Motivation NoFap

6 hommes qui réussissent expliquent le pouvoir de la rétention de sperme | Motivation NoFap | Le spectacle Ranveer

Thématique «no fap» : Une vidéo à consulter sur YouTube

Vidéo sur le thème « no fap » par BeerBiceps

Publiée sur YouTube par BeerBiceps (), cette vidéo offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « no fap ».

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Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:16:31s), le titre (6 Successful Men Explain The POWER Of Semen Retention « 🎥 Regardez nos CLIPS PODCAST (points forts de notre podcast) : 🎧 Écoutez #TheRanveerShow sur Spotify : ✅ Abonnez-vous à notre Chaîne YouTube Hindi : Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Dr Vivek Bindra, Sarvesh Shashi, Vivek Mittal alias FitTuber, Viraj Sheth et Ranveer Allahbadia discutent de la rétention de sperme, du mouvement NoFap, du célibat, du Vairagya et du porno &Masturbation. Extraits du Ranveer Show. #NoFap Podcast de Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar : Podcast du Dr Vivek Bindra : Podcast de FitTuber : Sarvesh Podcast de Shashi : Viraj Podcast de Sheth : INSTAGRAM : @beerbiceps FACEBOOK : @beerbiceps TWITTER : @beerbicepsguy https : // LINKEDIN : @beerbiceps SNAPCHAT : @beerbicepsguy Editer par : Équipe vidéo :- Rajas Pardeshi : /through_the_glass_eye/ Blake D’silva : Akshat Tiwari : Girish Agisgekar : Équipe de développement commercial :- Charmi Sanghvi : Sanchit Keswani : Mayank Kaushal : Équipement vidéo :- Appareil photo : Canon 5D Mark 4 : Objectifs : Canon F1.4 50mm USM objectif principal : /2FjsuzM Canon F1.4 Objectif principal USM 28 mm : Canon 70-200 f2.8 IS Objectif III USM : Canon 50mm F1.8 : Carte mémoire : SanDisk Extreme 64 Go CF Carte : SanDisk Extreme 128 Go CF carte : Micro : Sennheiser EW122P G4 Microphone sans fil à revers pour caméra Système : Sennheiser MKE 600 Microphone super-cardioïde pour vidéo et caméra pour le tournage : Zhiyun Crane 2 Gimbal : Yunteng Aluminium Trépied avec étui de transport pour reflex numérique – Vct-690 – Noir : ————————————————— À propos de : BeerBiceps par Ranveer Allahbadia est la chaîne ULTIME d’auto-amélioration et d’auto-assistance. Nous avons commencé comme une chaîne réservée aux amateurs de fitness et de santé. Finalement, nous avons commencé à aborder des sujets tels que la mode, l’apparence, les finances personnelles, l’étiquette, la méditation, la santé mentale, les compétences en communication et même l’entrepreneuriat. Aujourd’hui, BeerBiceps héberge The Ranveer Show ou TRS, le podcast le plus intelligent d’Inde. Une émission où nous accueillons les plus grandes réussites du pays et essayons de découvrir leurs secrets de réussite. Chaque conversation sur The Ranveer Show est intellectuelle, profonde et informative. Nous couvrons tout le monde, des entrepreneurs aux stars du cinéma de Bollywood en passant par les athlètes. Chaque conversation est une expérience d’apprentissage EXTRÊME pour le spectateur. ».

Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous

Les hommes expérimentent des effets variés de l’abstinence dans leur vie personnelle.

Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’arrêt de la masturbation, notamment la baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression.

L’anxiété est souvent exacerbée chez l’homme par la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, les hommes remarquent une baisse de la dépression et une plus grande maîtrise de leurs comportements.

Évaluer les bénéfices de l’abstinence pour la performance érectile.

L’abstinence favorise la récupération des circuits neuronaux et améliore la performance érectile chez les hommes.

Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence chez l’homme se manifestent de manière positive.

Pratiquer l’abstinence aide les hommes à réduire l’anxiété, la dépression et à renforcer leur confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent d’histoires inspirantes.

