masturbate,Combien de fois la masturbation peut être effectuée le jour? Limite de masturbation masculine expliquée sur Youtube

Combien de fois la masturbation peut être effectuée le jour? Limite de masturbation masculine expliquée

Le thème «masturbate» : nouvelle publication sur Youtube

Le thème « masturbate » abordé sur youtube par Dr. Shah Dupesh

Signée par Dr. Shah Dupesh, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « masturbate ».

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La durée (00:04:55s) de la vidéo, le titre (How many times masturbation can be done in day? Male Masturbation limit explained), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Combien de fois la masturbation peut être effectuée le jour? Limite de masturbation masculine a expliqué @Drshahdupesh Combien de fois le jour devriez-vous vous masturber? Est-ce une limite de masturbation masculine? Devriez-vous vous masturber? Dans cette vidéo, nous discutons sur les origines de la masturbation ainsi que de la foule de faits pour les yeux sur les comportements masturbatoires mâles. La masturbation comme une habitude est originaire quelque part dès l’Égypte ancienne. Les Égyptiens ont effectué des rituels de masturbation avec les pharaons. Cependant, la masturbation a été largement condamnée à travers les religions comme étant un comportement honteux et pécheur. Ma propre observation avec des milliers de patients suggère que la masturbation n’est pas quelque chose qui est généralement apprécié par les praticiens de l’informatique, il est plutôt «un besoin» que toute autre chose. Bien que la masturbation puisse être considérée comme une partie normale du développement sexuel des adolescents, une masturbation excessive entraîne une gamme de problèmes. Regardez la vidéo jusqu’à la fin pour en savoir plus! Planifiez une consultation ci-dessous. N’hésitez pas à me contacter ci-dessous ou contactez-nous ci-dessous Connectez-vous avec nous sur les canaux sociaux que ci-dessous https: // ou us nous visitez à la clinique du Dr Shah pour l’infertilité masculine et la santé sexuelle no 21 , Sree Kalki Apartments, rez-de-chaussée, Bazullah Road, T-Nagar, Chennai – 600017 NO: + 91-9790783856 TIMING: 9h00 à 18h00 E1JWVH1WVSJYCQH46 Combien de fois la masturbation peut être effectuée le jour? Limite de masturbation mâle expliquée (tagstotranslate) combien de fois la masturbation peut être effectuée en un jour ».

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Se pencher sur la dépendance à la masturbation pour en comprendre les effets

Donner une définition claire de la masturbation et ses usages

Pratique sexuelle commune, la masturbation est reconnue pour ses effets positifs, notamment sur le stress et la conscience corporelle. Mais en cas d’excès, elle peut s’avérer problématique.

Repérer les indicateurs d’une dépendance

Lorsque la masturbation devient compulsive, elle est souvent marquée par une fréquence élevée et un contrôle insuffisant, ce qui peut perturber les relations amoureuses et affectives.

Rechercher les effets de ces changements sur la santé mentale et physique

L’addiction à la masturbation, liée à une surconsommation de pornographie, génère une sollicitation fréquente du système dopaminergique, ce qui peut entraîner des symptômes comme une éjaculation précoce, un épuisement énergétique ou une insatisfaction dans la vie sexuelle.

Sexualité épanouie : surmonter le défi de la masturbation

La masturbation, bien qu’elle soit généralement considérée comme une pratique naturelle permettant d’explorer sa sexualité, peut devenir une véritable source de difficulté pour certains. En effet, lorsque cela vire à l’addiction, cela peut impacter négativement la vie personnelle, les relations sociales et la stabilité émotionnelle.

Planifier un chemin d’action pour cesser

Offrir des approches efficaces pour diminuer cette pratique

  • Remplacer par d’autres activités : Pratiquez le sport ou découvrez de nouveaux hobbies.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs : Notez ce qui provoque le désir.
  • Repérer les déclencheurs d’envie : Identifiez les situations qui provoquent ce besoin.

