no fap,Pas de FAP: les 7 premiers jours sur Youtube

Pas de FAP: les 7 premiers jours

Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « no fap »

Cette vidéo, réalisée par Ali Ben-Hariz et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), aborde le sujet de « no fap ».

YouTube offre une plateforme dynamique où chacun peut découvrir et partager des contenus variés, allant des vidéos simples aux discussions approfondies.

La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 772.

Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:11:29s), le titre (NO FAP : The First 7 Days), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« 👉 Réservez un appel de coaching 1-1 👇🏽 👉 Consultez mes cours (Tagstotranslate) Rétention (T) S * Men Retention (T ».

Regardez la vidéo qui suit immédiatement cette phrase

L’abstinence influe sur la vie des hommes, surtout sur leur état d’esprit et leur corps.

Étudier l’impact de l’abstinence sur l’érection.

Selon des recherches, l’abstinence masculine permet de surmonter les dysfonctions érectiles associées à la masturbation.

L’abstinence présente des avantages psychologiques notables pour l’homme qu’il convient d’évaluer.

L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.

Discuter des effets positifs de l’abstinence sur la santé mentale, notamment la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression liées à la masturbation.

L’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation crée une anxiété significative chez l’homme. L’arrêt de ces pratiques est associé à une diminution de la dépression et à une meilleure gestion des comportements personnels.

Les meilleures stratégies pour NoFap

Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.

Les articles et études scientifiques, notamment ceux de Nicole Prause, offrent une perspective approfondie sur les effets de la pornographie et de la masturbation, tout en proposant des approches scientifiques pour y faire face.

Conseils pour rester engagé sur NoFap

Pratiquer l’exercice, la méditation et éviter les déclencheurs sont des habitudes essentielles pour maintenir une motivation sans faille.

Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.

Les rechutes ne sont pas une fin en soi, elles font partie intégrante du processus, selon une étude scientifique. L’important est d’en tirer des leçons, de s’appuyer sur ses objectifs et de chercher de l’aide dans la communauté Nofap.

Le NoFap : une découverte qui change la vie des hommes

Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.

Les objectifs de la communauté NoFap incluent la réduction des effets de la pornographie sur la santé mentale, l’amélioration de la fonction érectile et la réduction de l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés rapportent également une diminution significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’arrêt de ces comportements.

Examiner l’influence de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

L’étude de la pornographie par des scientifiques montre que cette pratique peut entraîner des troubles comme la dysfonction érectile, la dépression, l’anxiété et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a publié une étude sur l’influence de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur le cerveau et le bien-être des hommes.

NoFap repose sur l’idée de renoncer à la masturbation pour mieux se concentrer sur soi.

Le mouvement NoFap encourage les hommes à éviter la pornographie et la masturbation pour briser le cercle de la dépendance. Il s’agit d’une approche visant à favoriser une meilleure santé mentale et un bien-être physique durable.

La communauté NoFap joue un rôle clé en soutenant les hommes dans leur parcours de guérison.

Analyser l’efficacité des plateformes d’entraide et des forums dans l’accompagnement des individus.

Les forums de la communauté NoFap, soutenus par des recherches scientifiques, sont essentiels pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes favorisent une approche solidaire pour lutter contre la dépendance à la masturbation de manière scientifique.

Mettre en valeur le rôle crucial du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui suivent ce chemin.

Les forums de Nofap sont une ressource indispensable pour les hommes cherchant à lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression, en facilitant les échanges sur les défis du parcours d’abstinence et les stratégies de prévention des rechutes. Un accompagnement spécialisé est parfois indispensablecomme ce spécialiste du Nofap.

Les forums NoFap sont un réseau actif pour les hommes en quête de soutien dans leur parcours d’abstinence.

Les participants des forums peuvent non seulement s’entraider, mais aussi découvrir des études scientifiques liées à leur expérience de l’abstinence.