Réussir dans NoFap grâce à des stratégies efficaces

Maintenir l’engagement sur NoFap : les conseils clés

Pour réussir, il est essentiel de maintenir des habitudes positives, comme le sport et la méditation, afin de renforcer sa concentration et sa motivation.

Les rechutes peuvent être maîtrisées avec des techniques appropriées.

Les rechutes surviennent souvent dans le cadre du défi NoFap, comme le révèlent des recherches scientifiques. Il est crucial de réévaluer les causes de l’échec et de s’appuyer sur la communauté Nofap pour continuer sur la voie de l’abstinence.

Ressources fiables pour approfondir le parcours NoFap.

Pour une meilleure compréhension, des études scientifiques, comme celles de Nicole Prause, offrent des éclairages sur les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que les solutions possibles.

Au sein de NoFap, la communauté devient un appui fondamental pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer de leurs addictions.

Évaluer l’impact des groupes de soutien et des forums sur la progression des individus dans leur parcours.

Les recherches scientifiques ont prouvé que les forums de la communauté NoFap sont cruciaux pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès dans l’abandon de la masturbation grâce à la solidarité de leurs membres.

Souligner le rôle essentiel du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui s’engagent dans l’abstinence.

Les forums de Nofap constituent un outil précieux pour les hommes, leur permettant de surmonter l’anxiété, la dépression, et les défis du parcours d’abstinence en partageant des conseils et des solutions pour éviter les rechutes. Un appui spécialisé est souvent recommandé (à ce sujet voir

Les plateformes d’échange NoFap sont essentielles pour ceux qui souhaitent partager leurs progrès et se soutenir mutuellement.

Les forums de la communauté sont des espaces où les hommes peuvent échanger des conseils pratiques et accéder à des études scientifiques sur les effets de l’abstinence.

Le NoFap : une découverte qui change la vie des hommes

Identifier les raisons qui poussent à pratiquer NoFap est essentiel pour comprendre son efficacité.

La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.

Comprendre les effets de la pornographie sur la santé physique et mentale des hommes.

L’étude de la pornographie par des scientifiques montre que cette pratique peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, la dépression, l’anxiété et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a publié une étude sur l’influence de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et le bien-être des hommes.

NoFap encourage à s’éloigner de la pornographie pour améliorer le bien-être global.

Le concept de NoFap encourage les hommes à éviter la pornographie et la masturbation afin de briser les habitudes addictives. Il s’agit d’un moyen efficace pour améliorer la santé mentale et physique à long terme.

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#hommes #qui #réussissent #expliquent #pouvoir #rétention #sperme #Motivation #NoFap #spectacle #Ranveer

