Un film sur le thème «nofap» sur YouTube
Le thème « nofap » abordé sur youtube par 247Betterment
Une vidéo, partagée par 247Betterment sur YouTube ( ), est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « nofap ».
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Women Are Not the Problem..You Are..), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« ».
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Stratégies de la communauté NoFap pour éviter la masturbation
Réussir exige de cultiver des habitudes saines, comme le sport et la méditation, pour rester concentré et éviter les tentations.
Des outils pratiques aident à gérer les rechutes et à rester sur la voie.
Les rechutes dans NoFap sont courantes, comme le confirme une étude. Les participants doivent analyser leurs échecs, se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et demander du soutien à la communauté pour réussir.
Consulter des forums et ouvrages pour en savoir plus sur NoFap.
Des recherches approfondies et des articles scientifiques, y compris les travaux de Nicole Prause, éclairent l’impact de la pornographie et de la masturbation sur la santé, tout en proposant des approches pour les traiter scientifiquement.
Les hommes trouvent un soutien essentiel au sein de la communauté NoFap pour faire face à leurs défis.
Explorer comment le soutien social et émotionnel facilite la pratique de l’abstinence.
Les forums de la communauté Nofap aident les hommes à surmonter les défis liés à l’anxiété, à la dépression et à l’abstinence, en favorisant le partage d’idées et de stratégies pour gérer les risques de rechutes. Un suivi professionnel peut s’avérer indispensable (voir à ce sujet ce lien).
Analyser les bénéfices des forums et des groupes de soutien dans le soutien des individus.
Les chercheurs ont révélé que la participation à des forums comme ceux de NoFap améliore les chances de succès dans la lutte contre l’anxiété et la dépression. L’étude scientifique met en lumière le rôle essentiel de la solidarité dans la communauté NoFap pour combattre les comportements liés à la masturbation.
Les plateformes NoFap offrent une possibilité de se connecter avec d’autres hommes confrontés aux mêmes défis.
Ces forums offrent un environnement où les participants se soutiennent mutuellement, trouvent des conseils pratiques et accèdent à des données scientifiques sur l’abstinence.
L’abstinence conduit à des changements positifs dans la vie des hommes.
Explorer comment la pratique de l’abstinence de la masturbation peut aider à diminuer les symptômes d’anxiété et de dépression.
Chez l’homme, la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation entraîne des niveaux élevés d’anxiété. L’arrêt de ces comportements permet souvent une réduction notable de la dépression et une reprise du contrôle sur leurs habitudes.
Examiner l’impact de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.
Les troubles de l’érection causés par la masturbation sont souvent corrigés par une pratique d’abstinence, selon les chercheurs.
L’abstinence présente des avantages psychologiques notables pour l’homme qu’il convient d’évaluer.
En pratiquant l’abstinence, les hommes constatent une diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, ainsi qu’une meilleure confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap en témoignent.
NoFap : un outil pour les hommes en quête d’épanouissement
Comprendre pourquoi les gens choisissent NoFap aide à mieux appréhender ses effets positifs sur la santé mentale et physique.
Les motivations des participants au mouvement NoFap incluent la lutte contre les effets de la pornographie, l’amélioration de la performance érectile et la réduction de l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont constaté une baisse de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’abandon de ces pratiques.
NoFap encourage à s’éloigner de la pornographie pour améliorer le bien-être global.
Le principe du mouvement NoFap est simple : s’abstenir de pornographie et de masturbation pour retrouver un contrôle de soi. Cette méthode aide les hommes à combattre la dépendance tout en améliorant leur bien-être.
Comprendre l’impact de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes est crucial.
Les recherches sur la pornographie ont révélé ses effets délétères, comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué des études sur l’impact de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.
Si vous souhaitez regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici
#NoFap #Day #Women #Problem..You #Are.
