Le thème «nofap», une vidéo sur YouTube
Le thème « nofap » mis en image par Dopamine Focused Warriors (DFW)
Sur YouTube, publié par Dopamine Focused Warriors (DFW) (), une vidéo est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « nofap ».
Avec ses millions de vidéos disponibles, YouTube permet à chaque utilisateur de trouver quelque chose qui correspond à ses intérêts personnels ou à ses besoins d’information.
Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 1015.
Il est important de prendre en compte la durée (00:08:36s), le titre (NoFap – Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything « NoFap et la dépression sont peut-être plus courants que vous ne le pensez… NOUVELLE MISE À JOUR : il existe maintenant un autre système d’arrêt du p*rn que je recommande… Voir une vidéo à ce sujet ICIhttps://youtu.be/yBeUvg00NQQ Bob scandinave ici salut, la dépendance au cabinet du premier ministre et la dépression sont une chose courante. Vous vous rendez compte que lorsque vous voyez tous les gros titres sur différents forums criant « NoFap – aucune envie de faire quoi que ce soit » ou « NoFap n’a pas envie de faire quoi que ce soit », alors que se passe-t-il ici ? Eh bien, allons-y et parlons-en… AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ POUR LES AFFILIÉS : Project Stronger Self participe au programme d’associés d’Amazon Services LLC, un programme de publicité d’recommandation conçu pour fournir aux sites un moyen de gagner des frais de publicité en faisant de la publicité et en créant des liens vers www. .amazon.com Ainsi, dans la zone de description de la vidéo, il y a parfois des liens d’recommandation et cela signifie que, si vous cliquez sur le lien du produit, je toucherai une petite commission. Même si je peux gagner une petite commission, mes opinions sur les produits sont sincères et basées sur une expérience directe et/ou sur des recherches détaillées, en ligne et hors ligne. Le produit ne vous coûtera pas plus cher pour cette raison et c’est un excellent moyen de contribuer à soutenir la chaîne. Une véritable situation gagnant-gagnant qui m’aide à pouvoir continuer à faire des vidéos comme celle-ci. Merci beaucoup! AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ : Cette vidéo est uniquement informative et ne constitue pas un conseil professionnel. Si vous avez besoin de tels conseils, veuillez consulter un expert. Je ne suis PAS un expert. Je suis juste un gars qui aime lire et apprendre BEAUCOUP, et dans mes vidéos, je partage simplement mes expériences et ce que j’ai appris avec mes téléspectateurs. Si vous décidez d’essayer vous-même quelque chose dont je parle dans mes vidéos, vous acceptez d’assumer l’entière responsabilité de toutes les conséquences. ————————————————– ————————– Consultez mon site Web de redémarrage de PMO : ICI ►► https://pmoflatline.com ——- ————————————————– ——————- Obtenez mon guide d’outils No PMO de 90 jours – 100 % GRATUIT ICI : ►►https://pmoflatline.com/list —— ————————————————– ——————– Vous êtes intéressé par un coaching individuel ou vous avez simplement quelque chose en tête ? Contactez-moi.. ICI ►► https://pmoflatline.com/contact-me/ ——————————- ——————————————— ».
La vidéo est prête à être regardée directement ci-dessous
La plateforme NoFap offre un soutien crucial aux hommes qui souhaitent améliorer leur bien-être.
Mettre l’accent sur l’aide sociale et émotionnelle qui accompagne le parcours de l’abstinence.
Les forums de la communauté Nofap fournissent une aide concrète aux hommes pour lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression tout en offrant des conseils pour surmonter les obstacles et éviter les rechutes. Un soutien professionnel peut être requis (voir ce service de Nofap).
Participer aux forums NoFap aide les hommes à se connecter et à échanger sur leurs défis.
Les espaces communautaires, comme les forums, offrent une plateforme de soutien et des études scientifiques utiles aux hommes qui souhaitent réussir leur abstinence.
Explorer l’impact des forums et des groupes de soutien sur la progression des participants dans leurs objectifs.