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] people are quitting Concepts like pornography completely people are embracing Concepts like celibacy there is something called the no fap [Music] movement so sir can you explain the role of celibacy in spiritual growth as well as mental growth like what does it do for a human being mind [Music] you attraction to distraction is over so what happens isus you will experience like better physical health your energy will improve and your mental Clarity will improve whatever profession you are in right whether it’s a corporate world whether it’s a creative world or it’s it can be as simple as being confident in front of people it’s unreal I mean you have to practice to experience it I’m not even saying years right just do it for 21 days and and see how you feel about it celibacy has its own um benefits it is its own charm it is it own uh energy level definitely it has C so there was this uh research done by like three scientists and they had they just wanted to see like what semen constitutes they they found that 90% it of it was water and 10% of it was nutrients and those were the nutrients which included most of the minerals cholesterin and other minerals which are foods for the brain like it’s basically like you’re putting petrol into your brain yes it’s how much forward modern science has gone into it but ayura is very clear about the fact that it moves upwards and nourishes your cells brain and overall body yeah also I feel that again I keep saying this in a bunch of our podcasts that there’s a whole world of science that the world of science hasn’t discovered yet what do scientists do what do what do you say scientists what research analyze research is the word right which means they never you never say scientists are searching technically scientists are supposed to search right what does research mean it’s already there they researching it so what’s there 5,000 or how many of years ago they’re researching your SE has a lot of power and so much so that you can procreate and recreate a new life you can give uh birth to a new child and if you can actually save your Sean it starts flowing upwards according to Aura it starts nourishing your brain cells in such a way that you build uh no dietary ulet can do it and plus you also build uncommon intelligence and photographic memory even for example sex for people they don’t do it all the time I don’t think anybody does does it all the time they have uh you know times when they feel the urge in the body unfortunately we think sex is bad sex is should not be taken as a bad or a sin in this country it was not seen as a sin it’s a western thought we adopted in this country for several centuries now if you are using your energy into a creative uh um Channel you are putting it into some creativity or in service or even in studies sex is not a botheration at all nobody is bothered about sex when they have exams at those time they are so busy and when you have an important mission to accomplish in life that is not some issue that comes into your head it’s one energy in the body that that is either uh sex energy or it converts itself into love compassion anger also people who suppress sex sometimes they become very angry H the same energy gets an outlet in anger but if the same energy is channeled uh through meditation as love and compassion then you see that you you are in Bliss whole time you should not yes sir uh say this is is bad or sin or to get out of it no it’s a natural instinct honor it and then go beyond it we live in a society where people chase physical Pleasures a lot the greatest Pleasures are mental and spiritual but not everyone discovers those the kind of distractions you have in life to get towards that urge you know I mean all of social media is in today’s time super like hypersexual we live in super and hypersexual times right the kind of content that there is out there there are so many like uh inclinations for people to just go out and jerk off you know and just to satisfy their need times of instant gratification porn is so easily accessible man so once you consciously you know let that thought out of your mind that okay the goal is always to you know just you know jerk off like okay I have one quot a day I will use it now when you keep on masturbating too much then it’s like a compulsion Loop even if you’re body is not looking for it your mind is just constantly telling you and then then there is no difference between a cocaine addict and a masturbation adct because then it’s all about dopamine only when you masturbate like excessively too much like almost every day you’re doing it three four times then you do not enjoy the real sex but Pawn also it gives you a wrong idea of what sex is sometimes Pawn is very violent um it also there was this concept I read that if you you watch a lot of Pawn you basically start getting excited about sex as a third person thing because you’re watching people having sex on