Conseiller des mesures à prendre pour éviter les rechutes

  • Se déconnecter de la pornographie : Bloquez les accès aux contenus explicites.
  • Structurer vos journées : Créez une routine avec des activités régulières et bien organisées.

Mettre l’accent sur l’importance d’un réseau de soutien

  • Discuter avec un sexologue : Un professionnel peut guider vers des solutions efficaces. c’est le cas de ce spécialiste de la chasteté installé Paris.
  • Rejoindre des groupes de soutien : Discuter avec d’autres permet de rester concentré sur ses objectifs.

Étudier les facteurs expliquant la montée de cette pratique

Évaluer l’impact de la consommation de pornographie sur les comportements

La pornographie est un facteur influent. Elle accentue souvent l’envie de se masturber et peut brouiller la perception de la sexualité.

Étudier les éléments liés à la psychologie et aux émotions

Le manque de satisfaction, le stress ou l’anxiété dans d’autres sphères peuvent rendre cette pratique habituelle plus fréquente.

Évaluer les effets combinés de la solitude et du désir

La solitude et le désir non satisfait, dans un couple ou dans la vie personnelle, sont des facteurs qui renforcent cette pratique.

Analyser les avantages d’un sevrage réussi

Exposer les améliorations dans la communication avec autrui

Les rapports amoureux deviennent plus épanouissants, avec une connexion plus intense sur les plans émotionnel et physique.

Montrer comment la santé mentale s’améliore au fil du temps

Cesser cette pratique a pour effet une augmentation de l’énergie, une humeur plus stable et une meilleure capacité de concentration.

Mettre l’accent sur le chemin vers une épanouissement permanent

Diminuer la dépendance permet de vivre des bénéfices durables dans la vie privée, professionnelle et sociale.

En résumé

Cesser la masturbation habituelle est un processus lent mais réalisable. Un plan structuré et un soutien adapté permettent de surmonter ce challenge et d’atteindre une vie plus équilibrée, pleine d’objectifs plus enrichissants.

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la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#Combien #fois #masturbation #peut #être #effectuée #jour #Limite #masturbation #masculine #expliquée