Des études ont prouvé que les forums de soutien en ligne, tels que ceux de la communauté NoFap, augmentent les chances de succès dans la lutte contre des comportements comme la dépression et l’anxiété. Les recherches scientifiques soulignent l’importance de la solidarité au sein de la communauté NoFap pour lutter contre la masturbation de manière efficace.
Réussir dans NoFap grâce à des stratégies efficaces
Recommandations de NoFap pour maintenir sa détermination
Pour réussir, il est essentiel de maintenir des habitudes positives, comme le sport et la méditation, afin de renforcer sa concentration et sa motivation.
Les techniques pour surmonter les rechutes renforcent le parcours NoFap.
L’étude scientifique montre que les rechutes sont fréquentes dans NoFap. Les hommes doivent prendre du recul pour comprendre les causes de l’échec et solliciter l’aide de la communauté pour se remettre sur la bonne voie.
Sites et articles recommandés pour approfondir le sujet.
Pour mieux appréhender ce phénomène, des ressources comme les travaux de Nicole Prause et d’autres études scientifiques expliquent les effets néfastes de la pornographie et de la masturbation ainsi que les méthodes pour y remédier.
Les effets de l’abstinence se manifestent de manière significative dans la vie des hommes.
Vérifier l’impact de l’abstinence sur la fonction érectile.
L’abstinence permet de restaurer des circuits neuronaux sains, aidant à traiter les dysfonctions érectiles liées à la masturbation.
L’abstinence offre des bénéfices psychologiques que l’on doit évaluer pour en mesurer l’efficacité.
En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.
Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’arrêt de la masturbation, notamment la baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression.
Les hommes souffrent fréquemment d’anxiété en raison de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation. En s’abstenant, ils constatent une diminution de leur dépression et un renforcement de leur capacité à contrôler leurs comportements.
Comment NoFap transforme la vie des hommes
NoFap repose sur l’idée de renoncer à la masturbation pour mieux se concentrer sur soi.
NoFap est une initiative pour les hommes cherchant à se libérer des habitudes liées à la pornographie et à la masturbation. Ce concept vise à réduire la dépendance et à promouvoir une santé mentale et physique optimale.
Comprendre ce qui pousse les individus à adopter NoFap permet de mieux saisir ses effets sur le corps et l’esprit.
La communauté NoFap se bat contre les méfaits de la pornographie, cherche à améliorer la performance érectile et à réduire l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir arrêté la pornographie.
Comprendre les effets de la pornographie sur la santé physique et mentale des hommes.
Les chercheurs ont analysé l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé, mettant en évidence des effets négatifs comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a réalisé une étude sur l’impact de la masturbation excessive et de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.
Si vous désirez accéder à la vidéo sur YouTube, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien :
la publication originale: Cliquer ici
#NoFap #Navez #pas #envie #faire #quoi #soit #NoFap #dépression
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: scandinavian bob here hi as soon as you go online and type in the word nofap you are completely bombarded by all the awesome benefits of nofap and yes for many guys most of those benefits are actually true but there is one part of nova that doesn’t get talked about enough and that is depression and the total lack of drive to do anything that can happen to some guys now first let me say that there are hundreds of reasons why a person can suffer from depression and today i’m only going to talk about it related to no fap and there are several kinds of depression related to your pmo journey as well but one of the most nasty ones happened to me if i binge relapsed since i have written down most of my journey in a journal all i have to do is to go back a few years and read how i used to feel the first five days after a nasty relapse oh man if i had one of those super destructive binge relapses that could last for several hours it completely floored me the following week and i really do mean that it messed with my dopamine system to such a degree that i really struggled to get anything done for the following days and even small daily tasks like brushing your teeth and taking a shower was hard and if this happens pretty much the only thing you can do about it is to wait it out if you still manage to do some physical exercise it can help a bit but for me nothing was powerful enough in a helpful way to completely override this negative crash so binge relapses during your nofap journey is one of the fastest ways to completely