your screen and that’s what you’re ejaculating to your brain dopamine release gets associated with the uh third person view key I’m seeing two people having sex and that’s what I’m enjoying so if you actually end up having sex in real life then you know you you won’t enjoy it as much because you’ll be like this is a first person view it’s like playing um say fortnite versus playing you know Call of Duty where it’s first person versus third person because of masturbating you get very used to your hand on like a penis so when you actually go through sex it feels very different from having that hand on your penis always so um a lot of guys and I know this from engineering College a lot of my friends uh they could last for very long in bed like as in they could like you know be having sex for very long but they never ejaculated because they were so used to masturbating and after having intercourse then they would go and like masturbate which is like you’re kind of spoiling the vibe for your partner also actually that’s true like when you masturbate like excessively too much like almost every day or doing it three four times then you do not enjoy the real sex actually if you are getting addicted to anything if that’s that thing is becoming your life is revolving around masturbation then you are in a mess I guess if you actually start thinking that what am I actually feeling I mean I’m not saying having sex is wrong or being being physical is wrong no why why what is it and is it with are you is it happening with multiple people what is it that you’re feeling good about it what is it that you’re feeling at the end of the day why is somebody doing that it’s for that point millisecond of ejaculation time right after that you’re tired and then you’re you don’t feel like doing it for for some time and then you get back why because the body clock also takes sometimes to assimilate and bring back that energy or whatever right but for 15 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever it is I mean after having a orgasm or after ensuring that ejaculation happens why is why are you not feeling it for the next 10 minutes what’s the reason no fap eventually becomes easy if you practice NOAB this is what you’ll see eventually you’ll find it easy to beat your Cravings initially it is a little bit difficult absolutely so I want to take you back to that 18-year-old version of yourself who hormones all over the place uh what what used to go on in your head dude if you saw like an attractive well it is unreal it’s pretty much reverse psychology right or it’s it’s Nature’s wish that it tests your mind power mental strength you know it happens to a lot of you all I’m sure you say diet you’ll get called for 10 weddings you’ll get called for the best birthday parties you’ll get called for best friends this best friends that and I started my diet today so then next day you’re like uh okay today morning onwards morning you would have done it afternoon you have done it evening again you be like ran let’s go for a party and then you know because when the moment you tend to take a certain kind of a umth in path stroke goal for yourself the nature’s first rule is how do we tend to break it how do we test it test it stroke break it stroke whatever you want to call it for the good but can this person he or she withstand that test so if I tell you don’t think about sex you’ll think more about sex so instead of doing that have a higher purpose established in mindset I think if if somebody is like intrigued by noof faab or for example if you’re someone who is skeptic about NOAB I would just tell them that you try it for like 1 week 30 days or whenever how much is it possible for you you just try it and you will see the benefits coming in honestly I have had phases where I didn’t do a 200 days right from the beginning right I’ve had many phases where I’ve done 10 days I’ve done a week I’ve done 15 days moved to a month did 60 days broken it things like that so my like two cents on that would be don’t push directly for a 200 day goal or a 500 day goal or say that from today I will just stop it you know it may not be entirely possible take take little steps towards it and you know build your willpower towards that it’s like you know instead of directly going into a a final championship match play with the rookies first you know practice yourself um go go like go one one level up and then go for the finals so when you consciously stop thinking of it as a part of you uh you will not feel those urges very internally you will uh and I’m not saying you will suppress them you will just not feel them you will automatically it will be second for you to drive that urge to something else to start writing creatively you will R you will automatically pick up the pen or pick up your laptop and start writing or pick up the dumble move move your energies to something that is more productive to you as a as as a person so that is what’s happening at day 200 you you