippery, and we just glide into all of these things mindlessly.

~ Side note : That’s all by design, mind you – you’re being conned by the system. Every time you open your phone and scroll on apps, the big wigs in charge of those apps are making money off the advertisements you scroll past. These apps are designed to be addictive, draining you of your time and your life force, and shattering your attention span.

The same thing applies to all the junk food and sweets and alcohol and energy drinks and cigarettes and vapes. Video games are designed to be addictive, as are streaming services, which is why they have the autoplay and « suggested for you » functions.

The fat cats pad their overly-stuffed, offshore, tax-exempt bank accounts as your life is wasted away, sucked dry one empty dopamine hit at a time. If you want to know more of how to break free of this system, start practicing tapas! Check out Recovering Dopamine Part 1 and Part 2 if you’d like to know more. ~

The intensity of the forward momentum of your over-active go circuits also means it’s difficult for people to just be. And that really is a skill worth cultivating, being able to switch into a mode of just being. Of appreciating the moment.

Those no-go circuits, though? Because we’re a society of indulgence, these need a lot more training. Tapas will help us train both. By training the no-go circuit, making it healthy and robust, we will have a much easier time when the urge to masturbate bubbles up, as we can rely on pre-strengthened, non-atrophied neural circuitry. 

Those who do have their no-go circuits well trained are great at self control, masters of discipline. They pilot their ship, whether the skies are sunny or the winds are foul.

They are rare these days, indeed.

How do we begin to train up these no-go circuits?

« Every time a distracting impulse is noted but not obeyed, the body-mind sees through and beyond it, gaining energy and inching closer to discriminating awareness. » – Chip Hartranft on tapas.

Simply check yourself every time you’re about to do something that normally happens reactively. Stanford professor Andrew Huberman, who I got the go/no-go circuit information from, practices « 25 no-gos » each day, usually by not picking up his phone when he has the urge to.

You’re learning to suppress the urge to unskillful action.

This is the path, this is the way.

And to do this, you must become more mindful in your day to day living.

Some ideas –

  • Concentration/calm abiding meditation – This is the best practice bar none for training both these circuits. Set a timer for 20 minutes and focus your attention on the sensations of the breath at the tip of the nostrils, aka anapanasati. Focusing on just these sensations (or any other stable object) trains the go circuitry, while denying yourself day dreaming or getting up and quitting trains the no-go circuits.
  • Zero task switching/multitasking – When I sit down to write these posts, I put my phone on « do not disturb mode », and then I sit and write, only leaving this page to go to a book or another tab to look up the info I need. Check out this summary of Cal Newport’s Deep Work to learn more.
  • Along the same lines, check out Erick Godsey’s « dharma sprints ». Do yourself a favor and check out this quick intro to the idea. « Your attention is a skill. Train it like an athlete. »
  • Don’t use your phone while waiting in line.
  • If someone texts you, respond to the text and put your phone back down, don’t open an app and scroll.
  • Pick a day of the week and use zero technology for X amount of time. So every Sunday you don’t use any technology from 7pm till you go to bed, or from noon to 4 pm, or from when you wake up until lunch.
  • Speak only the truth – more on this in a bit.

“Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.” WB Yeats

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” – F.M. Alexander

How to Increase Your Willpower and Tenacity, Huberman Lab Podcast

David Goggins, How to Build Immense Inner Strength, Huberman Lab Podcast

Dr. Adam Grant : How to Unlock Your Potential, Motivation and Unique Abilities, Huberman Lab Podcast

Fire Kasina/Trataka

There’s another practice that is fantastic for producing tejas – staring at a candle flame. Known as trataka in yoga and fire kasina within Buddhist circles, this is an incredibly powerful meditation practice, for quite a few reasons :

  1. We are extremely visual creatures. Half of the human brain is directly or indirectly related to vision, meaning a visual meditation will engage far more of your brain than one on, say, the breath. By stilling and synchronizing half of your brain, you set up the other half to follow suit much more easily – and that’s syntropy, baby.
  2. Humans are naturally drawn to fire. This makes a candle flame an ideal meditation object, because it naturally draws your attention towards it, and the main objective in meditation is to keep your attention held upon the meditation object.
  3. This is perhaps the best practice for awakening ajna chakra, or the third eye.
  4. This may sound like a stretch, but because you’re meditating upon fire, you are intrinsically adding purificatory heat to the body-mind system. I realize this sounds very unscientific, but all one has to do is check out the reports of people who have done fire kasina retreats, who repeatedly report needing to find ways to cool themselves off. Fire in the system = tejas.