destroy your drive now that’s of course the more acute side of things but then we have the flatline and more long-term withdrawals that many guys experience as well now if you had a real addiction to adult sites then you have to understand that even if your dopamine levels already are low to begin with after quitting your baseline levels drop even further for a while before they slowly start coming back up and during this phase things like depression and not feeling like doing anything is very common however you must understand that this is only a temporary face and that things will improve so keep reminding yourself that it will pass i have also gotten questions from guys asking if they should push themselves to still do things when they are really really depressed and have asked me how i did it back when i was rebooting well when we are really really down the hurdle to do stuff can seem overwhelming but it is so much better to still do things than to just lie on the sofa all day because if you do nothing then your self-esteem tends to drop even further making the depression even worse and the solution here is to lower the bar if you for example used to jog for 30 minutes and the thought of that just feels too overwhelming then say to yourself okay i’m just going to put my sneakers on and run for one minute today now you may be laughing at this but i’m dead serious that is still a heck of a lot better than if you don’t do anything because while one minute won’t do much good to your physical body it is still one more vote for being a person who can act in the face of adversity and then you get a small sense of pride in that and that is so much better than to do nothing at all and things like that will help you get out of the depression quicker if you are a person who used to meditate but you can’t seem to do it right now all right then meditate for one minute if you used to take cold showers but now you are just too depressed to take them well maybe you can end your warm shower by turning the knob to the coldest setting for just five seconds i’ll bet you could always do five seconds and right there you get another vote for being that kind of a person who sticks to his plan and again this is so much better than doing nothing because nothing will only amplify the depression the ironic part is also that when we least feel like doing things it’s actually then we need to do them the most for example when really depressed many of us would just like to buy some beer and start drinking but that’s actually the worst time for that since that would make everything worse so what we really need is self-care in terms of good nutrition and a bit of physical exercise and other things that are good for us and one more thing you must also be careful not to add any extra weight to the depression you know if you start telling yourself things like why must i feel this way or why can’t i be happy then you are actually making it worse you really are it’s much better to have the mindset i’m depressed right now and that’s okay i’m going to pick up my suffering and carry this heavy load one day at a time until it starts getting better and again you do this by lowering your bar while you keep trudging forward under your unfairly burdensome load and oh hey guys if you are addicted to adult sites and you are tired of relapsing then listen up here the last couple of months i have been checking out a system created by a licensed therapist using something called habit construction therapy to quit using adult sites for good and i have to say the results are truly impressive now when doing some more research in order to find out if this is something i could recommend to my subscribers i got to know josh the therapist and i would like to invite you to join a webinar where josh tells you more about how this very system has helped him and many other guys quit using adult sites for good now what makes this system so good is that josh has personal experiences from having to become free from adult sites and that in combination with the new hct method produces absolutely phenomenal results yeah so josh is the real deal i’m happy i got to know him and his system is actually so good that i decided to become an affiliate for it it is the best system you can currently find out there and i can highly highly recommend it to you but i have to tell you though this is not something for you if you are just doing nova like a cool little challenge you know like for example to get a deeper voice and stuff like that no you have to understand that josh has literally spent thousands of hours on educating himself and then on creating a phenomenal system so obviously that means it will take some time and investment from you so do not go there and then come back here saying hey why are you sending me to something that costs money because that’s just bloody obvious and anything