don’t consciously think oh cool uh ja we’ll have to let one out so I think that is the major difference it it makes you way calmer 100% so I feel that celibacy combined with the spiritual practices like meditation like living a clean ethical life that is the real key and it’s not just abstaining from sex or abstaining from masturbation or something yeah you see you force abstinence on you then it comes to you from some other uh distorted form inside of you become irritable angry and emotionally imbalanced sometimes you you’re not so clear in your communication thinking all these sort of psychological issues will arise out of it yes sir if you want to practice celibacy you must do yoga and meditation then you will see it’s not an issue at all it has become a natural thing for you so it’s basically for you guys who are just starting out on nofap it’s a very simple yoga uh suppose you are feeling lust you’re feeling horny basically okay so you do feel a certain Rush of Blood going to your sex organs uh the yoga is that you just sit in one place okay and you take a deep breath in and keep in mind a lot of meditation and yoga is a lot of visualization so you just visualize that all that energy is actually flowing upward to your spine into your brain so you breathe in take it upward into your brain and then breathe out and imagine that energy spreading through your brain noap is great celibacy is great but what happens after marriage when you’re supposed to have sex are you supposed to not ejaculate there Braha uh is needed until the age of 25 for [Music] sure no greatness you can ever build while running behind women and and satisfying your genitals gen FOC AB G is an option to come out of brahmachari as and there is where you are responsible to procreate a new child so then you are no more a brahmachari you can still practice brahmacharya even in gasta life by regulating your sexual life practi keeping the relationship within the family life that’s one and plus not seeing your wife as a commodity to satisfy your genitals so basically your purpose of uh having relationship with her is to actually serve the society and family and the Lord not just to actually satisfy your desires to of your genitals don’t see her as an object of my senses see her as an co- contributor in the ecosystem so but if you are letting go of your semen during married life does it take away from your mental sharpness uh that’s what I said regulation is required okay but what would count as regulation discipline discipline I would not be able to tell you how many times in a week or how many times in a day I don’t think that’s the right answer but I would say one has to regulate it because the purpose of life will bring regulation desire to regulate will not bring regulation have a higher purpose established in mindset as long as your ejacul ation and the process of sex is fueled by love it automatically uh kind of has its own spiritual impact on your existence that whole process so sex where it’s just for the physical aspect of it for pleasure is tamic is negative but sex within the Realms of marriage within the Realms of infinite love that exists within a marriage it actually uh makes you closer to your partner and makes both of you spiritually grow abut and also there is this concept in yoga of I don’t know what it’s called but basically divides your life into four stages so your initial stage is where you’re learning that’s before the age of 25 where you’re preparing for the world the stage after that is where you’re a uh family householder yeah so uh in the householder stage the rules kind of change when it comes to seen when it comes to spiritual growth you grow through providing for your family but if you’re under the age of 25 you just try no fap you try being away from Pawn if you feel that that is benefiting you then I think you are you will know what to do yeah yeah you but don’t kind of discount things without experiencing it yourself [Music] .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.22 [Music]
0.22 people are quitting Concepts like
0.22 pornography completely people are
0.22 embracing Concepts like celibacy there
0.22 is something called the no fap
0.22 [Music]
0.22 movement so sir can you explain the role
0.22 of celibacy in spiritual growth as well
0.22 as mental growth like what does it do
0.22 for a human being mind
0.22 [Music]
0.22 you attraction to distraction is over so
0.22 what happens
0.22 isus you will experience like better
0.22 physical health your energy will improve
0.22 and your mental Clarity will improve
0.22 whatever profession you are in right
0.22 whether it&;s a corporate world whether
0.22 it&;s a creative world or it&;s it can be
0.22 as simple as being confident in front of
0.22 people it&;s unreal I mean you have to
0.22 practice to experience it I&;m not even
0.22 saying years right just do it for 21
0.22 days and and see how you feel about it
0.22 celibacy has its own um benefits it is