Here is a report from Daniel Ingram, the meditation whiz and author of Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (read here for free) who popularized this practice in the West. He and some friends did a fire kasina retreat in a castle in Scotland in the winter.

« So it was February in Scotland, and it was cold and wet. A wet, chilling, Scottish cold. When I first arrived there my bones almost ached from the chill. Not that it is not cold in Alabama, because it can drop below zero Fahrenheit here. It can snow here, and be icy. But something about Scotland that far north, and the short daylight, twilight by three-thirty or four in the afternoon. When I first got there, I was dressed in layers of wool and such, and yet by about seven days into it I was walking around in bare feet and a t-shirt with light fleece pants on. The stairway that wrapped around the tower was not heated; it is an old medieval tower, so substantial portions of it were not heated at all, including the room where I was sleeping. Yet by seven days in, I was hot. » – Daniel Ingram describing a fire kasina meditation retreat, from The Fire Kasina book (free to read online)

In regards to trataka, « Its most important effect is on ajna chakra (third eye) and the brain. Trataka unlocks the inherent energy of the mind and channels it in the dormant areas of consciousness (awakening those areas). Further results of one-pointedness of mind are strong willpower, improved memory and concentrationTrataka is a heat producing practice. » Dharana Darshan : Yogic, Tantric and Upanishadic Practices of Concentration and Visualization, Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

The practice of fire kasina is also incredibly simple :

  • Sit in a dimly lit or pitch black room, with no drafts or flowing air so the flame remains still.
  • Set a candle up arms length away, at eye level.
  • Stare at it for 2-3 minutes, with minimal blinking.
  • Close your eyes and mentally « stare » at the afterimage. If it moves, try to recenter it. If it starts to fade, try to bring it back. Don’t ask me how it works, but you can exert some degree of mental control upon the afterimage.
  • Once the afterimage has dispersed for good and won’t come back, open your eyes and stare again for 2-3 minutes, and repeat the whole process.
  • If your mind is very talkative, add in a mantra or a very simple basic phrase. « Om », « om ah hum » « om mani padme hum », « om namah shivaya », « buddho », « Maranatha » which means « Come, Lord Jesus », or even something like « peace, peace, peace » works just fine. Anything short and that resonates with you will work here.

Stare at a flame, stare at the afterimage, repeat. The time flies by, it’s quite enjoyable and it is extremely powerful.

Do note that trataka/fire kasina practice, while extremely powerful, does not have the shortcut to bliss that metta does. You’ll still get there, it simply will take longer. However, I have to say that fire kasina practice is very interesting, indeed. It gets trippy and in higher doses can lead to visionary experiences, so please, if things start getting wonky and you don’t want the wonkiness, take a break from this practice.

It is very powerful. Pro tip – don’t get scented ones, synthetic ones or « tea candles ». Get tall, thin, unscented beeswax candles, like these guys here.

Ethics as Tapas

Ethics?? Are you already feeling resistance contemplating being more ethical? That right there is proof that this would make for a powerful form of austerity for you.

In classical ashtanga yoga there are 8 successive limbs or stages, each one becoming increasingly more subtle/interior than the last. The first two have to do with how we interact with ourselves, other people, and our environment. 

Yamas, or ethical restraints/moral disciplines (which includes semen retention, aka brahmacharya) train your no-go circuits. Niyamas, or ethical duties/observances (including tapas), train your go circuits.

The other six are :

  1. Asanas, or the physical postures
  2. Pranayama, the breathing exercises
  3. Pratyahara, or withdrawing energy/the mind from the outer senses
  4. Dharana, or concentrating the mind in meditation
  5. Dhyana, effortless, deep meditation (this is where the Buddhist term jhana comes from, which turned into chan in China and zen in Japan)
  6. Samadhi, or peak meditation states, supra-consciousness, God-consciousness

The yamas and niyamas can function as fantastic ways to practice tapas. Try not to think of these as your parent, schoolteacher or some vague understanding of a deity saying “No, no, no”, and guilting you into behaving properly.