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: so I got my cold plune hold up I got my cold plunge done during the day and I usually get it done at night so that’s a win right there yesterday but then it had to work so then everything else got pushed into the night time which I still got done um and it was too icy to walk or run outside so I went to the gym close by in my neighborhood and got my pull-ups and push-ups there and my run a seven mile run and I’m already seeing my lungs slowly get better cuz I don’t know I started off a week ago and even walking and I was wheezing my lungs just weren’t there and that’s what happens when I just stop doing stuff Al together and I’m just not consistent or I walk every few miles here and there in order like I can get out of shape fast but I can also get back in shape fast so I ran oh I didn’t whee I’m building up this lung dexterity building up the lungs um so that was good drove back home it was like not not quite midnight but it was getting there um how many people in the gym there there was actually a few people probably night shift workers or people that got off work late I don’t know um see yeah I might clip some of the videos in this video um oh yeah I wanted to talk about something what was it it was oh how we should stop blaming Society for our relapses or women in particular people like to blame the women of today’s society for making it like so hard to be on this journey of NOAB quitting lust quitting porn I think it doesn’t matter this is this might be a controversial opinion the women can do whatever they want to do and we all know high quality women from low quality women right um or maybe we’re just categorizing maybe they’re all just on their own Journeys trying to figure themselves out but there are some women that are more modest I guess in the way they dress and um I don’t know you can find people from all walks life but the women who dress provocatively or sexy or whatever you want want to call it and as men why are we so weak that we have to relapse or we instantly think about sex or we go towards that sexual desire path the moment we see a trigger in a movie or in real life leggings and tight clothing like why are we that weak as men in today’s society that we can’t see uh the body of a female that we’re attracted to and say cool and just admire it and not be so lustful and instantly thinking about sex and instantly thinking about relapsing and just we go into our subconscious mind I think as men we need to be stronger and I’m talking to myself too we got to be able to see things as they are and not be so driven by our sexual organ and lust and and just I think we got to be stronger mentally physically as well but just mentally I think it’s just we’re driven by sex and it’s not supposed to cons like life isn’t supposed to be all about sex yes sex is a beautiful thing used to create used to connect used to create used to bring a bring a deeper level of intimacy with your partner with I don’t know there’s definitely something powerful to sex but I think we’ve lost control of that we’ve overindulged in that pleasure we overindulge in Pleasures right that’s what makes today’s addictions and we over indulge in pleasures and dopamine producing activities making it making the activity dull itself and making our senses dull to life itself like even we we’ve like the sunrise that should bring a sense of joy and excitement waking up and the the ordinary things in life don’t do that anymore and I don’t know I just think when we chase a life of pleasure we chase a life of unfulfillment and we should stop blaming the outside world so much we should stop blaming the environment we should stop blaming our circumstances we should stop blaming the people in our lives even if they played a part in where we are right now in our addictions and our behaviors we have control to change ourselves to change our thoughts to change the internal world so that nothing outside I think the only way to change is to change internally it starts with ourselves like can we see a female who’s dressed provocatively and say and not instantly go to sex and just either talk to that person or just admire the beauty and like move on it’s the same with meditation every thought we don’t have to entertain we can just be observative be aware but not indulge in those thoughts because it’s just that it’s thoughts we don’t have to be pushed around by life so much and I’m I’m telling myself this this is this is like going back to this video because I do want to go back to my previous videos and like witness the journey um um and every time I get like a text or something that train of thought goes away but yeah the women are not the problem in this journey of no fat and trying to quit porn even trying to be sell a bit trying to quit sex or just even for a period of time I think we just have to be strong man and that’s that’s why this journey is actually so beautiful right because it’s hard I think we want to make this journey as easy as possible right we want to eliminate distractions we want to do all these habits and they do make this journey easier but we should still when a trigger arises when we’re unable to control the very ibles when we see something sexual or when we are triggered with overwhelming stress and emotions how are we able to cope with it then and I think that’s like we we we should we should be glad this Journey’s hard because every Journey that’s hard will always be worth it in the end waking up and you don’t feel like waking up hey I’m I’m working on that taking that plunge when you really