else would simply be just craziness i mean it’s really that high quality now it is 100 free to sign up to the webinar and listen to when josh talks about the principles behind it but if you are not willing to invest in yourself then that’s fine but if so don’t even go there and don’t complain simple as that however if you are sick and tired of relapsing you notice the negative consequences and you need to put your life in order and quit once and for all and you want to put yourself together then i invite you to join the webinar just type into your url address bar browser right now pmoflatline.com forward slash web3 or click the link under this video where it says webinar and it’ll take you there alright this is scandinavian bob signing out for today consider subscribing for more helpful videos and as always i wish you all the best in your journey to become the strongest version of yourself and remember as winston churchill used to say if you’re going through hell keep going .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.08 scandinavian bob here hi as soon as you
0.08 go online and
0.08 type in the word nofap you are
0.08 completely bombarded by
0.08 all the awesome benefits of nofap and
0.08 yes for many guys
0.08 most of those benefits are actually true
0.08 but there is one part of nova that
0.08 doesn&;t get talked about enough
0.08 and that is depression and the total
0.08 lack of drive to do
0.08 anything that can happen to some guys
0.08 now
0.08 first let me say that there are hundreds
0.08 of reasons why a person can suffer from
0.08 depression
0.08 and today i&;m only going to talk about
0.08 it related to no fap
0.08 and there are several kinds of
0.08 depression related to your pmo journey
0.08 as well
0.08 but one of the most nasty ones happened
0.08 to me
0.08 if i binge relapsed since i have written
0.08 down most of my journey in a journal
0.08 all i have to do is to go back a few
0.08 years and read
0.08 how i used to feel the first five days
0.08 after a nasty relapse
0.08 oh man if i had one of those super
0.08 destructive
0.08 binge relapses that could last for
0.08 several
0.08 hours it completely floored me the
0.08 following week
0.08 and i really do mean that it messed with
0.08 my dopamine system to such a degree that
0.08 i really struggled
0.08 to get anything done for the following
0.08 days and
0.08 even small daily tasks like brushing
0.08 your teeth and taking a shower was hard
0.08 and if this happens pretty much the only
0.08 thing you can do about it is to wait it
0.08 out if you still manage to do some
0.08 physical exercise
0.08 it can help a bit but for me nothing was
0.08 powerful enough in a helpful way to
0.08 completely
0.08 override this negative crash so
0.08 binge relapses during your nofap journey
0.08 is one of the fastest ways to completely
0.08 destroy your drive
0.08 now that&;s of course the more acute side
0.08 of things but then we have the flatline
0.08 and more long-term withdrawals that many
0.08 guys
0.08 experience as well now if you had a real
0.08 addiction to adult sites then you have
0.08 to understand that
0.08 even if your dopamine levels already are
0.08 low to begin with
0.08 after quitting your baseline levels drop
0.08 even further for a while before they
0.08 slowly start coming back
0.08 up and during this phase things like
0.08 depression and not
0.08 feeling like doing anything is very
0.08 common
0.08 however you must understand that this is
0.08 only a temporary face and that things
0.08 will improve so keep reminding yourself
0.08 that it will
0.08 pass i have also gotten questions from
0.08 guys asking if they should
0.08 push themselves to still do things when
0.08 they are really
0.08 really depressed and have asked me how i
0.08 did it back when i was rebooting
0.08 well when we are really really down
0.08 the hurdle to do stuff can seem
0.08 overwhelming
0.08 but it is so much better to still do
0.08 things than to just lie on the sofa all
0.08 day
0.08 because if you do nothing then your
0.08 self-esteem tends to drop
0.08 even further making the depression even
0.08 worse
0.08 and the solution here is to lower the
0.08 bar
0.08 if you for example used to jog for 30
0.08 minutes
0.08 and the thought of that just feels too
0.08 overwhelming
0.08 then say to yourself okay i&;m just going
0.08 to put
0.08 my sneakers on and run for one minute
0.08 today now you may be laughing at this
0.08 but i&;m dead serious
0.08 that is still a heck of a lot better
0.08 than if you don&;t do
0.08 anything because while one minute won&;t
0.08 do much good to your physical body
0.08 it is still one more vote for being a
0.08 person who can
0.08 act in the face of adversity and then
0.08 you get a small sense of pride in that
0.08 and that is so much better than to do
0.08 nothing
0.08 at all and things like that will help
0.08 you get out of the depression quicker