These are practices that you willingly engage in so as to further your evolution.

Ethics form the foundation of mind training. All of what we do as retainers falls under the blanket of « mind training ». Ethical practices are powerful as hell and highly praised (when they aren’t completely overlooked) in yoga, meditation circles and religions for a very good reason – you simply won’t be truly happy nor able to make progress in stilling the mind when it is all topsy-turvy from all your shitty behavior.

And yes, it keeps us all from being big meanies.

If tapas means pushing past your boundaries and doing what is uncomfortable in search of growth, and if you’re the type of person who doesn’t share their resources (is selfish and isn’t generous), who lies or fibs or skirts the truth (dishonest), who takes what is not freely given (steals), or says mean and nasty things to other people or behind their backs (aka a gossip girl), well – injecting some ethics into your life would make for a pretty good discipline, wouldn’t you say?

Clean Your Mind

There’s also a very good selfish reason for practicing ethics. Our minds are dirty – filthy in fact. They are so covered in gunk and muck, so riddled with greed and fear, so drenched in delusion and ignorance that we see things completely ass-backward. Because we see things completely ass-backward, we cause much trouble and suffering, for ourselves and others. 

A clean heart and mind means harmony with yourself and your environment.

I attribute a large portion of my happiness in this life to the fact that the first Buddhist tradition I studied under heavily emphasized ethics, loving-kindness and compassion. When you spend years and years trying your hardest to be kind to yourself and to others, no matter what comes your way, you are protected by a forcefield of clarity and goodwill.

Believe it or not, this is the foundation of happiness – kindness, honesty, and generosity.

Every practice in yoga and meditation is a means of scrubbing clean the obscurations and defilements from our body and mind, so that we may perceive things as they really, truly are, and thus end our self-inflicted turmoil. 

And that includes (but is not limited to) giving up the selfish practice of self-centered sexual pleasuring.

These ethical practices are a powerful means of scrubbing our minds –

  • They instill discipline;
  • They relax and open the mind;
  • They relax and open the heart;
  • They create the conditions for happiness and peace, both for yourself and for others.

Nobody likes mean, selfish, shit-talking assholes, and newsflash, you don’t have to be one to get ahead in life. 

Focusing on your ethics makes you much more enjoyable to be around, and they’re the key to liking, even loving, yourself. 

And if you don’t even like yourself, how will you ever be happy?

You may not realize it, but you’re walking around with a backpack full of bricks, each brick being a time you know you did something you shouldn’t have, or cheated someone out of something, or put yourself ahead of others.

Set the load down, my friend. Take a page out Mr. Rogers’ and Bob Ross’s and Steve Irwin’s books. Do some good in the world! Lend a hand, be patient, lend your neighbor some sugar. You will feel so much better when you make ethics a key part of your life, I promise you. 

You simply do not know the weight you are carrying.

And because of this weight, you also suck at meditating! That’s why in Buddhism ethics are the first of the « Three Trainings » – ethics, concentrative meditation and wisdom-insight meditation. And as we covered, ethics are the first two foundational limbs in yoga. 

And they’re a part of every major religion, for very good reasons.

You can’t sit down and concentrate or focus easily when your mind is riled up from your shitty behavior, feeling guilty, worried that people are going to treat you poorly in return. And when you can’t concentrate and focus, good luck achieving enough concentration and insight in meditation to achieve a blissful, concentrated state, never mind enlightenment.

And if you’re feeling too beaten up by the world to start acting all saintly, why don’t you start with treating yourself a bit more nicely, more kindly, more honestly?

Forgive yourself for those things you regret. You’re only human, and humans are only somewhat evolved, territorial apes, after all.

But we’re extremely social apes with a huge prefrontal cortex (thoughts) and a highly developed limbic system (emotions). Those can either work in your favor, or they can be your worst enemies. Hack those systems.

Our minds have a protective program that is constantly running, one that looks for threats and problems. This helped us survive in the wild long enough to get out of the food chain, but even now, with our modern, comfy lives, the program continues to run and spoil our good time. It’s called the negativity bias, and it can be a real bummer to your otherwise pretty good life.

The solution? Start practicing gratitude

Try out metta as a form of meditation.

