YouTube : du nouveau sur le thème « No Fap »

Ali Ben-Hariz développe le thème « No Fap »

Cette vidéo, réalisée par Ali Ben-Hariz et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «No Fap ».

YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.

Au moment où nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 199.

La durée (00:08:17s), le titre (NO FAP : Are you relapsing all the time?), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« 👉 Rejoignez la communauté Top 3% 👉 Réservez un appel de coaching 1-1 👇🏽 👉 Découvrez mes cours https: // www. (Tagstotranslate) Rétention (T) S * Rétention des hommes ».

La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous

L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.

Explorer comment la pratique de l’abstinence de la masturbation peut aider à diminuer les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression.

La dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation chez l’homme provoque souvent une anxiété importante. En cessant ces comportements, il est courant de voir une réduction de la dépression et une meilleure gestion des actions personnelles.

Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme révèle des résultats significatifs.

Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.

Évaluer les effets de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.

L’abstinence permet de restaurer des circuits neuronaux sains, aidant à traiter les dysfonctions érectiles liées à la masturbation.

Planifier son succès sur NoFap

Ressources pratiques sur le NoFap pour une meilleure compréhension.

Pour une vue d’ensemble scientifique, des travaux comme ceux de Nicole Prause et d’autres recherches approfondies permettent de mieux comprendre l’impact de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que ses traitements.

Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation

Pour rester motivé, il est important d’adopter des habitudes comme l’exercice et la méditation, tout en évitant les déclencheurs de tentation.

Adopter des méthodes efficaces permet de surmonter les rechutes dans NoFap.

Une étude scientifique a révélé que les rechutes font partie du processus NoFap. Pour les surmonter, les participants doivent se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et utiliser le soutien de la communauté pour persévérer.

Comment NoFap transforme la vie des hommes

Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.

Les adeptes de NoFap cherchent avant tout à lutter contre les méfaits de la pornographie, à améliorer leur fonction érectile et à apaiser l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés confirment une baisse significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté ces habitudes.

NoFap invite à une abstinence volontaire pour renforcer la discipline personnelle.

NoFap est une initiative pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer des habitudes liées à la pornographie et à la masturbation. Ce concept vise à réduire la dépendance et à promouvoir une santé mentale et physique optimale.

Analyser les impacts de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Des études scientifiques ont démontré que la pornographie peut avoir des conséquences graves, notamment la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, les troubles émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause, par exemple, a publié une étude sur les effets négatifs de la masturbation et de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Dans le mouvement NoFap, la solidarité entre hommes est un élément clé pour surmonter les obstacles.

Souligner comment l’entraide sociale et émotionnelle contribue à la persévérance dans l’abstinence.

La communauté Nofap et ses forums sont essentiels pour les hommes qui cherchent à combattre l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en fournissant un espace d’échange pour prévenir les rechutes et partager des solutions. Un encadrement professionnel est parfois crucialnotamment ce spécialiste du Nofapinstallé en France.

Évaluer l’impact des groupes de soutien et des forums sur la progression des individus dans leur parcours.

Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, ont démontré leur efficacité dans la lutte contre l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes offrent une solidarité indispensable, permettant aux participants de surmonter la masturbation de façon scientifique.

Explorer les forums NoFap permet de se nourrir d’expériences partagées par ceux qui ont surmonté la dépendance.

Les forums de la communauté sont des espaces où les hommes peuvent échanger des conseils pratiques et accéder à des études scientifiques sur les effets de l’abstinence.