0.22 its own charm it is it own uh energy
0.22 level definitely it has
0.22 C so there was this uh research done by
0.22 like three scientists and they had they
0.22 just wanted to see like what semen
0.22 constitutes they they found that 90% it
0.22 of it was water and 10% of it was
0.22 nutrients and those were the nutrients
0.22 which included most of the minerals
0.22 cholesterin and other minerals which are
0.22 foods for the brain like it&;s basically
0.22 like you&;re putting petrol into your
0.22 brain yes it&;s how much forward modern
0.22 science has gone into it but ayura is
0.22 very clear about the fact that it moves
0.22 upwards and nourishes your cells brain
0.22 and overall body yeah also I feel that
0.22 again I keep saying this in a bunch of
0.22 our podcasts that there&;s a whole world
0.22 of science that the world of science
0.22 hasn&;t discovered yet what do scientists
0.22 do what do what do you say scientists
0.22 what research analyze research is the
0.22 word right which means they never you
0.22 never say scientists are searching
0.22 technically scientists are supposed to
0.22 search right what does research mean
0.22 it&;s already there they researching it
0.22 so what&;s there 5,000 or how many of
0.22 years ago they&;re researching
0.22 your SE has a lot of power and so much
0.22 so that you can procreate and recreate a
0.22 new life you can give uh birth to a new
0.22 child and if you can actually save your
0.22 Sean it starts flowing upwards according
0.22 to Aura it starts nourishing your brain
0.22 cells in such a way that you build uh no
0.22 dietary ulet can do it and plus you also
0.22 build uncommon intelligence and
0.22 photographic memory even for example sex
0.22 for people they don&;t do it all the time
0.22 I don&;t think anybody does does it all
0.22 the time they have uh you know times
0.22 when they feel the urge in the body
0.22 unfortunately we think sex is bad sex is
0.22 should not be taken as a bad or a sin in
0.22 this country it was not seen as a sin
0.22 it&;s a western thought we adopted in
0.22 this country for several centuries now
0.22 if you are using your energy into a
0.22 creative uh um
0.22 Channel you are putting it into some
0.22 creativity or in
0.22 service or even in studies sex is not a
0.22 botheration at all nobody is bothered
0.22 about sex when they have
0.22 exams at those time they are so busy and
0.22 when you have an important mission to
0.22 accomplish in life that is not some
0.22 issue that comes into your head it&;s one
0.22 energy in the body that that is either
0.22 uh sex energy
0.22 or it converts itself into love
0.22 compassion anger also people who
0.22 suppress sex sometimes they become very
0.22 angry H the same energy gets an outlet
0.22 in anger but if the same energy is
0.22 channeled uh through meditation as love
0.22 and
0.22 compassion then you see that you you are
0.22 in Bliss whole time you should not yes
0.22 sir uh say this is is bad or sin or to
0.22 get out of it no it&;s a natural instinct
0.22 honor it and then go beyond it we live
0.22 in a society where people chase physical
0.22 Pleasures a lot the greatest Pleasures
0.22 are mental and spiritual but not
0.22 everyone discovers those the kind of
0.22 distractions you have in life to get
0.22 towards that urge you know I mean all of
0.22 social media is in today&;s time super
0.22 like hypersexual we live in super and
0.22 hypersexual times right the kind of
0.22 content that there is out there there
0.22 are so many like uh inclinations for
0.22 people to just go out and jerk off you
0.22 know and just to satisfy their need
0.22 times of instant gratification porn is
0.22 so easily accessible man so once you
0.22 consciously you know let that thought
0.22 out of your mind that okay the goal is
0.22 always to you know just you know jerk
0.22 off like okay I have one quot a day I
0.22 will use it now when you keep on
0.22 masturbating too much then it&;s like a
0.22 compulsion Loop even if you&;re body is
0.22 not looking for it your mind is just
0.22 constantly telling you and then then
0.22 there is no difference between a cocaine
0.22 addict and a masturbation adct because
0.22 then it&;s all about dopamine only when
0.22 you masturbate like excessively too much
0.22 like almost every day you&;re doing it
0.22 three four times then you do not enjoy
0.22 the real sex but Pawn also it gives you
0.22 a wrong idea of what sex is sometimes
0.22 Pawn is very violent um it also there
0.22 was this concept I read that if you you
0.22 watch a lot of Pawn you basically start
0.22 getting excited about sex as a third
0.22 person
0.22 thing because you&;re watching people
0.22 having sex on your screen and that&;s
0.22 what you&;re ejaculating to your brain
0.22 dopamine release gets associated with
0.22 the uh third person view key I&;m seeing
0.22 two people having sex and that&;s what
0.22 I&;m enjoying so if you actually end up
0.22 having sex in real life then you know