don’t feel like taking that plunge damn I got to leave soon um my car is still in the shop it might be a few weeks hey it is what it is um yeah uh I’m grateful for life I’m grateful for the people I’m grateful for you all um hey I’m grateful this journey isn’t easy cuz ah yeah I’m my thoughts are still thinking about relapsing still thinking it’s it’s not easy it’s not easy and I will tell you if I relapse doesn’t matter how up there in the days I am I will tell you if I relapse which I won’t why am I thinking that I’m not going to relapse but like I said I’m trying to build up this mind get stronger and as men we should stop placing so much blame on the outside world and Tak ownership we have control of ourselves and that’s it that’s it even if it’s even if it’s the other person’s fault it’s not their fault it’s our fault take ownership even when it’s not your fault that’s a sign of strength it’s not the female’s fault who dresses with their cleavage showing Skin showing hey we should be stronger right why are we so weak why do we so get tempted so much why do we go towards our temp our Temptations there’s a quote hold up I’ll end with this quote I think it’s called I’ll end with this quote right here okay ending right here Hard Times create strong men strong men create good times good times create weak men and weak men create hard times and it just go it’s a quote from a post apocal post postapocalyptic novel by G Michael Hof this quote is said to summarize a cyclical version of History basically like anyways peace let’s get it ah man I got stuff to do I yeah got to meet someone at 12 taking my car like I said to the shop and then I gota go to work after that then I get off pretty late maybe they’ll let me off early I don’t know I’ve been letting off early past few days but we’ll see we’ll see how it goes peace for for looks like I’m alone in the gym haven’t been in the gym in a long time got 7 miles in on the treadmill I think it’s been like 10 plus years since I’ve been on the treadmill got in some push-ups Pull-Ups what time is it it’s like 11:17 at night hey I’m tired hey let’s get some let’s get the flex ah let’s go .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
1.12 so I got my cold plune hold up I got my
1.12 cold plunge done during the day and I
1.12 usually get it done at night so that&;s a
1.12 win right there
1.12 yesterday but then it had to work so
1.12 then everything else got pushed into the
1.12 night time which I still got done um and
1.12 it was too icy to walk or run outside
1.12 so I went to the gym close by in my
1.12 neighborhood
1.12 and got my pull-ups and push-ups there
1.12 and my run a seven mile run and I&;m
1.12 already seeing my lungs slowly get
1.12 better cuz I don&;t know I started off a
1.12 week
1.12 ago and even walking and I was wheezing
1.12 my lungs just weren&;t there and that&;s
1.12 what happens when I just stop doing
1.12 stuff Al together and I&;m just not
1.12 consistent or I walk every few miles
1.12 here and there in order like I can get
1.12 out of shape fast but I can also get
1.12 back in shape fast so I ran oh I didn&;t
1.12 whee I&;m building up this lung dexterity
1.12 building up the
1.12 lungs um so that was good drove back
1.12 home it was like not not quite midnight
1.12 but it was getting there um how many
1.12 people in the gym there there was
1.12 actually a few people probably night
1.12 shift workers or people that got off
1.12 work late I don&;t know
1.12 um see yeah I might clip some of the
1.12 videos in this video
1.12 um oh yeah I wanted to talk about
1.12 something what was it it
1.12 was oh how we should stop blaming
1.12 Society for our relapses or women in
1.12 particular people like to
1.12 blame the women of today&;s
1.12 society
1.12 for making it like so hard to be on this
1.12 journey of NOAB quitting lust quitting
1.12 porn I think it doesn&;t matter this is
1.12 this might be a controversial opinion
1.12 the women can do whatever they want to
1.12 do
1.12 and we all know high quality women from
1.12 low quality women right um or maybe
1.12 we&;re just categorizing maybe they&;re
1.12 all just on their own Journeys trying to
1.12 figure themselves out but there are some
1.12 women that
1.12 are more modest I guess in the way they
1.12 dress
1.12 and um I don&;t know you can find people
1.12 from all walks life
1.12 but the women who dress provocatively or
1.12 sexy or whatever you want want to call
1.12 it and as
1.12 men why are we
1.12 so weak that we have to relapse or we
1.12 instantly think about sex or we
1.12 go towards that sexual desire path the
1.12 moment we see a trigger in a movie or in
1.12 real life leggings and tight clothing
1.12 like why are we that weak as men in
1.12 today&;s society that we can&;t see
1.12 uh the body of a female that we&;re
1.12 attracted to and say cool and just
1.12 admire it and not be so lustful and
1.12 instantly thinking about sex and
1.12 instantly thinking about relapsing and
1.12 just we go into our subconscious mind I
1.12 think as men we need to be stronger and
1.12 I&;m talking to myself too we got to be
1.12 able to see things as they are and not
1.12 be so driven by our sexual organ and
1.12 lust and and just I think we got to be
1.12 stronger mentally physically as well but
1.12 just mentally I
1.12 think it&;s just we&;re driven by sex and
1.12 it&;s not supposed to cons like life
1.12 isn&;t supposed to be all about sex yes
1.12 sex is a beautiful thing used to create
1.12 used to connect used to create used
1.12 to bring a bring a deeper level of
1.12 intimacy with your partner