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Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: if you relapsed bounce back quickly stop feeling sorry for yourself this is one of the major pitfalls for men when they embark on their NOAB Journey when they’ve made the decision to abstain from pornography and masturbation they are bound to relapse I’m just going to keep it real you can’t go from watching porn every day and masturbating every day to just never do it again I mean there will be moments of weakness where you allow the devil in your ear and you lose control of your desires and you end up doing the same destructive habit that you’ve done countless times before it will happen now when it does happen make the decision again to never do it again look the key is to not allow yourself to deteriorate after relapsing and get into this State of Mind where you start seeing yourself as someone who’s never going to overcome this addiction and you start talking down to yourself and I can never get a grip on things I’ll always be this guy I’ll always be addicted it’s impossible it’s this and this and you start talking negatively to yourself which will ensure that you stay down and your mind will tell you things like well you’ve relapsed already who cares about noof fap anymore just relapse again just you know and you’ll find yourself just toy watch and porn again it’s like people that have gone without drinking for like a month or two months and then they slip up and they they have a drink it’s it’s rarely just the one drink after they have that drink they feel [ __ ] about themselves and then their mind tells them well now that you [ __ ] it up there’s no point anymore until they go for the second drink and then third and then fourth and before you know it they’ve lost complete control so look when you relapse simply make the intention again to go on your nofap journey this is something that you’ve been doing maybe for a decade so it’s going to take a little bit of time to shake off the bad habit and usually the best way to you know not return to that bad habit cuz you can’t just remove that bad habit right you replace it with other habits other other good habits right the important thing is that you change the way you see this if you tell yourself that I will no longer relapse because it’s a disgusting thing to do sat at my computer watching a bunch of pixelated explicit content that’s not a very empowering thing to do that’s not a high value man does it’s not it’s not what any self-respecting man does as long as you see this this Habit in a destructive manner cuz there’s some people out there that still see it as a normal thing hence why they’ll never really shake off the Bad Habit because they’ll keep justifying how normal it is when it’s not normal 100 what 100 years ago people weren’t sat at a computer bust a nuts to a bunch of pixelated content watching another man gain pleasure they were out there with real women right and so as long as you see this this destructive Habit in a negative light you will ensure that going forward you try and abstain from it as best as you possibly can but it’s okay if you relapse as long as you make the decision again right I’m not going to do it again and look you may relapse again you may relapse again that’s fine but if the frequency drops I’ve spoken about this before the frequency dropping is how you measure success when it comes to being on no right if you go from doing it every day to doing it once a week that’s that’s an improvement that’s an improvement does that mean that you slipping up was a good thing no but it’s very normal the good thing that we should look at is that you’ve reduced the frequency and then eventually it’ll get to a point where maybe it’s once a month and then maybe once every couple couple of months and then it’ll get to a point where you can’t even remember when the last time was the key here is to not allow relapsing to [ __ ] your progress up there’s a saying discipline your emotions tell yourself well that that was [ __ ] [ __ ] I went a good 35 days without doing it and I had to [ __ ] ruin my progress that was [ __ ] yeah allow it to annoy you a little bit but then don’t sit there and bathe in your frustration why did I this and you know what [ __ ] this [ __ ] you know and you load up the Hub again and you just try and justify you know it’s just don’t spiral out of control don’t allow your negative thoughts to to destroy all the good progress that you’ve made so far and look I’m not a fan of counting the DAT don’t be one of those guys or it’s been 35 days 36 days just ensure that you’ve changed your identity I am a man who does not sit around and watch porn in order to feel fulfillment to feel sexually satisfied I will create a life of abundance and I will attract a woman into my life that is madly in love with me who I find incredibly beautiful and we will have a very satisfying and fulfilling sex life I do not resort to watching pixelated content for my sexual pleasure as long as you’ve changed the way you look at it that’s the important thing and then Endeavor to ensure that you develop good habits that will distract you from the bad habits that you’ve