0.22 you you won&;t enjoy it as much because
0.22 you&;ll be like this is a first person
0.22 view it&;s like playing um say fortnite
0.22 versus playing you know Call of Duty
0.22 where it&;s first person versus third
0.22 person because of masturbating you get
0.22 very used to your hand on like a penis
0.22 so when you actually go through sex it
0.22 feels very different from having that
0.22 hand on your penis always so um a lot of
0.22 guys and I know this from engineering
0.22 College a lot of my friends uh they
0.22 could last for very long in bed like as
0.22 in they could like you know be having
0.22 sex for very long but they never
0.22 ejaculated because they were so used to
0.22 masturbating and after having
0.22 intercourse then they would go and like
0.22 masturbate which is like you&;re kind of
0.22 spoiling the vibe for your partner also
0.22 actually that&;s true like when you
0.22 masturbate like excessively too much
0.22 like almost every day or doing it three
0.22 four times then you do not enjoy the
0.22 real sex actually if you are getting
0.22 addicted to anything if that&;s that
0.22 thing is becoming your life is revolving
0.22 around masturbation then you are in a
0.22 mess I guess if you actually start
0.22 thinking that what am I actually feeling
0.22 I mean I&;m not saying having sex is
0.22 wrong or being being physical is wrong
0.22 no why why what is it and is it with are
0.22 you is it happening with multiple people
0.22 what is it that you&;re feeling good
0.22 about it what is it that you&;re feeling
0.22 at the end of the day why is somebody
0.22 doing that it&;s for that point
0.22 millisecond of ejaculation time right
0.22 after that you&;re tired and then you&;re
0.22 you don&;t feel like doing it for for
0.22 some time and then you get back why
0.22 because the body clock also takes
0.22 sometimes to assimilate
0.22 and bring back that energy or whatever
0.22 right but for 15 minutes or 10 minutes
0.22 or whatever it is I mean after having a
0.22 orgasm or after ensuring that
0.22 ejaculation happens why is why are you
0.22 not feeling it for the next 10 minutes
0.22 what&;s the reason no fap eventually
0.22 becomes easy if you practice NOAB this
0.22 is what you&;ll see eventually you&;ll
0.22 find it easy to beat your Cravings
0.22 initially it is a little bit difficult
0.22 absolutely so I want to take you back to
0.22 that 18-year-old version of yourself who
0.22 hormones all over the place uh what what
0.22 used to go on in your head dude if you
0.22 saw like an attractive well it is unreal
0.22 it&;s pretty much reverse psychology
0.22 right or it&;s it&;s Nature&;s wish that it
0.22 tests your mind power mental strength
0.22 you know it happens to a lot of you all
0.22 I&;m sure you say diet you&;ll get called
0.22 for 10 weddings you&;ll get called for
0.22 the best birthday parties you&;ll get
0.22 called for best friends this best
0.22 friends that
0.22 and I started my diet today
0.22 so then next day you&;re like uh okay
0.22 today morning onwards morning you would
0.22 have done it afternoon you have done it
0.22 evening again you be like ran let&;s go
0.22 for a party and then you know because
0.22 when the moment you tend to take a
0.22 certain kind of a umth in path stroke
0.22 goal for yourself the nature&;s first
0.22 rule is how do we tend to break it how
0.22 do we test it test it stroke break it
0.22 stroke whatever you want to call it for
0.22 the good but can this person he or she
0.22 withstand that test so if I tell you
0.22 don&;t think about sex you&;ll think more
0.22 about sex so instead of doing that have
0.22 a higher purpose established in mindset
0.22 I think if if somebody is like intrigued
0.22 by noof faab or for example if you&;re
0.22 someone who is skeptic about NOAB I
0.22 would just tell them that you try it for
0.22 like 1 week 30 days or whenever how much
0.22 is it possible for you you just try it
0.22 and you will see the benefits coming in
0.22 honestly I have had phases where I
0.22 didn&;t do a 200 days right from the
0.22 beginning right I&;ve had many phases
0.22 where I&;ve done 10 days I&;ve done a week
0.22 I&;ve done 15 days moved to a month did
0.22 60 days broken it things like that so my
0.22 like two cents on that would be don&;t
0.22 push directly for a 200 day goal or a
0.22 500 day goal or say that from today I
0.22 will just stop it you know it may not be
0.22 entirely possible take take little steps
0.22 towards it and you know build your
0.22 willpower towards that it&;s like you
0.22 know instead of directly going into a a
0.22 final championship match play with the
0.22 rookies first you know practice yourself
0.22 um go go like go one one level up and
0.22 then go for the finals so when you
0.22 consciously stop thinking of it as a
0.22 part of you uh you will not feel those
0.22 urges very internally you will uh and
0.22 I&;m not saying you will suppress them
0.22 you will just not feel them you will
0.22 automatically it will be second for you