0.08 if you are a person who used to meditate
0.08 but you can&;t seem to do it right now
0.08 all right then meditate for one minute
0.08 if you used to take cold showers but now
0.08 you are just
0.08 too depressed to take them well maybe
0.08 you can
0.08 end your warm shower by turning the knob
0.08 to the coldest setting for just
0.08 five seconds i&;ll bet you could always
0.08 do five
0.08 seconds and right there you get another
0.08 vote for being that kind of a person who
0.08 sticks to his plan
0.08 and again this is so much better than
0.08 doing nothing because
0.08 nothing will only amplify the depression
0.08 the ironic part is also that
0.08 when we least feel like doing things
0.08 it&;s actually
0.08 then we need to do them the most for
0.08 example when really depressed
0.08 many of us would just like to buy some
0.08 beer and start
0.08 drinking but that&;s actually the worst
0.08 time for that since
0.08 that would make everything worse so what
0.08 we really need is self-care
0.08 in terms of good nutrition and a bit of
0.08 physical exercise and
0.08 other things that are good for us and
0.08 one more thing
0.08 you must also be careful not to add any
0.08 extra weight to the depression
0.08 you know if you start telling yourself
0.08 things like why must i feel this way
0.08 or why can&;t i be happy then you are
0.08 actually making it worse you really are
0.08 it&;s much better to have the mindset
0.08 i&;m depressed right now and that&;s okay
0.08 i&;m going to
0.08 pick up my suffering and carry this
0.08 heavy load
0.08 one day at a time until it starts
0.08 getting better
0.08 and again you do this by lowering your
0.08 bar
0.08 while you keep trudging forward under
0.08 your unfairly
0.08 burdensome load and oh hey guys
0.08 if you are addicted to adult sites and
0.08 you are
0.08 tired of relapsing then listen up here
0.08 the last
0.08 couple of months i have been checking
0.08 out a system
0.08 created by a licensed therapist using
0.08 something called
0.08 habit construction therapy to quit using
0.08 adult sites for
0.08 good and i have to say the results are
0.08 truly
0.08 impressive now when doing some more
0.08 research in order to find out if this is
0.08 something i could recommend to my
0.08 subscribers
0.08 i got to know josh the therapist and i
0.08 would like to
0.08 invite you to join a webinar where josh
0.08 tells you
0.08 more about how this very system has
0.08 helped him
0.08 and many other guys quit using adult
0.08 sites for
0.08 good now what makes this system so good
0.08 is that josh has
0.08 personal experiences from having to
0.08 become free from adult sites and that
0.08 in combination with the new hct method
0.08 produces
0.08 absolutely phenomenal results yeah so
0.08 josh is the real deal
0.08 i&;m happy i got to know him and his
0.08 system is
0.08 actually so good that i decided to
0.08 become an affiliate
0.08 for it it is the best system you can
0.08 currently find out there
0.08 and i can highly highly recommend it to
0.08 you
0.08 but i have to tell you though this is
0.08 not something for you
0.08 if you are just doing nova like a cool
0.08 little challenge you know like for
0.08 example to get a deeper voice and stuff
0.08 like that
0.08 no you have to understand that josh has
0.08 literally spent thousands of hours on
0.08 educating himself
0.08 and then on creating a phenomenal system
0.08 so
0.08 obviously that means it will take some
0.08 time and investment from you
0.08 so do not go there and then come back
0.08 here saying hey
0.08 why are you sending me to something that
0.08 costs money because that&;s just
0.08 bloody obvious and anything else would
0.08 simply be just
0.08 craziness i mean it&;s really that high
0.08 quality
0.08 now it is 100 free to sign up to the
0.08 webinar and listen to when josh talks
0.08 about the principles behind it but if
0.08 you are not
0.08 willing to invest in yourself then
0.08 that&;s fine but if so don&;t even go
0.08 there and don&;t complain
0.08 simple as that however if you are sick
0.08 and tired of relapsing
0.08 you notice the negative consequences and
0.08 you need to put your life in order and
0.08 quit once and for all
0.08 and you want to put yourself together
0.08 then i
0.08 invite you to join the webinar just type
0.08 into your url address bar browser right
0.08 now
0.08 pmoflatline.com forward slash
0.08 web3 or click the link under this video
0.08 where it says webinar
0.08 and it&;ll take you there alright this
0.08 is scandinavian bob signing out for
0.08 today consider subscribing for more
0.08 helpful videos
0.08 and as always i wish you all the best in
0.08 your journey to become the strongest
0.08 version of yourself
0.08 and remember as winston churchill used
0.08 to say
0.08 if you&;re going through hell keep
0.08 going
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