been engaging in now look if you’re just simply counting the days but you haven’t done anything different you haven’t taken any different actions such as picking up a new instrument such as starting a a project on the side maybe Drop Shipping or FX trading whatever is I’ve said it before you’ve got to preoccupy yourself with something that will fill in the gaps on your calendar because free time is the enemy when you’re on noap honestly it really is it’s the biggest problem free time you got loads of free time you’re laying around in bed you ain’t got [ __ ] to do you see a woman on Instagram wearing lingerie and there you go that’s a trigger for you and then your mind tells you well just load up the Hub real quick just one video don’t even touch yourself just watch the video then you find yourself naturally getting a and then before you know it 4 hours go by and there you are said nuts all over yourself so ensure that your calendar is as filled as possible with productive activities and productive activities also includes going out with your friends it’s not all about business and money have a social life a lot of porn uh addicts don’t have a social life they’re in inside the house all day every day ain’t got [ __ ] to do and that’s why they get distracted very easily hit the gym burn some of that sexual frustration with a a good leg session believe me you’ll come back home so tired you won’t even have the energy to play with yourself okay ask yourself when was the last time you had such a stacked day where you had so many things going on and you felt good about that day when was the last time was it a year ago two years ago be honest with yourself okay so look make the decision to develop those productive habits when you relapse don’t sit there and bathe in your fr ations have a shower and get back to being on NOAB that’s it if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a like comment let me know what you think down below and if you’re new here consider subscribing for more content just like this see you in the next one .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.68 if you relapsed bounce back
0.68 quickly stop feeling sorry for yourself
0.68 this is one of the major
0.68 pitfalls for men when they embark on
0.68 their NOAB Journey when they&;ve made the
0.68 decision to abstain from pornography and
0.68 masturbation they are bound to relapse
0.68 I&;m just going to keep it real you can&;t
0.68 go from watching porn every day and
0.68 masturbating every day to just never do
0.68 it again I mean there will be moments of
0.68 weakness
0.68 where you allow the devil in your ear
0.68 and you lose control of your desires and
0.68 you end up doing the same destructive
0.68 habit that you&;ve done countless times
0.68 before it will happen now when it does
0.68 happen make the decision again to never
0.68 do it again
0.68 look the key is to not allow yourself to
0.68 deteriorate after relapsing and get into
0.68 this State of Mind where you start
0.68 seeing yourself as someone who&;s never
0.68 going to overcome this addiction and you
0.68 start talking down to yourself and I can
0.68 never get a grip on
0.68 things I&;ll always be this guy I&;ll
0.68 always be addicted it&;s impossible it&;s
0.68 this and this and you start talking
0.68 negatively to
0.68 yourself which
0.68 will ensure that you stay
0.68 down and your mind will tell you things
0.68 like well you&;ve relapsed already
0.68 who cares about noof fap anymore just
0.68 relapse again just you know and you&;ll
0.68 find yourself just toy watch and porn
0.68 again it&;s like people that have gone
0.68 without drinking for like a month or two
0.68 months and then they slip up and they
0.68 they have a drink it&;s it&;s rarely just
0.68 the one
0.68 drink after they have that drink they
0.68 feel [ __ ] about themselves and then
0.68 their mind tells them well now that you
0.68 [ __ ] it up there&;s no point anymore
0.68 until they go for the second drink and
0.68 then third and then fourth
0.68 and before you know it they&;ve lost
0.68 complete
0.68 control so look when you
0.68 relapse simply make the intention
0.68 again to go on your nofap
0.68 journey this is something that you&;ve
0.68 been doing maybe for a decade so it&;s
0.68 going to take a little bit of time to
0.68 shake off the bad
0.68 habit and usually the best way
0.68 to you know not return to that bad habit
0.68 cuz you can&;t
0.68 just remove that bad habit right you
0.68 replace it with other habits other other
0.68 good habits
0.68 right the important thing is that you
0.68 change the way you see
0.68 this if you tell yourself that I will no
0.68 longer relapse because it&;s a disgusting
0.68 thing to do sat at my computer watching
0.68 a bunch
0.68 of pixelated explicit content that&;s not
0.68 a very empowering thing to do that&;s not
0.68 a high value man does it&;s not it&;s not
0.68 what any self-respecting man does as
0.68 long as you see this this Habit in a
0.68 destructive manner cuz there&;s some
0.68 people out there that still see it as a
0.68 normal thing hence why they&;ll never
0.68 really shake off the Bad Habit because
0.68 they&;ll keep justifying how normal it is