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la source: Cliquer ici

#Pas #FAP #les #premiers #jours

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: most guys quit nofap after the first week after the first week The Temptations will really start getting you the urges will feel incredibly difficult to contain and the thing is because you’re programmed to release every time you get those Temptations and those urges to resist will be very difficult but you must resist because you are rewiring yourself for so long I mean for some of you for five ten I spoke to a guy recently 20 years he’s been watching this stuff you know to rewire yourself gotta take time you can’t expect after three days that you never feel the urge to take a look at that [ __ ] ever again no you’re gonna get the urge but most guys quit after the first week they decide I can’t do this when they can it’s incredibly difficult it’s definitely easier said than done but it can be done tell yourself no I’m changing myself for things to change I must change I can’t keep resorting to pornography and masturbation whenever I get the urge the urges are very normal and I’ve spoken about this countless times in some of my previous nofap videos the urges are very normal it means you are a healthy male you’ve got testosterone running through your system very normal it’s okay but how you use that Sexual Energy is what will determine whether or not you go on to become a successful man or not successful I don’t just mean financially I mean in your ability to manage your desires and your ability to stay disciplined if you cave in every time you get the Temptations you’re weak you are it’s like somebody that can’t stop picking up donuts and eating them at some point you’ve got to tell yourself you know what I’m sick of being a fat bastard I’ve got bigger tits than my girlfriend that’s unacceptable I’ve got to stop eating the donuts when the pain of staying the same outweighs the discomfort of change that’s when things will start happening for you but some of you you’re not yet fed up with yourself you’re okay being a chronic wanker you are no this may trigger some of you but I’m just keeping it real if you feel like it’s okay no no I’m okay then you won’t want to do the work you won’t want to resist but when you’re fed up man when you feel tired all the time and you can’t look at yourself in the mirror because you feel like a pathetic loser and you make a firm decision that things got to change then they will you’ve got to decide fellas you want to make a decision that you know what enough is enough I can’t continue living this way and it will be hard it will but tell yourself if it’s hard we’re gonna do it hard change isn’t easy becoming a completely different man isn’t easy rewiring yourself after a decade of watching porn is not easy but we’re not going to be like most men most men cave into their desires most men cannot control their sexual energy and by the way I don’t just mean you stop masturbation also hookup culture if you feel the need to hook up with a new woman every day bro you’re weak you can’t control that energy and in most cases you’re probably behind in life as well if that’s what you prioritize if what you prioritize is sex you’re probably behind in life other areas of your life are not going to be going well they just won’t a man that’s able to contain those urges there’s nothing wrong with having sex absolutely nothing wrong this isn’t a problem with sex here it’s a problem with you not being able to control yourself and for a lot of guys even masturbation has become a an activity that doesn’t even yield any satisfaction I speak to a lot of guys about this on my coaching course and they tell me some of them that it doesn’t even feel pleasurable anymore it just feels like a release but there’s no pleasure Associated to it and that’s one of the dangers of excessive porn consumption and masturbation it takes something that’s supposed to be very pleasurable you know e-jack e-jacking right Boston nuts it takes something like that which you should do in a relationship with a beautiful woman and it numbs it down it makes it feel like it’s just a a medical procedure right so sometimes you’ve got to remind yourself of the consequences of engaging in this the general activity there are consequences I know there’s propaganda that’s pumped constantly online that goes along the lines of oh no it’s very healthy and normal and they want to make it feel normal so that you remain in this trap in this in this vicious cycle it’s not normal what’s normal is Buster nuts in a relationship that’s healthy all right that brings two people together it will eventually lead to a kid right that’s healthy that’s normal but being in front of your computer for four