1.12 with I don&;t know there&;s definitely
1.12 something powerful to sex
1.12 but I think we&;ve lost control of that
1.12 we&;ve overindulged in that pleasure we
1.12 overindulge in Pleasures right that&;s
1.12 what makes today&;s addictions and we
1.12 over indulge in
1.12 pleasures and dopamine producing
1.12 activities making it
1.12 making the activity dull itself and
1.12 making our senses dull to life itself
1.12 like even we
1.12 we&;ve like the sunrise that should bring
1.12 a sense of joy and excitement waking up
1.12 and the the ordinary things in life
1.12 don&;t do that anymore
1.12 and I don&;t know I just think when we
1.12 chase a life of pleasure we chase a life
1.12 of unfulfillment
1.12 and we should stop blaming the outside
1.12 world so much we should stop blaming the
1.12 environment we should stop blaming our
1.12 circumstances we should stop blaming the
1.12 people in our
1.12 lives even if they played a part in
1.12 where we are right now in our addictions
1.12 and our behaviors we have control to
1.12 change ourselves to change our thoughts
1.12 to
1.12 change the internal world so that
1.12 nothing outside
1.12 I think the only way to change is to
1.12 change internally it starts with
1.12 ourselves like can
1.12 we see a female who&;s dressed
1.12 provocatively and say and not instantly
1.12 go to sex and just either talk to that
1.12 person or just admire the beauty and
1.12 like move on it&;s the same with
1.12 meditation every thought we don&;t have
1.12 to
1.12 entertain we can just be observative be
1.12 aware but not indulge in those thoughts
1.12 because it&;s just that it&;s
1.12 thoughts we don&;t have to be pushed
1.12 around by life so
1.12 much and I&;m I&;m telling myself this
1.12 this is this is like going back to this
1.12 video because I do want to go back to my
1.12 previous videos and like witness the
1.12 journey um
1.12 um and every time I get like a text or
1.12 something that train of thought goes
1.12 away but yeah the women are not the
1.12 problem in this journey of no fat and
1.12 trying to quit porn even trying to be
1.12 sell a bit trying to quit sex or just
1.12 even for a period of time I
1.12 think we just have to be strong man and
1.12 that&;s that&;s why this journey is
1.12 actually so beautiful right
1.12 because it&;s hard I
1.12 think we
1.12 want to make this journey as easy as
1.12 possible right we want to eliminate
1.12 distractions we want
1.12 to do all these habits and they do make
1.12 this journey easier
1.12 but we should still when a trigger
1.12 arises when we&;re unable to control the
1.12 very ibles when we see something sexual
1.12 or when we are triggered with
1.12 overwhelming stress and emotions how are
1.12 we able to cope with it then and I think
1.12 that&;s like we we we should we should be
1.12 glad this Journey&;s hard because every
1.12 Journey that&;s hard will always be worth
1.12 it in the
1.12 end waking up and you don&;t feel like
1.12 waking up hey I&;m I&;m working on that
1.12 taking that plunge when you really don&;t
1.12 feel like taking that plunge damn I got
1.12 to leave soon um my car is still in the
1.12 shop it might be a few weeks hey it is
1.12 what it is
1.12 um yeah
1.12 uh I&;m grateful for life I&;m grateful
1.12 for the people I&;m grateful for you
1.12 all um hey I&;m grateful this journey
1.12 isn&;t easy
1.12 cuz ah yeah I&;m my thoughts are still
1.12 thinking about relapsing still thinking
1.12 it&;s it&;s not easy it&;s not easy and I
1.12 will tell you if I relapse doesn&;t
1.12 matter how up there in the days I am I
1.12 will tell you if I
1.12 relapse which I won&;t why am I thinking
1.12 that I&;m not going to relapse but like I
1.12 said I&;m trying to build up this mind
1.12 get stronger and as men we should stop
1.12 placing so much blame on the outside
1.12 world and Tak
1.12 ownership we have control of ourselves
1.12 and that&;s it that&;s it even if it&;s
1.12 even if it&;s the other person&;s fault
1.12 it&;s not their fault it&;s our fault take
1.12 ownership even when it&;s not your fault
1.12 that&;s a sign of
1.12 strength it&;s not the female&;s fault who
1.12 dresses with their cleavage showing Skin
1.12 showing hey we should be stronger right
1.12 why are we so weak why do we so get
1.12 tempted so much why do we go towards our
1.12 temp our Temptations there&;s a quote
1.12 hold up I&;ll end with this quote I think
1.12 it&;s
1.12 called I&;ll end with this quote right
1.12 here
1.12 okay ending right here Hard Times create
1.12 strong men strong men create good times
1.12 good times create weak men and weak men
1.12 create hard times and it just go it&;s a
1.12 quote from a
1.12 post apocal post postapocalyptic novel
1.12 by G Michael Hof this quote is said to
1.12 summarize a cyclical version of History
1.12 basically like anyways peace let&;s get
1.12 it ah man I got stuff to do I
1.12 yeah got to meet someone at 12 taking my
1.12 car like I said to the shop and then I
1.12 gota go to work after that then I get
1.12 off pretty late maybe they&;ll let me off
1.12 early I don&;t know I&;ve been letting off
1.12 early past few days but we&;ll see we&;ll
1.12 see how it goes peace
1.12 for for
1.12 looks like I&;m alone in the
1.12 gym haven&;t been in the gym in a long
1.12 time got 7 miles in on the treadmill I
1.12 think it&;s been like 10 plus years since
1.12 I&;ve been on the
1.12 treadmill got in some push-ups Pull-Ups
1.12 what time is it it&;s like 11:17 at night
1.12 hey I&;m
1.12 tired hey let&;s get some let&;s get the
1.12 flex ah let&;s go
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