0.22 to drive that urge to something else to
0.22 start writing creatively you will R you
0.22 will automatically pick up the pen or
0.22 pick up your laptop and start writing or
0.22 pick up the dumble move move your
0.22 energies to something that is more
0.22 productive to you as a as as a person so
0.22 that is what&;s happening at day 200 you
0.22 you don&;t consciously think oh cool uh
0.22 ja we&;ll have to let one
0.22 out so I think that is the major
0.22 difference it it makes you way
0.22 calmer 100% so I feel that celibacy
0.22 combined with the spiritual practices
0.22 like meditation like living a clean
0.22 ethical life that is the real key and
0.22 it&;s not just abstaining from sex or
0.22 abstaining from masturbation or
0.22 something yeah you see you force
0.22 abstinence on you then it comes to you
0.22 from some other uh distorted form inside
0.22 of you become irritable angry and
0.22 emotionally imbalanced sometimes you
0.22 you&;re not so clear in your
0.22 communication
0.22 thinking all these sort of
0.22 psychological issues will arise out of
0.22 it yes sir if you want to practice
0.22 celibacy you must do yoga and meditation
0.22 then you will see it&;s not an issue at
0.22 all it has become a natural thing for
0.22 you so it&;s basically for you guys who
0.22 are just starting out on nofap it&;s a
0.22 very simple yoga uh suppose you are
0.22 feeling lust you&;re feeling horny
0.22 basically okay so you do feel a certain
0.22 Rush of Blood going to your sex organs
0.22 uh the yoga is that you just sit in one
0.22 place okay and you take a deep breath in
0.22 and keep in mind a lot of meditation and
0.22 yoga is a lot of visualization so you
0.22 just visualize that all that energy is
0.22 actually flowing upward to your spine
0.22 into your brain so you breathe
0.22 in take it upward into your brain and
0.22 then breathe out and imagine that energy
0.22 spreading through your brain noap is
0.22 great celibacy is great but what happens
0.22 after marriage when you&;re supposed to
0.22 have sex are you supposed to not
0.22 ejaculate there
0.22 Braha uh is needed until the age of 25
0.22 for
0.22 [Music]
0.22 sure no greatness you can ever build
0.22 while running behind women and and
0.22 satisfying your
0.22 genitals gen
0.22 FOC
0.22 AB G is an option to come out of
0.22 brahmachari as and there is where you
0.22 are responsible to procreate a new child
0.22 so then you are no more a brahmachari
0.22 you can still practice brahmacharya even
0.22 in gasta life by regulating your sexual
0.22 life
0.22 practi keeping the relationship within
0.22 the family life that&;s one and plus not
0.22 seeing your wife as a commodity to
0.22 satisfy your genitals so basically your
0.22 purpose of uh having relationship with
0.22 her is to actually serve the society and
0.22 family and the Lord not just to actually
0.22 satisfy your desires to of your genitals
0.22 don&;t see her as an object of my senses
0.22 see her as an co- contributor in the
0.22 ecosystem so but if you are letting go
0.22 of your semen during married life does
0.22 it take away from your mental sharpness
0.22 uh that&;s what I said regulation is
0.22 required okay but what would count as
0.22 regulation discipline discipline I would
0.22 not be able to tell you how many times
0.22 in a week or how many times in a day I
0.22 don&;t think that&;s the right answer but
0.22 I would say one has to regulate it
0.22 because the purpose of life will bring
0.22 regulation desire to regulate will not
0.22 bring regulation have a higher purpose
0.22 established in mindset as long as your
0.22 ejacul ation and the process of sex is
0.22 fueled by love it automatically uh kind
0.22 of has its own spiritual impact on your
0.22 existence that whole process so sex
0.22 where it&;s just for the physical aspect
0.22 of it for pleasure is tamic is negative
0.22 but sex within the Realms of marriage
0.22 within the Realms of infinite love that
0.22 exists within a marriage it actually uh
0.22 makes you closer to your partner and
0.22 makes both of you spiritually grow abut
0.22 and also there is this concept in yoga
0.22 of I don&;t know what it&;s called but
0.22 basically divides your life into four
0.22 stages so your initial stage is where
0.22 you&;re learning that&;s before the age of
0.22 25 where you&;re preparing for the world
0.22 the stage after that is where you&;re a
0.22 uh family householder yeah so uh in the
0.22 householder stage the rules kind of
0.22 change when it comes to seen when it
0.22 comes to spiritual growth you grow
0.22 through providing for your family but if
0.22 you&;re under the age of 25 you just try
0.22 no fap you try being away from Pawn if
0.22 you feel that that is benefiting you
0.22 then I think you are you will know what
0.22 to do yeah yeah you but don&;t kind of
0.22 discount things without experiencing it
0.22 yourself
0.22 [Music]

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