hours a day watching explicit content busting all over yourself that’s not normal it’s not just because a lot of people are doing it doesn’t make it normal it’s unhealthy it’s damaging nobody ever feels empowered I always like to say this to all those guys that say well Ali A is normal my pose a question to those people do you ever feel empowered after engaging in such act do you feel like a stronger version of yourself do you feel like the man and the answer is most definitely no you don’t feel like the man you don’t feel like the [ __ ] real deal you sat there like the hunchback of Notre Dame in front of your laptop in a dark room if you were really okay with it let’s put a camera in your room record you engaging in that filth and if you’re okay showing it to your friends and family then fair enough you’ve got a point right there but no one’s ever going to feel okay with a video of themselves pleasuring themselves being spread online no it’s goofy it’s disgusting right however on the other hand if you had sex with a beautiful woman in a relationship afterwards you feel like the man it brought both of you together you pleasured her she pleasured you I mean nobody ever regrets that right and I should add as well I’m against hookup kosher because in most cases guys just sleep with anything that moves for the sake of releasing I mean that’s also not good for you it’s not good for your soul in the long run it’s not you lower and lower your standards and before you know it I mean you don’t have a standard anymore right so look the Temptation will be huge it will be tremendous right it’ll be so bigly all right but you have to push through the first month the first month really if you can successfully go a month you’re on track now I don’t encourage that you guys sit there and count the days because it just becomes unnecessary pressure however just bear in mind if you can go a month without it then you could probably go two months three months four months and look as I said in my last videos what success is when it comes to nofap is reducing the frequency of you engaging in it if you went from five times a week to once a week that’s an improvement don’t feel bad if you relapsed of course it’s never a good thing and there should be some guilt but don’t let it ruin your progress don’t let it make you feel like what’s the point I [ __ ] remix I might as well just carry on wanking for the rest of the week no you still improved all right push through the first month the Temptation will be huge but the benefits will be even bigger if you can push through that the sense of clarity the aggression you know the focus the energy the aura that follows you everywhere you go will be worth it it will be it’s like you’ve got to remind yourself of this the benefits will be worth it me abstaining from this stuff will provide me with great great rewards it will and you’ll notice you’ll start carrying yourself differently you’ll start talking differently walking differently you will and to those guys that comment well I haven’t seen a difference Ali your attitude will also determine your success if you go in it with a pessimistic mindset oh this is going to be [ __ ] stupid well first of all you need to reprogram or you need to take a different approach when it comes to how you view porn of masturbation if you view it as an okay thing of course you’re going to come into nofap very negative because you love wanking all over yourself and you think it’s perfectly normal when it’s not as I mentioned so you got to recognize that it is harmful the first step to change is recognizing that there’s a problem if you don’t believe it there’s a problem you’ll carry on remember the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing again and again and again expecting different outcomes for things to change you must change all right fellas if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a like comment let me know what you think down below and if you’re new here consider subscribing see you in the next one .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.84 most guys quit nofap after the first
0.84 week
0.84 after the first week
0.84 The Temptations will really start
0.84 getting you
0.84 the urges
0.84 will feel
0.84 incredibly difficult to contain
0.84 and the thing is because you&;re
0.84 programmed
0.84 to release
0.84 every time you get those Temptations and
0.84 those urges
0.84 to resist
0.84 will be very difficult
0.84 but you must resist
0.84 because you are
0.84 rewiring yourself
0.84 for so long I mean for some of you for
0.84 five ten I spoke to a guy recently 20
0.84 years
0.84 he&;s been watching this stuff
0.84 you know to rewire yourself
0.84 gotta take time
0.84 you can&;t expect after three days
0.84 that you never feel the urge to take a