Just try one little act of kindness for yourself each day, and after a few weeks, maybe you’ll think to try one little act of kindness a day to someone else as well.

Tell me – who is richer? The man with a million dollars in his bank account but who has cut down those around him to get it, or the man who can pay his bills but is actually happy, satisfied and loved by his friends, family and peers?

Don’t think discussions like this are for girls or pussies or « betas ». Find that King Energy within yourself, but be the king everyone obeys and looks up to because he leads by example and leads the charge against the enemy, not because he is a selfish tyrant that rules with an iron fist.

You want to be tough? What’s tougher than going out in the world and meeting others’ pain and avarice with patience, kindness and compassion?

Anyone can get butthurt and hurl an insult back at someone, but it takes a real man to weather an insult with an open heart, open arms and a smile.

And don’t forget, those who lash out do so due to their own pain and ignorance – nothing more. Meaning they deserve your compassion, and you deserve to open your heart to them.

This topic deserves it’s own post, so I’ll leave it for now.

The Ten Commandments

A breakdown on yamas and niyamas.

The Ten Wholesome Actions in Buddhism.


Alright guys, that wraps this series on tapas and tejas. Sorry again for the huge delay, but good things are brewing.

Remember, semen retention, aka brahmacharya, is literally built into the system of yoga. Both practices are all about gaining, retaining and utilizing energy. All the benefits you get from semen retention will be further amplified by all the other practices of yoga.

And of course, it’s a part of all major religions because religions true aim is to get closer to God.

Don’t stop at simply avoiding masturbation, that is but the beginning!

Light your life on fire, brothers

En consultant ce post (), nous avons observé que le nombre d’interactions était de 30.

La chasteté dans le mariage est dédiée à l’amour.

Les règles de vie et de sexualité sont fréquemment établies par les couples pour maintenir la fidélité et la chasteté de l’homme. Il n’est pas question que la femme ait plus de liberté pour des aventures extraconjugales, mais elle bénéficie généralement d’une confiance accrue. En pratique, la chasteté conjugale est principalement celle du mari dans 95 % des situations. Il est contraint de porter un dispositif de chasteté, tel qu’une cage, qui bloque son pénis et interdit toute activité sexuelle. Sur ce plan, la cage de chasteté se révèle extrêmement efficace. Quand la cage est bien verrouillée autour des organes génitaux, le pénis est maintenu replié et reposant sur les testicules. L’homme est obligé d’abandonner toute pensée sexuelle, se concentrant uniquement sur le moment de sa libération et sur la jouissance mutuelle avec son âme sœur. Ce geste de sacrifice est le symbole d’un don de soi, un acte d’amour fait sous le regard de Dieu.

La chasteté représente une discipline personnelle essentielle pour les hommes. La chasteté chez les hommes est fréquemment vue comme une forme stricte d’autodiscipline. Pour maintenir la chasteté, il faut un engagement profond envers ses propres principes. La pratique de la chasteté masculine renforce souvent l’autodiscipline, la volonté et le caractère.

Maintenir la flamme réciproque est facilité par la chasteté conjugale, même si seulement le mari l’applique. Dans l’Église catholique, la chasteté est constamment citée comme une vertu fondamentale de la vie. La chasteté est vue comme un don de soi au Christ, à Dieu et aux autres, ce qui est confirmé par les vies de nombreux saints. Les saints ont fréquemment suivi l’exemple du Christ en alliant leur chasteté à un don complet de leur vie à Dieu. L’époux de la Vierge Marie, Saint Joseph, est souvent présenté comme un modèle de chasteté conjugale. Il est rapporté que Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, moine cistercien du XIIe siècle, se lança dans un buisson d’épines pour lutter contre ses désirs. Avant de se consacrer pleinement au Christ et à Dieu, Saint François d’Assise vivait dans le luxe et le plaisir. Répondant à un appel profond de Dieu, Saint François d’Assise choisit la pauvreté et la chasteté. Sa famille tenta de détourner Saint Thomas d’Aquin de la vie monastique quand il était jeune. La tradition raconte que Saint Thomas d’Aquin utilisa un tison ardent pour écarter une femme envoyée pour le séduire. Sainte Maria Goretti, à l’âge de 11 ans, choisit la mort plutôt que de succomber au péché.