0.68 when it&;s not normal 100 what 100 years
0.68 ago people weren&;t sat at a computer
0.68 bust a nuts to a bunch of pixelated
0.68 content watching another man gain
0.68 pleasure they were out there with real
0.68 women
0.68 right and so as long as you see
0.68 this this destructive Habit in a
0.68 negative light you will ensure that
0.68 going forward you try and abstain from
0.68 it as best as you possibly can but it&;s
0.68 okay if you relapse as long as you make
0.68 the decision again right I&;m not going
0.68 to do it again and look you may relapse
0.68 again you may relapse again that&;s fine
0.68 but if the frequency drops I&;ve spoken
0.68 about this before the frequency dropping
0.68 is how you measure success when it comes
0.68 to being on no right if you go from
0.68 doing it every day to doing it once a
0.68 week that&;s that&;s an
0.68 improvement that&;s an improvement does
0.68 that mean that you slipping up was a
0.68 good thing no but it&;s very
0.68 normal the good thing that we should
0.68 look at is that you&;ve reduced the
0.68 frequency and then eventually it&;ll get
0.68 to a point where maybe it&;s once a
0.68 month and then maybe once every couple
0.68 couple of months and then it&;ll get to a
0.68 point where you can&;t even remember when
0.68 the last time
0.68 was the key here is to not allow
0.68 relapsing to [ __ ] your progress
0.68 up there&;s a saying discipline your
0.68 emotions tell yourself well that that
0.68 was [ __ ]
0.68 [ __ ] I went a good 35 days without doing
0.68 it and I had to
0.68 [ __ ] ruin my progress that was [ __ ]
0.68 yeah allow it to annoy you a little bit
0.68 but then don&;t sit there and bathe in
0.68 your
0.68 frustration why did I this and you know
0.68 what [ __ ] this [ __ ] you know and you
0.68 load up the Hub again and you just try
0.68 and
0.68 justify you know it&;s just don&;t spiral
0.68 out of control don&;t allow your negative
0.68 thoughts
0.68 to to destroy all the good progress that
0.68 you&;ve made so far and look I&;m not a
0.68 fan of counting the DAT don&;t be one of
0.68 those guys or it&;s been 35 days 36 days
0.68 just ensure that you&;ve changed your
0.68 identity I am a man who does not sit
0.68 around and watch porn in order to feel
0.68 fulfillment to feel sexually satisfied I
0.68 will
0.68 create a life of abundance and I will
0.68 attract a woman into my life that is
0.68 madly in love with me who I find
0.68 incredibly beautiful and we will have a
0.68 very satisfying and fulfilling sex life
0.68 I do not resort to watching pixelated
0.68 content for my sexual pleasure as long
0.68 as you&;ve changed the way you look at it
0.68 that&;s the important
0.68 thing and then Endeavor to ensure
0.68 that you develop good habits that will
0.68 distract you from the bad habits that
0.68 you&;ve been engaging in now look if
0.68 you&;re just simply counting the days but
0.68 you haven&;t done anything different you
0.68 haven&;t taken any different actions such
0.68 as picking up a new
0.68 instrument such as starting a a project
0.68 on the side maybe Drop Shipping or FX
0.68 trading whatever is I&;ve said it before
0.68 you&;ve got to preoccupy yourself with
0.68 something that will fill in the gaps on
0.68 your calendar because free time is the
0.68 enemy when you&;re on noap honestly it
0.68 really is it&;s the biggest problem free
0.68 time you got loads of free time you&;re
0.68 laying around in bed you ain&;t got [ __ ]
0.68 to do you see a woman on Instagram
0.68 wearing lingerie and there you go that&;s
0.68 a trigger for you and then your mind
0.68 tells you well just load up the Hub real
0.68 quick just one video don&;t even touch
0.68 yourself just watch the video then you
0.68 find yourself naturally getting a and
0.68 then before you know it 4 hours go by
0.68 and there you are said nuts all over
0.68 yourself so ensure that your calendar is
0.68 as filled as possible with productive
0.68 activities and productive activities
0.68 also includes going out with your
0.68 friends it&;s not all about business and
0.68 money have a social life a lot of porn
0.68 uh addicts don&;t have a social life
0.68 they&;re in inside the house all day
0.68 every day ain&;t got [ __ ] to do and
0.68 that&;s why they get distracted very
0.68 easily hit the gym burn some of that
0.68 sexual frustration with a a good leg
0.68 session believe me you&;ll come back home
0.68 so tired you won&;t even have the energy
0.68 to play with
0.68 yourself okay ask yourself when was the
0.68 last time you had such a stacked day
0.68 where you had so many things going
0.68 on and you felt good about that day when
0.68 was the last time was it a year ago two
0.68 years ago be honest with
0.68 yourself okay so look make the
0.68 decision to develop those productive
0.68 habits when you relapse don&;t sit there
0.68 and bathe in your fr
0.68 ations have a shower and get
0.68 back to being on NOAB that&;s it if you
0.68 enjoyed this video make sure you give it
0.68 a like comment let me know what you
0.68 think down below and if you&;re new here
0.68 consider subscribing for more content
0.68 just like this see you in the next one

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