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] hey guys this is a very important video in this video i’m going to answer the question what is the number of times that you can masturbate in a day is there a male masturbation time limit per day or how many times should you masturbate or should you masturbate at all now you know this is an important video because you know let’s you know let’s look at masturbation and let’s try to understand masturbation as a behavior or as a habit you know what’s the origin of masturbation now the earliest mention of masturbation basically goes back you know all the way all the way to the egyptian history right so you know there was a god called atom right if you look at the image on the right the god atom basically masturbated and made two other gods because he was feeling horny and he was you know kind of feeling very down and bored and you know he’s considered the god of existence as well as the god of host existence right the egyptians worshiped him and there was also a ritual culture in egypt where you know the pharaoh and you know his guys you know his tribe of people used to masturbate into the river in paying respects to the god of atom or the god atom uh you know based on the masturbated behavior but historically historically the practice of masturbation you know across different religions like religions like zoroastrianisms religions like christianity religions like you know maybe even islam and a lot of religions right zoroastrianism has condemned the whole habit of masturbation or the whole thing around masturbation it’s been looked upon as a very shameful and disgusting behavior it’s not something which has been you know kind of appreciated or you know you know many doctors today and many scientists and many you know great you know many many clinical psychologists are you know actually doing that masturbation is now you know as a part of normal adult sexual development the truth is otherwise masturbation is a part of normal other sexual development but it has to be let go at a particular certain age or at you know beyond a certain particular age and the reason why i’m telling you this is because a lot of great thinkers a lot of great philosophers and you know you know great you know people eminent scientists and you know eminent eminent people have actually condemned the process of masturbation for a particular reason and it’s not just that now we have recent clinical literature studying suggesting that masturbation can actually lead to pornographic addiction masturbation addiction and you know overall sexual satisfaction goes from both men and women who engage in masturbated behavior is just not up to the mark as when compared with partnered sexual intercourse so how many times should you masturbate today i’m very sad you know i’m very sorry to say this many many doctors are actually putting out videos saying that it’s okay to masturbate five times a day six times a day hey even ten times a day it’s completely fine masturbate jerk yourself off i’m sorry i would not recommend you to go for masturbating behavior at all the only good advantage i see with masturbation is if you’re single and you’re lonely and say you’re not able to get a partner and you’re you know you have no way to release your sexual tension masturbation to some extent can help you out you know can help you to some extent because maybe it will you know help you avoid go to commercial sex workers engage in casual intercourse or you know one night stands and you know maybe it reduces the risk of an std transmission but maybe right just maybe i mean if you keep your mind engaged and you know busy enough you probably you know the desire is probably not going to get the better of you now how can you say that masturbation is technically uh you know it’s okay to masturbate five times a day it’s okay to masturbate three times a day nowadays i would recommend not masturbating at all you try to try to go with the nofap technique the nofap technique actually works you don’t want to masturbate at all you know because masturbation has been historically condemned and you know even even there are now there are a lot of recent studies and i’m going to make a lot of videos on masturbation a lot of studies that clearly clearly say that masturbating habits are not helpful and also from my clinical experience i’ve seen thousands and thousands of patients i’ve asked everyone every single one of them i’ve asked how does masturbation make you feel and a large proportion of 85 to 90 percent of them are frankly disgusted with themselves after the masturbatory habit or after the masturbated behavior i hope this answers your question how many times should you masturbate in a day no you don’t have to masturbate in a day at all you masturbate once a month till once in two months only if you have to always try to avoid masturbation avoid all type of masturbated practice once you enter into masturbation from a neurological perspective what basically happens is you are giving you know you are training your brain to be aroused to pornographic content and sexually explicit material the kind of visual arousal you get from that kind of content you’re never going to get from your stable marital partner or your stable partner remember that you will have pawn induced erectile dysfunction if you’re involved in masturbating behavior so try to avoid masturbation at all costs this dr shah wanna come namaste i’ll catch you back later in the next video and see you soon [Music] .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.88 [Music]
0.88 hey guys this is a very important video
0.88 in this video i&;m going to answer the
0.88 question what is the number of times
0.88 that you can masturbate in a day is
0.88 there a male masturbation time limit per
0.88 day or how many times should you
0.88 masturbate or should you masturbate at
0.88 all now
0.88 you know this is an important video