La chasteté conjugale est régulièrement vue comme une manifestation d’amour profond entre les partenaires. Elle est fréquemment liée à un engagement réciproque et au maintien de l’intimité au sein du couple. Elle peut également symboliser un respect sincère pour les valeurs partagées entre les partenaires.

L’amour et la confiance entre les partenaires sont renforcés par la pratique de la chasteté conjugale. Elle permet de maintenir la flamme réciproque, même si c’est seulement l’homme qui s’y consacre. L’Église de Vatican II considère la chasteté comme une vertu fondamentale dans le mariage et le service au Christ. Ce don de chasteté est un acte sacré, une offrande à Dieu et un respect des saints, qui fortifie l’amour conjugal en le consacrant à la sainteté.

Historique de la chasteté et son évolution.

Il y a une nette différence entre la chasteté moderne et celle du temps médiéval. Le scepticisme sur la chasteté était principalement dirigé vers les femmes au Moyen Âge. Des récits plus ou moins authentiques mentionnent la ceinture de chasteté imposée par un mari à son épouse lorsqu’il quittait le foyer. Il y a relativement peu de preuves de chasteté réciproque dans les sources historiques.

La chasteté et la fidélité sont un engagement profond envers l’autre.

Pour l’époux, maintenir la chasteté conjugale est synonyme de fidélité. La fidélité ne se limite pas à éviter la sexualité extraconjugale ; elle englobe également la pureté des regards et des actions. Maîtriser ses pulsions sexuelles est fondamental pour maintenir une relation de confiance avec son épouse. Une section entière est consacrée à l’étude de la chasteté conjugale sur le site chasteté.fr qui aborde le sujet de la chasteté conjugale .

Cela comprend la lutte contre la pornographie, l’évitement des relations intimes avec d’autres femmes, et le refus de flirter. Par conséquent, la chasteté se manifeste comme un don de soi, sauvegardant non seulement l’époux et son corps, mais aussi la famille, l’enfant et le foyer des dangers extérieurs.

Avant le mariage, la chasteté est souvent regardée comme une pratique vertueuse. Cette pratique est fréquemment motivée par des normes religieuses ou culturelles. L’adhésion à cette norme est souvent vue comme une preuve de discipline personnelle. Les programmes éducatifs religieux enseignent fréquemment la chasteté avant le mariage.

Pour un couple, maintenir la chasteté avant le mariage est un engagement profond, qu’il croie en Dieu ou pas. La pureté corporelle avant le mariage est souvent regardée comme un précieux don pour une femme. La fierté liée à la virginité de la mariée est immense dans l’Islam et dans d’autres religions pour elle, sa famille et son époux. Le chemin de la chasteté est souvent particulièrement difficile pour un garçon. Il est complexe pour un garçon de rester abstinent sexuellement jusqu’à l’union sans des outils comme une cage de chasteté. La maîtrise de soi avant le mariage démontre un véritable amour et prépare le couple à une relation respectueuse. La continence avant l’union conjugale ne concerne pas seulement la pureté corporelle, mais aussi une préparation spirituelle pour une relation conjugale plus harmonieuse. En suivant cette voie, on contribue à bâtir une sexualité stable pour les futurs partenaires.

L’apparition des ceintures de chasteté pour hommes.

Les ceintures de chasteté pour hommes semblent avoir fait leur entrée dans la sexualité uniquement aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Elles étaient surtout utilisées pour des motifs médicaux, pour éduquer les jeunes adultes et pour empêcher la masturbation, les relations sexuelles avant le mariage, l’infidélité, et également par amour pour Dieu, indépendamment de la religion. Ce don de chasteté, guidé par le respect divin, symbolise un engagement pour une vie plus pure et sanctifiée.

Le point de vue sur l’homme volage.

En d’autres termes, l’homme est souvent vu comme plus porté à la volage et à la masturbation en dehors du couple. C’est ce qui nécessite qu’il suive des règles de chasteté plus strictes pour assurer la confiance de son ou sa partenaire. En dévotion, il peut faire don de toute son énergie, son désir et son amour, comme un acte sacré inspiré par Dieu. Ce don de soi constitue un engagement profond, illustrant la sainteté à laquelle chaque homme est appelé.

#Cultivating #Sexual #Energy #Spark #Blazing #Fire

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