0.84 look at that [ __ ] ever again no you&;re
0.84 gonna get the urge
0.84 but most guys quit after the first week
0.84 they decide I can&;t do this when they
0.84 can
0.84 it&;s incredibly difficult it&;s
0.84 definitely easier said than done
0.84 but it can be done
0.84 tell yourself no I&;m changing myself
0.84 for things to change I must change I
0.84 can&;t keep resorting
0.84 to pornography and masturbation whenever
0.84 I get the urge the urges are very normal
0.84 and I&;ve spoken about this
0.84 countless times in some of my previous
0.84 nofap videos the urges are very normal
0.84 it means you are a healthy male you&;ve
0.84 got testosterone running through your
0.84 system very normal it&;s okay
0.84 but how you use
0.84 that Sexual Energy
0.84 is what will determine whether or not
0.84 you go on to become a successful man
0.84 or not
0.84 successful I don&;t just mean financially
0.84 I mean in your ability to
0.84 manage your desires and your ability to
0.84 stay disciplined if you cave in every
0.84 time you get the Temptations you&;re weak
0.84 you are it&;s like somebody that
0.84 can&;t stop picking up donuts and eating
0.84 them
0.84 at some point you&;ve got to tell
0.84 yourself you know what I&;m sick of being
0.84 a fat bastard
0.84 I&;ve got bigger tits than my girlfriend
0.84 that&;s unacceptable I&;ve got to stop
0.84 eating the donuts
0.84 when the pain of staying the same
0.84 outweighs the discomfort of change
0.84 that&;s when things will start happening
0.84 for you
0.84 but some of you you&;re not yet fed up
0.84 with yourself
0.84 you&;re okay being a chronic wanker
0.84 you are
0.84 no this may trigger some of you but I&;m
0.84 just keeping it real
0.84 if you feel like it&;s okay no no I&;m
0.84 okay then you won&;t want to do the work
0.84 you won&;t want to resist but when you&;re
0.84 fed up man when you feel tired all the
0.84 time and you can&;t look at yourself in
0.84 the mirror because you feel like a
0.84 pathetic loser
0.84 and you make a firm decision that things
0.84 got to change then they will
0.84 you&;ve got to decide fellas you want to
0.84 make a decision that you know what
0.84 enough is enough I can&;t continue living
0.84 this way and it will be hard it will
0.84 but tell yourself if it&;s hard we&;re
0.84 gonna do it hard
0.84 change isn&;t easy becoming a completely
0.84 different man isn&;t easy rewiring
0.84 yourself after a decade of watching porn
0.84 is not easy
0.84 but we&;re not going to be like most men
0.84 most men cave into their desires most
0.84 men cannot control
0.84 their sexual energy
0.84 and by the way I don&;t just mean you
0.84 stop masturbation also
0.84 hookup culture if you feel the need to
0.84 hook up with a new woman every day bro
0.84 you&;re weak you can&;t control that
0.84 energy and in most cases you&;re probably
0.84 behind in life as well if that&;s what
0.84 you prioritize if what you prioritize is
0.84 sex
0.84 you&;re probably behind in life
0.84 other areas of your life
0.84 are not going to be
0.84 going well they just won&;t
0.84 a man that&;s able to
0.84 contain those urges there&;s nothing
0.84 wrong with having sex absolutely nothing
0.84 wrong this isn&;t a problem with sex here
0.84 it&;s a problem with you not being able
0.84 to control yourself
0.84 and for a lot of guys even masturbation
0.84 has become a
0.84 an activity that doesn&;t even yield any
0.84 satisfaction
0.84 I speak to a lot of guys about this on
0.84 my coaching course and they tell me some
0.84 of them that it doesn&;t even feel
0.84 pleasurable anymore it just feels like
0.84 a release but there&;s no pleasure
0.84 Associated to it and that&;s one of the
0.84 dangers
0.84 of excessive porn consumption and
0.84 masturbation
0.84 it takes something that&;s supposed to be
0.84 very pleasurable
0.84 you know e-jack e-jacking right Boston
0.84 nuts it takes something like that which
0.84 you should do in a relationship with a
0.84 beautiful woman and it numbs it down it
0.84 makes it feel like it&;s just a
0.84 a medical procedure
0.84 right
0.84 so sometimes you&;ve got to remind
0.84 yourself of the consequences
0.84 of engaging
0.84 in this the general activity
0.84 there are consequences
0.84 I know there&;s propaganda that&;s pumped
0.84 constantly online
0.84 that goes along the lines of oh no it&;s
0.84 very healthy and normal and
0.84 they want to make it feel
0.84 normal so that you remain in this trap
0.84 in this in this vicious cycle it&;s not
0.84 normal
0.84 what&;s normal is Buster nuts in a
0.84 relationship that&;s healthy
0.84 all right that brings two people
0.84 together it will eventually lead to a
0.84 kid
0.84 right that&;s healthy that&;s normal
0.84 but being in front of your computer for