0.88 because you know let&;s you know let&;s
0.88 look at masturbation and let&;s try to
0.88 understand masturbation as a behavior or
0.88 as a habit you know what&;s the origin of
0.88 masturbation now the earliest mention of
0.88 masturbation basically goes back you
0.88 know all the way all the way to the
0.88 egyptian history right so you know there
0.88 was a god called atom right if you look
0.88 at the image on the right the god atom
0.88 basically masturbated and made two other
0.88 gods because he was feeling horny and he
0.88 was you know kind of feeling very down
0.88 and bored and you know he&;s considered
0.88 the god of existence as well as the god
0.88 of host existence right the egyptians
0.88 worshiped him and there was also a
0.88 ritual culture in egypt where you know
0.88 the pharaoh and you know his guys you
0.88 know his tribe of people used to
0.88 masturbate into the river in paying
0.88 respects to the god of atom or the god
0.88 atom uh you know based on the
0.88 masturbated behavior but historically
0.88 historically the practice of
0.88 masturbation you know across different
0.88 religions like religions like
0.88 zoroastrianisms religions like
0.88 christianity religions like you know
0.88 maybe even islam and a lot of religions
0.88 right
0.88 zoroastrianism has condemned the whole
0.88 habit of masturbation or the whole thing
0.88 around masturbation it&;s been looked
0.88 upon as a very shameful and disgusting
0.88 behavior it&;s not something which has
0.88 been you know kind of appreciated or you
0.88 know you know many doctors today and
0.88 many scientists and many you know great
0.88 you know many many clinical
0.88 psychologists are you know actually
0.88 doing that masturbation is now you know
0.88 as a part of normal adult sexual
0.88 development
0.88 the truth is otherwise
0.88 masturbation is a part of normal other
0.88 sexual development but it has to be let
0.88 go at a particular certain age or at you
0.88 know beyond a certain particular age and
0.88 the reason why i&;m telling you this is
0.88 because a lot of great thinkers a lot of
0.88 great philosophers and you know you know
0.88 great you know people eminent scientists
0.88 and you know eminent eminent people have
0.88 actually condemned the process of
0.88 masturbation for a particular reason and
0.88 it&;s not just that now we have recent
0.88 clinical literature studying suggesting
0.88 that masturbation can actually lead to
0.88 pornographic addiction masturbation
0.88 addiction and you know overall sexual
0.88 satisfaction goes from both men and
0.88 women who engage in masturbated behavior
0.88 is just not up to the mark as when
0.88 compared with partnered sexual
0.88 intercourse so how many times should you
0.88 masturbate today i&;m very sad you know
0.88 i&;m very sorry to say this many many
0.88 doctors are actually putting out videos
0.88 saying that it&;s okay to masturbate five
0.88 times a day six times a day hey even ten
0.88 times a day it&;s completely fine
0.88 masturbate jerk yourself off i&;m sorry
0.88 i would not recommend you to go for
0.88 masturbating behavior at all
0.88 the only good advantage i see with
0.88 masturbation is if you&;re single and
0.88 you&;re lonely and say you&;re not able to
0.88 get a partner and you&;re you know you
0.88 have no way to release your sexual
0.88 tension masturbation to some extent can
0.88 help you out you know can help you to
0.88 some extent because maybe it will you
0.88 know help you avoid go to commercial sex
0.88 workers engage in casual intercourse or
0.88 you know one night stands and you know
0.88 maybe it reduces the risk of an std
0.88 transmission but maybe right just maybe
0.88 i mean if you keep your mind engaged and
0.88 you know busy enough you probably
0.88 you know the desire is probably not
0.88 going to get the better of you now how
0.88 can you say that masturbation is
0.88 technically
0.88 uh you know it&;s okay to masturbate five
0.88 times a day it&;s okay to masturbate
0.88 three times a day nowadays i would
0.88 recommend not masturbating at all you
0.88 try to try to go with the nofap
0.88 technique the nofap technique actually
0.88 works you don&;t want to masturbate at
0.88 all you know because masturbation has
0.88 been historically condemned and you know
0.88 even even there are now there are a lot
0.88 of recent studies and i&;m going to make
0.88 a lot of videos on masturbation a lot of
0.88 studies that clearly clearly say that
0.88 masturbating habits are not helpful and
0.88 also from my clinical experience i&;ve
0.88 seen thousands and thousands of patients
0.88 i&;ve asked everyone every single one of
0.88 them i&;ve asked how does masturbation
0.88 make you feel and a large proportion of
0.88 85 to 90 percent of them are frankly
0.88 disgusted with themselves after the
0.88 masturbatory habit or after the
0.88 masturbated behavior i hope this answers
0.88 your question how many times should you
0.88 masturbate in a day no you don&;t have to
0.88 masturbate in a day at all you
0.88 masturbate once a month till once in two
0.88 months only if you have to always try to
0.88 avoid masturbation avoid all type of
0.88 masturbated practice once you enter into
0.88 masturbation from a neurological
0.88 perspective what basically happens is
0.88 you are giving you know you are training
0.88 your brain to be aroused to pornographic
0.88 content and sexually explicit material
0.88 the kind of visual arousal you get from
0.88 that kind of content you&;re never going
0.88 to get from your stable marital partner
0.88 or your stable partner remember that you
0.88 will have pawn induced erectile
0.88 dysfunction if you&;re involved in
0.88 masturbating behavior so try to avoid
0.88 masturbation at all costs this dr shah
0.88 wanna come namaste i&;ll catch you back
0.88 later in the next video and see you soon
0.88 [Music]

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