0.84 four hours a day watching explicit
0.84 content
0.84 busting all over yourself that&;s not
0.84 normal
0.84 it&;s not
0.84 just because a lot of people are doing
0.84 it doesn&;t make it normal
0.84 it&;s unhealthy
0.84 it&;s damaging nobody ever feels
0.84 empowered I always like to say this to
0.84 all those guys that say well Ali A is
0.84 normal
0.84 my pose a question
0.84 to those people do you ever feel
0.84 empowered after engaging in such act do
0.84 you feel like a stronger version of
0.84 yourself
0.84 do you feel like the man
0.84 and the answer is most definitely no you
0.84 don&;t feel like the man you don&;t feel
0.84 like the [ __ ] real deal
0.84 you sat there like the hunchback of
0.84 Notre Dame in front of your laptop in a
0.84 dark room
0.84 if you were really okay with it let&;s
0.84 put a camera in your room record you
0.84 engaging in that filth and if you&;re
0.84 okay showing it to your friends and
0.84 family then fair enough you&;ve got a
0.84 point right there
0.84 but no one&;s ever going to feel okay
0.84 with a video of themselves pleasuring
0.84 themselves being spread online no it&;s
0.84 goofy
0.84 it&;s disgusting
0.84 right however
0.84 on the other hand
0.84 if you had sex with a beautiful woman
0.84 in a relationship
0.84 afterwards
0.84 you feel like the man it brought both of
0.84 you together you pleasured her she
0.84 pleasured you
0.84 I mean nobody ever regrets that
0.84 right
0.84 and I should add as well I&;m against
0.84 hookup kosher because in most cases guys
0.84 just
0.84 sleep with anything that moves for the
0.84 sake of releasing I mean that&;s also
0.84 not good for you it&;s not good for your
0.84 soul in the long run it&;s not
0.84 you lower and lower your standards and
0.84 before you know it I mean
0.84 you don&;t have a standard anymore
0.84 right
0.84 so look the Temptation will be huge it
0.84 will be tremendous right
0.84 it&;ll be so bigly all right but you have
0.84 to push through
0.84 the first month the first month really
0.84 if you can successfully
0.84 go a month
0.84 you&;re on track
0.84 now I don&;t encourage that you guys sit
0.84 there and count the days because it just
0.84 becomes
0.84 unnecessary pressure
0.84 however just bear in mind if you can go
0.84 a month without it then you could
0.84 probably go two months three months four
0.84 months and look as I said in my last
0.84 videos
0.84 what success is when it comes to nofap
0.84 is reducing the frequency of you
0.84 engaging in it if you went from five
0.84 times a week to once a week that&;s an
0.84 improvement don&;t feel bad if you
0.84 relapsed of course it&;s never a good
0.84 thing and there should be some guilt but
0.84 don&;t let it ruin your progress don&;t
0.84 let it make you feel like what&;s the
0.84 point I [ __ ] remix I might as well
0.84 just carry on wanking for the rest of
0.84 the week no
0.84 you still improved
0.84 all right push through the first month
0.84 the Temptation will be huge but the
0.84 benefits will be even bigger if you can
0.84 push through that the sense of clarity
0.84 the aggression
0.84 you know the focus
0.84 the energy
0.84 the aura that follows you everywhere you
0.84 go will be worth it it will be it&;s like
0.84 you&;ve got to remind yourself of this
0.84 the benefits will be worth it
0.84 me abstaining from this stuff
0.84 will provide me with great great rewards
0.84 it will and you&;ll notice
0.84 you&;ll start carrying yourself
0.84 differently you&;ll start talking
0.84 differently walking differently you will
0.84 and to those guys that comment well I
0.84 haven&;t seen a difference Ali your
0.84 attitude will also determine your
0.84 success if you go in it with a
0.84 pessimistic mindset
0.84 oh this is going to be [ __ ] stupid
0.84 well first of all you need to reprogram
0.84 or you need to take a different approach
0.84 when it comes to
0.84 how you view porn of masturbation if you
0.84 view it as an okay thing of course
0.84 you&;re going to come into nofap very
0.84 negative
0.84 because you love wanking all over
0.84 yourself and you think it&;s perfectly
0.84 normal when it&;s not as I mentioned
0.84 so you got to recognize that it is
0.84 harmful
0.84 the first step to change is recognizing
0.84 that there&;s a problem
0.84 if you don&;t believe it there&;s a
0.84 problem you&;ll carry on
0.84 remember
0.84 the definition of insanity is repeating
0.84 the same thing again and again and again
0.84 expecting different outcomes
0.84 for things to change you must change
0.84 all right fellas
0.84 if you enjoyed this video make sure you
0.84 give it a like comment let me know what
0.84 you think down below and if you&;re new
0.84 here
0.84 consider subscribing see you in the next
0.84 one

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